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October 26, 2009 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-10-26

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10A -Monday, October 26, 2009

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 0

iDA -Monday, October 26, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom *

From Page 1A
department and the University, fac-
ing the current vaccine shortage,
have redefined their priority groups
to determine which individuals get
first access to the vaccine.
The health department's priority
groups include health care person-
nel, pregnant women, caregivers of
children younger than six months,
children six months through four
years and children ages five through
18 with underlying medical condi-
tions - a group which previously
extended to people up to age 24.
The department also removed the
priority group of 25 to 64 year olds
withunderlyinghealth conditions.
Ernstsaid UHS will apply similar
guidelines when it begins to distrib-
ute its supply, adding that UHS has
already vaccinated its own staff and
emergency personnel.
While the University Hospi-
tal and Health System, Medical
School and School of Nursing are
responsible for vaccinating their
own employees, UHS is in charge of
issuing the vaccine to other depart-
ments on campus.
Last Friday, UHS vaccinated
Dental School faculty and staff.
Ernst said UHS is currently work-

ing with the Department of Public
Safety and University Housing secu-
rity to make sure campus officers are
vaccinated in addition to laboratory
staffworkingwiththe vaccine inthe
School of Public Health.
After those people are vaccinat-
ed, Ernst said UHS will then open.
up the vaccine to individuals with
underlying health conditions -
including those with diabetes, heart
and lung disease and people with
weak immune systems from medi-
cal conditions.
Although plans are in place, Ernst
said UHS does not foresee having to
set up mass vaccination clinics in
the near future.
"Those plans are on hold until we
are able to secure sufficient quan-
tities of the vaccine to actually be
able to do that," he said. "But we
will be distributing the vaccine on
an appointment basis at the Health
Service to individuals who have
underlying health conditions."
In an interviewlastmonth, Univer-
sity Provost Teresa Sullivan said Uni-
versity officials have "responded very
well to the current HINT situation"
and are still "watching it closely."
Professors have been asked to be
flexible with sick students and not
require them to get medical excuses
from UHS. Sullivan said she has been
in frequent communication with

deans and faculty about how to han-
dle ill students notcoming to class.
"I don't want students penalized
because they're sick," Sullivan said.
"I don't want students forced to
go to the health center and expose
more people just so they can get a
note. That doesn't seem to be a rea-
sonable thing to do. So far, as far as'
I can tell, the faculty have been on
board with this."
UHS has not been given any
information on when it will receive
more doses. Ernst said it depends on
when the county's health depart-
ment receives shipments.
He added that the department
has been prioritizing children and
groups who are at risk for serious
complications like tonsillitis if they
get the virus.
"I think that's appropriate, but
we also have to be mindful about
the fact that college students are
also susceptible," he said.
Though UHS cannot put its vac-
cination plans into action until it
receives more doses, Ernst said it is
ready once more arrive.
"Once sufficient quantities
become available, we need to really
quickly release the plans that we do
have in place for mass distribution,"
he said. "But it doesn't make sense
to release any times and dates if we
don't have available vaccines."

Ra :Youth shows for M'

From Page1A
killed the drive.
Carlos Brown's fumble at the
Penn State 20-yard line two plays
after Graham blocked a huge punt
killed the momentum.
And the interception on Forci-
er's laststand killed the game, a fit-
ting end to what had been reduced
to a hopeless comedy of errors.
"It's a bad day," Graham said.
"It was just hard. It's just hard
because we prepare so hard and
everybody wanted it and it was
just a bad day."
But in reality, the bad day is
probably what should have been
expected. Four of the Wolverines'
five wins have been against the
second-worst team in the Big Ten,
a poor Division 1-AA team and two
Mid-American Conference teams.
For the most part, the Wolverines
have won the games they should
have won and lost the games they
should have lost - and after last
season's finish, that's acceptable.
I predicted at the beginning of
the year that Michigan would fin-
ish 6-6. That looked pretty stupid
after the Wolverines started 4-0,

but Saturday's result made it seem
a lot more possible. With Illinois,
Purdue, Wisconsin and Ohio State
remaining, Michigan could very
well limp to the finish line, and
that's a depressing prospect. Forci-
er and the Wolverines' play just
one month ago had almost made a
New Year's Day bowl feel like more
than just wishful thinking.
The freshman is still a talented
quarterback, and still seemed
nearly as confident Saturday as he
was after Notre Dame. But Satur-
day showed what we have been
suspecting for a few games now
- his freshman year has finally
started. Excluding Michigan's
first possession, a 70-yard touch-
down drive in which Forcier was
3-of-3, the freshman completed 10
of 27 passes for 106 yards. He was
sacked five times.
"I don't know if one game can
really define you either way, good
or bad," Rodriguez said after the
game. "I think we're a young team
but you know, we've played enough
games to get some experience."
It's been more than one game's
worth of disappointment now,
though this one was the most

important in determining how
this team will finish.
In the team's first four games,
Forcier completed 62 percent of
his passes with two interceptions
and seven touchdowns.
During the team's dismal Octo-
ber, a 1-3 stretch, the freshman has
completed just 48 percent of his
passes, thrown three interceptions
and just two touchdowns.
Forcier maintains he's fine, and
Rodriguez said Saturday's mis-
takes were "correctable," some-
thing that's been said during each
of Michigan's three losses. But
as soon as the young Wolverines
fix their mistakes, others become
even more apparent.
That inexperience is why the
Wolverines were outmatched Sat-
urday in a game that couldn't have
been further from their fairytale-
fast start.
And that's also why Saturday's
game finally exposed Michigan
for what it really is and what it will
likely be for the rest of the season
- at best, a mediocre team.
- Ratkowiak can be reached
at cratkowisumich.edu.

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