Illlb The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 2, 2009 - 7A w - The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, Novemher 2, 2009 - 7A BUDGET From Page 1A Daily in late September that, unsure about the Promise Scholarship pro- gram's fate, "the University set aside some one-time funds ... to fill these expected financial aid gaps." Also in late September, Cynthia Wilbanks, the University's vice president for government relations, told the Daily that the University would fill that void for students with demonstrated financial aid need if the Promise Scholarship was cut. "We have committed to meeting the full financial need and we have been prudent inthe waywe have bud- geted so that we will have resources for those students who have the financial need and as of now, do not appear to be receiving the Promise grants," she said in late September. Earlier this month, after a letter to state legislators from a business advocacy group encouraging law- makers to pass a budget proposal that cut the Promise Scholarship bore her name on the letterhead, University President Mary Sue Coleman issued a statement in which she distanced herself from the recommendation. She wrote: "It is in the best interests of the state to look to the long term and focus on the highest priorities - including higher education - as we lay the groundwork for the future." On that higher education front, the budget signed into law Friday provides $325,347,400 in state appropriations for the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for the coming fiscal year. This represents a drop of around .4 percent from last year's SETTLEMENT From Page 1A appeal hadhbeen dropped and that a settlement had heen reached. "The matter has been resolved and the earlier court judgment has been vacated," Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald refused further comment, saying he wasn't per- mitted to comment on the details of the settlement or any other specifics of the case. Deborah Gordon, Zwick's attorney,toldtheAssociatedPress Friday that she was not allowed to comment on the details of the settlement. "I am only allowed to say the case has been resolved," Gordon said. Details of the settlement have not yet been filed with the Court. Zwick no longer studies den- tistry, despiehavingheen accept- ed to eight other dental schools before enrolling at Michigan. She is now pursuinga master's degree in Speech Pathology at Eastern EVENT From Page 1A to a discussion about how the dismal state of the economy has led to a "brain drain" of Detroit in which highly educated people with advanced degrees leave the area to find jobs elsewhere. Susan Baskett, chair of the Ann Arbor Board of Education, stressed the importance of pri- mary education. She said both parents and the state should place an increased emphasis on the value of completing primary education so individuals can then go on to complete college. "You have to hold your people accountable, your kids account- able, your neighbors' kids account- able," she said. "You have to start local, hold everyone accountable, and know your policy. There is strength in numbers and you want to make sure all your kids gradu- ate in a timely manner." In interviews after the event, the politicos in attendance said they felt they benefited from the event just as much as the students. Baskett said the event was important because it gave politi- cians the opportunity to hear the concerns of the state's students. Brater said she felt the student input was insightful and that the event was an education process "in both directions." "I'm learning from the stu- dents and the students can get some information from me about what's going on in the state gov- ernment," she said. The coordinators of "Pancakes and Politics" said the goal of the event was to educate students on political issues and to publicize the upcoming elections this Tuesday. LSA sophomore Autumn Hol- mes, who helped coordinate the event, said they wanted those in attendance to step outside the student "bubble." "Our purpose today is to intro- duce people to individuals who are in government, who are in power and have the power to basi- cally make the laws," she said. funding, but beat earlier University projections by 2.8 percent. Those projections had estimated state funding to drop to $316,572,000 for fiscal year 2010. The amount of state funding influences the make-up of the rest of the University's budget, from the funding of different schools and academic programs to student tuition levels. But officials are quick to note that they have very care- fully accounted for potential drops in state funding while crafting bud- gets in recent years. Markinga continued reliance on cost cutting and tuition increases to fill the state funding void, state appropriations account for 21.75 percent of revenues in the Universi- ty's General Fund budget proposal for fiscal year 2010. In that same budget, tuition and fees account for 65.19 percent. From fiscal year 2003 to fiscal year 2004, state funding for the University experienced a free fall, plummeting by about 10 percent - or $36,356,600. Since then, the appropriations have hovered mostly in the $320- $330 million range. From 1997 to 2009, higher educa- tion funding in Michigan had the second-lowest rate of growth in the country. At 17 percent, Michi- gan was second to last, besting only South Carolina. In that same period of time, the national average of growth in higher education funding was 67 percent, or 5.6 percent per year. Michigan's funding grew at an average of 1.4 percent per year. Thebudget signed Friday marked the end of a months-long scramble to make ends meet for a state in his- toricallybad economic shape. Legislators rushed to fill a $2.8 billion gapbefore the state's original Oct. 1 deadline - when its new fiscal year started. In that dash, Republicans stood by a strategy of cutting state pro- grams, while Democrats looked for ways to increase revenues. With control of the House and Senate split between the two parties, stale- mates ensued. They missed the Oct. 1 deadline, and after the state's gov- ernment shut down for less than two hours, lawmakers passed a temporary budget that gave them one more month to figure it all out. For many, the resulting budget is far from a sigh of relief, with deep cutstoschools,Medicaidreimburse- ments, financial aid to college stu- dents and most state departments. According to The Associated Press, Granholm said in a conference call to reporters that the Republi- cans in the state Senate "have taken what I think is an extreme position in regard to this budget." "The Democrats have compro- mised," she said, "the Republicans have not." GOP Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop's spokesman told The Associated Press that "the budget was passed with bipartisan sup- port," and that Bishop plans to release alistof ideas for making gov- ernment and schools more efficient to avoid a panic next year. Granholm vetoed 75 programs totaling $127 million in cuts, rea- soning that "If there was something in the budget that we didn't have enough money to fund, I vetoed it," according to The Associated Press. The new budget includes $44.5 billion in spending, including $1.4 billion in stimulus dollars provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. REID From Page 1A forced to sit outbecause of injury, quietly stared at the Jumbotron, his mouth slightly open as Je'Ron Stokes patted him on the back. David Moosman scratched his beard in frustration. And the Michigan equipment managers starting pack- ing up the team's sideline early. They were all forcedto accept that Illinois - the team that wasbooed off the field by its home fans at half- time - didn't do so muchto win over the orange-clad faithfulby the end of the game. The screamingthrongs of happy fans knew the result was more aboutMichigan's deficiencies than the Illini's positives. What was proven on Saturday is simple. Michigan is, for the first time Ican ever remember, the worst team in the Big Ten, and it's not get- ting anybetter. So, where do the Wolverines go from here? Michiganneeds awin. Justone, any one will do. Next up is Purdue, which has the third-bestpassing attack in the Big Ten. That couldbe a problem - if you're a Michigan fan, you'rewell-versed inthe secondary's woes.Wisconsinishistoricallyhard to beat in Camp Randall Stadium, and Ohio State is, well, Ohio State. As the season moves forward, it's looking more and more impossible that Michigan will pick up its sixth win, which is a tough pill for the maize-and-blue faithful to swallow. And seeing how the Wolverines folded after the goal-line stand and Illinois 99-yard drive,both their motivation and drive has to be red-flagged. "You get frustrated and you don't know what to do, and the first thing you try to do is take the easy way out and just give up," fifth-year senior Brandon Graham said. "And that's not gonna happen. I can promise you that, we're not gonna quit. We're gonna keep coming every Saturday until it's over." I believe Graham, one of the few Wolverines who has actually played up to expectations this season. The real question is if the rest of the team will follow his lead these next three weeks. - Reid can be reached at The future of dating is in danger as guys' hair is turinggirls off by the minute. ft's time to take action to gret action - save the game before it's too late. ti . 7(x Ni CRISIS ff~REL lEr 0 AXE NA JR A AXE nair is offering U of M guys at Nogginz Hair Shop frm Novth"-13t GIRvLS C - " you know the guys we j talking about. Urge them to attend, i