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December 10, 2009 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-12-10

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 3A

* The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, December10, 2009 - 3A

White House
crashers served
with subpoena
Congress authorized subpoenas
yesterday for the White House gate-
crashers to testify about how the
couple got into a state dinner without
an invitation.
Lawmakers on the House Home-
land Security Committee voted
yesterday to compel the attention-
hungry couple to answer questions
about the Nov.24 incident.
The couple, Tareq and Michale
Salahi, have said they will invoke
their Fifth Amendment right to
refuse to answer questions.
Secret Service Director Mark Sul-
livan has said normal security pro-
tocols weren't followed, and three
uniformed Secret Service officers
have been placed on administrative
While the committee authorized
subpoenas for the Salahis, it would
not accept its top Republican's pro-
posal to subpoena White House
social secretary Desiree Rogers.
crowd rallies for
Cuban rights
ers shouted insults and pro-Castro
slogans at about 50 wives, mothers
and other female relatives of Cuban
political prisoners as they marched
yesterdaythroughacrowded Havana
neighborhood in the name of human
There were no injuries among
the "Women in White," a political
opposition group that holds small,
silent marches along Fifth Avenue in
a wealthier part of the Cuban capital
each Sunday after attending Roman
Catholic Mass. The women dress
head-to-toe in white.
The demonstrations usually only
go for a few blocks and rarely draw
the ire of supporters of Fidel and
Raul Castro, nor do they generate
much support among the general
population, who know little about
the dissidents.
But this time, the group left
from the central Havana apart-
ment of Laura Pollan, one of the
organization's founders and the
wife of Hector Maceda, who is
serving a 20-year prison sentence
for his political views. They also
marched for more than an hour.

From Page 1A
more students from Detroit Public
Schools to apply to the University.
Thomas Moss, assistant princi-
palatCooleyHigh School inDetroit
and a University alum, said in an
e-mail interview that the reception
urged educators to encourage stu-
dents who would normally apply to
schools like Wayne County Com-
munity College or Wayne State
University to give the University of
Michigan's applicationa try.
in a school where 99 percent of
the student population is African-
American, according to www.pub-
licschoolreview.com, Moss said
that economic and academic barri-
ers commonly discourage students
capable of excelling at the Univer-
sity from even applying. in order
to cut down these barriers, Moss
said that more guidance counsel-
ors have been hired to "insure aca-
demic continuity and success for
all of our students."
Moss said that Coleman's speech
and the efforts of other University
officials have helped to supplement
the work of the school's guidance
"They've encouraged those of us
who are front-line players in this
ever-changing landscape of pub-
lic education to keep pushing our
young charges to stay focused on
their very attainable life by maxi-
mizing on all of their opportuni-
ties," he said.
Moss said that while some
Detroithigh schools likeCassTech-
nical High School, Renaissance
High School, King High School
and Communication and Media
Arts High School are "prime areas
for Detroit public school recruit-
ment," other schools including
Cooley High School, Denby High
School, Osborn College Preparato-
ry Academy, Cody College Prepara-
tory Upper School of Teaching and
Learning and Central High School
are not - meaning that students
in the first group would be more
likely to attend the University than
those in the second group.
Kenyetta Wilbourn, principal
of Denby High School in Detroit,
wrote in an e-mail interview that
she is satisfied with the support

that the University has shown to
her school through the years, but
does have a few recommendations.
She suggested that the Univer-
sity put more emphasis-on "teach-
ing the students how to complete
applications, test-taking skills, and
how to matriculate at higher levels
of learning."
Ken Watson, the college and
scholarship coordinator of Central
High School, said that while the
University currently helps his stu-
dents prepare for the SAT and sends
guest speakers to talk about the
benefits of a college education, he
envisions the University eventually
playing a larger role in encouraging
the school's students to apply.
Central is currently undergoing
a transformation to help the school
better promote a college-going cul-
ture. Watson explained that Cen-
tral aims to house educators from
Michigan colleges directly within
its school walls in order to give stu-
dents first-hand access to informa-
tion about colleges.
Watson said the success of this
initiative is crucial because the stu-
dents who willreap the benefits "will
for the most part be first generation
ofcollege goers" intheir family.
He added that he hopes the Uni-
versity members will participate
because "they are the leaders of
our state."
According to William Collins,
director of the University's Cen-
ter for Educational Outreach and
Academic Success, the aim of Cole-
man's speech at the reception was
to encourage college-going culture
among underrepresented minority
students in Detroit Public Schools.
"President Mary Sue Coleman
spoke about her own interests
in having a diverse student body
here," he said.
Ted Spencer, associate vice pro-
vost and executive director of the
Office of Undergraduate Admis-
sions, said this year was the first
time that the Wolverine Outreach
Workshop spoke directlyto "prima-
system" like superintendents, prin-
cipals and guidance counselors.
"For our president to go down
and talk about our commitment
to Detroit and how we want to do
everything we can to encourage
Detroit public school students is

vitallyessential andextremelyhelp-
ful to any effort that we have for
attracting students," Spencer said.
In her speech, Coleman used the
story of University alum Jawuan
Meeks as an example of a stu-
dent who came from Detroit and
achieved success at the University
and beyond. Meeks - now a middle
school teacher in physics and geog-
raphy in Boston - said he decided
to apply to the University after
hearing a speech like Coleman's
from a University representative at
his high school.
"I think that students need to
know that getting to college is
believable, something that can
happen," he said.
Though Spencer said that "in
terms of a specific area, (Detroit)
is certainly one of the largest
areas in the state and perhaps in
the country that (the University)
receives applications from and
(has) students enrolled from," he
believes there is always room for
further improvement.
"Our biggest effort is making
certain that we program better
with the city of Detroit and make as
many students and faculty and staff
aware of those programs," he said.
One such program is in the
works, according to University
alum Thomas Parker, principal of
the new Osborn College Prepara-
tory School. He said his school
is working on partnering with
the University to encourage stu-
dents to apply for the University
by exposing them to it as early as
ninth grade.
In addition to an upcoming field
trip to the University, Parker said
he is planning for "financial train-
ing and college application work-
shops in the spring with the ninth
graders to prepare them before
tiey get to 12th grade, with the
expectations that they should be
doing it now." 16
Parker said that so far, the Uni-
versity has been "very responsive"
to his efforts to forge a relation-
ship between the two schools. He
added, "They're ready and waiting
to help and assist in any way."

From Page 1A
China is incredibly important,
and the strong economy has led
the developing middle class to
be able to afford an international
"(Education)is the main means
of social mobility in China," Gal-
lagher wrote. "if you succeed
academically in China, you can
break down other barriers of dis-
She went on to note that for
many of these middle-class par-
ents, post-secondary education in
the United States is so attractive
because they believe fluency in
English is imperative for success.
Similarly, Brown said that it's
difficult to find a job straight out
of college in China, and a U.S.
education may serve as a leg-up.
"You either want to get into
the top-tier school in China," she
said. "Or you want to maybe beat
out the competition by having an
American degree."
John Greisberger, director of
the University's International
Center, said that while highly
regarded universities and colleg-
es do exist in China, there is not
.enough space to accommodate
every student who wants to go on
to higher education.
"My understanding is that
there still aren't sufficient ter-
tiary institutions in China to
accommodate all those in China
who want to go on to higher edu-
cation," Greisberger said. "And
so the Chinese need to look to
another country for opportuni-
ties, and the U.S. is well-known
as being the best place in the
world to go for higher educa-
tion, and we're at one of the best
schools in the country."
Robyn Wang, an LSA senior, is
originally from the Canton Prov-
ince of China.
When asked why she chose to
study in the United States, and
more specifically at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, she said it

was mainly because America
has a better educational system
than her native china, and that
"Michigan has a good reputa-
Like Wang, Gallagher noted
that the University is an appeal-
ing place for Chinese students
because "it is a large, well-known
research university with strong
historical ties to China."
In an effort to promote and
strengthen these ties, the Univer-
sity established a joint institute
with Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-
versity in 2006 and with Peking
University in 2009.
According the Griesberger,
these joint institutes permit stu-
dents to study for two years in
China and then two years at the
University, ultimately earning
degrees from both institutions.
They also allow for a "strategic
global partnership" between the
two universities, as stated on the
UM-SJTU Joint Institute website.
Though it's unclear whether
the joint institutes have led to the
increase in Chinese students at
the University or vice-versa, Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Cole-
man spoke of the University's
ongoing efforts to increase the
school's international outreach,
in particular to China, during
a fireside chat with students on
Coleman mentioned the pos-
sibility of opening an office
in China to make information
about the University available
to prospective students, as well
improve connectionswith under-
graduates. ,
With China's ever-growing
presence in the world economy
and the influx of Chinese col-
lege students, Coleman said she
believes it's time to "re-think"
the way the University interacts
with international students.
"For us, the notion is to have
successful programs that people
can see that we deliver very high
quality programs, high quality
education," Colemansaid."That's
part of the changing dynamic."

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Battle over school
funding continues

Michigan lawmakers still haven't
agreed on ways to generate more
money for schools as a key deadline
A $127 per student cut in state aid
will be reflected in checks sent to
schools Dec. 21 unless lawmakers
agree on awayto avoid it.
Democratic House Speaker Andy
Dillon yesterday criticized a Senate
Republican proposal that includes
freezing a tax credit for low-income
workers to raise money for schools.
Dillon says that plan has provisions
that would wind up costing the state
money through tax breaks and lost
federal matching funds.
Republicans stood by their pro-
posals yesterday. The Republican-
led Senate has not approved a House
Democratic plan to use more stimu-
lus money for schools now because
that would make schools' financial
situation worse in 2011.
Ex-Detroit mayor
violated parole
The Wayne County prosecutor
says former Detroit Mayor Kwame
Kilpatrick violated his 'probation by
not following court orders and fail-
ing to make full restitution payments
to the city.
Kym Worthy says in a statement
she will file a motion against Kilpat-
rick. Details of the motion were not
Kilpatrick agreed to pay $1 mil-
lion in restitution as part of pleas to
two criminal cases. He says he cut
his $6,000 monthly payments in half
after his salary as a salesman was
O reduced.
Testimony in a restitution hearing
ended yesterday. Wayne County Cir-
cuit Court Judge David Groner told
prosecutors the hearing is to decide
whether Kilpatrick will pay more or
less each month in restitution.
Closing arguments in the case
will be heard Jan. 12, followed
by Groner's ruling on Jan. 20.
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports


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