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February 01, 2010 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-02-01

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a The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, February 1, 2010 - 3A


The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, February 1, 2010 - 3A

* Granholm: Obama
stimulus plan gave
Michigan 42K jobs
President Barack Obama's eco-
nomic stimulus plan has created
42,000 jobs in Michigan in the
past six months and deserves a
chance to succeed, Gov. Jennifer
Granholm said.
Granholm, who appeared yes-
terday on political talk shows on
CBS and CNN, said Obama's ini-
tiatives to create jobs and reward
new U.S. manufacturing jobs
with tax credits is creating hope
among Michigan and other man-
ufacturing-dependent states that
have been hit hard by job losses.
"Now we see over 3 million jobs
being created by the stimulus,"
she said on CBS' "Face the Nation.
"And just quickly, one of the
things that is unique to Michigan
* and maybe to some other states
who have our problem with the
loss of manufacturing jobs, what
he has done is given us hope to
transform and diversify."
Granholm, speaking on CNN's
"State of the Union," noted Michi-
gan is "the poster child of the glob-
al shift in manufacturing jobs."
Pentagon to begin
ending gay military
service ban
The Defense Department starts
the clock next week on what is
expected to be a several-year pro-
cess in lifting its ban on gays from
serving openly in the military.
A special investigation into how
the ban can be repealed without
hurting the morale or readiness
of the troops was expected to be
announced Tuesday by Defense
Secretary Robert Gates and Adm.
Mike Mullen, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
While the review is likely to
take the better part of this year
to complete, and even more
time to implement, its initiation
will advance President Barack
Obama's goal of repealing the ban
and bring a divisive issue for the
military back to the fore.
At the White House, officials
continued reviewing options to
repeal theClinton-era poliqy that
the president vowed to repeal. The
administration still believes that
any repeal should start in Con-
gress and have the backing of top
military leaders.
13 students killed at
* party along violent
Mexico border
Armed men stormed a party in
a violent Mexican border city, kill-
ing 13 high school and college stu-
dents in what witnesses thought
was an attack prompted by false
The deaths in Ciudad Juarez
were part of a total of 24 people
killed across Mexico since Satur-

day in violence caused by ongo-
ing turf battles between powerful
drug cartels.
About two dozen teens and
young adults were hospitalized
following the late Saturday assault
in Ciudad Juarez, one of the dead-
d liest cities in the world located
across the border from El Paso,

From Page 1A
Lawyers Club contains an area of
office space called Block P. The
Law School is temporarily rent-
ing the space from the Lawyers
Club for use while its facilities
are being expanded and renovat-
ed over the next two years.
Though the office spaces in
Block P produce a lot of paper
waste just like any other office
would, there currently aren't any
means to recycle there either.
Officials from the Law School
and Lawyers Club disagree on
who is in charge of overseeing
recycling in Block P.
Law School officials claim
the responsibility for recycling
in Block P falls on the Lawyers
Club. But Lawyers Club officials
said because the offices are a
part of the Law School, it's the
school's responsibility to moni-
tor the recycling program.
Nafranowicz said there are
currently plans in the works to
install recycling bins in Block
P, though she couldn't specify a
Aliza Cohen, a second-year
Law student and president of
the Law School Student Senate,
said that recycling has "been a
concern of the student body for
a while." But, she added that the
Senate has only been minimally
involved in the recycling issue.
"Student Senate has largely
been aware of the issue, but
we've been also aware that the
Environmental Law Society has
From Page 1A
ject.org, each uncounted citizen
causes his or her community to
lose around $1,200 a year in fed-
eral funding.
Neidert said in the past, stu-
dents have typically had low
response rates to the census.
"The main reason I think is
that there is a misunderstanding
about the census residence rules,"
Neidert said.
She explained that most stu-
dents do not realize they need
to fill out a census form based on
where they're living at the time.
"Let's say you're from New
Jersey, you would be counted in
Ann Arbor, and you would not be
counted on your parents' census
form," she said. "You are counted
where you are living and eating
most of the time."
The census is meant to count
people who are living in a spe-
cific location on April 1. Neidert
said this might be a problem if
students think they should fill
out the form based onowhere they
will be living after the semester is
Neidert added that interna-
tional students often experience
some confusion with regard to
the census, because they think
they are exempt from filling it out
since they aren't U.S. citizens.
"Our census is one where
everyone is counted, so you don't
have to be a citizen," she said.
The University's census cam-
paign aims to clear up these mis-
understandings. The hope is to

been working on it as a part of
their initiatives, so we haven't
been really doing much," Cohen
Edward Schexnayder, a sec-
ond-year Law student and an
officer in the Environmental
Law Society, wasn't willing to
disclose any details, but he said
the group is working with the
Lawyers Club to improve the
recycling situation.
"We are hoping to work with
(administrators) in coming up
with a way for students in the
Lawyers Club to have more
immediate recycling access,"
Schexnayder said.
Schexnayder has never lived
in the Lawyers Club, but agreed
recycling in the building is a
"In order to recycle, you have
to take all of your stuff out of the
quad and walk it all the way over
(to the central recycling loca-
tion), which can be a significant
hurdle," Schexnayder said.
Carl Margrabe, second-year
Law student and former Law-
yers Club resident, shared simi-
lar sentiments.
He said students tend to
throw away materials as a mat-
ter of convenience, rather than
traveling across the Law Quad to
If bins were around the area,
Margrabe added, then people
would use them.
"I'm sure most people want
to recycle," he said. "It's just
not something you're going to
go completely out of your way
to do."
improve the low response rates
from University students in the
last census.
While the national response
rate was 67 percent and Ann
Arbor's response rate was 76 per-
cent for the 2000 census, one Ann
Arbor neighborhood - made up
of predominantly student-based
housing - had an approximately
38-percent response rate.
The U.S. Census Bureau sends
out follow-up investigators -
called census takers - to low
response areas in late April after
the census forms are due, but
since students tend to move out of
housing around that same time,
many of these efforts are ineffec-
tive in college towns.
While students will be study-
ing for finals and making gradu-
ation plans around the time the
census is due, Neidert said stu-
dents shouldn't be concerned
about the amount of time needed
to fill out the form.
She estimated that students
living in residence halls on
campus can expect to answer
only five or six questions, while
students living in off-campus
apartments or houses will only
have to answer a few more than
Neidert said it's important
for students to fill out the forms
because answering about 10
questions for roughly 10 minutes
can give the Ann Arbor commu-
nity about $10,000 per person
in federal funds over the next
- Daily News Editor Stephanie
Steinberg contributed to this report.

Obamas $3.8 trillion budget
heading to Congress today

Proposed budget
would see increased
taxes on the wealthy,
spending freeze
dent Barack Obama's proposed
budget predicts the national defi-
cit will crest at a record-breaking
almost $1.6 trillion in the current
fiscal year, then start to recede in
2011 to just below $1.3 trillion.
Still, the administration's new
budget to be released today says
deficits over the next decade will
average 4.5 percent of the size of
the economy, a level that econo-
mists say is dangerously high if not
A congressional official provided
the information, which comes from

a White House summary document
circulating freely on Capitol Hill
and among Washington's lobbyists.
The official spoke on condition of
anonymity because the spending
proposal was not supposed to be
made public until today..
Details of the administra-
tion's budget headed for Congress
include an additional $100 billion
to attack painfully high unem-
ployment. The proposed $3.8 tril-
lion budget would provide billions
more to pull the country out of the
Great Recession while increasing
taxes on the wealthy and imposing
a spending freeze on many govern-
ment programs.
Administration projections
show the deficit never dropping
below $700 billion, even under
assumptions that war costs will
drop precipitously to just $50 bil-
lion in some years instead of more

than three times that this year and
White House spokesman Rob-
ert Gibbs said the administra-
tion believed "somewhere in the
$100 billion range" would be the
appropriate amount for a new jobs
measure made up of a business
tax credit to encourage hiring,
increased infrastructure spend-
ing and money from the govern-
ment's bailout fund to get banks to
increase loans to struggling small
That price tag would be below
a $174 billion bill passed by the
House in December but far higher
than a measure that could come to
the Senate floor this week.
Gibbs said it was important for
Democrats and Republicans to put
asidetheir differences to pass abill
that addresses jobs, the country's
No. 1 concern.

From Page 1A
were more cases documented
because not all ill students visited
the health service for treatment.
"We were only seeing the tip of
the iceberg at the health service,"
Winfield said.
Winfield said the number of
H1N1 cases seen at UHS has
reduced significantly since its peak
in the second week of September,
when up to 52 cases were seen each
day. Five months later, during the
first two weeks of January, there
were aboutoneto two casesperday.
However, there was an increase
last week, when UHS saw around
seven cases each day.
Winfield said the CDC recom-
mends that people do not see a
doctor unless they're actually sick
and said that UHS encouraged stu-
dents to follow that policy so that
the health service could accommo-
date those who were sick.
"We were trying very hard not
to overwhelm ourselves," Winfield
Despite the decrease in the
number of cases since September,
Winfield advised students to con-
tinue to get vaccinated, adding that
they shouldn't grow complacent.
He said UHS anticipates a third
wave of the H1Nlvirus in February
or March of this year.
According to Winfield, approxi-
mately 8,000 H1N1 vaccines have
been administered on campus
since November. Students receive
the vaccine for free, while faculty
and staff have to pay an adminis-

tration fee set by the government.
UHS will continue to give out
vaccines for students and Univer-
sity employees who stilliwant to get
While much of the hype around
the virus has appeared to die
down on campus, Winfield said he
doesn't think the University over-
reacted in preparing for it. Unless
students were sick, Winfield said
they weren't directly affected by
policies related to the virus.
He added that the University
could have suspended classes, but
it didn't, and flu prevention efforts
went as planned.
"We had prepared for some-
thing more severe, but we certainly
don't think (we) inconvenienced
campus," Winfield said. "I'm
pretty pleased with the way things
worked out."
Like Winfield, national public
health officials remain cautious,
as they do not want to repeat mis-
takes made duringthe 1957 flu pan-
demic, which killed 70,000 people
in the United States.
Kathleen Sebelius, secretary
of the U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services, said in a
press conference last week that
the spread of the flu dropped in
December and January during
the 1957 outbreak. She said health
officials at the time thought the
worst of the pandemic was over
and stopped encouraging people
to getvaccinated. As a result, there
was an unexpected increase in the
number of hospitalizations and
deaths due to the flu in March 1958.
"Flu is unpredictable," Sebelius
said in the press conference.

Dr. Stephen Redd, director of
the Influenza Coordination Unit
at the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, said in
the press conference that health
officials know that flu pandemics
come in waves, and cited spring
and winter waves that occurred in
the 1918 and 1957 flu outbreaks.
But this time, officials say they
are prepared.
Sebelius said in the press con-
ference that there is a lot of the
HIN vaccine still available, and it
is imperative for peopleto continue
to protect themselves and get vac-
cinated against the HIN virus if
they haven't already.
As of Jan. 28, more than
118,000,000 have been shipped
to hospitals, clinics and health
departments in the country.
Even if people get a mild case
of the virus, Sebelius said they
can pass it on to more susceptible
people like pregnant women and
children with asthma.
The H1N1 virus was first detect-
ed last April. It continued to be
transmitted through the summer,
during the time of year when flu
is not normally spread. Redd said
in the press conference that there
was an increase in the virus in late
August, around the time when col-
lege students went back to school.
Redd added that the virus is still
circulating around the country.
Among children and college stu-
dents, an estimated one fourth of
the population has been infected
with the virus, he said. This figure
is much higher than what is usu-
ally seen in the normal period of
seasonal flu.

Fellowship Opportunities
The Center for Ethics in Public Life is pleased to announce its Fellowship Programs
for the 2010-11 academic year. Fellowships are available for University of Michigan
Doctoral candidates, Pre-candidates, and Undergraduates.
The Dissertation Fellowship Program provides summer support for doctoral students who
have achieved candidacy and who are writing dissertations that engage ethics in public life.
The Pre-Candidate Fellowship Program provides summer support for pre-candidate
doctoral students who plan to incorporate ethics in their dissertations.
The Undergraduate Fellowship Program provides support for undergraduates to develop,
explore, and pursue research or activities related to ethics in public life for the
UM community.
Fellows will receive a stipend of $4,000. Applications are due February 22, 2010.
For further details and application materials, please visit www.ethics.umich.edu.


sOq-2tewisw Prinset Revtawvcom
Jordan authorities C. . niei.. Fo.e"
arrest militants
linked to attack 5
A Jordanian security official
says authorities have arrested
dozens of Muslim militants in
connection with a failed bomb
attack on Israeli diplomats. 8 7 5 4 1
The official said yesterday
that dozens have been detained
in a police crackdown mostly on
Salafists - militants who seek to
revive strict Muslim doctrine dat- 6 9 5 4 1 2
ing back to the era of the 6th Cen-
tury Prophet Muhammad.
He said the crackdown was
continuing across Jordan.
The official declined to pro-7
vide other details and insisted on
anonymity because he was not 8 6 3
allowed to speak to the media.
No one was killed or injured in T
the Jan. 14 attack on a convoy of
Israeli diplomats heading home T
for the weekend. It was the first 1 6 4 5
roadside bombing in Jordan and
exposed a security gap for Israeli 8
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports

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