The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 3B Obama's big prize L ast week, the president of the United States was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international 1 diplomacy and cooperation between peo- ples." Naturally,l there is only one appropriate reac- ZACH tion to news like SIMovL this: disgust. Like the Taliban, which shock- ingly disagreed with the Norwegian Nobel Committee's decision, many on the political right in this coun- try have also decried this terrible injustice. As Rush Limbaugh put it last Friday, "I'm on the same side of something with the Taliban ... We all are on the same side as the Tali- ban." Now, I don't know if it was just the pills talking, but Rush is right. Today, we are all Taliban. How could this have happened? Popular conservative blogger and founder of Erick Erickson provided one possibility: "I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing' I can think of for this news." Not a bad thought. President Obama has always been quick to play the race card. Whether it was being born black, being the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review, the third African American elected to the Senate or the first black president, this is clearly a guy who's only got- ten to the top thanks to the color of his skin. Even on the left, many people couldn't believe it. As prominent lefty Barack Obama put it, "I do not feel that I deserve to be in the com- pany of so many of the transforma- tive figures who've been honored by this prize - men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace." What a diva. Also, let's not forget, the Nobel Peace Prize is a storied and honored award they don't give away to just any guy off the street. You have to really earn it. Whether it was noted peace advocates like Yasser Arafat (1994 laureate) or Henry Kissinger (1973 laureate), you have to do at least something transient and irrel- evant before they give you one of those giant, meaningless gold coins. And besides, Barack Obama hasn't done anything yet. As Alfred Nobel put it in his will, the prize should be given to the person who "duringthe preceding year (..) shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of stand- ing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Now this award has been sullied by a guy whose only accomplish- ments have been awakening a new vision of American Exceptionalism around the globe, re-engaging the United States with an alienated and hostile world, extending an open hand of peace to Muslim nations, working for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, trying to broker a new and lastingpeace in Israel, tak- ing drastic steps to solve a complete international financial meltdown and, finally, quitting smoking. But come on, what has he actually done? But there is a silver lining. Thanks to winning the Nobel Prize imme- diately after his failing to bringthe Olympic games to Chicago, a new and exciting trend has taken the anti-Obama movement by storm. First, there were the "birthers" who unraveled the decades-old conspiracy that Obama was actually born in Nairobi or Jakarta or some other weird-sounding place. Then, there were the "deathers," those who discovered Obama's secret plan to euthanize your grandmother unless you worked for ACORN, reg- istering illegal immigrants to vote for federally funded gay abortions. Now, we've got the "douchers." This is a true and faithful Country First crowd who celebrates when America fails and woefully whines when she succeeds. "Douchers" want to alert Americans to the dangers we face. And to do so, they are willing to respond to events in the most backwards way pos- sible, just so everyone can see how crazy Barack Obama's America has become. It was only a few years ago that whenever people criticized the execution of the war in Iraq or the reasons for it, they were immediate- ly accused of being in an Al-Qaeda Today, we are all Taliban. sleeper cell. But Commie-Nazis like Sean Penn and the rest of those Hollywood elite were clearly low- balling it. Firm, peaceful criticism is so 2004. These days, "douchers" know the only real way to support America is to ecstatically cheer and applaud bad news for their country. This is just the way the conservative group Americans for Prosperity did on camera when Chicago's failed Olym- pic bid was announced. This is the same organizing committee that helped the voices of literally dozens of tragically misinformed shut-ins be heard at this summer's town hall meetings. These "douchers" have fought against our march toward socialism (or fascism or communism or progressivism, or whichever term Glenn Beck prefers that day) by shouting down a wheelchair-bound woman with no insurance or a wait- ress who couldn't pay for her child's medical bills. Real "doucher" values. But back to the story of the week, Obama's sham Nobel Prize. If I had my druthers, we would do away with the award entirely. Only Democratic presidents win anyway. (Except for John McCain's declared "hero" Teddy Roosevelt) But still, I think it's time we started giving out the Nobel Prize for Cognitive Dis- sonance. It takes a Real American to look at losing the Olympic games and our president winningthe Nobel Peace Prize and know when you're supposed to boo and when you're supposed to cheer. If you're unsure, here's a hint: Just do the one that feels wrong. Smilovitz thinks Mike Huckabee should've won this year's Prize. Give Huck a shoutout at I will use each of these pens to kill a different member of your family.' A god among geeks Jonathan Coulton makes nerds everywhere proud with his home-spun tunes By CAROLYN KLARECKI Daily TV/New Media Editor One day, geeks will rule the world. Though this just may sound like a mother's com- forting words to her picked-on son, it has a grain of truth. With the combined power of the Internet and uniquely creative minds, geeks have built a strong community and an even stronger culture. With conferences like Comic-Con, QuakeCon and PAX, TV chan- nels like G4, gaming magazines like Game Informer and masses of forums and websites for every type of nerd imaginable, what was once a shameful label is now thrust in our faces wherever we look. It's impossible to ignore the nerds' presence. Former computer programmer Jonathan Coulton doesn't just wear his badge of geek- dom proudly - he spreads his love of the cul- ture to the masses as the singer/songwriter of some of today's most famous geek-rock songs. Though he always had a love for music, it wasn't until somewhat recently that he made the transition from a steady paycheck and systematic profession to the creative yet unpredictable world of art. "In general, I've always been interested in singing," Coulton said in a phone interview last week before his Thursday night show at The Ark. "I grew up in a musical family. We were always singing and playing instruments and I started writing somewhere in maybe junior high or high school when I picked up gui- tar and started learning to play that. You know, it was sort of a lifelong hobby - just being able to write and record for fun. It wasn't until the end of 2005 that I actually left the day job and started doing the song-writing thing full-time." In September 2005, Coulton started a creative experiment he called "Thing a Week," where he published one new song every week for the duration of a year. While such experiments are more common now, four years ago it was a pretty bold endeavor. "I was always sort of really hating it," he said. "It was easy the first couple weeks because I had a few ideas that I had stored up, and I guess when I was first i starting it was pretty low pres- sure. You know, nobody was lis- tening. And then as I got into it and ran out of ready-made ideas, it was starting from scratch every week and that - it's kind of a terrifying place to be when you're trying to create some- thing and you're starting from absolutely nothing." Though his "Thing a Week" project was taxing, it became an Internet sensation pro- pelling him into fame and pushing him to a new creative level. "Frequently, the weeks that were worst for me and where I spent the most time walking around desperately trying to come up with something and really hating myself and hat- ing the whole project, those were the weeks when the good stuff seemed to happen," Coulton explained. "And you know, I don't know if it was digging deep as much as it was just allowing strange things to happen out of ... desperation." One of Coulton's most famous songs "Still Alive" is probably best known as the credits song for the popular video game "Portal." It outlines the perspective of the game's antag- onist, an artificially intelligent computer named GLaDOS, after her defeat. Another popular tune of his, "Code Monkey," follows a computer programmer looking for love, and in "Re: Your Brains" a zombie tries to ratio- It's somewhat surprising that such a spe- cific type of music could appeal to the mass- es, but Coulton has found his niche and has carved out a new genre that happens to work out pretty well for him. He recently released a live performance album, Best. Concert. Ever., and is constantly booked for shows. "I'm not sure I would've guessed - in fact, I'm quite certain I never would've guessed - there'd be such a big market for nerd rock," he said. "I believe that classic, solid songwriting is going to reach people regard- less of genre. (Popular music) has to reach as many people as possible to be successful, but when you're a guy like me, you're sort of doing everything yourself, you. can afford to be- a niche player. I can write stuff that's really honest and true and you know, stuff I really believe in." Perhaps his honesty is what attracts peo- ple to his music. For years, nerds were looked down on in popular culture and encouraged to hide what set them apart. In this new era, geek is chic, truthfulness is revered and bared emotions are encouraged. Last 'r' rAdfIA h . t7n n1a Cm ltn ' nalize with his former coworker by telling Thursday, the crow at Jonatan outons him "All we want to do is eat your brains / concert at The Ark felt like an old group of We're not unreasonable; I mean, no one's friends rather than a mass of strangers with Community Involvement gonna eat your eyes." a common musical taste. Coulton fans share Bible Studies "I write frequently about kind of odd sub- a deeper appreciation for technology, video Step Teams ject matters and geeky stuff, and really that's games, comic books and, of course, unusual The possibilities are endless... because that's the stuff I'm thinking about music. The nerd presence is alive and thriv- all we need is you! and the stuff that I'm interested in," Coulton ing and Jonathan Coulton's compositions not said. "I like to write about characters that only embrace that culture, but also cultivate + 1 have problems, characters that are confused it and inspire the next generation of geeks to or characters that are monsters." display their passion with pride. " A