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January 25, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-01-25

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e ,The Michigan basketball team - without
pleases no one. Manny Harris after a suspension - falls to
PAGE 8A No.15 Purdue in West Lafayette. aPAGE1B
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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, January 25, 2010

For problems
with DPS, a
choice of two
distinct paths

Lieutenant Carl Hein of the Ann Arbor Fire Department shows where a team of firefighters threw a burning mattress out the window of a room in Baits I yesterday.
After microwave mishap starts

Depending on
how one files a case,
outcome could have
different implications
Daily News Editor
The main function of the Depart-
ment of Public Safety Oversight
Committee is to make sure campus
police officers are acting in accor-
dance with internal policies and
state laws governing their actions.
The committee does this by
addressing citizens' grievances
against campus police officers and
making recommendations to Uni-
versity officials so that action can be
taken to amend a situation and pre-
vent it from happening again.
When someone has a problem
with DPS, campus policy dictates
that acitizenhastwo options totake
action: file a complaint with DPS
itself or file a grievance with the
DPS Oversight Committee.
A grievance is essentially the
same thing as a complaint, except
that a different body handles the
When a citizen files a complaint,
DPS officials handle the investiga-
tion themselves, and the oversight

committee is only notified about it
when it's completed. On the other
hand, if a citizen files a grievance
with the oversight committee, there
is a possibility that top University
officials could review the grievance.
While a DPS officer may be pun-
ished as a result of a complaint, Uni-
versity executives have the power
to change policies to try to prevent
a similar-incident from occurringin
the future.
But a detailed look at the two
separate processes sheds light on
how similar issues may be handled
differently by each system - and the
implicationsthose differences could
have on a case's ultimate outcome
and its impact on campus police
policy moving forward.
Any citizen who has a problem
with an officer or DPS can go to DPS
and directly file a complaint. With
this option, the incident is not thor-
oughly reviewed by the oversight
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown
said DPS deals with complaints on
an individual basis.
"We look at what the initial com-
plaint is, and depending on thatspe-
cific complaint and the severity of

Eight students
displaced from their
rooms last night
Daily Staff Reporter
Eight students were unable to
return to their rooms last night
after a microwave mishap set a
Baits II Residence Hall room on
University Police spokes-

woman Diane Brown confirmed
that fire alarms went off in Cross
House in Baits II Residence Hall
just before 3
p.m. yester- First seen on
day for what - w
was later
deemed a
structural fire by the Ann Arbor
Fire Department. No injuries
were reported.
The fire started when a student
tried to reheat food in a container
in his microwave, Brown said.
After a few moments, the food and

container caught fire.
Brown said the studentstopped
the microwave and tried to
remove the container when some
of the burning material dropped
onto a pile of clothes on the floor.
That is when, according to Brown,
"everything ignited."
The student ran out of the room
and was uninjured, Brown said.
Because Cross House is not yet
equipped with a sprinkler system,
firefighters used a hose to put out
the fire, according to Brown.
LSA freshman Ankur Shah said

he was walking from his room
in Baits I when he saw a ladder
leading up to a window at Cross
House. According to Shah, the
window appeared to be broken in,
and smoke was pouring out.
Shah said he and other students
observed that smoke continued to
come out of the room for longer
than he expected.
"We thought the fire was
out," he said, "but apparently it
Brown said that much of the
See FIRE, Page 2A

Student groups bring health
care reform debate to campus

A2 landmark to shut its doors

College Dems,
Republicans look to
mobilize students
Daily Staff Reporter
With the debate over health
care reform raging around the
country and in the halls of Con-
gress, campus organizations are
mobilizing to try and bring the
conversation to the Diag.
The most recent health care
reform bill passed in the United
States Senate on Dec. 24 of last

year. A conference committee
will now meet to reconcile the
differences between the United
States House of Representatives
and Senate's version of the bill.
The House's version will cost
more than an estimated $1 tril-
lion, while the Senate's version
will cost about $848 billion over
the next decade.
The House seeks to extend
health care coverage to roughly
40 million uninsured Americans
by reducing the cost of health
care, while the Senate's bill pro-
poses to expand health care cov-
erage to approximately 31million
uninsured Americans through

various subsidies and mandates.
It also requires that Medicaid
services are provided to 15 mil-
lion additional people.
The University's chapter of
College Republicans has been
bringing in experts to provide
students with a conservative per-
spective on health care reform
and explain their opposition to
the legislation. Meanwhile, the
University's chapter of College
Democrats has been working to
garner support from students
and ordinary voters for health
care reform.
Almost every week since

After 58 years, John
Leidy Shop will
close in February
Daily StaffReporter
After 58 years of selling
chotchkies and china on East
Liberty Street, the John Leidy
Shop will close its doors at the
end of February.
Since the shop's opening in

1951 bytAnn Arbor resident John
Leidy, the store has been known
as a high-end family gift shop,
which sells fine china and other
goods. But, as has been the case
with many mom-and-pop shops,
the economy and the changing
gift shop market took a toll on
the store, prompting the family
to decide to close the shop.
"It wasn't something we
decided a year ago and just
announced," said Leidy's son,
Peter Leidy. "It was just the
economy and changing practices

in the way people do theirshop-
ping. It wan a recent, final deci-
sion after a long couple of years
heading in a direction we would
have liked to turn around."
Since the family's announce-
ment in late December, the shop
has received an outpouring of
community support and has been
very busy with customers who
are taking advantage of their last
chance to buy the store's unique
merchandise. The family hopes
this business will continue until
See LEIDY, Page 5A


Official: Second Restaurant Week was
'incredibly successful' for local eateries

Restaurants were drawing patrons to downtown
Ann Arbor restaurants during
packed during a usually slow time, according
to Maura Thomson, director of
the normally slow Ann Arbor's Main Street Area
month of January The event - which lasted
from Jan. 17 through Jan. 22
By ROBIN VEECK - gave customers the chance
For theDaily to try Ann Arbor restaurants
at heavily discounted prices.
Ann Arbor Restaurant Week, During Restaurant Week, par-
was "incredibly successful" at ticipating restaurants offered

a selection of $12 lunches and
$25 three-course dinners. Some
lower priced restaurants like
Parthenon Restaurant and Old
Town Tavern offered two-for-
one meal deals.
The first Ann Arbor Res-
taurant Week last June drew
patrons to 23 participating
downtown restaurants. The
most recent Restaurant Week
featured 28 participating res-

Cadence Dance Company, a campus dance group, performs at the Mendelssohn Theater of the Michigan League on Saturday.
The group places an emphasis on modern and lyrical dance and features pieces set to The Beatles and MGMT.

Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
TOMORROW news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

The wonders of frozen fruits and veggies.

INDEX NEWS.........
Vol. CXX, No. 79 SUDOKU....
010 The Michigan Daily OPINION....

....................2A CLASSIFIEDS.................
......................3A A R T S ............................
....................4A SPORTSMONDAY...........



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