The Michigan Daily - NEWS BRIEFS BROOKLYN, Mich. Speedway to ban smoking in May Michigan International Speed- way says it's banning smoking in most areas in response to a state law change that takes effect May 1. The racetrack announced yes- terday smoking will be forbidden in its grandstands, mezzanines, concessions, restrooms, suites and chalets. It says smoking will be allowed in open-air areas behind the grandstands, the New Holland Fan Plaza and campgrounds. The 2-mile oval track seats 119,500 and is located in the unin- corporated community of Brook- lyn, about 10 miles southeast of Toyo Jackson. It hosts two weekends of cer, NASCAR events this year. WAUKESHA, Wis. Teen convicted for Facebook sex crime A Wisconsin teen convicted of using Facebook to blackmail doz- ens of classmates into sex has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Nineteen-year-old Anthony Stancl (STAN'-sihl) of New Berlin W showed no emotion as the sentence blisi was handed downyesterday. dent Stancl pleaded no contest in reps December to two felonies, includ- and ing repeated sexual assault of a car- child. defe He apologized during sen- duc tencing, saying he has learned to But . understand what his victims went dec through. " He had faced a maximum ed R 30-year sentence. And Stancl is accused of posing as Flor a girl on Facebook and tricking an " more than 30 male classmates rept ' into sending him naked photos of safe themselves, then using the photos O to blackmail them for sex. said sign DENVER hav . . .cials Technician in Colo. ing infects 36 with and Hepititus C lence of n A 27-year-old Colorado surgery gras .technician_ who infected three wor dozen people with hepatitis C deep has been sentenced to 30 years in Toyi prison. B Kristen Diane Parker received Am the sentence yesterday in federal law court in Denver after pleading top guilty to some of the charges in the case. Prosecutors had previously recommended that Parker get 20 CL years in prison, but a judge reject- Froi ed the plea agreement. Some of the victims said it was not enough effo. time. Si Parker had worked at the Rose. com Medical Center in Denver and the get Audubon Surgery Center in Colo- hurs rado Springs. " She infected the patients after of t she injected herself with pain- our killer-filled syringes and replaced Scha them with ones filled with saline. depa Schi PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad Sch .of th' Ally of Colombian extr president arrested yeS in t A former senator with close ing political ties to President Alvaro ever Uribe was arrested by Colombian that authorities yesterday on charges Desp of colluding with far-right death Scha squads. was Mario Uribe, a second cousin a litt to the president, is one of the most "V prominent figures in a scandal stud that has sent dozens of current selv or former lawmakers to jail on in t charges of benefiting from links progi to outlawed rightist paramilitary befo groups. Under an order handed down by Colombia's Supreme Court, Uribe was arrested in the city of Medellin, 155 miles (250 kilome- ters) north of Bogota, police said. He was to be transferred to the capital. The 60-year-old former senator has denied any wrongdoing. Uribe, who presided over the Senate in 2000-2001, is a close confidant of Colombia's conserva- tive president. The two launched a political party together in the mid- 1980s and have remained allies ever since. The arrest stems from allega- tions by a former paramilitary leader that Uribe conspired with right-wing militias in the 1990s to gain control of land in northeastern Colombia's agri- culturally rich regions where paramilitaries controlled large swaths of territory. - Compiled from Daily wire reports Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 3A PABLO MARTINES MONSIVAIS/AP ta President and Chief Executive Officer Akio Toyoda, center, and Yoshimi Inaba, right, president and chief executive offi- Toyota Motor North America, are sworn in on Capitol Hill yesterday prior to testifying before Congress. )espite apology, Toyota ~res sdent repriman ded Lawmakers blast Toyota leader for vehicle defects VASHINGTON (AP) - Under tering criticism, Toyota Presi- t Akio Toyoda personally and atedly apologized to Congress millions of anxious American owners yesterday for deadly cts in popular models pro- ed by his Japanese company. angry lawmakers forcefully ared it was hardly enough. Where is the remorse?" scold- Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio. Republican John Mica of ida held aloft what he called absolutely appalling" Toyota irt bragging of defusing a ty investigation. f Toyoda's apology, Kaptur , "I do not think it reflects ificant remorse for those who e died." Federal safety offi- s have received reports link- 34 deaths in the United States afety defects in Toyota cars trucks over the past decade. I extend my sincerest condo- es to them from the bottom ny heart," responded Toyoda, ndson of the founder of the Ud's largest auto company "I'm ply sorry for any accident that ota drivers have experienced." ut what's most important to erican drivers - and what makers pressed Toyoda and a aide to provide - was a bet- ASS TRIP m Page1A rts for the class. chaar said the class had to pensate for departmental bud- constraints that haven't been dles in past years. The recession didn't hurt most he programs we usually get funding from until this year," aar said. "We go to different artments. We go to (the Ross ool of Business), we go to (the ool of Public Health), and a lot iose groups justcdidn't have the a funding to support us this r." chaar said students enrolled he class had to take fundrais- into their own hands, holding its at clubs around Ann Arbor earned a total of about $1,200. pite the efforts to raise money, aar said, funding for the trip 15 percent short of the target tle over a week ago. We were going to have some ents pay for the trip them- es, or a portion of it, which, he 10 years we've had this ram, (has) never happened )re," he said. ter explanation for slow actions to deal with the defects and believ- able assurances the problems that led to sudden unintended acceler- ations will be fixed. Toyoda said those changes are being made nearly around the clock, but he repeated the company's insis- tence that there is no link to the cars' electronic systems. Many drivers filing com- plaints with Toyota and the gov- ernment say their acceleration problems had nothing to do with floor mat interference or sticky gas pedals - the, culprits the company is pointing to. Outside experts have suggested elec- tronic problems. Toyota has recalled 8.5 mil- lion vehicles, more than 6 mil- lion of them in the United States, mostly to fix problems with floor mats trapping gas pedals or with pedals getting stuck. Toyoda said great strides were being taken by his company to put "safety first" and it was working hard to refit the millions of cars and trucks that have been recalled. The company also said yest- eday it will offer free at-home pickup of vehicles covered by the national safety recall, pay for cus- tomers' out-of-pocket transpor- tation costs and provide drivers free rental cars during repairs. The deal was initially announced as part of an agreement between Toyota and New York state. Toyoda also said that new sys- tems to allow brakes to override Schaar said a last-ditch effort to reach the chief administrative officer at the Ford School of Public Policy for departmental funding helped close the budget gap. "I feel like we earned our way over there," Schaar said. "I kind of like the fact that we have to put in some of our own effort to make it happen." In addition to fundraising for the trip, students coordinated meetings with government offi- cials through a public policy school in the Philippines, accord- ing to Aileen Payumo, a business school graduate student and Phil- ippines native. "I'm friends with Tony La Vina, the dean of the Ateno School of Government, ... (and) he was able to put me in touch with various officials," Payumo said. Payumo added that she is excit- ed to go on the trip because her connection to the country will give her a special perspective on the project. "I think I'll get something very different than what everyone else will because I am Filipino. I think gas pedals were being put on new models. "Notwithstanding that, acci- dents actually happen," he told the House Oversight and Govern- ment Reform Committee, the sec- ond of three congressional panels examining Toyota's troubles. Toyoda, 53, remained calm when some Democratic and Republican lawmakers scolded the company for the recalls and safety problems. He stood firm on many points, including saying he was "abso- lutely confident" the causes of runaway acceleration were mechanical, and not a design flaw in the company's electronic throt- tle control system. Many safety experts and lawmakers have sug- gested that the electronics systems should not be ruled out. Rep. Mica said it was an embar- rassing day not only for Toyota but for U.S. safety regulators, whom a number of lawmakers said should have acted more quickly and force- fully. Mica held up a copy of a July 2009 internal Toyota document boasting of a "win" for Toyota in striking a deal with the U.S. gov- ernment for a more limited recall involving floor mats. The docu- ment said the agreement saved the company $100 million. The internal presentation was addressed to Yoshimi Inaba, chief of Toyota Motor North America, who sat next to Toyoda at the wit- ness table. it's going to give me the ability to be an ambassador to my country, which I'm always excited to do," she said. Egan Reich, a second-year pub- lic policy student, said the students chose to go. to the Philippines to observe its unusual patterns of economic growth and develop- ment. "The Philippines has all sorts of economic growth indicators, and yet it still has pretty significant poverty, and a lot of the things you would normally look at to see what has an effect on poverty don't seem to work," he said. Reich added that the students have been divided into six groups with different research topics like economics and public health and will meet with government offi- cials to discuss these topics. "We're going to interview sever- al policy makers, and see what sort of insights they have to offer," said Reich. "We have our background research and what we've done in class, and then to add to that, peo- ple who are actually working there and doing it." CANINE UNIT From Page 1A more confidence in our abilities." Police dogs Sampson and Tazer, under the instruction of Officers Mark West and Mike Mathews, are the second generation of police dogs at DPS. In 2008, the original police dogs for the department, Brutus and Jessy, retired from duty and were adopted by DPS officers as pets. Sampson and Tazer, a brother and sister from the same litter of Belgian Malinois, were selected for police work early in their lives based on their development as pup- pies as well as their documented lineage, according to Mathews. Once purchased by the depart- ment, the dogs, who had received some previous training, spent one week training intensely for 40 hours with their handlers before beginning shifts in the field. While remarkably well-trained, at a training demonstration last week, Tazer embodied the concept of "work hard, play harder." Upon finding explosives in training, she sat and waited patiently for her reward - a game of tug-of-war -, which she rarely loses, only releas- ing the toy upon upon verbal com- mand from Mathews. Mathews, an officer with the canine unit since 2008, explained that explosive-detection dogs are taught to associate training with play. Once the dog detects explo- sive material and notifies its han- dler, it is rewarded with a game. "They learn that whenever they come into this odor (of explo- sives) that they know that if they sit they'll get a reward," Mathews said. The dogs are able to identify between 15 and 20 different kinds of explosives, as well as track peo- ple based on scent and locate miss- ing items or evidence. Beyond their work in explosives, the canines are used by the Uni- versity Hospital to track patients who may have walked away from the hospital, particularly patients in the psychiatric ward, and may not know where they are, Brown said. To maintain accuracy, Mathews and West designate one day each week to devote to training, along with beginning and end of shift practices to increase the skill level and confidence of the dogs. Mathews said he specifies Taz- er's training sessions to help her improve areas where she is strug- gling like if she is forgetting to check elevated areas for whatever she is tracking. "If a particular problem comes up and she's having difficulty with a certain area, whether it be a slip- pery floor or where she's not work- ing a particular area up high, I'll focus on those areas to increase her confidence and skill level," Mathews said. To encourage a bond between dog and handler, Tazer lives with Mathews and Sampson lives with West, never leaving the handler's sight unless in a designated fenced in area. "She's considered a pet, but she's a working dog first," Mathews said. Forsberg explained that the need for the dogs to be within eye- sight of their handlers is primarily for the safety of the dog and other people. While they are not trained attack dogs, they are not used to casually interact with people and could react negatively in that situ- ation. The intensity of training for each of the many explosives depends on the national or local violence threat level, according to Mathews. So if the threat level goes up, the dogs are trained more thoroughly in all of the bomb odors. "We have to take into account the information we get from dif- ferent sources when we train with explosives," Mathews said. "In contrast, a narcotics dog may only know four odors. The bomb dogs are smarter." Brown said the reason DPS chose to create an explosive- detection canine unit over narcot- ics identification was based on the effectiveness the dogs' abilities would have in preventing major crime. Narcotics dogs are used when looking for large quantities of ille- gal drugs, whereas on campus, drugs are more likely tobe in small amounts, Brown said. "Do we have drugs on campus? Yes," she said. "But that's not the point to try and get those little users. Our bigger use and need to mitigate was all the VIPs we have coming, whether they're speak- ing or coming to the hospital, their protection." While both canines regularly sweep the Big House before foot- ball games, explosive sweeps before other events depend on the threat level at the time. Forsberg added that sweeps prior to high-profile guest speak- ers are also common, depending on the type of event and if threats have been made. The canine unit has served to protect such presti- gious figures as the Dalai Lama and former U.S. presidents. But regard- less of the event, the mission of the canine unit remains the same. "We are here to serve the Uni- versity community," Forsberg said. FOLLOW THE DAILY'S FOOD BLOG michiga /the table S U o-,