-4-- p p 00 8B> h MciganDaly Wdneda, Dc-b.r 9,200 WATCHING IN ANOTHER'S SHOES: A LIBERAL AND A CONSERVATIVE TRADE NEWS SOURCES From page 7B THE LIBERAL his electorate, but evidence for global warming has been rather stubbornly officially "debunked." Not being able to standing in the way of check other sources, I couldn't prove what the national majority wants in order him wrong. I see how someone who to further his own political agenda. doesn't watch anything but Fox could be In other news, Fox's Sean Hannity is persuaded that climate change is a com- frustrating, even to his own guests. On plete hoax. Hannity, like Ingram and Bill "The Sean Hannity Show," Hannity's O'Reilly, never lets anyone get a word of personal style of pontification regarding dissent in edgewise - that is, when he "Climategate" effectively reversed any even bothers to have Democrats or mod- persuasion from the Journal and Drudge erates on his show. Report. When someone uses phrases like, "It shows that the whole movement is run by hacks and frauds," and "the biggest 1. Afghanistan scientific scandal in our lifetime," it's 2. Tiger Woods hard to really trust his objectivity. 3. White House dinner crashers Hannity made it seem as if all of the SUNDAY, DEC. 6 - I had been increas- competing viewpoints on any given topic. ingly desperate to watch "Meet the Press" On Fox, remarks from Sen. Dick Durbin with David Gregory as the week pro- (D - Ill.) concerning the Afghanistan gressed, but first I had to sit through one "deadline" summed up my experience dur- more hour of conservative media: "Fox ing the week. He recognized that even the News Sunday" with Chris Wallace. word "deadline" could be "interpreted dif- What I noticed about both "Meet the ferent ways by different people." Just con- Press" and "Fox News Sunday" is less par- suming conservative media for four days, I tisan "spin." Van Kleef and I watched the found my impression of what constituted two shows together, and we found little to important news quickly changed, even if get riled up about. Or more specifically, we my specific opinions didn't. Most shocking argued about the same things during both for me was Climategate. An obsession of shows. With just a moderator and guests my right-wing sources this week, I ranked and little to cloud the expression of opin- it as one of my top three stories every day, ions, both shows refreshingly give voice to while Van Kleef barely noticed it. THE CONSERVATIVE pleasantly surprised to find once again that liberals are much more prone to employing comedic relief when present- ing the news. The most notable political coverage was again opposition to Obama's approach to Afghanistan. Even NPR liber- als realizeyou cannotsetadeadline for end- ing a war and hope to succeed. The funniest segments were about Tiger Woods as well as Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue": "Mrs. Palin quotes a number of writers and think- ers in her book, among them Plato, whom she identifies as a colorful type of clay." Liberal Times columnist Frank Rich, in a piece on the surge in Afghanistan, seemed SUNDAY, DEC. 6 - For the last day of the experiment, I watched "Meet the Press" and "Fox News Sunday" to ease myself back into friendly media territory. Gen. David Petreaus appeared on FNS to give his assessment on the new Afghani- stan policy. Senators Dick Durbin (D - IL) and John Cornyn (R - TX) exchanged a few heated words over health care - how much it would cost, the viability of the public option and how many businesses were not hiring because of potential tax increases. "Meet the Press" started off well, fea- turing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to have analyzed Obama's speech correctly. It appeared absolutely nobody was happy with the plan in Afghanistan. Rich also did not buy Obama's attempt to deny the com- parison between Afghanistan and Vietnam. Overall, though, one thing is universal about news both on the left and the right - very few people have anything worthwhile to say on Saturday. Meanwhile, MSNBC doesn't run any news coverage at all on Saturdays. 1.Cimategate 2.The cost of health care reform 3. Trial of 9/I1 "mastermind" and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, but another full hour on Afghanistan grew dull, especially since there were no true partisan hacks to make absurd state- ments. The most notable thing about this experiment wasn't the slant. I was pre- pared for the different viewpoints - it was the disregard for certain issues such as Climategate and financial news that surprised rte. As for the liberal approach to the few economic issues the media did cover, it seems as if the analysis fell short of the economic reality. GRAFFITI From page 5B was hard to make them out. But around one of the occurrences of the n-word, which someone tried to scratch out unsuccessfully, there seemed to be a racially charged exchange with attacks against black people, white people and Asians that may have been spurred by an initial comment. Along with homosexual com- ments, the article "Anonymous Expression: A Structural View of Graffiti" studied the prevalence of racist graffiti in the restrooms of a liberal university. The study, con- ducted in 1976, found that 17 percent of restroom graffiti was racist at all universities surveyed, including the liberal campus. The study hypothesized that as time passed and the tolerance of black students on campus became less of an issue, racist graffiti would decrease. Thirty years later, the Mason Hall men's room suggests that campus still has bigots who are inclined to express their hate anon- ymously, but not as many as perhaps once before. A more common theme in the men's restroom is sexism, which appears not only in the predict- able instances of objectification but also in messages expressing sheer misogyny and the desire to be vio- lent against women. Set up as a mathematic equation, one graffitist sought to prove that women equal evil, to which anoth- er responded that women equal pussy,and hence, equal good. The final word goes to another graffic- ist, though, who wrote: "Pussy has destroyed lives, killed men (and) brought nations down. Hell, I know at least (three) evil pussies." Following the format of other survey questions in the restroom, one graffitist asked for the "best date rape drugs and where to get them" - there is only one answer, "Money (Parents)." Another wants other men to continue a story he started, which involves cutting a woman's throat out after violent "You finish the rest of the story," the creep invited. Fortunately, nobody took him up on it. A COMMON DENOMINATOR Of course, not all men are misog- ynists, just as not all male graffiti is crude, sexual and aggressive. Like- wise, not all women feel the need to spill their hearts on a bathroom wall - and the ones who do aren't necessarily gushing feelings and heartfelt advice all the time. Gender difference in graffiti isn't the key to unlocking the secret of The walls of the men and wome's restrooms near the Fishbowl reveal a lot about the men and women who write on them. the sexes, but it is a way to make a for the same reason - a reason that fitist responded: "Something to do little more sense of the tangle of also appears as a common graffiti whentheytake a dump. And it's fun. half-formed thoughts that clut- theme in both the men and women's And anonymous. Hell yeah." ter the gray stall walls on campus. room. Because when push comes to shove, In response to the question writ- -Statement Photo Editor Sam we're not different in one crucial ten in the women's restroom, "Why Wolson contributed to this report. way. We all go to those restrooms do people write on stalls?" one graf-