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October 21, 2009 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-10-21

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10A - Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Registered laptops
will get trackers
From Page 1A sidered, Chaness said the sticker
registration plan was ultimately
mission. chosen because it was efficient
"We started a program two and the most cost effective.
and a half years ago to have lap- "It costs 50 cents per registra-
top locks, available for rent, at tion, and that protects a $1,000
the UGLi and Duderstadt Cen- laptop," he said.
ter," said Bret Chaness, former While the goal of the program
chairman of the Campus Safety is to cut down on laptop theft,
Commission. Brown said ultimately it is the
Chaness added that havinglocks laptop owners who are responsi-
for rent resulted in a 50-percent ble for their computers. She added
decrease in laptop thefts. He said that the best ways to ensure the
the Campus Safety Commission felt safety of a laptop is never leaving
there was still room for improve- it unattended in public, labeling
ment and began to advocate for an the computer and accessories
even more effective program. and password protecting it.
During winter term last year Still, Chaness said he believes
the commission met with Chief the laptop registration program
of Police Kenneth Magee, as well will be a deterrent to thieves and
as other DPS officers, to come up help improve, at least in part, the
with a way to protect students' security of laptops across campus.
laptops throughout campus, "Thieves will see the sticker
Chaness said. in the library," he said, "And they
Though many plans were con- will go away."

the National Association for Urban
GRANT Debate Leagues.
From Page 1A LSA sophomore Parker Cronin,
who helped found the organization,
the group's infrastructure and pro- said public high schools in Detroit
vide scholarships for tournament invite DUDE to help build the
registration, national travel and schools' existing debate initiatives
summer debate camps. by providing teaching assistance in
DUDE is also planningto host its classes and after-school programs.
own debate tournament in January, The club currently works with four
Zagorin said. to five schools in Detroit.
"Currently all of our schools Cronin said teaching assistants
that we work with in Detroit have emphasize public speaking skills,
free entry (to the tournament), but research skills and argument
we are also working with an urban theory skills. DUDE also provides
debate team in Grand Rapids and schools with judges and coaches
we'd like to make it free entry for for debate tournaments.
them as well," he said. "I go once a week and we teach
In order to win the competition, basic debate theory," Cronin said.
DUDE needs to win an online voting "So we teach students how to argue
competition. Parker said that though about certain positions, we teach
DUDE currently stands in second research skills, public speaking and
place, he thinks the group's chances we talk'about the various issues
of winning the competition are good. that come up in debate."
"We have a large student base Cronin said DUDE hopes to give
at the University of Michigan," he underprivileged kids the opportu-
said. "I think a lot of these people nity to better their educational cir-
are very sympathetic to Detroit. It's cumstances.
a city we love and want to help out." "There have been hundreds of
DUDE works with students at success stories from people who are
both the University of Michigan from the wrong side of the tracks
and Wayne State University and and who have debated and turned
has recently partnered up with their life around," Cronin said.


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