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February 03, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-02-03

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' TMichigan guard Manny Harris said last night he's coming back for his senior year. But is he having second thoughts about those comments? PAGE 8A

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



to ch.
economy at
State of State

The Scott Brown Experience performs at UMMA yesterday as part of a series entitled Masterpieces Revealed: Music of the Bad Plus. The band is composed of students.
AMSA e.rsgs i-etn

Hull claimed he was
verbally attacked
during meeting
Daily StaffReporter
Rackham representative Tim
Hull quit in a bout of passion at last
night's Michigan Student Assem-
bly meeting. Hull claimed that he
was being verbally attacked multi-
ple times by representatives at the
end of the meeting.
After being the last speaker

during Matters Arising - a time
for any member to address MSA
concerns - Hull threw down his
agenda and walked out of the con-
ference room.
A three-minute recess request-
ed by School of
Public Health NOTEBOOK
Hamdam Yousef followed Hull's
verbal resignation. During this
time, MSA Vice President Michael
Rorro talked to Hull in a private
In an interview after the meeting,
Rorro said he wished to keep the
conversation he had with Hull con-

fidential to respect Hull's privacy.
After the meeting, MSA Presi-
dent Abhishek Mahanti said he
had no comment regarding Hull's
desire to resign from MSA.
According to MSA procedure,
an MSA representative must have
a written resignation to make the
withdrawal official.
Mahanti said he has not yet talk-
ed to Hull regarding his resignation.
At last night's meeting debate
erupted over money allocated for

an MSA retreat to Mahanti's house
in Okemos, Mich. that took place
last weekend.
In a viewpoint published Feb. 1
in The Michigan Daily, LSA fresh-
man Sean Walser, an MSA repre-
sentative, expressed concern about
MSA's internal funding allocations
for the assembly's winter 2010
At last week's MSA meeting, the
assembly passed a resolution that
allocated $300 for the retreat in
Walser said during the meeting
and in the viewpoint that the sum
See MSA, Page 7A

Legislators, experts
expect governor to
discuss reform
Daily StaffReporter
Amidst an economic down-
turn that's hit the state of Michi-
gan especially hard and dropping
approval ratings, Democratic
Gov. Jennifer Granholm will give
her last State of the State address
tonight in Lansing.
Each year the governor is
required to give the address to
a joint session of the Michigan
House and Senate and report his
or her plans and priorities for the
coming year. This is Granholm's
eighth and, because of term limits,
final year inoffice.
In recent interviews, state leg-
islators, University experts and
campus political group leaders
said they expect the governor will
discuss her reform initiatives to
battle Michigan's current eco-
nomic troubles before she leaves
office next year.
Among the state's most pressing

concerns is its unemploymentrate,
which currently stands at 14.3 per-
cent as of December - the worst
unemployment rate in the country
- according to the United States
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Addi-
tionally, the state's 2010 budget
has a $2.8 billion shortfall, accord-
ing to The Associated Press.
State Sen. Liz Brater (D-Ann
Arbor) said she anticipates Gran-
holm will discuss how to expand
employment opportunities for
Michigan citizens and prevent
them from facing further financial
"I think (Granholm) will
address major issues concern-
ing Michigan and the state of
the economy, such as the need
to create job security for Michi-
gan citizens, and other economic
insecurities, such as that danger
of losing one's home, and all sorts
of other economic perils that are
facing the citizens of the state of
Michigan," she said.
Donald Grimes, senior research
associate at the University's
Institute for Research on Labor,
Employment, and the Economy,
said he thinks Granholm will dis-

ELECTION 2010 O.~5
Longtime A2 activist to enter
race for county commissioner

Mike Fried will
square off against
LSA senior Rabhi
Daily StaffReporter
Continuing his involvement in
the community over the past 50
years, Ann Arbor resident and
University alum resident Mike
Fried recently announced his
plan to run for the Washtenaw
County Commissioner position
for the 11th district.
Fried has lived in Ann Arbor
since 1959, when he was a student

atthe University. Currently on the
Criminal Justice Collaborative
Council of the Washtenaw County
Commission, Fried said he hopes
to amplify his involvement on the
commission to address pressing
local issues.
Fried - who was the first assis-
tant director of the University's
Institute for Public Policy Studies
- currently serves on the board of
the Fleetwood Resolution Center
and is the treasurer of the Jew-
ish Family Services of Washtenaw
Fried was the chief of admin-
istration at the Wayne County
Prosecuting Attorney's Office
after working there for 26 years.

Now that he's retired, Fried said
he decided he has the time to take
on a leading role in the county.
Fried said his activism in the
community allowed him to notice
prominent issues within Washt-
enaw County, prompting him to
take a larger role in addressing
these problems.
"Right now the county is, as
we all are, suffering from some
difficult times, and I think I can
make a contribution," he said.
"I thought this would be a good
opportunity to help out. I've been
going around asking people what
are things they think local gov-
ernment can do to improve the
See FRIED, Page 7A

Some fraternities choose to stay outside IFC

Fraternities still
manage to recruit
new members, even
without formal rush
Daily Staff Reporter
Though many fraternities enjoy
benefits and assistance from the
Interfraternity Council - the
governing body in charge of most
fraternities on campus - there
* are some social fraternities that

choose not to be part of the orga-
Fraternities that are part of the
IFC are required to follow the
organization's rules regarding
social functions, recruitment and
other aspects of Greek Life. For
their part, the IFC helps facilitate
recruitment and other important
Though most social fraterni-
ties on campus are part of the IFC,
Sigma Phi and Sigma Nu are two
of the few fraternities who aren't,
though the former chose to depart
the organization, while the latter
was forced out.

LSA senior Nikolas Tyckows-
ki, president of Sigma Phi, better
known as "Metal Frat," said the
fraternity decided to leave the IFC
because it wasn't getting enough
benefits from the organization to
see the value in remaining a mem-
"We just weren't utilizing any
of the things they had in place," he
said. "We're able to self-sustain."
One important function of the
IFC is facilitating recruitment
according to Chris Haughee, assis-
tant director of Greek Life. He said
the IFC has a facilitated recruit-

The former location of In-N-Out on East University Avenue could be replaced by a restaurant after being closed since the
spring. Some students say they would prefer a convenience store in the spot.
Restaurant could move in
at formner In-N- Out space
Landlord in space previously occupied by the are doing significant remodeling
In-N-Out Pizza convenience store to the building in order to prepare
talks with three may soon be home to a restaurant. for the new tenants. Some of the
Cpmi Inc., the real estate agen- construction includes creating a
restaurants about cy who leases the building where handicap-accessible entryway,
.h b In-N-Out was located, is looking installing new display windows
leasing the building to rent the space at 615 East Uni- and doing repair work to the walls
versity Avenue to possibly one of and floor.
By JENNIFER DOMINGUE three restaurants. But students Grant said the In-N-Out ten-
For the Daily living in the area said they would ants let the building fall behind
prefer to see a store similar to In- on repairs, and the building needs
After more than 20 years of N-Out instead of a restaurant in to be updated in order to compete
serving as a one-stop convenience the space. with surrounding businesses.
shop, featuring candy, soft drinks, Cpmi Inc. Lease Administra- "These are necessary improve-
beer and pizza by the slice, the tor Peggy Grant said the landlords See IN-N-OUT, Page 7A

Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
TO MOR ROW ,v LO: 25 news@michigandailycom and let us know.

Al's Snyder to launch campaign during Superbowl.

INDEX NEW S .................................2A CLASSIFIEDS............h.....A...6A
Vol. CXX, No. 86 OPINION............ .........4A SPORTS.......................... A
-2h'OTie chr ARTS..................5A THE STATEMENT..................IB

1 4


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