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April 20, 2010 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-04-20

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2A - Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 0

2A - Tuesday, April 20, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 0

Campus Clubs Photos of the Week ""'P0""20Manad t
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Teaching intwo languages

For Associate Prof. Lawrence
LaFountain-Stokes, using both Eng-
lish and Spanish in his classes is not
just part of his job - it's part of who
he is.
Born and raised in San Juan, Puer-
to Rico, LaFountain-Stokes grew up
with an English-speaking father and
a mother who spoke both English
and Spanish. LaFountain-Stokes
was raised using both languages and
he attended bilingual schools for
twelve years.
LaFountain-Stokes has taught at
the University since 2003. He holds
a joint appointment in the Latino
Studies, American Culture and
Spanish departments and he said his
work in these departments allows
him to incorporate both English and
Spanish into his teaching.
"Teaching in Spanish is a very
integral part of what I do," LaFoun-
tain-Stokes said. "If I don't teach in
Spanish I get depressed because I

really enjoy the language."
The courses he has taught at the
University cover a variety of top-
ics including LGBT studies, queer
Hispanic culture and Latino and
Caribbean literature, theater, perfor-
mance and film.
The controversial nature of some
of LaFountain-Stokes' courses, like
those on LGBT issues and feminism,
can make teaching more challeng-
ing, but he said it also makes his job
more interesting.
"It makes it more satisfying for me
to be able to talk about socially com-
plex issues in the classroom," he said.
Before coming to the University,
LaFountain-Stokes attended Har-
vard University. During his time
there he studied abroad at the Uni-
versity of Sao Paulo in Brazil where
he lived for a year and half. He said
his time away from Harvard "put
things into perspective."
"Living abroad was much more

challenging." LaFountain-Stokes
said. "Going to a private school in the
U.S. where the library had books and
there weren't strikes, and where you
could walk to class and there was no
hyper-inflation, it made it very easy."
Following his studies in Cam-
bridge and Sao Paulo, LaFountain-
Stokes went on to earn Master's and
Doctorate degrees in Spanish from
Columbia University in New York.
After his time at Columbia,
LaFountain-Stokes began teach-
ing at Ohio State University where
he worked as an assistant professor.
from1998to 1999. He then went on to
teach at Rutgers from 1999 to 2003.
In addition to his work in the class-
room, LaFountain-Stokes is also the
author of Queer Ricans: Cultures and
Sexualities in the Diaspora, as well
as a recipient of numerous awards
and scholastic fellowships including
the Woodrow Wilson Award.

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ffice hours:Sun.-Thurs.11 .-2a.


Associate Prof. Lawrence LaFountain-Stokes holds a joint
appointment in Latino Studies, American Culture and Span-
ish departments.

iPhone left in Caught drinking
room stolen in the dorms

Stress relief Lecture on
celebration pluralism

WHERE: Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
WHAT: An iPhone was stolen
from a male resident who left
his room unattended, Univer-
sity Police reported. The door
to his room was left open for
ten minutes.

WHERE: Bursley Hall
WHEN: Saturday at about
10:50 p.m.
WHAT: Four students were
caught drinking in a residence
hall room, University Police
reported. They were each cited
with a minor in possession of
alcohol violation.

Three marijuana Card reader at
joints discovered Markleybroken

WHAT: Free food, prizes
and activities, including free
massages, to celebrate the
end of the semester and
relieve stress from studying
for finals.
WHO: University Unions
Arts and Programs
WHEN: Tonight from 7 p.m.
to 11 p.m.
WHERE: Pierpont
Step showcase
WHAT: A showcase of step
performances from the
nine historically African
American fraternities
and sororities.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office, National
Pan-Hellenic Council
WHEN: Tonight at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Theater

WHAT: A lecture by Xavier
Rubert de Ventos, professor
of aesthetics at the Barce-
lona School of Architecture,
about European pluralism.
WHO: Center for European
Studies-European Union
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building
" In a feature photo of
Tea Party protesters
published in Friday's
issue of The Michigan
Daily, a name was mis-
spelled. The man pictured
is James Parisno.
" Please report any
error inthe Daily to

A caf6 in Australia is tak-
ing advantage of the larg-
est locust swarms the
continent has seen in 30-years
by designing a new locust
pizza, according to ABC News
Australia. The idea came from
the mayor, Glenn Milne, of the
town of Mildura, who caught
locusts in a bag.
In 2009, Amtrak lost over
$22 million in train oper-
ations in Michigan.
A man in Essex, England
lost his license after being
charged with 'driving
under the influence while rid-
ing in an electric Barbie car that
reaches a maximum of 4 miles
per hour, according to The Tele-
graph Online. Because this is
his second D.U.I. citation in 10
years, he was given a manda-
tory 3-year ban from operating
a motor vehicle.

Finance finance@michigandaily.com
Matt Aaronson Managing Editor aaronson@michigandaily.com
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SEan sO wn eNE na kS: cole Aber, Mallory Jones, Stephanie Steinberg, Kyle
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ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Michael Florek, Alex Hermann, Ryan Podges, Zak
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amie B k Man ngA, Editor block@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is pubished Monday through Friday during the fall and
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is amember of The Associated Press and The Associated CollegiatePress.

WHERE: University Hospital
Emergency Room
WHEN: Saturday at about
12:40 a.m.
WHAT: Three marijuana
joints were found among the
property of a patient, Univer-
sity Police reported.

WHERE: Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Saturday at about
3:30 a.m.
WHAT: A card reader at the
North door was accidently
broken, University Police

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