The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 7A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 7A GRE From PageIA "Students who are in school now, who are looking at a very weak job market and who have the means. to go to graduate school are deciding that they'll forgo trying to get a job immediately after school," McNutt said. "(They) basically decide to stay in school so that when they do come into the job market they're entering with an advanced degree." Engineering senior Michael Glotter echoed McNutt's senti- ment. Glotter said he was consider- ing entering the work force before going to graduate school, but the economic climate caused him to change his mind. "If I'm going to go to grad school, this kind of seems like it's a good time to do it because jobs are so limited right now," he said. "Grad school is one of my only options right now just because there aren't many jobs available." McNutt also attributed the rise in testtakersto ETS'seffortstoreachout to juniors and seniors. He said ETS has revamped its website, increased its presence on college campuses and begun to offer free test prep materi- als in order to increase the number of people taking the test. McNutt added that statistically, individuals between the ages of 19 and 23, who are still in college, do better than those who take the test after they graduate. Graduate schools accept GRE scores up to five years after the test is taken, so even if students aren't sure gradu- ate school is right for them, McNutt said, it's in their best interests to take the test. "It makes sense because those students are still in school or are closer to their academic experi- ence, which really is helpful when they are taking a high-stakes test like the GRE," he said. Another factor causing more stu- dents to take the GRE is that many MBA programs are now accepting the GRE - in addition to the Gradu- ate Management Admission Test - as an admissions exam, according to the ETS website. Hundreds of MBA programs around the world, including those at Harvard Business School, Yale School of Management and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, have all started to accept the GRE as a sub- stitute for the GMAT this year. The Ross School of Business cur- rently doesn't accept the GRE, but Admissions Director Soojin Koh wrote in an e-mail interview that the school is considering adding the test next year. Last week, ETS announced sweeping changes to the GRE. The changes, which will go into effect in 2011, are partially aimed at making the test have a greater resemblance to the GMAT. Site pairs students, Mich. employers From Page 1A just as students leave Michigan because they assume there aren't. jobs in state, employers likewise assume there is no talent in Michi- gan and look elsewhere. "'So there are jobs. There is tal- ent," she said. "They're not con- necting." Ken Darga, who is a demog- rapher for the state of Michigan, said the state has seen a net loss of college graduates every year since 2005 because of the state's reces- sion. "If it continues for a long period of time," Darga said, "that would certainly reduce a state's potential for future growth." Compounding the exodus of col- lege graduates is the sentiment that there are no jobs for students who do wantto stay. For one, LSA junior Todd Phillips said he wants to stay in Michigan after he graduates. "I wouldn't say there's nothing DPS OVERSIGHT From Page 1A forward," Mahanti said. "It was a really good collaborative effort." LSA Rep. John Lin, who co- authored the- resolution with Mahanti, said it's necessary to change MSA's Compiled Code so that years down the road, future MSA members will understand the necessity of having a student- wide election for DPS Oversight Committee members. "We realized that if you don't put here, but the opportunities are much smaller now," he said. Robert Nana graduate student in the School of Information, is currently searching for a job in IT. He said he would stay in the sate if he can find ajob. "I'm not against staying here and finding a job here," Nan said, "but ... most of the job opportuni- ties come from California." The goal of the site is to keep students like Nan and Phillips in the state by offering an advanced matching system that will help .both students and employers find what they need. Student profiles highlight spe- cial skills like problem solving and public speaking skills, as well as personal characteristics, like hav- ing a "goal-oriented" personality. Prospective interns can also list their time availabilities, preferred schedules and desired job loca- tions within the state of Michigan. Students can also select their pre- it in the Compiled Code," Lin said, "there's a strong chance that years from now somebody's going to for- get that it's actually something we have to have an election for." If this resolution passes, elec- tions to seat student represen- tatives to the DPS Oversight Committee would take place in the campus-wide elections in March and November. After the initial election in March 2010, elections would be staggered, with each student serving a full year term. Because the March election ferred work environment and com- pany size. The employer profiles address the types of candidates companies are looking for and the specifics of job openings. A logarithmic matching func- tion then pairs up student and employer profiles usingcertain key words, like the student's area of study or the industry the company is in. Handel said that in the future the matching system will be more advancedandwillavoidusingstock phrases, like "hard-working." The website also offers a number of educational videos for its users. For students, videos include inter- view and business etiquette tips, while videos for employers include advice on how to decide whether or not to offer interns permanent positions. The site has promotional videos for cities around Michigan, includ- ing Ann Arbor, that highlight the would be the first, the winner of that election would serve on the committee a full-year term and the runner-up would serve a half-. year term to ensure both seats would be filled. The runner-up would then step down after the November 2010 election. This resolution will come up for a vote on Jan. 12, the first MSA meeting next semester. The DPS Oversight Committee is be made up of two students, two faculty members and two staff members who are tasked with making recommendations regard- perks of living in Michigan. Though Affolter-Caine said Intern In Michigan has been suc- cessful in its first eight months, the website has run into issues align- ing the timing of when students express interest in finding jobs and when companies offer job open- ings. She said the issue is a result of the misalignment of the academic and fiscal calendars, but said she thinks the issue will smooth itself out over time. Kerin Borland, the senior asso- ciate director of the Career Center at the University, said staff from the Career Center and staff from 15 other public institutions in Michigan consulted with Intern In Michigan in its initial stages and plan to stay involved as the pro- gram evolves. Affolter-Caine said she hopes the project will ultimately become "something that we all feel a part of, that it's state-wide, that we all go to for our different needs." ing grievances against DPS. According Mahanti, campus- wide elections of students to serve on the DPS committee have not happened in recent years. According to a Nov. 29 article in The Michigan Daily, the last campus-wide election is believed to have been held in 1999. Since then, MSA has appointed already- elected MSA representatives to serve on the committee through an internal nomination process. - Scott Suh contributed to this report. FAN THE DAILY ON FACEBOOK Experience the wrrrerence * s00 Sq. Ft. Apts. Great for 2-5 people '.Balconies + Patios for entertaining * Free High-Speed Internet O HD Direct TV w/ DVR Service * Built in microwave, dishwasher, disposal * Contemporary Furniture * Close to CCRB * Exercise Room, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers Models open Daily * C EB 741-9300 AAAAHHH!!! START W/ an satbe- lievahle 2 hdrm with 110 sqft & 15 baths. Add FREE internet, HD directv with DVR, fitness room, study & tv lounge & you have Geddes Hill apart- ments! Call today to reserve your new home available spring & fall. 741- 9300 LARGE FURNISHED 2 or 3 bdrm. apt. at I111 S. State, Near U-M bus stop, Avail. 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