0 4 - Friday, October 30, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com E-MAIL CHRIS AT CSKOSLOW@UMICH.EDU C I 4e Michigan 4:3at'6'lu CHRIS KOSLOWSKI I INS SRI ;. " }" ^ d i Y f j Y ,s :fit^. i [ .T .' Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu S' to there, lve 'O art the Q rassoodocks tv s eve v' S ha* s 0 Sal,"" vr ! rt headd v ~ brob( Op rrwlhll l n Li f You kidding) The ladies are going to LOVE thes, - costumes r _ ik;.b GARY GRACA EDITOR IN CHIEF ROBERT SOAVE EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR COURTNEY RATKOWIAK MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the oficial positio nfthe Daily's editorialboard. All other signed articles and illustrations repsresent solely the views of their authors. Mercury rising Regulating mercury emissions will protect environment Michigan's environment is under attack by a dangerous chemical: mercury. But new state regulations could cur- tail its effects. The Michigan Department of Environ- mental Quality announced regulations on Oct. 19 that will require significant cuts in the levels of mercury that coal-fired plants are permitted to emit. These regulations are necessary to protect Mich- igan's environment, as well as state residents' health, from the dan- gerous effects of mercury. Michigan energy producers should jump at the chance to improve their emissions' quality. Lets' talk about sexonomics Michigan is the 19th state to regulate mer- cury emissions. Under the new regulations - which were under consideration for three years - coal-fired plants would be required to slash their mercury emissions by 90 per- cent of 1999 levels by 2015. Since these plants generate 60 percent of Michigan's electric- ity, the impact of a reduction in emissions will be tangible. It is estimated that 3,600 less pounds of mercury will be released into the air each year. Mercury pollution has a real effect on public health and the ecosystem. It perme- ates into the lakes and is extremely toxic to the human nervous system. Mercury from the atmosphere falls into waterways where it takes the form of methylmercury. The chemical infects small fish and plankton and can make its way up the food chain. In addition to disrupting the environment, this becomes dangerous to the public in the form of commonly eaten fish, which may contain unsafe levels of mercury. Regulating mer- cury emissions will make for cleaner water and a healthier environment. And a healthy environment is undeni- ably vital to the state's well-being. Tour- ism is Michigan's third-largest industry, and environmental regulations will help preserve and increase the attractiveness of the state's natural resources to visitors. The Great Lakes, for instance, will be in better condition once mercury emissions are seri- ously curbed. Fishing, among other things, depends upon a healthy ecosystem. Reducing emissions levels so drastically is certainly an ambitious goal. But it often takes ambitious goals for any progress to be made. Even if every plant doesn't reach the set goals, the result would still be a drastic reduction in mercury levels. Besides, tech- nologies do exist for reducing the amount of mercury exiting power plants, like advanced scrubbers and carbon injectors. And lower mercury levels will be worth the potential rise in energy prices. State mercury regulations can help better public health and improve the condition of Michigan's environment. But federal coal plant mercury regulations would be even more valuable. Luckily, the Environmental Protection Agency plans to introduce such new regulations by November 2011. This implementation will not only bring down mercury emissions across the country, but also even the playing field for coal plants so that business is not disproportionately affected on a state-by-state basis. Lower mercury emissions are condu- cive to healthier people and a better envi- ronment. The Michigan DEQ is correct to demand so much of the power producers - it conveys the message that the environment is serious business. Coal-fired power plants should embrace these regulations to help make Michigan healthier. hen the Modern Library polled more than 200,000 readers in 1998 to compile its 100 Best Novels list, voters in they poll selected writ- p er Ayn Rand, an objectivist novelist, as the clear winner. Books by Rand took the top two spots and a total of four places in the top 10. BRIAN Rand's popularity FLAHERTY otn college campus- es atndelsewhere has stemmed large. ly from the appeal and controversy of her views on topics like rational- ity and capitalism, but she also had a very interesting perspective on rela- tionships, which could be described as laissez-faire meets sexuality. Herview that relationships should be an exchange of value, in many ways parallel to an economic transaction, is both useful for thinking about modern relationships and increas- ingly reflective of a reality in which it's okay (and, in many cases, ideal) to shop around. When many of our parents were young, "going steady" and dating were the customary practices sur- rounding relationships. Our great- grandparents might have been more familiar with "calling." On college campuses today, traditional dating has been largely supplanted with the ultimately more liberalizing hook- up culture. Keeping things casual has increasingly become the norm in colleges, and it has become both common and socially acceptable for young people to engage in "hookups" - a conveniently ambiguous term that refers to anything from kissing to bumping uglies outside the context of a committed and monogamous relationship. In her book "Hooking Up: Sex, Dat- ing, and Relationships on Campus," researcher Kathleen Bogle indicates that as much as 78 percent of college students at large public universities engage in hookups. And friends- with-benefits relationships - which involve intimacy and passion with low commitment - are now common as well. A recent study by Bisson and Levine called "Negotiating a Friends with Benefits Relationship" suggest- ed that 60 percent of college students have engaged in such relationships. A lot of young adults today are defer- ring committed relationships to later in life, a fact that's evidenced in the ages at which people are marrying: on average at roughly 27 for men and 25 for women. All in all, it seems most college studentsand recent graduates are opting in favor of keeping their optiotas open. In market economies, -,consum- ers benefit from the freedom to shop around, compare products and select the ones that provide the value they're looking for at the lowest cost. Mod- ern behavior toward relationships is in many ways similar - students can interact with a wide variety of people in a variety of ways while having the freedom to attempt relationships with those who provide the greatest value for the cost. But pairing up looks a lot different in an ideal economic market. For one thing, there's the big complication that every person is unique. It's rela- tively easy to assess a watchamacal- lit in a store, but hard to really know the traits of another person. Markets have ways of dealing with problems like this, but a lot of them don't work for relationships. If I buy a hoodie and decide I don't like it, I can simply return it - this reduces my concern that I don't know about the quality and value of the product I'm buying. Romantic partners are a lot harder to simply return, which is one reason why it's often advantageous for peo- ple to get more information - to get to know each other in casual settings and compare one another to other people they've previously known - before they buy the goods. Aside from Match.com and its ilk, the "market" for human partners is also pretty fragmented, making it hard for many people to locate what they're looking for. If someone is looking for a partner with a rare per- sonality type and particular traits, it EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: can be pretty difficult to find one. So sometimes, the most rational strat- egy is a shopping approach - to meet, flirt, try out and do various other things with alot of people to increase your chances of encountering one you're willing to hold onto. One ben- efit of modern sexual culture is that it allows people to practice this to a greater extent. With love, it's best to shop around on the market. Probably the biggest problem in forming relationships is that many people simply don't know what they want. Rational people have prefer- ences about what they want from most products when they buy them. But while intelligent adults consider factors like whether or not their car is kid-friendly before they purchase it, they often fail to give an hon- est assessment of whether a person they have feelings for can really pro- vide the sort of intimacy, interaction and experiences they want. Just as consumers can make a bad decision when they lack a good understand- ing of what they want, people tend to make bad decisions when they enter relationships without knowing their preferences in relationships, intima- cy and partners. In relationships, as in economics, people suffer negative consequences when they don't inject rationality into their decision-making. It's my view, and I think Ayn Rand's, that an ideal relationship occurs not as the result of mere chance or uncontrol- lable' feeliigs, but when two people recognize the value in being with one another and make an informed deci- sion to do so~, - Brian Flaherty is an associate editorial page editor. He can be reached at bfla@umich.edu. FELIX LOPEZ I Halloween unmasked Once again, the time of the year has come for everyone to pick out their costumes, bring out the treats and have a good ol' time in Ann Arbor. And yet, as females walk down South University wearing "sexy" costumes and people think it's entertaining to dress up as Native Americans, it is vital to address the ignorance of Halloween. What is easily forgotten in the cloud of excite- ment and inebriation is the trouble Halloween generates. Centered on disguises, Oct. 31 is seen by many as an excuse to cause mischief in the name of good-natured fun. But Halloween often gives students permission to assume a personal- ity that offends other communities and identities. There are serious implications involved when a person is having a "good time" with an unaccept- able costume. Few understand the ramifications of a holiday that often uses this alternate reality to descend into racism and hypersexualizaiton. The irresponsible racist actions that Hallow- een sometimes prompts are not just seen at this University, but on other campuses as well. The University of Texas Law School faced this issue in 2006, when students hosted a "Ghetto Fabu- lous" costume party. This party displayed ste- reotypical black and Latino names, apparel and objects. When pictures surfaced on the Internet, there was outrage amongst the black and Latino communities. But the problem was not properly resolved, and students who had participated in the event were given a simple warning. Dean of the UniversityofTexas School ofLawLarrySager recalled thatitwas "understandable thatstudents could innocently misbehave in this way," accord- ing to a Nov. 2, 2006 Associated Press article. To the targeted black and Latino community, this response was wrong and inconsiderate. To state that it was understandable for adult law students to have "innocently" misbehaved is unacceptable. The law students weren't little kids - they knew what they were doing. In spite of the fact that there are some respons- es on college campuses that consent to offensive BELLA SHAH actions shown on Halloween, there are signs of improvement. At the University of Richmond, after a student saw an unknown person in black- face who portrayed himself as an African Ameri- can, University President Edward Ayers stated that the racial incident had "no place on this cam- pus." Though there was no direct punishment to the offender because of his anonymity, there was an acknowledgment by Ayers that strengthening stereotypes of a certain group is unethical. But racism isn't Halloween's only negative result. Overtly sexual Halloween costumes are the trend for many womenbecause the media por- trays that as desirable. Scantily clad women per- petuate gender stereotypes that depict women as objects subject to the male gaze. Though women should have the right to feel sexually liberated, which might be the intention of wearing a "sexy" costume, they should be prepared for males to react accordingly. It's important for the University of Michigan to forewarn students that, among other reprehensible actions, Halloween makes it easier to commit acts of vandalism and to reinforce damaging stereo- types without fear of repercussions due to their shrouded identity. As college students, we should be competent enough to be fully aware of our actions and their consequences. It is our duty to build a safe campus community during Halloween, and that requires adeeper analysis of the holiday. Tonight, FightingObstaclesKnowingUltimate Success (FOKUS) is presenting ART-I-FAKTS: HALLO (WHAT?!), a student art showcase and reception that will illustrate, examine and ques- tion all the aspects of Halloween - not just the negative ones. The event is from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Kelsey Museum and is free to the public. Come prepared to decorate pumpkins, engage in dialogue and vibe to the sounds ofDJ Professor Purple and DJ Seek Selekta while perusing our art display. Felix Lopez is a member of FOKUS. E-MAIL BELLA AT BELLZ@UMICH.EDU " A OL. UME ET t , I I Nina Amilineni, Emad Ansari, Emily Barton, Ben Caleca, Michelle DeWitt, Brian Flaherty, Emma Jeszke, Raghu Kainkaryam, Sutha K Kanagasingam, Erika Mayer, Edward McPhee, Harsha Panduranga, Alex Schiff, Asa Smith, Brittany Smith, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Laura Veith 0 Midterm meltdown t's an unfortunate fact of life that most of us will have to take final exams or write final papers at the end of this semes- ter, and another fact; that finals are, with very few excep- tions, mind-numb- 7 ing and emotionallyI devastating. Luck- ily for us, though, f there is a time des- L ignated solely for final exams dur- JAMIE ing which we have BLOCK nothing to do but study, procrasti- nate, obsess and stay up all night reading a tomato sauce-stained textbook, without the pesky interferences of class and other homework. But for midterms and midterm papers, we aren't so fortunate. My midterm schedule has been stretched across several weeks, and I know that this isn't a unique situation. Everyone I know seems to have midterms and large papers popping up all over the place, even now. Midterms may, in theory, often be slightly easier than finals, or at least cover a more narrow scope of material. But students still deserve more of a study period than Fall Break, which comes after mid- terms for many students, anyway. To balance the difference, I propose that the University treat midterm season the same way it treats finals season. The University wouldn't have to set aside more than a week to accomplish this task, since some classes with finals don't have midterms, meaning there would be fewer potential scheduling conflicts. If, instead of Fall Break, we had that entire week devoted solely to mid- terms and devoid of classes, it would be a far better system than the one currently in place. One obvious objection is that it means several class sessions that professors currently count on would be off the schedule. But this could be easily remedied. The University gives us one of the longest summers on record eachyear, and isn't technically even obligated to offer any minimum number of sessions of each class. To prolong the school year by only three days hardly seems like a great sacri- fice by the student body in exchange for a more suitable midterm system. And I would argue that even if extend- ing the year is ultimately impractical, losing those teaching days in favor of a better evaluation system is a worthy trade-off The relaxation students would miss on those three once-summer, now-school days is far less than the relaxation gained from not having to juggle midterms with everything else going on at the time. Without the distractions of homework, classes and student group meetings, mid- term season would no longer make students angry at every little time commitment that stands in the way of their studying. Obviously, exams are always somewhat stressful, but this can never and should never be completely alleviated - attending the University of Michigan should come with some stress. But any exam stress should come from studying the mate- rial, not from the obstacles prevent- ing you from doing so. There are also those who fear classes would lose momentum, but in my experience, midterms already cause this. Classes slow down for review anyway, so it may as well be at a uniform time. Also, holding the exams during a set time equalizes the playing field for all students, while the current system allows some students plenty of time to study for an exam that other students may have no time for. We consider fair- ness on final exams to be important enough to merit setting aside time for them, and midterms should be no different. While the goal isn't to enable all students to pass every exam with fly- ing colors, there is a large possibility that many students would do better with the altered system - and this, because it would happen for the right reasons, would be a great thing. I am not a proponent of arbitrary grade inflation or overly generous profes- sors - grades should be deserved - but if an otherwise beneficial pol- icy also happens to lead to students doing better on exams, surely this is something worth embracing. With a less stressful and more equal set- ting, students would be better able to show accurately how much they have learned a the material at hand - not just how much they were able to cram in between fulfilling their many other obligations. The Uni- versity should be in full support of a system that leads to students getting grades that are more reflective of actual comprehension. Like finals, these exams should get their own week. It seems difficult, then, for the University to argue against a uni- form exam policy. It creates an equal playing field for students and lowers unnecessary stress. The only major complaints I hear from other stu- dents about the existing finals policy stem from some classes not actually following those policies. To apply that system to midterms and midterm papers feels like a logical and overdue next step. -Jamie Bock is a senior arts editor. He can be reached at jarblock@umich.edu. 6 6 z-. ~s', , : ^*w.a...-. r I " " i i ,: .- ;t '.3 . j.; :,r sfsr ,, , 'I 0 6