Robert Soave: Have LUCILLE BALLER
President Coleman's
positions on corporate Though she played a housewife on
boards affected her policy T.V., Ball was an industry pioneer.
decisionmaking? PAGE4 PAGE5
Ie ffidlian &iJ
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
miciguanaaily cum
Resident to
City Council:
Revisit porch
couch ban
U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) encourages students to get involved in the health care profession at a talk she gave in the School of Public Health yesterday.
fSen. Stabenow talks benefits of
new health Care bill for students
an (
A lo
2004 -
on Sat
cause o
rental 1
that ki
and inj
ate fire
ry enti
the oc
from a
)uncil proposed to impose a $t00 fine for viola-
tors - was originally proposed on
d tabled ban in July 18, 2004, just over a month
after a June 15, 2004 fire destroyed
4 in response to a house on Oakland Avenue and
injured two residents, The Michi-
)akland Ave. fire gan Daily reported at the time.
The City Council indefinitely
By DYLAN CINTI postponed voting on the ordi-
Daily StaffReporter nance at its Aug. t6, 2004 meeting,
according to minutes from that
cal resident asked the Ann meeting. It has not addressed the
City Council last night to ordinance since.
a proposed ban on outdoor Ann Arbor area resident C. Rob-
tered furniture - intro- ert Snyder spoke during the public
and subsequently tabled in commentary section of the City
- in light of a deadly blaze Council meeting last night, and
urday that officials suspect requested that the council recon-
i with an outdoor couch that sider a the ordinance proposed by
fire. the Fire Department, arguing that
cialsarestillinvestigatingthe Saturday's fire shows the impor-
f the fire, which occurred at a tance of a swift re-evaluation.
house on 928 South State St., "Safety is paramount," Snyder
lled Eastern Michigan Uni- said.. "(I) urge you to enact a ban
student Renden LeMasters on the outdoor use of upholstered
ured two others. furniture."
2004 proposed ordinance Snyder defended his view by
that "placing upholstered pointing out that the ordinance
ire on front porches can cre- was proposed by the Ann Arbor
conditions near the prima- Fire Department.
rance/exit that can impede "We should not second guess"
cupants' abilities to escape the fire department, Snyder said.
fire." "Please listen to your fire depart-
ordinance - which sought See CITY COUNCIL, Page 8
At campus lecture,
Senator also talks
public health
benefits of reform
Daily StaffReporter
United States Sen. Debbie
Stabenow (D-Mich.) discussed
health care reform legislation and
its impact on the public health
community yesterday during a
talk with members of the School
of Public Health.
As a member of the Senate
Finance Committee, Stabenow
has been involved in the debate
over the health care reform bill
that President Barack Obama
signed into law on March 23.
Speaking to a packed audito-
rium, Stabenow provided a time-
line of health care changes that
will take effect over the next eight
months. Many of these changes
will directly impact members of
the University community, she
said. Throughout the talk, Stabe-
now emphasized that health care
affordability was the driving force
behind the legislation.
"The bottom line is this is about
making a commitment in this
country ... and finding a way for
people to get health insurance,"
Stabenow said.
AccordingtoStabenow, some of
the changes to take effect imme-
diately include tax cuts for small
businesses with fewer than 25
employees to help them provide
health care benefits and increased
investment in community health
centers in more than 10,000 com-
The bill also provides access
to a special fund, which will be
available starting at the end of
June, for patients with pre-exist-
ing conditions to pay for medical
expenses. The fund will remain
See STABENOW, Page 8
Non-graduates could receive
tickets to commencement
Officials announce
distribution plan for
tickets to graduation
Daily StaffReporter
University officials announced
yesterday the ticket distribution
plan for this spring's commence-
ment ceremony, which could give
some non-graduating students
the opportunity to see President
Barack Obama's speech at the Big
According to a press release
distributed yesterday, graduating
students and their families will
receive priority in obtaining tick-
ets with graduating seniors eli-
gible to receive up to eight tickets
and graduate students participat-
ing in commencement eligible to
receive up to four tickets.
To receive their tickets gradu-
ating students are instructed to go
with a valid MCard to the Alumni
Association building on Fletcher
Street, where tickets will be avail-
able for pick up on April 26 from
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on April 27
and April 28 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
according to the release.
After graduating students have
picked up their allotted tickets,
the remaining tickets will then
be available on a first-come, first-
serve basis to the University com-
munity on April 29 from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. at the Michigan Union
Ticket Office. Remaining tickets
will then be offered to the general
public on April 30 from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m.
University spokeswoman Kelly
Cunningham said that the Uni-
versity is expecting as many as
7,500 students to graduate this
See TICKETS, Page 8
Chancellor of Flint campus talks
Ke-ke Watson, Business School senior and executive director of the University's Dance2XS chapter, practices with fellow team-
mates in Angell Hall. The team "cleans" their dance routine by ensuring that all dancers execute their moves the same way.
They are practicing for a performance in Champaign, Ill. where they will be performing with other Dance2XS teams.
community involvement at SACUA With economy, students face tough job hunt
Ruth Person says
'U' students now
outnumber GM
workers in Flint
Daily StaffReporter
In an address to the Senate
Advisory Committee on Universi-
ty Affairs yesterday, Ruth Person,
chancellor of the University of
Michigan-Flint, spoke about the
campus's current state of affairs
and its future plans for increasing
the University's role in the Flint
Person - a University alum
who has worked in her current
position for just over a year - told
SACUA - the University's lead-
ing faculty governing body, --that
she was originally drawn to work-
ing at the University's Flint cam-
pus because of the challenge that
would come with working in a
community that was hit particu-
larly hard by the down economy.
"It was really about the chal-
lenge," she said. "So all right,
let's see if we collectively - we
meaning everybody in the leader-
ship community - can turn this
About 80,000 General Motors
employees used to call the city of
Flint home, Person said, but now
only about 5,000 GM employees
live there. This makes the stu-
dent body of the University's Flint
campus larger than the once-
See SACUA, Page 8
Despite competitive
field, jobs available
in social media,
alternative energy
Daily StaffReporter
With commencement only four
weeks away, some soon-to-be
graduates are struggling to find
jobs with the effects of the eco-
nomic downturn still lingering.
Lynne Sebille-White, assistant
director of the University's Career
Center, said though the job market
is starting to show signs of recov-
ery, students are still goingto have
a difficult time finding jobs.
"I would say that maybe it's a
little better than last year, but it's
certainly not booming," Sebille-
White said.
According to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, while every
state experienced an increase in
the unemployment rate last year,
Michigan experienced the highest
increase in its unemployment rate.
And experts report that though
the job layoff rate today is about
the same as it was during past eco-
nomic downturns, the net job loss
is greater because the hiring rate
is lower.
The "brain drain" of students
who attend college in Michigan
and then leave the state has been
cited as a contributor to Michi-
gan's struggling economy. Accord-
ing to a survey sponsored by S.E.
Michigan Workforce Innovations
in Regional Economic Develop-
ment and the Michigan Munici-
See JOBS, Page 8
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.comand let us know.
'U' students launch website with low down on A2.
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Vol. CXX, No.t123 SUDOKUO .U.................. ........3 CLASSIFIEDS......................6
v The ichigan aily O PINIO N ...............................4 SPO RTS............................ .7
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