Michigan women's hoops
advances to the quarter-
finals of the WNIT with aa*
win over Toledo in Crisler * *
Arena yesterday. -
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Monday, March 22, 2010
US. House
passes health
care reform
Measure clears by
219-212 margin, with
34 Dems voting no
Staff and Wire Reports
moned to success by President
Barack Obama, the Democratic-
controlled Congress approved his-
toric legislation Sunday night
extending health care to tens of mil-
lions of uninsured Americans and
cracking down on insurance com-
pany abuses, a climactic chapter in
the century-long quest for near uni-
versal coverage.
Widely viewed as dead two
months ago, the Senate-passed bill
cleared the House on a 219-212 vote.
Republicans were unanimous in
opposition, joined by 34 dissident
Obama watched the vote in the
White House's Roosevelt Room
with Vice President Joe Biden and
about 40 staff aides. When the long
sought 216th vote came in - the
magic number needed for passage
mm o -r am u - a mi m - ute N -.?
Michigan hockey celebrates after Saturday night's CCHA championship win against Northern Michigan. The win gave Michigan an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament.
Hunwick leads improbable run
Walk-on goalie brings Blue back to NCAA Tournament
State Senatecmte.
cuts higher ed. funds
Just over five months ago,
with the hockey season
about to get underway, I
sat directly across from Michigan
hockey captain Chris Summers, all
set to interview
him about
starting goalie
Bryan Hogan.
Hogan was "
the clear-cut
starter for the : -,
first time in
his career, and RYAN
for 10 minutes, KARTJE
I adamantly
prodded Sum-
mers to attest
to Hogan's job security.
But Summers wouldn't budge.
There was a walk-on goalie, stand-
ing at just 5-feet-7 inches (on a good
day) who Summers insisted was
challenging Hogan for his job every
So I shrugged it off as captain-
speak and moved on. Shawn
Hunwick would see his time in
practice, he would be everyone's
favorite backup goalie and that was
it. Everyone loves the walk-on war-
rior. That was it.
If Bryan Hogan was out of
the lineup, the Wolverines were
doomed. I was sure of it.
And then against Notre Dame on
Feb. 25, with the season already in
turmoil, Hogan went for a kick save
and didn't get up.
It's over, I thought to myself
Hunwick skated apprehensively
onto the ice, and even he admitted
he was nervous. And who wouldn't
be? The walk-on had seen just
20 minutes of action - his entire
So when Hunwick shut out the
FightingIrish in that first game, it
was a nice story - one of those that
made you feel warm inside.
Berenson, like myself, remained
"We're still not convinced
he's a starting goalie," Michigan
coach Red Berenson said after
the Wolverines' split with Notre
Dame. "He's been a backup that
really hasn't had the chance to be a
It was alreadythe Wolverines'
most disappointing season in
Berenson's 26-year tenure. The
fuzzy story was more like a band-
aid, tryingto keep the dam from
Butthe band-aid, a tiny goalie
who joined the team just before
almost quitting the sport forever,
the afterthoughtwho found himself
winning impossible game after
impossible game for the Wolver-
ines, was still holding back the flood
as Michigan came to the Joe last
Every scoring opportunity, I
found myself waiting for Hunwick
to prove my initial hesitation right.
He's going to give up a soft goal.
He's stilla backup. I couldn'thelp
but think it. Over and over.
I looked across the ice to the
other team's goalies in fear.
Cody Reichard, Miami's net-
minder, had justbeen named
CCHA Player of the Year. His 1.79
goals against average was second
best in the nation. He was the epito-
me of a brickwall.
He gave up five goals and was
Against Northern Michigan in
the CCHA Championship, 25-year-
old Brian Stewart - the tallest
goalie in the CCHA - towered over
See KARTJE, Page 7A
If passed by full
legislature, bill will
cut public university
funding by 3 percent
Daily StaffReporter
The University of Michigan and
other public colleges across the
state could be facing funding cuts
if a bill passed last week in the
Senate Appropriations Committee
makes its way through the Michi-
gan legislature.
A Republican-sponsored bill
passed in the state Senate Appro-
priations Committee Wednesday
aims to reduce Michigan's budget
deficit by cutting state aid to all
Michigan universities and commu-
nity colleges by 3.1 percent. This
would result in about $10.2 million
in lost state aid for the University
of Michigan in the next fiscal year.
If passed, the budget would go
into effect Oct. 1, 2010.
With state politicians des-
perately seeking ways to bring
Michigan's budget back into bal-
ance, some senators said they feel
that a cut in education funding is
"We are in a box with our bud-
get, so we reduced it," State Sen.
Ron Jelinek (R-Three Oaks), chair
of the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee, said in an interview. "We
have tried other government pro-
posed income revenue streams like
taxes, but that is something people
won't accept in this economy."
State Sen. Liz Brater (D-Ann
Arbor) said she recognizes the need
See FUNDING, Page 3A
Three candidates to square off in MSA elections Weds. and Thurs.
Chris Armstrong, MForward
Daily StaffReporter
LSA junior Chris Armstrong
said he wants to become presi-
dent of the Michigan Student
Assembly to stimulate a sense of
community across campus and
make MSA a "place to advocate
for students."
Armstrong, the chair of MSA's
LGBT Commission, is running as
the presidential candidate for the
MForward party. Business Rep.
Jason Raymond is running on
MForward's slate for vice presi- SAM WOLSON/Daoyi
dent. coalition of student leaders to
Armstrong said he helped cre- make MSA a stronger, more pro-
ate MForward, MSA's newest ductive advocate for the student
party, to bring different view- body, Armstrong said.
points to MSA, which many Armstrong added that he is
members thought the assembly. "frustrated" with the current
was lacking. He added that he state of the assembly and wants
believes the current assembly to see more transparency in
"was irresponsible and unin- MSA.
spired in its approach to govern- "Students think that MSA isn't
ing," and a more diverse body of doing anything for them," Arm-
representatives would improve strong said.
the effectiveness and relevance Armstrong said building a
of MSA. sense of community is key for a
MForward plans to use its See ARMSTRONG, Page 3A
Ian Margolis, MVP
Kate Stenvig, DAAP
Daily Staff Reporter
If elected president of the
Michigan Student Assembly,
Public Policy Rep. Ian Margolis
said his main goal would be to
produce tangible changes within
the assembly.
Margolis, a Rockville, Md.
native and chair of MSA's Cam-
pus Governance Committee, is
running as the presidential can-
didate for the Michigan Vision
Party. Tom Stuckey, a Business
Rep. from Okemos, Mich., is also
runningon the MVP slate for the
position of vice president.
Margolis said what sets him
apart from other candidates run-
ning for MSA president is his
commitment to encourage MSA
representatives to do more than
just be activists.
"It's important for the assem-
bly to be activists in nature; how-
ever, through my experiences
and talking to students, they
don't give $7.19 to the assembly
just for that," Margolis said. "We
need to do more tangible things
Daily StaffReporter
As part of her Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly presidential cam-
paign promises, MSA Rackham
Rep. Kate Stenvig plans to lead
University students in rallies that
support increasing the diversity
of the student body.
Stenvig, who is from Royal
Oak, Mich., is running as the
presidential candidate for the
Defend Affirmative Action Party.
LSA freshman Sofia Bolanos is
running with Stenvig as DAAP's
vice presidential candidate.
This is the fourth time Sten-
vig - who has been a member
of MSA since 2004 - has cam-
paigned for MSA president. Sten-
vig's campaign initiatives include
gaining support for an increase
in minority enrollment at the
University, making MSA more
diverse and giving students more
opportunities to voice their opin-
Stenvig said her top priority is
increasing minority enrollment
at the University.
to benefit a wider array of stu-
dents. I don't think activism is
Margolis added that he wants
to address the "disconnect"
between the assembly and the
student body that has caused stu-
dents to remain in the dark about
what MSA is actually doing.
"There's a communications
breach between MSA and the
students," Margolis said. "MSA
hasn't done enough for students."
Margolis said he has the
"We have been in a combined
crisis of the loss of affirmative
action, and the drastic drop in
black, Latino and Native Ameri-
can student enrollment," Stenvig
Stenvig added that if elected,
she would encourage "a mass stu-
dent movement" similar to those
erupting on campuses like the
University of California at Los
Angeles aimed at being proactive
and stimulating an environment
that promotes diversity.
See STENVIG, Page 7A
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INDEX NEWS..........2A SPORTS.. . ...........5
ate Iraq War. VolCXX, No.t13 SUDOKU.............................3A CLASSIFIEDS... . .. A
/THE WIRE C02t1The Michigan Daily OPINION............................4A SPORTSMONDAY...........,......I