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April 12, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-04-12

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From the Daily: The city shouldn't ban couches on porches, but officials and local landlords need to better inform tenants about fire safety.>) PAGE 4A
2 Some say the Internet killed film
T criticism. Andrew Lapin
disagrees, and offers a vision for
tag. eertn f ruits to p ete ocebepr
f dthe future of the art form.

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, April 12, 2010



To see a videofrom Festifools,
kgo to

A giant puppet parades down Main Street as part of the FestiFools celebration. The program, which is part of the Lloyd Hall
Scholars Program, brings students and community members from southeast Michigan together to build and display the puppets.

This year's
Coleman says in-state centage of those admitted who
have accepted their admission
to out-of-state ratio offers and sent in their deposits.
"Anything we say now about
will most likely yield is complete speculation,"
University President Mary Sue
remain the same Coleman said in an interview last
By JOSEPH LICHTERMAN University Provost Teresa Sul-
Daily StaffReporter livan said in an interview last
month that the University has
Undergraduate applications to also seen an increase in the num-
the University for the 2010-2011 ber of applications from under-
academic year have increased represented; minority students.
across the board for in-state This was positive news, Sul-
students, out-of state students, livan said, as underrepresented
international students and minority enrollment in the fall
underrepresented minorities, 2009 freshman class was down
University officials said recently. 11.4 percent, the third .straight
"We have received more class with a decline in underrep-
than 31,000 freshman applica- resented minority enrollment at
tions for fall and summer terms the University.
2010," Erica Sanders, director of "In terms of numbers, I can
recruitment and operations in tell you that we're up in every
the University's Office of Under- category, including, I'm pleased
graduate Admissions, wrote in an to say, underrepresented minor-
e-mail interview. ity students," Sullivan said.
The University received 29,965 Though there was also an
applications for admission for the increase in the number of minor-
2009-2010 academic year. Last ity applicants last year, there was
fall, 14,970 of those who applied still the decrease in the number
were accepted and 6,079 of those of minority students who chose
students decided to enroll at the to enroll.
University. It is unclear at this point in
Because the deadline to send in the process whether the increase
deposits is May 1, officials would in applications from under-
only release the number of appli- represented minority students
cants, not the yield - the per- See ADMISSIONS, Page 7A

'U'Medical School receives
largest grant in its hi'story
U.S. Rep. Dingell gell (D - Ann Arbor) presented 2006 for studies on aging. presentation ceremony that the
the Medical School with a $63 In a press release distribut- University's $63 million grant
presented grant million award from the National ed on Friday, National Cancer was the "principal grant" of
Institutes of Health to be used Institute officials highlighted more than $120 million in grants
to be used for over the next six years as part SWOG's track record of conduct- awarded by the NCI to SWOG.
of its work with the Southwest ing research that "has touched "(SWOG's) connections in the


cancer research
For the Daily
The University's Medical School
received its largest research award
ever Friday.
United States Rep. John Din-

Oncology Group. The grant is
part of a larger package totaling
$120 million awarded to SWOG,
which is based at the University.
This is the second largest
research award the University
has ever received after a $70
million grant the Institute for
Social Research received in

the lives of virtually every adult
cancer patient in this nation."
SWOG is one of the nation's
largest clinical trial groups
with more than 5,000 affiliated
researchers and 500 institutions
around the world.
The Group's Executive Offi-
cer Anne Schott said at the

state of Michigan (are) broad,"
Schott said. "Group connections
in the University of Michigan
are deep and proud standing."
About $3 million of the
$63-million grant will be used
each of the six years to help sup-
port salary and indirect costs.
See GRANT, Page 7A

Republican candidate for gov.
to finally receive LSA degree iI4

State Sen. Tom
George became a
doctor, politician
without graduating
State Sen. Tom George (R-Kal-
amazoo) has been an anesthesiol-
ogist, a member of the Michigan

House of Representatives, a state
senator and is now a Republi-
can candidate for governor. This
weekend, however, George will
buy his cap and gown in prepa-
ration for the University's spring
commencement so he can finally
become a college graduate too.
George, currently serving
his second and final term in the
Michigan state Senate, has spent
the past 25 years working in pub-
lic service, both as a doctor and as
a member of the Michigan legis-

lature. Though he has met more
success than many without col-
lege degrees, he said he's finally
decided it's time to graduate.
George came close to graduat-
ing from the University when he
was a student at the University's
Flint campus before transferring
to the Ann Arbor campus - more
than 30 years ago. After three
years of studying at the Univer-
sity, George was given the oppor-
tunity to apply to the University's
See GEORGE, Page 7A

Michigan football Relays for first time

Participants from across the United States and Canada perform traditional Native American songs at the 38th annual Dance for
Mother Earth Powwow at Saline Middle School yesterday.
Annual powwow builds community
amid remains repatriation process

In honor of former
player, team raises
money as part of
Relay for Life
Daily StaffReporter
In honor of former Michigan
football player Phil Brabbs, the
Michigan football team partici-
pated in the University's Relay for
Life event this weekend for the
first time in the team's history.
Relay for Life took place from

Saturday to Sunday, with 3,136
University students from 179
teams participating to raise
money for the American Can-
cer Society by walking around
the track on Palmer Field for 24
hours. This year, the event raised
$268,397 as of late last night,
according to Christine Schepeler,
co-chair of the University's Relay
For Life.
Among the packed tents on the
field was a maize and blue Uni-
versity tent, which housed the
football team's Relay group, the
Football Family. The team con-
sisted of 30 registered members
from the Michigan football team

as well as unregistered football
players who came to the event to
show their support.
The inspiration for the Football
Family team came from Brabbs,
who was diagnosed with multiple
myeloma - a fatal blood cancer -
in 2008.
According to the Relay for Life
website, Brabbs was diagnosed
the day after he turned 28. Since
then, he has received chemo-
therapy treatments and stem cell
transplants in an effort to combat
the disease, according to Brabbs's
blog called "Multiple Myeloma
for dummies."
See RELAY, Page 7A

Event held at Saline
Middle School in
'protest' for second
year in a row
Daily StaffReporter
When visitors entered Saline
Middle School's auditorium this
weekend, a sea of brightly colored
headdresses, jewelry and rega-

lia immediately demanded their
Looking closer, certain indi-
viduals in the crowded arena stood
out: an aged man sewing a leather
sack, young children stomping
their feet in rhythm alongside
their elders and three young men
beating skinned drums and chant-
ing enthusiastically.
These participants and more
were among the hundreds of par-
ticipants at the 38th annual Dance
for Mother Earth Powwow who
came together this weekend to

On Friday, a roundtable took
placeto discussthe repatriation
process. To read thetfull story on the
event, goto MichigDaily.comt.
celebrate their culture with fellow
members of the Native American
"(The powwow) is about build-
ing community and respecting our
culture, history and traditions,"
LSA senior Josh Voss, the internal
co-chair of the University's Native
American Student Association
See POWWOW, Page 7A

Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail Symposium honors retirement of Ralph Williams.
news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS/THE WIRE

INDEX NEWS................................2A ARTS ....... . . .SA
Vol. CXX, No 127 SUDOKU.........................3...3A CLASSIFIEDS ...............A......6A
m O he ihigan aily OPINIO N ............................4A SPORTSM O NDAY.................1B


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