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March 29, 2010 - Image 2

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Professor Profiles

Before You Were Here

Campus Clubs Photos of the Week

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At Cornell, fences added to bridges

Temporary fences are currently
being installed along campus bridges
at Cornell University in response to
the suspected suicides of three Cornell
students earlier this month, The Cor-
nell Daily Sun reported on March 24.
In addition to the fences, the arti-
cle reported that security guards
will be stationed by the bridges until
about April 2. Security is expected to
increase when students return to cam-
pus from their spring breakthis week.
"(They'll only be) in place until a
longer-term solution is ready to be
implemented," Cornell spokesperson
Simeon Moss said in the article.
According to the article, the three
students that died earlier this month
are thought to have committed sui-
cide in Fall Creek Gorge.
Numerous protests forced conser-
vative activist Ann Coulter to leave
Apple computer Ve
stolen from Val
Bursley IT site WH
WHERE: Bursley Residence WH
Hall was 1
WHEN: Friday at about 6 p.m. Univ
WHAT: An Apple computer It wa
was stolen from the Bursley item<
Residence Hall computing site, then
University Police reported. It suspE
was stolen sometime between
Mar. 23 and Mar. 27. There are
no suspects.La
Pills pilfered La
from Hospital WH
WHERE: University Hospital WH.
WHEN: Saturday at 1 p.m. wass
WHAT: Vicoden was stolen Quas
from the University Hospital, Mar.
University Police reported. repo
There are currently no suspects. no st

her speaking engagement at the
University of Ottawa, according to a
March 24 article in the Fulcrum.
Several activist groups, including
the Student Federation of the Univer-
sity of Ottawa, were responsible for
the protest, according to the article.
Shortly before Coulter was scheduled
to speak, protestors pulled the venue's
fire alarm.
The event was canceled because it
was deemed "physically dangerous,"
according to the article.
"It is an embarrassing day for the
University of Ottawa," Canadian con-
servative activist Ezra Levant told the
The Residence Hall Association
at the University of Texas at Austin
recently passed a resolution to allow
guests to stay in student dormitories
at all hours, according to a March 23

article in The Daily Texan.
Bobby Jenkins, RHA president
at UT and sponsor of the legislation,
said in the article that the current
policy deters students from living in
residence halls on campus.
According to the article, residents
cannot have guests between midnight
and 9 a.m. on weeknights and 2:30
a.m. and 9 a.m. during the weekend.
"We're not able to compete with
off-campus entities or attract return-
ing students to the dorms because of
this policy," Jenkins said.
Some students said they weren't
pleased by the new resolution.
"People will be louder, people will
stay longer...people may not report
violations," Minae Noh, the president
of Kinsolving Residence Hall Council,
said in the article.
The article reported that the RHA
is currently trying to convince UT.
officials to adoptthe new policy.

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The Alliance For Justice conference ends in a candle
light vigil on the Diag Friday. To read more about the
event check out michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire.


nding machine Lecture on
nrdalism transitionh
ERE: Mason Hall Shakespeai
EN: Friday at 3:30 a.m.
AT: A vending machine WHAT: Royal Shak
broken into overnight, Company Director C
ersity Police reported. Doran and Sir Anthc
is unclear whether any a British playwright
s had been stolen from and director, will sp
machine. There are no transitioning Shakes
ects. from the stage to the
WHO: Office ofthePi
to lifted in WHEN: Tonight at 7
WHERE: Blau Audi
w Quad Women's se
ERE: Law Quad health semi
EN: Saturday at9 a.m.
AT: A caller's MacBook
stolen from the Law WHAT: Victor Hola
d between Mar. 26 and at the University Ho
27, University Police will discuss women'
rted. There are currently health as part of Pris
uspects. work Health Awarer

Prison politics
ng and policy panel
re at Ford School

ony Sher,
, actor
eak on
resident -
':30 p.m.
a, a nurse
s sexual
de Net-
ne ss

WHAT: A group of experts
will discuss the Michigan
Prisoner ReEntry Initiative.
WHO:Ford School ofPublic
WHEN: Tonight from 7 p.m
to 10 p.m.
WHERE: Palmer Commons
0 A Mar. 26,2010 article
in The Michigan Daily
("MForward's Armstrong
elected MSA president")
incorrectly stated the
number of grievances
filed against MForward.
There were six grievances.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-Nev) acci-
dentaly voted against the
health care reconciliation bill
on Thursday, The Washington
Post reported. Reid quickly
realized his mistake and cor-
rected the error.
Yesterday's win by the
Michigan women's bas-
ketball team in the WNIT
marks the first time the Wol-
verines have advanced to the
semifinals of anynational tour-
Apple has run out of iPads,
CNNMoney.com report-
ed. The shipping date for
pre-ordered iPads was pushed
back from April 3 to April 12.
Customers who had previously,
pre-ordered the devices should
get theirs on schedule.

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wintertermsbystudentsattheUniversityofMichigan.onecopyisavailablefreeofcharge toal
readers. Additionalcopiesmaybe pickedupat theDaily'sofficefor$2.Subscriptionsforfall term,
starting in September,viaU.S.mailare$110. Winterterm(Januarythrough April)is$115, yearlong
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On-camps subscriptioenfs 1 sermares 5Subcriptien sunst be prepaid.TheMichiganDaily
ia membersofTtheAssooted Press and Tie Asscited Collegite Pres.


Love Crime Notes? Get more online at michigandailyxcom/blogo/the wire

Week 2010.
WHEN: Today from
p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: University'

Lawyer wants to question Pope Benedict XVI under oath

Documents reveal
Pope may have hid
molestation case
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Jeff
Anderson has filed thousands of
lawsuits alleging sex abuse by
priests and won tens of millions of
dollars for his clients, but he has
had a bigger goal in mind for nearly
two decades. He wants to bring his
career-long legal crusade against
misconduct in the Roman Catholic
Church right to the top.
He would love to question Pope
Benedict XVI himself under oath.
Though that is extremely unlikely
given that the pope is a head of
state, documents Anderson has
unearthed have the potential to
take a scandal that has plagued
dozens of dioceses around the
world and place it at the doorstep of
Vatican leadershio.

The documents, which became
publicly known in the past week
after Anderson shared them with
The New York Times, show that a
Vatican office led by the pope, then
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, halted
a church trial against a Wisconsin
priest accused of molesting some
200 boys at a school for the deaf.
"This is a tipping point," Ander-
son said. He found the documents
in handling one of the dozens of
lawsuits he has pending against
various church officials, and hopes
to use them to bolster a separate
federal lawsuit against the Vatican
Since 1983, Anderson and the
five other attorneys at his down-
town St. Paul firm have sued thou-
sands of Catholic priests, bishops,
and dioceses over allegations of
sexual abuse by priests and other
church leaders. He claims to have
no idea how much he has won in
settlements: in 2002 he estimated

that it was around $60 million.
"It's not about the money,"
Anderson told The Associated
The self-described "former athe-
ist" who rediscovered faith in God
through his recovery from alcohol-
ism professes a deep empathy with
abuse victims - he calls them "sur-
More than a decade after his
legal battles with church officials
began, Anderson's adult daughter
revealed that as an 8-year-old she
was molested by a therapist she was
seeing as Anderson and his first
wife were going through a divorce.
The therapist, Anderson said, was a
former Catholic priest.
Anderson, 62, said the pain of
that revelation "brought another
dimension to the experience." But
he said he concluded years earlier
that the responsibility for shuffling
around problem priests and cover-
ing up their indiscretions would

extend to the Vatican.
"I came to the stark realiza-
tion that the problems were really
endemic to the clerical culture, and
all the problems we are having in
the U.S. led back to Rome," Ander-
son said. "And I realized nothing
was goingto fundamentally change
until they did."
The Wisconsin documents tie
Benedict, who as cardinal led the
Vatican's Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, to the deci-
sion in the mid-1990s not to defrock
the Rev. Lawrence Murphy despite
allegations that the Milwaukee
priest molested some 200 deaf boys
from 1950 to 1975.
The Vatican is defending that
decision, saying the case reached
the Vatican only in 1996, two years
before Murphy died. Church offi-
cials also say Murphy had repented
in a letter to Ratzinger, and that the
case's statute of limitations had run
out. They decry criticism over the

case as an effort to smear the pope.
The Milwaukee lawsuit does
not name Pope Benedict or other
Vatican leaders as defendants, but
Anderson hopes to use it to bol-
ster a separate lawsuit filed eight
years ago in U.S. District Court in
In that case, an unidentified
plaintiff claims he was sexually
abused as a teenager in 1965 or 1966
by the Rev. Andrew Ronan at St.
Albert's Church in Portland, Ore.
According to court documents,
Ronan was accused of abusing boys
in the mid-1950s as a priest in the
Archdiocese of Armagh, Ireland.
He was transferred to Chicago,
where he admitted abusing three
boys at St. Philip's High School, and
after that was sentto Oregon.
The church removed Ronan
from the priesthood in 1966. He
died in 1982.
The lawsuit says the Vatican
had to approve the international



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transfer. The Holy See claims it is
protected by the Foreign Sovereign
Immunities Act, which prohibits
U.S. lawsuits against foreign coun-
Several lower courts have pro-
duced differing rulings on the suit,
and the Holy See has appealed to
the U.S. Supreme Court to settle
the question. The high court has
not decided whether it will hear
the case.
Anderson said his legal team will
attempt to use documents from the
Milwaukee lawsuit to show the
Vatican was heavily involved in
decisions about how to deal with
problem priests.
Legal scholars have long been
skeptical of Anderson's chances of
penetrating the Vatican's foreign
sovereignty. He said it may be diffi-
cult to persuade judges to consider
documents from another lawsuit,
but added that he feels "closer than
we've ever been before."
"If there's anyone to press this
case, it's Jeff," said David Clohessy,
national director for Survivors Net-
work of those Abused by Priests,
a longtime ally of Anderson. "Jeff
doesn't get sole credit, and he
wouldn'tclaimit, buthewas among
the very first to see the magnitude
of this cover-up and is still among
the most dedicated to its undoing."
Jeffrey Lena, the Berkeley,
Calif.-based attorney for the Holy
See in the Oregon case, declined to
comment for this story.
Andrew Eisenzimmer, a lawyer
for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and
Minneapolis, has sparred frequent-
ly with Anderson and declined to
be interviewed. In earlier inter-
views with the AP, he described
Anderson as "prone to exaggera-
tion" but also said he's been unde-
niably successful.
Anderson has always had a flair
for the public relations aspect of
his work, and a visit to his office
the day after the Milwaukee story
broke found him fielding interview
requests from numerous media
outlets as lawyers and researchers
combed through documents on the
large, dark wood table in his office.
Anderson was raised Lutheran
and his first wedding was in the
Catholic Church, though he said
his spiritual journey no longer
involves church attendance. His
office, however, is full of religiously
symbolic art and sculpture, as well
as items salvaged from churches
- including a kneeler and confes-
sional booths.


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