Ryan Kartje: Rich Rodriguez
has the most to lose in NCAA's
investigation of football program.
44W 46F
1111c4igan 4,1)atlg
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
- Much work left for
'U' before NCAA
probe's conclusion
In a series of interviews
yesterday, NCAA
experts discussed what's
* next in probe process
Daily News Editor
While yesterday's announcement that
the Michigan football program allegedly
violated NCAA regulations was billed
as the culmination of the NCAA's four-
month long evaluation of Michigan's
Athletic Department's compliance with
NCAA rules, it was by no means the end
of the process.
The NCAA's notice of allegations,
which was made public in a University
press conference yesterday, was the next
step in a chain of proceedings that will
now span at least one year - from when
the allegations were first published
in the Detroit Free Press in August of
2009 until at least when the University
goes before the NCAA's Committee on
Infractions this upcoming August.
The University now has 90 days to
formally dispute or agree with the alle-
gations. In a series of interviews fol-
lowing the announcement, experts on
the process, politics and implications of
NCAA investigations said that while the
outcome of the case is difficult to predict,
most institutions typically end up agree-
ing with the NCAA's findings - often
resulting in penalties for the schools.
Some of the experts said the Universi-
ty may not face as serious repercussions
as programs facing allegations pertain-
ing to specific student-athletes.
But others said that, in cases like this,
the fact that the NCAA found enough
evidence to send the notice could be a
bad harbinger for the University, which
could ultimately be penalized with pro-
bation for a couple of years or a decrease
in the number of coaches who can par-
ticipate in practices.
No matter the final outcome, the
experts interviewed yesterday said that
University officials have a lot of heavy
digging left to do and sleepless nights
ahead of them before the process is final-
ly concluded.
Josephine Potuto, chair of the NCAA
Committee on Infractions from 2006 to
2008, said in an interview that NCAA
allegations most often result in penal-
"The enforcement staff at the NCAA
does a pretty good job of investigat-
ing, and they should, and they're pret-
ty responsible about only bringing
allegations where they think there's
See EXPERTS, Page 7A
University President Mary Sue Coleman and Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez look on as incoming Athletic Director David Brandon discusses the
NCAA's allegations about the Michigan football program at a press conference yesterday.
F vioations citedf
Officials have 90 days to
formally respond, will
face hearing in August
Daily NewsEditor
The Michigan football program has
committed five violations of NCAA rules
and regulations, according to a notice of
allegations the University received from
the NCAA yesterday. The findings are the
outcome of a four-month investigation by
the NCAA into the University's Athletic
The University will fonally respond to
the allegations, which
were announced by first reported on
school officials at MihngvnDayom
a news conference
yesterday afternoon, in the next 90 days.
The University will also appear before
the NCAA's Committee on Infractions in
The notice of allegations asserts that
the University violated NCAA regula-
tions in five main areas. First, the notice
says that the University's football program
broke NCAA rules that limit the number
of coaches that may work with student-
athletes. The notice states that five quality
control officers - staff members who are
not technically coaches, but work with the
football team - illegally engaged in coach-
ing activities.
The NCAA also alleged that the Uni-
The NCAA's Notice of
Allegations released
yesterday states that
the University violated
NCAA regulations in
five main areas.
The University's football program
exceeded the number of hours coaches
may work with student-athletes and
that five quality control officers illegally
engaged in activities reserved exclusively
for team coaches.
The University's football program vio-
lated regulations that prohibit staff from
monitoring student-athletes in voluntary,
off-season workouts and conditioning -
activities for which they are accused of
having exceeded time restrictions on.
Alex Herron, a graduate assistant foot-
ball coach, provided misleading, and at
times false information about his role in
the allegations of misconduct during the
NCAA's investigation into the Michigan
football program.
Rich Rodriguez acted in a manner that
"failed to promote an atmosphere ofcom-
pliance with the football program" and
failed to properly monitor the activities
of his program with regard to the allega-
tions set forth by the NCAA.
The athletic department did not properly
oversee the activities of the football
*program to ensuretfull compliance with
NCAA rules and regulations as they
relate to the allegations set forth by the
Panel talks Native American remains
Museum director
discusses relationship
between museums,
Graham institute to offer
sustainability certificate
Native American tribes
Daily StaffReporter
Native American remains held in the
University's Museum of Anthropology,
which have long been a topic of contention
within the University community, were
the focus of a workshop yesterday as part
of the University's current theme semester
entitled "Meaningful Objects: Museums
in the Academy."
A group of about 30 anthropologists,
archeologists and concerned members
of the University community gathered to
hear Sven Haakanson, Jr., executive direc-
tor of the Alutiiq Museum in Alaska, speak
and answer questions about relationships
between museums and Native American
tribes. Haakanson also discussed how the
issue of repatriation is often handled at
other museums.
The discussion was organized by the
Ethnography as Activism Workgroup
- a group comprised of mostly Univer-
sity graduate students that is part of the
Rackham Interdisciplinary Workgroup
program and is dedicated to using ethnog-
raphy to promote activism.
Ethnography as Activism held the
event in an effort to continue the dia-
logue regarding the controversy over the
Program will allow
students from different
departments to study
Daily StaffReporter
This upcoming fall semester tlfe Uni-
versity will offer a new program aimed at
encouraging education in sustainability.
The Graham Environmental Sustain-
ability Institute, a partnership of nine
schools and colleges at the University,
announced the launch of the Under-
graduate Sustainability Scholars Pro-
gram last week. Starting next semester,
the interdisciplinary program will offer
a 10-credit series of sustainability cours-
es to students during their junior and
senior years.
Steven Wright, education director at
the Graham Institute, said the goal of the
program is to bring together students
across many disciplines that have an
interest in sustainability.
"A lot of the problems that 'relate to
sustainability, like climate change and
energy, are so complex that we really
need people from different programs
working together to solve them," he said.
Though the program is new, officials
at the institute have been thinking about
initiating the program since the institute
first opened in 2006. Wright said the
institute offers individual courses about
sustainability, but wanted to create a
more coherent program.
Lisa Pappas, marketing communica-
tions director at the institute, said the
scholars program consists of four com-
ponents - an introductory seminar, a
course about the campus and sustain-
ability, an elective course and a place-
based course, which allows students in
the Graham Institute to travel.
Pappas said students in the institute,
though not in the scholars program,
have the opportunity to travel to Kenya
and Camp Davis in Wyoming to study
alternative forms of energy. Students
accepted into the scholars program will
have all their expenses covered for these
courses, Pappas said.
The program will also award its grad-
uating participants a certificate from the
Graham Institute, and the school the
student is graduating from will decide
whether the students will receive a note
on their transcript saying they complet-
ed the program.
Pappas said this distinction should
help attract students who are passionate
about sustainability because it will pro-
vide them with a tangible record of their
"They can receive a unique endorse-
ment to acknowledge this scholastic
achievement, which will be very helpful
in them moving forward in their careers
Anthropologist Sven Haakarson Jr. (left) discusses repatriation of Native American artifacts yesterday.
The University has about 1,400 remains
in its possession, 'which the University
claims are culturally unidentifiable. Under
the Native American Graves Protec-
tion and Repatriation Act, the University
claims it is obligated to keep the remains
until final regulations concerning repa-
triation are released or the United States
Secretary of the Interior instructs the Uni-
versity to release them.
However, several Native American
tribes claim the remains belong to them
and should therefore be returned.
Haakanson said it shouldn't mat-
ter whether it is possible to identify the
remains. He said the Native Americans on
Kodiak Island, Alaska - where his muse-
umis located - accept repatriated remains
even if their ancestry is unknown.
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
More photos from the NCAA press conference.
INDEX NEWS........
Vol. CXX, No.101 OPINION.....
200 The chigan Daily ART ..........
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