4A - Monday, November 2, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com E-MAIL HARUN AT BULJINAH@IUMICH.EDU 0 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu HARUN BULJINA IT R° GARY GRACA EDITOR IN CHIEF ROBERT SOAVE EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR COURTNEY RATKOWIAK MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views ofttheir authors. Vote Elhady, Briere City Council needs student voice, enthusiasm, experience T here's an opinion held by many residents of Ann Arbor - and some members of City Council - regarding University students: We don't care about city elections. This opinion H strongly manifested itself during this summer's Democratic pri- he University's Kelsey Muse- mary campaign when Ward 3 Democratic incumbent Leigh Greden um of Archeology was the predicted that less than a dozen students would vote. In response, site of a ribbon-cutting cer- emonyvSunday to a much larger number of students than Greden had anticipated commemorate the museum's recently headed to the polls and handed victory to opponent Stephen Kun- completed expan- selman, who won by just six votes. This showed that students do sion. According to 4 AnnArbor.com, 7 care about Ann Arbor city government and that they can make a the expansion was s funded by an $8.5 substantial difference in the outcome of its elections. million donation - from the late Edwin IMRAN and Mary Meader, Tomorrow. students will have nn nnnr- trieti l ti I i l SYED 6 I I k wirding history 1V1V1W , U1l Wl lVCtl pp~ tunity to make an even stronger mark on Ann Arbor government by voting in the general election for City Council. Though Ann Arbor's perceived hostility to Repub- licans has made the general elections rela- tively uneventful in recent years, this year sees two independents making strong bids for City Council seats. Issues surrounding the race include the debate over what to do about Argo Dam and the Stadium Bou- levard bridge - structures that many feel are in need of repairs - and a scandal that occurred over the summer when several City Council members were discovered to be sendingemails during meetings, possibly in violation of the law. As vital members of the community with unique ideas for what the city should look like, students have an obligation to silence claims that we don't care. So head to the polls tomorrow, and as you do, keep the fol- lowing information in mind. In the Ward 4 race, Democratic incum- bent Marcia Higgins faces a challenge from University economics student Hatim Elhady. Higgins is seeking reelection so that she can continue her work on Ann Arbor Discover- ing Downtown (A2D2), a plan to streamline the city's zoning laws. She also believes that her experience will come in handy as City Council approaches tough budgetary deci- sions. Elhady, on the other hand, believes that projects like the Stadium Boulevard bridge need immediate attention from City Council and wants to get to work addressing concerns of Fourth Ward residents. Both Higgins and Elhady are, in their own ways, appealing candidates. Higgins expressed an enthusiasm for density in Ann Arbor and opposes height caps. Though this thinking may put her at odds with many residents and other members of City Coun- cil, it's meaningful to students, whose need for affordable housing would be benefited by her independent, progressive approach. But Higgins just can't match the unique experi- ence that Elhady can bring as a University student. As a student, Elhady understands that r es rC Ive election laws negativey impc students' abilities to participate in city gov- ernment. As an acknowledgement of this, he wants the primary election moved back to April, when students are still around. He also wants to prioritize the elimination of apathy among students and residents by truly staying in touch with his constituents. To this end; he plans to write newsletters and hold regularly scheduled meetings with constituents. Elhady is eager to interact with the people of Ann Arbor and listen to their concerns. While not a perfect candi- date - he could stand to gain by adopting some of Higgins's thinking on density and zoning - the opportunity to put a student who is knowledgeable and passionate on City Council can't be passed up. The Daily endorses HATIM ELHADY FOR CITY COUNCIL, WARD 4. In the Ward 1 race, Democratic incumbent Sabra Briere is being challenged by indepen- dent Mitchell Ozog, a native of Poland who fled the country in the 1980s. Briere said the budget will be one of the most important issues before City Council next term, and that she possesses in depth knowledge on the issues that comes with experience. Ozog was not available for an interview with the Daily, but his website cites fiscal responsibil- ity and transparency as the most important considerations for choosing City Council members. Ozog's background makes him an inter- esting candidate - he was actively involved in the Solidarity movement against com- munism during the Polish Revolution in the 1980s. He is also enthusiastic about bring- ing a fresh perspective to City Council. But ultimately, Briere's experience and ability to relate to the concerns of both residents and students outweighs Ozog's fresh perspec- tive. Briere has a long history of involvement with Ann Arbor political life. While her housing priorities don't always match those of students, she believes in hearing all sides of the debate and reachingcompromises that will please students, residents, landlords and developers. The Daily endorses SABRA BRIERE FOR CITY COUNCIL, WARD 1. andt the National Endowment for Humanities also gave $200,000. The expansion was much needed, given that the museum was originally built nearly 120 years ago and had just 1,000 square feet of gallery space - enough to squeeze in only about 300 artifacts. The new 20,000-square- foot addition to the museum will have about 1,500 artifacts on public display. Most of these artifacts are ancient treasures either excavated by Univer- sity archeologists in the early 1900s or acquired indirectly through deal- ers and donors. The museum's website gives details on just about every one of the University led major excavations, which have resulted in a collection of more than 100,000 artifacts. But even with the expansion, the museum will be able to display only about 1.5 per- cent of its massive collection. The rest will remain in locked storage. I'm startled by that reality, but per- haps I shouldn't be: It's nothingnew in our society for wealth to be dubiously, concentrated among the elite few. The Kelsey Museum is just one of hun- dreds of museums across the world that hoard priceless cultural artifacts in storage. These treasures deserve to be displayed, butget displacedbecause they are redundant or conventionally uninteresting to the museum. The University might have the right to hold these surplus artifacts in closed storage. After all, it was the efforts of University archeologists that unearthed the objects in the first place. And academic institutions also have ancient artifacts for research purposes. You never know when any one of those 100,000 pieces may be needed by researchers in a hurry, and it's good to have them all on hand. I don't necessarily disagree with any of those arguments. Rather, I sim- ply want to point out and encourage consideration of the opposing argu- ment. Most of the major excavations that brought those artifacts to Ann Arbor happened before the modernization of antiquity laws across the world. That was a time when archeologists could. walk into a foreign country and leave with extracted artifacts without any violation of law. Egypt - with lead- ers who were concerned more about appeasing the West than about pro- tecting their own - was famous for actually giving away artifacts. During that golden age, University archeologists made significant finds in places like Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt and Iraq. Expeditions to Karanis, Egypt proved especially fruitful - the museum's website indicates that almost 45,000 Karanis objects arrived in Ann Arbor between 1926 and 1936. Another 13,000 objects were brought over from another particularly fruit- ful site, Seleucia-on-the-Tigris (now in Iraq). But as that age passed, society began to realize that nations, no mat- ter how primitive their democracies, had somie right of ownership over- objects extracted from their soil. After that, institutions had to be more care- ful and acquire artifacts only from reputable dealers. Restrictions and attitudes have evolved further. While they could once plead ignorance, institutions today bear some responsibility for actually investigating the history of the works they acquire to make sure they were not smuggled or stolen. There's no reason to assume that the University has ever broken the rules. On the contrary, its researchers have generally done a great benefit to society by unearthing and investigat- ing artifacts that tell tales of lost civi- lizations. But there's a little more it could do. Instead of holding precious cultural artifacts in storage, why not circu- late them among museums in areas of the world that are not so saturated with priceless, displayable artifacts? Or better yet, why not conditionally return these artifacts to the countries from which they were taken? I think it's a safe assumption that many of the 100,000 artifacts in storage will never be needed by a researcher. But if one ever is, the University will know exactly where it is and will have an agreement in place to get it back. Should museums give artifacts back to original owners? Some might argue that the artifacts should not go back because places like Iraq and Egypt cannot be trusted to secure them. How ironic that such a patronizing defense is used to protect possessions acquired in the time of blinded colonialist advances, which left these nations compromised in the first place. I certainly don't advocate returning artifacts to war-torn, unstable coun- tries. At its discretion, the University would be welcome to withhold those pieces itelieves might be damaged or lost if returned. I argue only that some effort be made to recognize that peo- ple once took what wasn't theirs, and the fact that it was then legal does not make the action right. - Imran Syed can be reached at galad@umich.edu. 0 EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nina Amilineni, Emad Ansari, Emily Barton, Ben Caleca, Michelle DeWitt, Brian Flaherty, Emma Jeszke, Raghu Kainkaryam, Sutha K Kanagasingam, Erika Mayer, Edward McPhee, Harsha Panduranga, Alex Schiff, Asa Smith, Brittany Smith, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Laura Veith FACEOFF: ELECTION DAY WASHTENAW COUNTY ENHANCEMENT MILLAGE DREW DENZIN I KATHY GRISWOLD| Millage too costly: Vote no Education at stake:,Vote yes Two mills is too much for all but the most fortu- nate in our community. I urge you to vote "No" on the millage proposal, but more important than how you vote is how you make the decision regarding this millage and future decisions in your personal and professional life. In Malcolm Gladwell's new book, "What the Dog Saw," he describes how Cornell MBA students ana- lyzed the financial statements of Enron Corpora- tion for a class project. They concluded that Enron stock was overvalued and recommended that stock- holders sell. The price of Enron stock continued to increase and eventually doubled until... well, you know the rest of that story. Would history be differ- ent if investigative reporters from The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times had done the anal- ysis and published the results? Similarly, I have attempted to do an analysis of the Ann Arbor Public Schools financial statements. And of course, my MBA is from the University, not Cornell. This analysis is posted on the Citizens for Responsible School Spending website at www. A2CRSS.org. The most salient points include the following: First, threats from Lansing to drastically cut school funding are just that - threats. 'Threats have been made in the past. School funding is a top prior- ity and when the political games end, funding will likely be restored to a fair level. Second, the proposal would result in an 11.4 percent increase in local school taxes. Residents already pay 17.52 mills.-And commercial property owners, including farmers, already pay this plus an additional 18 mills in school taxes. And Ann Arbor Public Schools already receive over $12,000 per pupil per year in local, state, federal and private sources. Finally, AAPS operating expenses have risen at over twice the rate of inflation since 2002. This growth is simply not sustainable. Some very intelligent, politically savvy people have been hoodwinked by the lack of transparency in school financial reporting and the limited, mis- leading information being passionately presented by children's teachers and other school officials. They are unaware that special interests and the Michigan Education Association have spun this campaign message into one of deception, urgency and emotional fear. I urge you to make an informed decision based on facts, not fear, and vote "No" on the millage proposal. Kathy Griswold is a member of Citizens for Responsible School Spending. Tomorrow, Washtenaw County is holding a vote for a millage that could change students' lives. Gov. Jennifer Granholm recently initiated a series of dev- astating retroactive cuts to public education through- out the state. With your support - a yes vote - the millage will ensure thatquality K-12 public education will carry on while our state legislature reorganizes itself in the 21st century. This money will help cover a portion of promised funds to Washtenaw County's schools - promised funds they are no longer getting due to severe shortfalls. The governor already cut $297 per pupil this year, with projected cuts of anoth- er $600 per pupil next year. This does not include an additional line item cut that affectsAnn Arbor Public Schools directly. I am in the unique position of seeing Washtenaw County education from multiple angles. I had many opportunities in music and sports during my K-12 Ann Arbor Public School days. I attended the Univer- sity of Michigan, where I pursued a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in the sciences and education. My wife and I call Ann Arbor home: I teach biology at the high school level in Saline and have young chil- dren in the Ann Arbor Public Schools. It worries me that my children won't have the same educational opportunities I did if the millage doesn't pass. There are many opponents to the Washtenaw County Enhancement Millage who argue that the "system is broken" and "irresponsible spending" on the part of local schools is to blame. They will argue that a yes vote is a vote for the millage - nothingshort, in their eyes, of a bailout for a failed system. I agree the system failed. However, the irrespon- sibility doesn't lie with local districts - it lies with a deeply flawed state tax structure that was once intended to support Michigan's public schoolsbut has had problems since 1994. Approving this millage will enable us to continue to provide a quality education for our students while allowingthem to participate in elective classes like technology, the arts, sports and career exploration. In tough times, investments for the future provide the greatest dividends. Historically, families move to the villages, towns and cities of Washtenaw County because of the excellent schools. The commitment of the students, school employees, parents and com- munity is an incredible formulathat works for all par- ties involved. The reputation of excellence made our communities desirable places to live and put our real estate in high demand. Changing this formula and underfunding our schools puts our children, school employees, communities and home values atrisk. One generation of studentsshould not be penalized with massive teacher layoffs, large class sizes and the elimination of curricula while adults fix the system. A basic comparison comes into play here with green energy. Ittakes time to fix our global dependence on fossil fuels. For example, a household transitioning to green energy here in Ann Arbor still needs heat and hot water. Likewise, as Lansing finds itself a new tax structure, we as a county still need to educate our local students with integrity. In other words,.we can't throw the baby out with the bath water. The state as a whole is in crisis, but is it the right choice to cripple local public education? Voting yes on the Washtenaw County Enhance- ment Millage is essential. It will not only maintain integrity in continued quality instruction but will also keep and generate jobs in the greater Ann Arbor area. I chose to stay local and givebackto the commu- nity thatserved me growing up. As aUniversity alum, I ask for your support tomorrow. Drew Denzin is a University alum. 0 The millage would raise $30 million for Washtenaw County schools by increasing property taxes. Two sides weigh in on how you should vote. 0