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November 19, 2009 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-11-19

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2B - Thursday, November 19, 2009
Remember the timeless fear of walk-
the punks beat you up? Would your
dream crush find that out you secretly
pine to get into their pants? Well, you
might not fuck the prom queen at the
end, but if you play your cards right
in this adventure, you can be the high
school rock star you never were.

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

(508): Only in college do people
pre-game a meteor shower
Tila Tequila: Mommmyyyyyyyy
where is my mommyyyyyy
pjeenaeo;ie;oe a im high woohooo
yyeeeeeehh weeeeeeeee! Baby Tila
in trouble now! *runs & hides*
Today, after getting my car
completely fixed after it being
damaged for a year, I was driving
and the entire side panel on the car
fell off. The repair man forgot to put
the screws back in. FML

A notable Ann Arborite gives five answers
to a curious question.
Claire Elise Broderick
Stylist Extraordinaire, OrbitHair Design and Massage
What are your five favorite
wild hair styles?
1. Toon: Everybody should want imaginary hair.
2. Beehive: Honey, with those dreads Ican build anything.
3. Sculpt: Add some grease and mold, baby, mold.
4. big Big BIG: Rat that head up (in the tune of "Smack My Bitch Up" by The
5. Fire: Not for real, only in color and not for church.
For its upcoming album OddBlood, Yeasayer aimed to create music its audience
wouldn't feel "cool enough" to listen to. On "Ambling Alp," this intention is actu-
alized - the dense mess of random percussion instruments, odd vocalizations,
crashing drum beats and lyrical synth loops combine into what could really only
be called a hip-pop track. Added to this funky base is Chris Keating (exuding an
enviable air of calm confidence) repetitively crooning that, "You must stick up for
yourself, son." This undeniable coolness will draw listeners into "Ambling Alp"
and force them to keep the track on repeat.

Yes, this is exactly what you think it is. For those of you This new take on the maze challenges the player's speed,
addicted to Sudoku but disappointed with the game's inabil- reflexes and comprehension of physics. The goal is simple: Get
ity to make you hungry, "Foodoku" is made especially for you. from the start of the maze to the end. But instead of moving
Instead of those boring numbers - which are so passe - drag through the maze, you must move the maze around you. Pivot
and drop some cute little food items into the infamous nine-by- the maze around your stationary self by tossing it around.
nine grid. It's time to spice up your Sudoku. Think ring toss, but almost intellectual.
Find it at: Find it at:
http://tinyurl.com/playfoodoku http://tinyurl.com/playmazetosser


LRea ife
Are you ready?

Spend a full day shadowing an alum and [earn from the best. If
you're a junior, senior or a grad student, you could be selected for
an all-expenses-paid, one-day internship. The application deadline
is Sunday, December 6.
Here are the faat 2009 Michigan Apprentice opportunities:
" Senator Deborah Cherry, '76, is a Michigan senator
" Jordan Hymowitz, '90, is the managing member of Philadelphia Financial
Management of San Francisco, LLC
* Mike Miller, '96, is the head of the Google Ann Arbor office
" Andrew Humphrey, '92, is a Local 4 Emmy Award-winning meteorologist
" John Spain, '07, is the associate brand manager on the Ziploc brand
at SC Johnson
" Ernest J. Newborn II, '83, is senior vice president, general counsel
and secretary of USI Holdings Corporation
" Dr. Anthony Weinert, '93, is a physician and surgeon who specializes
in foot and ankle disorders and has a solo private practice
* Dr. Grant Baldwin, '94, PhD'03, is the director of the Division of
Unintentional Injury Prevention at the National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control



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