2A- Monday, November 2, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.cam 2A - Monday, November 2, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 0"ITUESDAY: Other .Tower Off the Beaten Path WEDNESDAY: Campus Clubs THURSDAY: Before You Were Here FRIDAY: Photos of the Week 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbnr, MI 48109-1327 www.michsigandaily.com y GARY GRACA DAN NEWAN Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-847-3336 734-764-50558 gr-aca@michigasdaily.com tmdbusiness@gsnail.com Prof arrested for fraud, money laundering A nuclear engineering professor at the University of Florida and his wife were arrested in Gainesville on Friday and indicted by a fed- eral grand jory for wire fraod, conspiracy to commit money laundering, money launder- ing and snaking false state- ments to the goveronent, according to The Gainesville Sun. The couple allegedly sub- mitted "false information, including research taken from UF students without their knowledge, in contract proposals to NASA, the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy" to obtain $3.7 million in gov- ernment contracts, the Sun reports. They allegedly then fun- neled "hundreds of thousands of dollars earned from those contracts" into personal banks, according to the Sun. CRIME NOTES UCONN STUDENT FACES CHARGES FOR THREATS ON 'SNITCHES' University of Connecti- cut police said Thursday that 18-year-old freshman Christo- pher Mutchler "committ(ed) an act of terrorism" when he posted messages on Face- book and the ESPNU website regarding the Oct. 18 fatal stabbing of UConn football player Jasper Howard, accord- ing to the Associated Press. On Oct. 20, according to the AP, Mutchler wrote on an ESPNU news page: "jazz didnt deserve do (sic) die the person who killed him didnt intend to kill HOM anyone who snitched should face the social consequences." Mutchler is charged with hindering prosecution, com- mitting an act of terrorism and "several misdemeanors," according to the AP. BOULDER'S 'NAKED PUMPEIN RUN' GOES AS PLANNED Thousands took to down- town Boulder, Colorado Sat- urday night to take part in the 'Naked Pumpkin Run', an annual event in which people streak through the streets completely naked with carved- out pumpkins on their heads, according to the Boulder Daily Camera. The Camera reported that "there had been just one arrest and no significant problems." Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner, who called the event a 'free-for-all", told the Wall Street Journal before the event that he planned to "station more than 40 officers" on the route. - MATT AARONSON CONTACT INFORMATION Newsomn News Tips Cnrrections letersltoihe Editar Pholtraphy Department Arts Sectian Editorial Pate Sports Sectin Display Sales tlassified Sales Online Sales Offce hours: Sun.-Thus. 11a.m. -2 a.m. nes@michigandaiy.com corrections@miciasdaily.con tothedaty@michigandaily.com photo@michigandaily.com 6 6 display@michigandaily.com classified@nkchigasdaity.con onlineads@michigandaily.com Two MIPS given Pills taken CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES International Historian book law workshop reading WHERE: South Quad WHEN: Saturday at about 1:30 WHAT: Two students were issued minor in possessions and were transported to University Hospital for detoxification, Uni- versity Police reported. Police couldn't confirm their costumes. Thief takes food, water WHERE: Michigan Union WHEN: Friday at about 12:45 p.m. WHAT: A suspect was caught on videotape stealing a sand- wich and water bottle then returning to steal more, Uni- versity Police reported. WHERE: Angell Hall WHEN: Friday at aboutS:05 p.m. WHAT: A student reported that his Adderall pills stolen from his unattended backpack in the Fishbowl, University Police reported. Nothing else was reported stolen. Student spits on paramedics WHERE: An intoxicated student spit on paramedics, University Police reported. Her screaming and aggressive behavior led another student to report her. WHEN: Saturday at about 1:55 a.m. WHAT: University law pro- fessors will discuss present- day issues in comparative and international law. WHO: Center for Interna- tional and Comparative Law WHEN: Today from 4 to 5:15 p.m. WHERE: Hutchins Hall Alleviating stress seminar WHAT: A workshop to dis- cuss how to alleviate stress by alteringhbehavior at home, at work and in relationships. Registration is $20._ WHO: Center for the Educa- tion of Women WHEN: Today from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. WHERE:330 East Liberty WHAT: Historian Peter Line- baugh will discuss his book "The Magna Carta Manifesto." WHO: College Socialists and Interdisciplinary Marxism Working Group WHEN: Today at 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Michigan League Blog workshop WHAT: A tutorial in design- ing webpages and managing blogs using WordPress. WHO: Teaching and Tech- nology Collaborative WHEN: Today at 4 p.m. WHERE: Hatcher Graduate Library CORRECTIONS . Please report any error in the Daily to correc- tions@michigandaily~com. 1President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama handed out candy to more than 2,000 .trick-or- treaters at the White House Saturday afternoon, The New York Times reported. The pres- ident didn't wear a costume, but the first lady was dressed as Cat Woman. 2 City Council candi- date Mitchell Ozog was involved in the Solidarity movement in Poland during the 1980s. >>FOR MORE, SEE OPINION, PAGE 4A 3Researchers attheUniver- sity of Leeds say kissing was originally invented to purposely spread germs, Tele- graph.co.uk reported. Accord- ing to the study, kissing builds immunity against Cytomegalo- virus - a virus found in saliva that can lead to birth defects and miscarriages. 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