The Michigan Daily -
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 7A
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 7A
From Page1A
While five witnesses agreed that
it was a Chevy, and three of the five
said it was a Caprice Classic four-
door sedan, two witnesses were
unsure of the model but said that it
was a grey color.
Brett DeGroff, second-year Law
student and Innocence Clinic stu-
dent attorney, said the two recent
developments -the "factual devel-
opment" of the newly-discovered
documents citing witnesses and
the likelihood that Wiley's testi-
mony from the first trial cannot be
used - are key to keeping Provi-
ence from being put back in jail.
Witness Jannie Halliburton
testified that she was behind the
shooters' grey vehicle and saw part
of the license plate number.
"I don't remember the letters,
but I remember 734," Halliburton
said in a police statement.
The Innocence Clinic obtained
documentation from the prosecu-
tion in December 2009 - filed on
April 26, 2002 - that lists cars
owned by Antrimone Mosley, one
of the Mosley brothers linked to
Hunter's murder and two other
murders unrelated to Provience's
case, according to police officer
progress notes.
The newly-obtained document
states that Mosley owned a 1985
four-door Chevy Caprice Classic
with the license plate 7CXM34
during the time of Hunter's mur-
der, and the Vehicle Identification
Number classifies the vehicle as
In November, Detroit police
officer William Ashford told pros-
ecutors that evidence points to the
Mosley family and not Provience.
Ashford's investigation revealed
the murders of Detroit residents
Courtney Irving and Maurice
"Bangy" Sutherland were linked
to Hunter's homicide in 2000 and
that all three had some connection
to the Mosley family.
Students in the Innocence
Clinic are arguing that the Mos-
leys killed Hunter because the
Mosleys suspected Hunter stole
their trailer full of marijuana. The
students allege the Mosleys mur-
dered Irving a month later because
Irving knew that the Mosleys shot
Hunter. Sutherland was murdered
a few months later when the Mos-
leys also suspected him of stealing
the trailer.
David Moran, co-director of the
Innocence Clinic at the University,
said the Innocence Clinic has filed
discovery motions to gain access
to Irving and Sutherland's homi-
cide files, but the prosecution has
yet to give the documents to the
"We've asked for them, and
we've hit a stone wall," Moran
Robyn Goldberg, second-year
Law student and Innocence Clinic
student attorney, said if the prose-
cution does not give the requested
documents to the Innocence Clin-
ic, the clinic will request that the
judge order them to do so during a
hearing scheduled for March 5.
MSA President Abhishek Mahanti (third from left) and MSA Vice President Mike Rorro (second from left) at last night's MSA
meeting. The assembly passed a resolution in support of the Medical Amnesty Act.
Assembly worked with MSU
student gov. to lobby for bill
From Page 1A
quences for students who want-
ed to help intoxicated friends
receive medical attention.
Because of the MAP at Cor-
nell University, MSA's resolution
* said that there were significant
increases in the number of "alco-
hol-related calls for assistance to
emergency medical services."
t The resolution also stated
that "students were less likely to
report fear of getting an intoxi-
cated person in trouble as a bar-
rier to calling for help."
Jason Raymond, chair of the
External Relations Commit-
tee, said the Ann Arbor Police
Department is sometimes a deter-
rent for students who want to call
an ambulance for a friend but are
intimidated by the police.
From PageA
University alum Rod Gailes OBC
worked with Littlejohn on the proj-
ect and the two decided to continue
their collaboration after seeing the
success of the event. Of those that
attended the event, 10 percent got
tested for HIV/AIDS on the spot,
according to Littlejohn.
OBC, a graduate of New York
University's film program, said he
was eager to sign on to extend the
project because it fits in with most
of his other art, which aims to pro-
mote social change.
"A big thing for me," OBC said,
"is being an artist for social change,
so my work ... needs to have that
kind of thrust."
Littlejohn said one of the reasons
tant is that students don't appreciate
thevalue ingettingtested.
"People our age live (with) this
kind of carefree, I'm invincible
attitude," he said, "so they don't
really take the time to think about
the risks they're taking."
He added that getting tested
isn't going to change the results of
the test.
"Going to get the test isn't going
to make (the results) positive or
negative," he said.
"The Ann Arbor police con-
tinually tell us that they are not
trying to prey on students," Ray-
mond said. "The problem is that
perception exists. Students fear
the police."
According to MSA's resolution,
if House Bill 4867 is passed, the
Michigan Liquor Control Code
will be amended - ultimately
allowing minors to avoid receiv-
ing an MIP if they call 911.
Raymond, a Business School
junior, said the bill is not a way
for students to beat the criminal
justice system. Instead, he said
the act would benefit the lives of
University students.
"It is something that a lot of
students care about," Raymond
said. "The bill isn't a get-out-of-
jail-free card for students that
like to have fun. It's more of a
safety measure."
Raymond said collaboration
with MSU's student government
helped get massive support from
the Michigan House of Represen-
tatives. He said lobbying efforts
toward state Senate approval
might be slow because MSA's
relationship with the Michigan
Senate Committee on Judiciary
is just beginning.
Steven Zuckerman, chair of
MSA's Students Rights Commis-
sion, said the passing of the act
will reiterate a "good Samaritan
"It's about being a good citi-
zen, a good friend," Zucker-
man said. "That legally you are
not going to be reprimanded for
being intoxicated when the more
pressing issue is that your friend
might not be okay."
end result will be if they're intro-
OFFICE HOURS duced in large enough breeding
From Page 1A populations to be successful, but
we shouldn't test that," he said.
According to experts, Asian Marc Gaden, communications
carp breed quickly and eat plank- director and legislative liaison
ton that other native species for the Great Lakes Fishery Com-
need to survive. The fish, which mission, has been working on the
can weigh up to 60 lbs. when issue's policy side for 10 years
mature, can also injure boaters and says pursuing completion of
and anglers when they leap from the new barrier is a slow legisla-
the water. tive process.
Experts and officials are main- "We had to get the original
ly concerned about the fish enter- barrier authorized, we had to
ing Lake Michigan through a get the newer, bigger, stron-
sanitation waterway in Chicago, ger one authorized in 2007 and
which connects the lake to the then we had to get the fund-
Mississippi River drainage. ing for it, which took lobbying
The main measure built to pre- Congress," said Gaden, who is
vent the fish from entering the also an adjunct professor in the
Great Lakes was an attempt in School of Natural Resources and
2009 to strengthen an electrical lecturer in the Program in the
barrier built in the Chicago Sani- Environment.
tary and Ship Canal. "You can see that things aren't
Jim Diana, director of the moving at the speed of light.
Michigan Sea Grant College Pro- Meanwhile, the fish are swim-
gram and professor of fisheries ming toward the lake," Gaden
and aquaculture in the School of said.
Natural Resources, studied Asian As part of his job, Gaden said
carp extensively in China before he routinely speaks with lobby-
they were discovered in Lake ists, journalists and politicians.
Michigan. The new electrical barrier,
Diana said he was unable to however, may not be 100 percent
estimate how many fish entering effective at keeping Asian carp
the lake would allow a population out from flowing into Lake Mich-
to start, but that it's important to igan, according to David Jude, an
keep the carp from moving into adjunct professor in the School of
the lake. Natural Resources.
"What number of fish is neces- Jude helped set voltage limits
sary to actually seed the lake and for the original barrier, which
,get a population growing, I don't successfully deterred a major-
think anybody could tell you," ity of round gobies from passing
Diana said. through the canal:
Though many factors are Jude said the effectiveness of
unclear, Diana said the principle the new barrier is essentially pro-
actors like the Army Corps of portional to the size of the fish -
Engineers and the Environmen- the larger the fish, the more of a
tal Protection Agency shouldn't shock it gets.
wait for the problem to increase "As a result, fish larvae are in
in severity. some cases able to float right on
"We don'tcreally know what the through the barrier and survive
the shock," Jude said, adding that
power failures and floods could
also pose problems.
But unlike the round goby,
Jude said Asian carp require a
long stretch of flowing water in
order to spawn, since their eggs
must stay afloat for two days in
order to hatch.
Despite the barrier's spotty
success with Asian carp, Diana
said the carp would still have
trouble surviving in a lake envi-
"I think the common percep-
tion thatthe carp will be as abun-
dant in the Great Lakes as they
are in the Mississippi River sys-
tem is really not realistic," Diana
said. "There's just not enough
food for them out there in the
deep water, as opposed to the
shallow rivers."
Given this fact, Gaden said
achieving biological separation
- a permanent solution separat-
ing the waterways - is now a
higher priority than temporary
measures like electric barriers
and large scale poisonings called
"fish kills."
"It's a porous system, so we're
talking about a lot of side canals
and confluences where fish can
get in during flooding," Gaden
said. "So now we need to get
the Army Corps of Engineers's
authority to build a permanent
barriers between the Chicago
River and these side streams."
Though Dira said he didn't
think the University would con-
duct research on the subject right
now, he said if the problem con-
tinues to grow people might look
to the University for help.
"If there were a really strong
research question, I could see
that happening, but currently it's
not well-defined enough," Diana
OBC agreed, saying that stu-
dents won't be able to deal with
their status without knowing what
it is. f.
"Knowing your tatus isn't
going change your status," he said.
It's going to make you powerful in
dealing with it."
Through the P2 Initiative, Lit-
tlejohn and OBC said they want to
help students realize that getting
tested for HIV is important not
only for health reasons, but also for
the empowerment that comes with
"knowing your status."
Every week through April 13,
the P2 Initiative will release a new
image portraying confident Uni-
versity students engaged in every-
day activities like a late-night study
date. The images will feature infor-
mation about free and anonymous
HIV testing available every Tues-
day from 6 to 7 p.m. in the MESA
office in the Michigan Union.
ed each of the 10 campaign images
to tell a story, and they recruited a
diverse group of University students
as models so all students would find
the stories relatable.
OBC shot the photographs dur-
ing a weeklong stay in Michigan in
November. He said he designed the
images with the aim that the mod-
els would exude confidence.
OBC added that he wants the
images to function like advertise-
ments for HIV/AIDS testing and to
make students feel like they"want to
buy what (the images are) selling."
In addition to encouraging stu-
dents to get tested, the P2 Initiative
offers a different type of testing
than what is normally available at
UHS. While the results could nor-
mally take up to two weeks, stu-
dents who get tested at MESA will
only have to wait 20 minutes to be
informed of the results of the test.
Littlejohn said the system in
place at UHS, which involved going
to get tested and then returning to
get results, can often be discourag-
ing for students.
"They get the nerve to go the
first time," he said. "But then they
have to get the nerve again to call
back or go back."
Before the P2 Initiative, Little-
john said, Detroit was the clos-
est place where rapid testing was
available. He added that getting
funding to bring it to the Universi-
ty was difficult because Ann Arbor
was not a "high risk" area, but the
P2 Initiative eventually got the
funding through the Washtenaw
County Health Department.
The first testing session took
place on Feb. 2 - the same day as the
release of the first image of the cam-
paign. Four people got tested in that
first hour, according to Littlejohn.
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From Page 1A
markets will begin accepting a
wider variety of materials, which
means that people living in Ann
Arbor will be able torecycle more.
In addition to changing the
recycling system, the partnership
also focuses on educating students
and residents about recycling
With a national increase in the
recycling initiative, Pyle said she is
hopeful students will take the time
to learn about recycling guidelines
and recycle more.
As part of the effort, Pyle has vis-
ited Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority and
will soon be speaking to Lambda
Chi Alpha fraternity. She said the
program is focused on promot-
ing recycling in off-campus hous-
ing locations, because recycling is
already readily accessible for stu-
dents living in residence halls.
Students living off-campus in
houses, apartments, co-ops or
Greek houses often have to go out
of their way to recycle, Pyle said.
Therefore, many students choose
to just throw away their waste
into the trash, when in fact, a large
majority of their products can be
recycled, Pyle said.
"Ihave been arecycling advocate
since I was a little kid. My family
always supported recycling," Pyle
said. "When houses off-campus
request services, I tell them why it
is important to recycle and why we
care about recycling."
Any student living in off-cam-
pus housing can request recycling
bins, according to Pyle. Michigan
Students Advocating Recycling, a
student organization on campus, is
allowing students to pick up recy-
cling bins at certain locations.
Pyle said it is important to make
sure recycled items end up in the
right place, which is one of the rea-
sons why educating students and
residents is so important.
"We want to make sure our col-
lected recyclables have an end use,"
Pyle said. "We do not want the
products to be shipped overseas
and be burned to produce fuel."
For Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010
(March21 toApril 19)
During the next six weeks, make an
extra effort to enjoy solitude in beautiful
surroundings. You need time alone to
pull your act together before you take it,
on the road.
(April 20 to May 20)
The month ahead is a wonderful time
for all group activities. This is just the
beginning of what is truly going to hap-
pen this year, which is that your popular-
ity rating is going to soar!
(May 21 to June 20)
Some of you might develop a crush on
your boss or someone older or richer
during the next month. Others will be
asked for their creative input about
something. (Do it.)
(June 21to July 22)
Travel for pleasure suddenly might be
a possibility for you during the next
month. Espect opportunities to take a
course or further your education as well.
(July 23 toAug. 22)
Gifts, goodies and favors from others
continue to come your way. You're start-
ing to ride the gravy train this year!
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Your relationships definitely are start-
ing to improve. All partnerships - both
intimate and professional - will give
you satisfaction and happiness this year.
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Already you can see opportunities to
improve your job. You will get a better
job or better duties, a better boss or a bet-
ter attitude. Something improves!
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Grub any opportunity to go on vaca-
tion. Romance, love affairs, sports and
playful activities with children are
sources of joy.
(Nov. 22to Dec. 21)
You definitely can improve home rela-
tionships this year, starting now.
Similarly, some of you will improve
your domestic scene in practical ways as
well. Ka-ching!
(Dec. 22to Jan. 19)
In the month ahead, you will have
more opportunities to see how much
love there is in your everyday world.
Lucky you. (Look around you.)
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Expect to shop for beautiful items for
yourself and others in the nest sis
weeks. You might buy art or other luxu-
rious things. Others can dream up new
ways of earning money!
(Feb. 19to March 20)
Relations with everyone start to
improve now. You find it easy to be
charming, witty, sympathetic and enter-
taining. Everyone wants to be in your
presence. These good vibes are going to
continue for all of 2010!
YOU BORN TODAY You enjoy your
comforts and luxuries. You also know
how to capitalize on any situation
quickly. ousneeda lot of freedom in lihfe
because you mnist on doing your own
thing. You're original and inventive. You
are quick to show your appreciation to
others. In the year ahead, you will have
an opportunity to learn something valu-
able and important to you.
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a2010 King Features Syndicate, Inc.