4A -Monday, December 14, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com * E-MAIL CHRIS AT CSKOSLOW@UMICH.EDU 74C e MC4,6,gan D CHRIS KOSLOWSKI Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu GARY GRACA ROBERT SOAVE COURTNEY RATKOWIAK EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Until proven guilty U should not lower burden of proof for student violations here is no question that certain behavior is unacceptable for University students. The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities is correct to hold students to a high stan- dard of personal conduct. But no matter how inexcusable a violation of the code may be, the University should not lower the standard of proof for determining whether a violation has occurred. The Mich- igan Student Assembly, which retracted its support of an amend- ment to the code that would have lowered the standard, did the right thing when it changed its position. Now, University officials should recognize the gravity of lowering the burden of proof and end their pursuit of such an amendment. Instead, the preventative education being done during University orientation and by student groups should continue. think I can see God. You're scaring me. Nothats just what happens C when you eat a bag of cofee beants durdng finals week TI -t Obama's fighting words J m sure I wasn't the only per- son in the world feeling a little miffed as President Barack Obama accepted an undeserved Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, just AL nine days after committing 30,000 more U.S. troops to a hopeless war in Afghanistan.L While Obama cited accomplishments ROBERT like the closing SOAVE down of the Guan- tanamo Bay deten- tion camp, the bulk of his acceptance speech was a ring- ing defense of the necessity of waging "just" wars. And for Obama, Afghani- stan is one of those wars. The hawkish nature of Obama's speech was shocking. What hap- pened to the man who opposed the troop surge in Iraq? What happened to the man who promised a foreign policy that was markedly different from his predecessor? When I look back on President George W. Bush and compare him with Obama, I see two imperialist presidents who fought two interventionist wars. I realize that at this point, most of you are probably turning against me. "You can't compare the two wars," you say. "We had good reasons to go to war with Afghanistan - reasons that didn't exist in Iraq." Such is Obama's argument - we will fight the war in Afghanistan because it's justi- fied. But justified or not, isn't a more important question whether or not we will win? This is where Obama's speech misses the mark. The problem with the war in Afghanistan - and with foreign wars in general - is that it isn't an effective way of achieving our goals. Ousting their leaders and bombing their cit- ies doesn't win us the support of for- eign peoples, no matter how bad their situations may be. The best thing that the United States can do is to leave the rest of the world alone. There is no better example of this than America's wars in the Middle East, which have demonstrated that foreign peoples don't want the U.S. to help. They have come to hate U.S. occupational forces just as much as their own corrupt regimes. In Iraq, for example, polls consistently found that a vast majority of Iraqi people want- ed the United States out. By trying to solve their problems for them, we cheat oppressed people of the sense of victory they desperately need to rebuild their countries on their own. Aside from war, Obama mentioned economic sanctions against hostile countries as another foreign policy tool. Specifically, he said, "Sanctions must exact a real price." Unfortu- nately, sanctions do exact a real price - but they don't punish the leader of a country. Dictators like Kim Jong Il of North Korea don't suffer from sanctions. They benefit from them. The oppressed people of these coun- tries grow to hate the prosperous nations that are denying them trade and decreasing their standard of liv- ing. The dictators then feed off this hatred to stay in power. And while Obama may be entire- ly oblivious to this point since his foreign policy continues to mimic Bush's, the American people aren't quite so pro-war. Earlier this month, the Pew Research Center found that 49 percent of Americans thought the United States should "mind its own business," the highest number in 40 years, according to MSNBC. So maybe even if Obama doesn't under- stand that we can't defeat our ene- mies by occupying their countries or starving their people, the American people are realizing that peace will be best achieved when our govern- ment is least involved. An imperialist president in an isolationist U.S. Thisdoesn'tmeanthatthecivilized world should have nothing to do with the Middle East. But it is through free trade, not war and sanctions, that the United States and its allies will defeat authoritarian regimes, spread world peace and improve standards of living. By interacting with these people for mutual economic benefit, they will be exposed to positive ide- als like social and political freedom. And when these ideas become popu- lar enough, they will cast off their overlords on their own. We can't win that battle for them. No amount of direct intervention - just or unjust - will solve the issues of the Middle East. But since pull- ing out and letting the region solve its own problems doesn't win you a Nobel Peace Prize these days, I won't expect Obama to follow such advice. -Robert Soave is the Daily's editorial page editor. He can be reached at rsoave@umich.edu. On Dec. .6, Vice President for Student Affairs E. Royster Harper spoke to the Sen- ate Advisory Committee on University Affairs - the faculty's leading governing body - about changes to the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, which outlines the rules for students'behavior. One of the proposed amendments would change the standard of evidence needed to find a student in violation of a policy from "clear and convincing evidence" to a "preponder- ance of evidence." Effectively, the amend- ment would mean that University reviewers wouldn't have to be certain that a violation occurred - they would only have to believe that a violation was more likely than not. While MSA originally voted to support this amendment in October, the assembly voted last Tuesday to retract its support. While the amendment would affect all violations pertaining to the Statement of Stu- dent Rights and Responsibilities, it appears to have been created with sexual assault cases in mind. There is no doubt that sexual crimes are repugnant, but this policy change is the wrong approach to prevent them. It will only make it less certain that the Uni- versity is justly punishing violators. Adju- dicators have a responsibility to make sure indisputable evidence exists that proves an accused student violated the code. It's terrible for any person to become a victim of sexual abuse, but being falsely charged with committing a sexual crime is terrible, too. False convictions can ruin students' lives. The University should be exercising a high standard in determining whether a violation has taken place. Too much hangs in the balance for these deci- sions to be made more lightly. One justification for the amendment has been that other universities like the Uni- versity of Virginia and Dartmouth College have similar standards of proof. But the University shouldn't feel the need to bring its policies in line with other institutions if those policies are flawed. Instead of adopting policies that could lead to innocent students being held respon- sible for crimes they didn't commit, the University should focus on preventing sex- ual assault in the first place. Many of these measures are already in place - freshmen orientation covers topics like how to protect yourself against sexual violence, asking for consent and what constitutes rape. Organi- zations on campus, like the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, help to stop sexual assaults before they happen. If administrators feel like these efforts aren't enough, they should expand them, not lower their standards for determining guilt. Students who breach the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities should be held accountable - but not unless they are undeniably in violation. Proof isn't something the University should ever think it can do without. Copi ng with herpes EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nina Amilineni, Emily Barton, Jamie Block, William Butler, Ben Caleca, Nicholas Clift, Michelle DeWitt, Brian Flaherty, Emma Jeszke, Erika Mayer, Edward McPhee, Harsha Panduranga, Alex Schiff, Asa Smith, Brittany Smith, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Laura Veith BRITTANY SMITH | My black experience at the 'U Since the election of President Barack Obama, I have given more consideration to the idea that I am living in a post-racial gen- eration. As I sat watching the polling results on CNN, basking in happiness and shedding tears of joy in my friend's dorm room, I began to think, "Wow! I am so proud. I am living the days when the impossible has become possi- ble." Simply put, I thought Nov. 4, 2008 would forever change the invisibility of the black race. If this is perhaps the case for some parts of the country, I hesitate to believe that this is the case here at the University. While the Universi- ty tries to promote diversity, it has fallen short in providing a sensitive, inclusive and healthy environment for black students. The racial cli- mate at the University is tense and strained due to the differing backgrounds that have social- ized students. Admittedly, I - along with some other black students - feel dismissed by the University and our peers in the classroom. Yes, the University has made strides towards campus inclusion by admitting students who were historically prohibited from attending. But realistically, this university still has a long way to go. I struggle with what it means to be black on this campus. Race relations at this university have such a dark past that sometimes the big- otry my friends and I experience comes as no surprise. The University's Black Action Move- ment in the 1970s and 1980s was a political response to the practices of marginalization at this university. Examples of such discrimina- tory practices included a black cultural house "mistakenly" fallingvictim to arson and others calling black students "negros" when the black students didn't self-identify as such. Once, I heard a student say that "diversity is better when it is embraced and not forced." Her rationale suggests that often diversity breeds conflicts like racism and poverty, which often arise as a result of such enforcement. I have encountered administration officials from various departments that discouraged me from applying to competitive programs and schools, because they assume my grades aren't good enough. Appallingly, I have learned through my con- versations with administration officials that some of them are astounded by the insensitiv- ity that some black students, if not all, must endure by the administration, faculty and stu- dents. But then again, sometimes I do under- stand why some officials are left unaware. There is a lot of pressure when speaking in a classroom where students think that Africans - who represent part of black American heri- tage - wouldn't know how to operate a struc- tured government without the United States showing them how to be "civilized." Listening to students say that Africans don't know how to make or properly use roads or water can make some black students feel that complaining to the administration would be fruitless. I, along with my black peers, am experienc- ing similar strife. For the black students that have come before me and will come after, the University needs to acknowledge that racial tension exists on campus. My hand sometimes goes unacknowledged in student organization meetings and in the classroom. A real conver- sation needs to be had about why some profes- sors are more willing to help students whose faces look like my own. The University needs to address the problems that afflict the black community on campus and why some students are told that they only made it to the University through affirmative action alone. I am often left to question the motive behind the University actively seeking out black stu- dents to enroll in this academic institution in the first place. Honestly, I am skeptical when I hear the concept of "diversity" constantly preached by the University. I don't understand the mantra that "Diversity Matters" at the Uni- versity, when nationally and at the University, it is understood that this university isn't equal. The University must first fix the plight of the black student before increasing the enroll- ment of black students. When prospective stu- dents are shown a welcoming environment, I believe that they will in turn welcome the idea of becoming a Wolverine. Brittany Smith is an LSA sophomore. s college students, we are possibly the demographic that's the most overexposed to "wrap it up" campaigns. On any given day, it's practically rain- ing condoms, and the "safe sex" messaging that often accompa- nies the latex bliz- V zard probably isn't given a second ROSE thought. AFRIYIE But it's impor- _ tant to consider the possible impli- cations of the "safe sex" advocacy that we've all probably been guilty of in some way. The subtext of "safe sex" - or "safer sex" messaging, for that matter - asserts that there is something inherently dangerous and threatening about not just unpro- tected sex but also people living with Sexually Transmitted Infec- tions. It's that infamous scene we've likely all encountered when an adult employs scared-straight tactics to encourage condom use. Usually, it's a photograph of a familiar STI with prominent symptoms. This is usually followed by a look of disgust. What's often forgotten in persis- tent condemnations of these infec- tions is that the pictures are attached to actual people. According to the most recent summary from the Amer- ican Social Health Association, there are 19 million new STI cases each year, and half of those infections will belong to folks between the ages of 15 and 24. But somehow, it seems that the numbers alone don't quite capture some of the faces these numbers rep- resent. STIs negatively impact one's sexual health. But those living with STIs aren't defined by their infections and there is more to someone's story than outbreaks or symptoms. There is life after infection and - dare I say it - a sex life, too. To further illustrate this point, I met with a University student who shared her experience living with herpes. She asked for anonymity to protect her privacy and the iden- tity of her partner. We will call her Jane. obviously, Jane's story isn't a stand-in for everyone who has been infected. But it's important to add some dimensionality to an occur- rence more common than we think: STI transmission. She remembers her diagnosis: Dec. 31, 2007. A searing vadge sore sent her and her partner to the emergen- cy room. Her health care provider handed her a fact sheet and explained that it was likely that she had been infected with herpes in the past 30 days. "You will have this for life," she remembered him telling her. "It was kinda like, I had too much to drink and whatever happened, hap- pened. We used a condom, but we weren't officially anything," she said. She hadn't been with anyone but him in the past month. PIt was pretty tough," Jane said of his reaction when she told him. Like most men, he had never been tested for STIs. "He blamed me, swore he didn't know where it came from and continued having sex with other women like it was nothing." She soon cut ties with the man. Here is usually where stories about STI transmission end. But for Jane, it was only the beginning. She was an undergraduate senior at the time and still covered by her parents' insur- ance. They were floored when the bill was mailed home. "My mother was very anti-sex, so she was disap- pointed," Jane continued. "My father knows but, to this day, we have never spoken about it." For four months she sought coun- seling and experienced a range of emotions. "I was upset, depressed, trying to finish (my) last semester of college - it was my counselor that saved me." Jane explained, "I was living in a small town then. And she was one of the first people to talk to me about it in a non-judgmental way. She helped me gain the courage to talk openly with my mom." In time, things got better between Jane and her mother. She was accepted into graduate school at the University. It was in Ann Arbor that she start- ed dating again. She was three or four dates and steady phone calls in when she told him. All they had done was kiss. She previously told him that she wasn't ready for sex. One night, she just said it: "I have herpes." Jane remem- bered. "That is a scary word for peo- ple to hear." But what was done was done. She had won him over and he still wanted to see her. They dated for six months and eventually became sexually active. She took daily medication to prevent outbreaks. "Surprisingly, my partner didn't seem nervous," she said. "It was much more me pushing to use a condom than him." But per- sonality differences led to the end of the relationship., Today, she and her live-in partner have been together a little over a year. He had been a friend, so he knew about her situation going in. They talked about sex and the risks that existed despite medicine and protec- tion. She explained to him she could have kids and a normal life. "He was nervous at first, and we dated for two and a half months before we started having sex," she said Jane is currently on birth control, so she and her partner don't always use protection. But there is still one notable hill she hasn't climbed since becoming infected: She hasn't had to the oral sex conversation yet. And while she gleefully explained that she masturbates and that her partner will occasionally stimulate her clitoris during intercourse, that is the extent of clitoral stimulation. "I am not sure that him not giving me oral sex has everything to do with herpes, but it's not totally unrelated either," she said. Along with managing oral sex han- gups, there is the pill regimen. She takes a large Valtrex pill once a day. This is largely covered by her par- ents' insurance. "For the uninsured person, it costs $195 a month. But prices vary depending on how many outbreaks you have," she said. When I asked about side effects, she paused for a moment."I had nausea at first... And I do check my skin occasionallyto make sure there is no discoloration,", she said. Long-term use of Valtrex has been linked to kidney problems. But other than these things, Jane con- tends she lives a normal life. An STI diagnosis doesn't mean your 0 life is over. "Herpes is an issue in the begin- ning. But it's nice to know that if (partners) can talk about herpes and abstain until we are both ready, sex becomes more meaningful," she said. In the past, Jane dated guys who were non-committal and superficial. She also noted that while she faced rejection since contracting herpes, she has never been rejected by a man she has dated. "The only stigma I have felt has been from the public." Jane noted, "Most of the discussions I have heard on campus are related to STIs in general or HI. I haven't heard anyone talking about herpes." Until now. In the end, Jane's diagnosis has had its impact, but it didn't stop her from graduating from college, heal- ing her relationship with her mother and pursuing a partnership she val- ues. But it's important to note that just as Jane isn't defined by her STI status, she also isn't defined by our relationship status. As we strive to be inclusive. and minimize STI stigma, it's important to note that it's not our place to vali- date anyone based on his or her STI status. ButI also recognize that what we say and how we treat people mat- ter, and we should respect each other and strive to understand those who seem different. -Rose Afriyie can be reached at sariyie@umich.edu.