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November 24, 2009 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigan
'U' releases
details about
AD search

Tuesday, November 24,2009


Beilein, Sullivan on
committee charged
with finding Bill
Martin's replacement
Daily News Editor
Though speculation has swirled
rampantly about who will suc-
ceed Bill Martin as athlecic direc-
tor since Martin announced his
intention to retire next year, little
has been known about how his
successor would be chosen - until
Information about how Mar-
tin's successor will be selected was
posted on the Vice President for
Communication's website yester-
day morning. The posting answers
key questions about how the pro-
cess will work and who will be
involved in the search.
In an interview last month, Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Cole-
man emphasized that she will seek
advice from a small advisory com-
mittee, but that the final decision
would be hers and hers alone.
Though at the time, Coleman
said she did not have a committee
assembled, the names of individ-
ual committee members who will
aid Coleman in the process were
released yesterday.
Provost Teresa Sullivan, Tim
Slottow, executive vice president
* and chief financial officer, and
men's basketball Head Coach John

Beilein will serve on the commit-
tee to advise Coleman. Addition-
ally, Education Prof. Percy Bates,
the faculty athletic representa-
tive, and Liz Barry, the managing
director of the Life Sciences Insti-
tute and a former University asso-
ciate vice president and deputy
general counsel, will serve on the
According to the information
posted online, committee mem-
bers were chosen because of "their
knowledge of particular aspects
of the athletic director role" and
because of Coleman's "respect for
their judgment."
To coordinate the search and
manage the application process,
the University has contracted with
an outside firm. The firm, Spencer
Stuart, is one of the world's;leading
executive search firms.
According to information
released yesterday, Spencer Stu-
art has assigned Jed Hughes, an
alum of the University, to lead the
firm's efforts in the search pro-
cess. Hughes is a senior partner-at
the firm and is responsible for the
company's sports-related searches.
Hughes spent 20 years coaching
intercollegiate and professional
football and has worked under five
Hall of Fame coaches, including Bo
Yesterday's posting largely
avoided defining when the search
will be completed, citing only that
the search will cease once a candi-
date has been selected.
"The search will remain open
See SEARCH, Page 7

Democratic Gov. Jenriifer Granholm spoke yesterday at Eastern Michigan University about the future of the Michigan Promise Scholarship as part of her statewide tour
of college campuses. Granholm has been lobbying for the return of the Promise Scholarship since it was cut from the state's budget last month.
Granhoim pushes for Promise

Governor seeks
student support
during EMU event
Daily StaffReporter
YPSILANTI - Democratic
Goy. Jennifer Granholm' spoke
at Eastern Michigan University
yesterday morning as part of her
statewide tour of college cam-
puses in an effort to restore the
Michigan Promise Scholarship.
The Promise Scholarship -
which awarded students $500
to $4,000 based on performance
on a merit exam - was elimi-

nated from the state's budget last
month. Since she signed the final
budget bills that effectively cut
the scholarship, Granholm has
begun lobbying for the program's
return, an effort that includes her
current tour.
To a standing-room-only crowd
at the EMU Student Center, Gra-
nholm vehemently emphasized
the necessity of maintaining high-
er education funding in the state.
She said that inorder to transform
the state's dire economy, workers
must be better educated.
"If we double the number of
skilled adults who've got training
and vocational certification, then
we'll be the most educated state
in the nation," Granholm said. "If

we're the most educated state in
the nation, we will have the most
robust economy in the nation."
Granholm urged state repre-
sentatives to approve changes to
the Earned Income Tax Credit
that would provide the revenue
necessary to revive the Prom-
ise Scholarship. These changes
would free up $120 million to be
used at the state's discretion. Gra-
nholm's pitch is that these dollars
should go directly to funding the
The state legislature is cur-
rently in a two-week recess for
the fall deer hunting season and
the Thanksgiving holiday.
Students from Eastern Michi-
gan University and the University

of Michigan also spoke before the
crowd at the event, explaining
how the cut of the Promise Schol-
arship, is making it difficult for
them to pay for college.
LSA junior Nathaniel Root said
he is going to have to take classes
this summer to stay on track for
graduation because he needed to
take fewer classes and work more
hours this semester to pay for his
tuition, books and rent.
"I have to work almost 20
hours a week now as a full-time
student," Root said, "which has
led me to drop a class, which is
leaving me academically behind
in order for me to be on the pre-
medical track."
See GRANHOLM, Page 7

AAPD probing incident at Chi Psi Forrest: Time to rethink

Fraternity president
would not confirm
details of incident
Daily NewsEditor
Police are investigating an inci-
dent that occurred at Chi Psi fra-
ternity early Sunday morning, Chi

Psi president Michael Taub said in
an interview yesterday.
Detective Dave Monroe of the
Ann Arbor Police Department told
The Michigan Daily Sunday night
that police responded to a report
of alleged sexual assault at a party
on the 600 block of S. State Street
early Sunday morning.
Chi Psi is located at 620 S. State
Street, but Taub wouldn't confirm
that the incident under investiga-

tion is a sexual assault.
"There's not much that I can
say," he said. "The police have
investigated an incident that was
Taub didn't have any informa-
tion that might identify the sus-
pect, but added that the suspect is
not a member of the fraternity.
"The person that this affects is
a person who is not affiliated at all
See CHI PSI, Page 7

campus transportation

Monorail among
options discussed
at SACUA meeting
Imagine travelingfrom Central
Campus to North Campus with-
out stepping on a bus or waiting
in traffic. While this currently

sounds like a far-off dream, it
could soon become a reality.
Stephen Forrest, the Uni-
versity's vice president for
research, spoke to the Senate
Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs yesterday about
transportation plans to move
faculty and students to the
North Campus Research Com-
plex and other areas on North
Campus in new, more innova-
tive ways.
"If you had a clean piece of
paper, what would you do?" he*

asked the faculty's leading gov-
erning body. "I'm pretty sure you
wouldn't come up with the situa-
tion that we have today."
Forrest said the opening of
the NCRC has forced the admin-
istration to look at new ways to
revamp transportation between
Central and North Campuses.
"It has made those problems
real and urgent," he said.
The NCRC is scheduled to
become fully operational for
research purposes this spring.
See SACUA, Page 7


Event focuses on state's changing economy

Health care, auto
industry execs. lead
discussion last night
Daily StaffReporter
Corporate perspectives held
sway in a discussion of health
insurance reform and the auto-
motive industry at Phi Chi Theta's
fifth annual economic sympo-
sium, "Our Economy Now," last
evening in the University of

Museum of Art in front of nearly
225 people.
Adriana Karaboutis, global
information officer at General
Motors Corp., and Jim Slubowski,
chief investment officer and vice
presidentofenterprise operations
for Priority Health - a Michigan
health insurance company -
discussed how their respective
corporations have handled the
nation's economic crisis and how
the corporations plan to weather
the imminent changes within
their industries.

Karaboutis, who opened the
symposium, attributed GM's
downturn to a combination of
corporate hubris and uncontrol-
lable factors like sudden changes
in consumer behavior.
"For one thing, we thought we
were invincible. But for another,
the industryjust tanked on us," she
said, adding that over-confidence
gave way to caution as the com-
pany decided to accept the federal
government's bailout offer.
Karaboutis praised some of
Ford Motor Company's tactics for

LSA freshman Katie Uckele holds a sign as part of a student protest yesterday to encourage President Barack Obama to
turn his attention to climate legislation.


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INDEX NEW S................. 2 A tTS.....S... ........................... 5
Vol. CXX, No, 54 SUDOKU............3 C LASSIFIEDS.. ...........6
(Q09yThe MichiganDaily OPINION............................. 4 SPORTS........... .... 8

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