The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 7, 2009 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, Decemher 7, 2009 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS COPENHAGEN * UN climate science head hopes for more action from the US By executive action, the Obama administration can boost the U.S. target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond levels envi- sioned in legislation working its way through Congress, the head of the U.N. climate science network said yesterday. "There is scope for going above what is going to be legislated," Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told The Associ- ated Press on the eve of the U.N. climate conference in Copenha- gen. Senate and House bills capping carbon dioxide emissions would reduce them by 17 to 20 percent by 2020, compared with 2005 levels. Compared with 1990 levels, the standard U.N. benchmark, that's only a 3-4 percent reduction, experts calculate, a contribution far short of what scientists say is needed among industrial coun- tries to avoid dangerous climate change. WASHINGTON White House still lacks solid intel on Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden may be slip- ping back and forth from Paki- stan to Afghanistan. Or the U.S. might not have a clue, more than eight years after the al-Qaida leader masterminded the terrorist attacks on America. Given a chance yesterday to clear away some of the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of the world's most wanted terror- ist, Obama administration offi- cials seemed to add to it with what appeared to be conflicting assess- ments. President Barack Obama's national security adviser, James Jones, said bin Laden, believed hiding mainly in a rugged area of western Pakistan, may be periodi- cally slipping back into Afghani- stan. But Obama's Pentagon chief, Robert Gates, said the U.S. has lacked good intelligence on bin Laden for a long time - "I think it has been years" - and did not con- firm that he'dsiped into Afghan- istan. DETROIT Report suggests that Michigan target pensions for taxes A national study questions whether financially strapped Michigan should continue its gen- erous tax exemptions for retirees on pensions. If retired public employees, those on private pensions and with- drawals from IRAS and similar retirement plans that are currently exempt were taxed, the state could collect as much as $700 million more a year according to figures from the state treasury, the Detroit Free Press reported yesterday. A recent study by the Pew Cen- ter on the States questioned the wisdom of those exemptions. The study ranked Michigan among the 10 most financially troubled states and said it has a growing elder-ly population that requires more state services but contributes little rev- enue. BRIDGMAN; Mich. * Marshals use website to track Mich. sex offender Authorities used a social net- working Web site to track a man wanted for failing to register as a sex offender in Michigan. The Herald-Palladium reports that authorities in Topeka, Kan., have arrested Tommy Lee Col- burn, formerly of Benton Harbor, Mich. He was awaiting extradition Sunday in the Shawnee. County Jail. Jail officers had no record of an attorney for Colburn. Michigan state police say U.S. marshals tracked 30-year-old Col- burn's movements through a social networking Web site. Berrien County authorities issued a warrant for his arrest in 2006 for alleged violations of the Sex Offender Registry Act. Colburn had been convicted of criminal sexual conduct involv- ing a child. - Compiled from Daily wire reports MSA ELECTIONS From Page 1A day, MSA's Election Board met to certify results and notify candidates of their positions. But because of the delay in confirming schools, the positions of write-in candidates could not yet be certified. Students whose names appear on the ballot must apply and have their information checked before the election. However, because write-in candidates don't have to apply to the Election Board before- hand, the schools they are enrolled in aren't verified until after the election is over. According to MSA President Abhishek Mahanti, the Office of the Register would not release the data CONSTITUTION From Page 1A a student-wide ballot one of three ways: by a duly created constitu- tional convention, a two-thirds majority vote by MSA, or by an individual student or student group with 1,000 student signa- tures in support of the changes. About 20 members of the for- mer Constitutional Convention have expressed interest in the student group, according to MSA Vice President Mike Rorro, for- mer chair of the convention. MSA Student General Coun- sel Jim Brusstar, former conven- tion secretary, and MSA Rules and Elections Committee Chair Michael Benson, former conven- tionvice chair,willalsobeinvolved in the new student group. Rorro said that although many of the student group members are former convention members, and the group retains the same lead- ership, this student group is dis- tinctly different. "It's not the same thing, even though there are some of the same people involved in it, we recog- nize that, we're not trying to hide that," Rorro said. "We're not try- ing to seclude ourselves within the same group of people and con- tinue work by limiting people." Former MSA Rep. Tim Hull dis- agrees. Hull said the involvement of MSA executive board members in the student group makes it hard to believe the group is really sepa- rate from MSA. "MSA execs are participating in it and I feel, (though) that might be permissible under the Consti- tution, the circumstances behind the formation of this group make it hard to confer legitimacy," Hull said. to Susan Wilson, director of Office of Student Activities and Leadership, who has been filling in for Awai-Wil- liams, even though Awai-Williams technicallyreports to Wilson. "(Wilson) has been tryingto get the data in a pretty timely fashion, but for some reason they have not been able to get us the data," Mah- anti said. Despite the confusion, Mahanti said the Registrar's Office has been helpful with trying to get the elec- tion results certified. Mahanti said he believes MSA will be able to get the names veri- fied today. However, the MSA Compiled Code requires the Steer- ing Committee to hear official election results before the candi- dates can be sworn in. The committee, which meets Rorro -said the group acknowl- edges that there are members who also serve on MSA, but since the attempt to amend the constitution through a body connected to MSA failed, forming a student group is the best option. "We ran for student govern- ment to fix things and to make it a better University and unfor- tunately we couldn't do that through the MSA's procedure, because it's not well-defined and it continues to not be well- defined," Rorro said. According to the group leaders, one of the goals of the revisions will be to clarify the procedures within the constitution that the convention violated. "We attempted to work within the process and were unable to," Benson said. "One of the reasons we're trying to change this docu- ment is to make it so things are easier, (so) it's clear." To become a member of the student group, a student must be nominated by a current member and then garner a majority vote of the group. Rorro said this process makes it much easier to join the group than it was to be a part of the convention. Rorro said that because the stu- dent group will need 1,000 signa- tures before the document goes up for a student-wide vote, the process is valid, even with MSA members in the sudent group. "It's not an undemocratic pro- cess," Rorro said, "because it might be a small group making the changes, but we're having everyone look it over and finally every student that votes in the election is going to have a say in that." Brusstar said amending the constitution through a non- MSA affiliated student group every Sunday, met last night and is not scheduled to meet again before tomorrow's MSA meeting. Mahanti said the write-in can- didates will be informed they won and will be invited to Tuesday's meeting, which is the last one of the semester. They will then be sworn in at the first MSA meeting next semester on Jan.12. Mahanti said he plans to work with the candidates during winter break. "We'll keep in touch with them over break, and it gives us time to get them to learn the rules of the road," he said. Though the candidates will eventually be seated, Mahanti said the delay was unnecessary. "This has kind of put a hitch in everything," he said. is better than through a Consti- tutional Convention because the group is more open to the student body. Hull said he thinks MSA should amend the constitution internally, possibly by creating a select com- mittee to propose changes and then gain a two-thirds vote of the assembly to add them to the bal- lot. Rorro said he thinks the pro- cess of amending the constitution will be most effective if it is some- what separated from MSA. He said it's hard for MSA representa- tives to support large changes to a governmental system they are central to. "The inherent ability to chal- lenge the status quo effectively is not there when you have only peo- ple that work within the system," he said. The student group must submit their completed petition to the CSJ five weeks before the election, which will take place sometime in March. Rorro said the group is planning to acquire the necessary signatures the week before spring break. Rorro said he plans to hold town hall-style meetings and talk to student groups to get the 1,000 signatures. Though the former Constitu- tional Convention had been meet- ing for about two months before CSJ ordered the meetings to cease, Brusstar said the convention got "bogged down" in procedure and was not very efficient. Rorro said that in the past week the student group seems to be making faster progress. MILI WEBSITE From Page 1A feedback on their paper before they have to turn it in for a grade," Speagle said. According to the Mindbounce website, students upload a docu- ment and indicate an "academic tag" - subjects ranging from genetics to African studies. A writing mentor who specializes in that academic field then reads the document and provides feed- back on content, style or grammar, called "bounces." Part of Speagle's job as qual- ity assurance manager is to make sure these mentors are up to par in their writing abilities. To test these abilities, mentors are asked to rewrite a poorly written essay. "The essay is the biggest indica- tor in how well they can write or review something," Speagle said. "And so after we read the essay, we'll go over their r6sum6 and then we invite them into the men- tor pool." According to Speagle, the web- site employs more than a thou- sand mentors from places from Germany to Australia and from backgrounds ranging from Ph.D candidates to lawyers. The company offers 10 free "bounces" for first-time users. However, these free trials also serve as trial runs for new men- tors, which Speagle and his team use to evaluate the mentors. If potential members prove strong enough, they become paid men- tors. Students choose the amount of "bounces" they want per essay. Mindbounce's website advertises that $9.99 translates to "4-5 pieces of crucial feedback." Though Speagle said feedback currently takes as long as 12 to 24 hours to return, he said in the future essays will likely take only a few hours to return as busi- ness increases and the company expands its mentor pool. While Speagle said using Mind- bounce isn't necessarily better than going to see a teacher, he said there were some advantages, like receiving feedback from varying sources. "With the varying mentor per- spectives and each one coming from their own educational back- ground, it allows the document to - get feedback from multiple peo- ple," he said. Speagle said while college stu- - dents arethe primarygroup Mind- bounce caters to, the company also hopes to expand to other people in need of writing help. "Colleges are one area of our - target areas, but also I think Mindbounce is really important for people who for whatever rea- -son were not given an adequate education while growing up," said Speagle. LSA junior Hilary Markus said she thinks Mindbounce is a "good idea in theory." "I don't know if I would person- ally use it, but I think a lot of stu- dents would take advantage of it," she said. First-year Law student Julie Bernard said she currently uses senior judge editors - similar to graduate student instructors - and professors for feedback, but that she would be open to using a service like Mindbounce. "I think it would be good to have an objective set of eyes on your work," Bernard said. "Imight be worried about the quality of' the person that is reading it, but I think to have a second set of eyes - that isn't your friend is a good thing." Engineering sophomore Chris Fowlkes said he would consider using Mindbounce for technical papers. "I'm in engineering, and I'll be writing a lot of papers based on technical composition," he said. "That would help a lot just to veri- fy technical things." WANT TO WRITE FOR DAILY NEWS? E-mail to get started. Pre- W ttr Phl mp fl-a,. Grand 0penirn $20.00 Haircuts & $25.00 Express Pedicure