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February 09, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-02-09

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Once innocuous, Dora the
Explorer's makeover sends
the wrong message. )PAGE 5

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


SACUA votes
to overhaul
DPS oversight

LSA senior Adam Runkle (back left) and Engineering junior Adrian Calderon (back middle) go over notes while LSA junior Brian Lee (front right) reads at an adult and
transfer student study group held at the Chemistry Building last week.
Life at'U' offers mix of benefits
and hardships for adult students

Plan would split
between tenure,
non-tenure faculty
Daily News Editor
The process of electing fac-
ulty members to the Department
of Public Safety Oversight Com-
mittee caused a heated debate at
yesterday's meeting of the Senate
Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs.
While some present at the meet-
ing were not immediately satisfied
with the proposed election proce-
dures, SACUA - the leading fac-
ulty governance body on campus
- passed a resolution outlining
how faculty members would be
elected to the DPS Oversight ConS-
mittee - a policy that will take
The oversight committee is an
organization that is meant to act
as a check on University Police
and investigate grievances filed
against the Department of Public

The election procedures passed
by SACUA will accommodate a
decision to split faculty elections
between tenured faculty and non-
tenured faculty, so that each votes
only for the representative within
their respective group.
SACUA will be charged with
overseeing the election of a rep-
resentative for members of the
Senate:Assembly - a body of
more than 4,000 tenured faculty,
researchers and librarians - while
Human Resources will head the
election for more than 2,300 non-
tenured faculty.
Approval of the revised faculty
election procedures will set the
faculty election process in motion
for the first time since 2001, when
the last election of a faculty mem-
ber to the oversight committee
took place. Michigan statute Pub-
lic Act 120 requires the election
of student, staff and faculty rep-
resentatives to the committee -
with each member nominated and
elected by its respective constitu-
While the decision to hold a
faculty election will bring elec-
tions to the committee more in
line with legal requirements, no
See SACUA, Page 7

813 adult students
enrolled at the
University last year
For the Daily
Before setting foot in Angell
Hall, Brian Lee, a 27-year-old LSA

student, had already had "the best
four years" of his life.
Prior to enrolling at the Uni-
versity, Lee served in the U.S.
Air Force at a base in Califor-
nia. Though he wouldn't give up
those four years for anything, Lee
decided it was now time to pursue
his college degree.
"In our society today, it is
what's expected when you want

to get any kind of job whatsoever,"
Lee said. "When you're trying to
write a resume, if you don't have
a college background, that auto-
matically lessens your chances of
being able to get hired."
Lee is one of 813 adult students
who were enrolled at the Univer-
sity last year. And because the
University recognizes undergrad-
uate students over the age of 24 as

financially independent, many of
them receive extensive financial
Adam Runkle, co-president of
the Organization for Adult and
Transfer Students, is a 27-year-
old transfer student from Kalam-
azoo Valley Community College.
He said being above the age of 24
brings with it a financial advan-

South U. mainstay Mitch's
Place closes due to economy


Employee: Landlord
offered no help to
keep bar open
Mitch's Place, a mainstay in
the South University Avenue bar
scene, known for its cheap beer
and comfortable atmosphere,
closed last night due to econom-
ic concerns, according to a bar

Jody Thompson, who is listed
as a contact on the bar's website,
wrote in an
e-mail to First reported on
The Michi- Mchigdn,; ally com
gan Daily
last night that in light of the
economic recession the bar was
forced to close.
"We have closed," Thompson
wrote in the e-mail. "The eco-
nomic downturn has forced us to
close our doors, we could not get
any relief from the landlord."

Though there was no infor-
mation regarding the permanent
closing of the bar on Mitch's web-
site last night, the website stated
that the bar was closed yesterday.
Students on campus had mixed
reactions upon hearing the news
last night.
First-year Law student Colleen
Manwell said she is sad to see the
bar go. She added that during her
time at the University as an under-
graduate, she had heard the lore of
Mitch's from older students, who
See MITCH'S, Page 7

'U' hires new Athletic Dept. official

Texas's Elizabeth
Heinrich will fill
vacant compliance
office post
Daily News Editor
The University recently hired
Elizabeth Heinrich to join the
Athletic Compliance Division of
Michigan's Athletic Department.
An official announcement of
the hire has not yet been made,
but Associate Athletic Director
for Compliance Judy Van Horn
confirmed the hire in an e-mail
to The Michigan Daily yester-

day. The hire is a routine replace-
ment for a vacated position, not
an expansion of the compliance
office, Van Horn wrote.
Heinrich will begin her role
as Assistant Athletic Director
for Compliance later this week,
replacing Matt Stolberg who left
the Athletic Department in Janu-
ary. Stolberg left to accept a posi-
tion at Penn State University as
its Associate Athletic Director for
"I am pleased to announce
Elizabeth Heinrich as a new
employee with the Athletic
Department's Compliance Ser-
vices Office staff," Van Horn
wrote. "Elizabeth begins her ten-
ure as Assistant Athletic Director
for Compliance with the Univer-

sity of Michigan later this week."
Heinrich comes to the Uni-
versity after working for the past
four years as compliance coordi-
nator for the University of Texas
at Austin.
"She has been highly esteemed
by the Texas coaches and staff,"
Van Horn wrote in an e-mail.
"In addition, Elizabeth is provid-
ing national leadership with the
National Association for Athletics
Compliance's Reasonable Stan-
dards Committee."
Prior to working at Texas,
Heinrich worked for several years
at a law firm in Boston and for one
year at the NCAA, where she spe-
cialized in secondary infraction
with the agents, gambling and

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S TiUsD E NT GOocVsEnR stEiNtT
Ross student gov. changes its constitution

New document
revamps the makeup
of the governing body
Daily StaffReporter
The Ross School of Business
Student Government Associa-
tion recently passed a new and
shortened version of the body's
constitution. In the process, the
constitution went from seven to

four pages and the bylaws went
from 23 to 13 pages and revamped
the governing body's structure.
Previously the Ross SGA was
split up into two bodies under the
executive board: Bachelor of Busi-
ness Administration SGA and the
Masters of Business Administra-
tion SGA. The old structure also
had a governing body of non-vot-
ing members that would advise the
council. Now, the SGA Executive
board oversees three councils: the
Graduate Council, the BBA Coun-
cil and the Part-time MBA council.

The constitution was passed last
week by leaders of each set of Ross
SGA constituents with a 97-per-
cent approval rate. According to
the Ross SGA Constitution syn-
opsis given to the representatives
who were voting on the change,
the main reasons for the revisions
were to "create a structure that
better represents all Ross stu-
dents," and to "simplify the consti-
tution and give a more appropriate
level of detail when needed."
Christine Baron, who recently
See SGA, Page 7


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INDEX NEWS...........
Vol. CXX, No.90 SODUKIU......
Q010 The Mchigan Daily O P I N I O N.....

...2 ARTS....................5
.3 CLASSIFIEDS..... .........
.4 SPO RTS................... ........ B...8


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