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October 13, 2009 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-10-13

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e MichiganThe Flaming Lips's Embryonic is epic
1y' rutin spirit, but not in execution.
it i i a 4,3 t 1

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


* Big House
bans bags
for good
Permanent policy change will
allow police officers to focus
on other issues, official says
Daily Staff Reporter
A ban on bags of any size at Michigan Stadium
duringhome football games is now permanent, the
Department of Public Safety announced today.
The policy, which was first implemented for
the Indiana game, extends to all bags, including,
but not limited to, camera bags, purses and fanny
packs. Exceptions may be granted for medical rea-
sons, but patrons are required to show documenta-
tion - a prescription or written authorization - to
security before entering the stadium.
DPS has instructed attendees to bring permitted
items that will not fit into pockets, like medicine
and medical equipment, in clear plastic bags no
larger than the gallon size.
Inan interview today, DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown said the majority of items that are not pro-
hibited are children's necessities, like diapers and
Brown said the new policy will allow police offi-
cers to focus on more important aspects of stadium
"(Security) will be able to focus their attention
on other security measures and not be distracted
by a lot of bags and wondering what is in those
bags," she said.
Though no specific threats have been issued
toward Michigan Stadium, Brown said officials
from the office felt that the change in protocol was
See SECURITY, Page 3


tops regents
Oct. agenda
Two construction But with colleges around the
country posting record declines in
projects also on bill their endowments, it's unclear how
much the University of Michigan's
for meeting in Flint endowment was damaged by the
economic downturn.
By KYLE SWANSON Harvard University's endow-
Daily NewsEditor ment suffered a 27 percent loss
over its last fiscal year and Yale
At its monthly meeting Thurs- University's, endowment dropped
day on the University's Flint cam- by about 30 percent in value. The
pus, the Board of Regents will UniversityofVirginia, suffered a21
receive an updated report on the percent loss in its endowment.
University's investment portfolio, A decline in the endowment
including details on the state of the would be the first in a while for the
University's endowment. University. The last annual loss in
The report, submitted by Tim- investment returns for the endow-
othy Slottow, the University's ment was the 2002 fiscal year,
executive vice president and chief when the fund lost 6.59 percent of
financial officer, will outline the its value.
University's financial performance To protect the endowment from
for the last fiscal year - which instability in the market, Univer-
ended on June 30. sity officials calculate the value
The endowment, which is made for the endowment's payout based
Up of a litany of stocks and other on a seven-year rolling average -
assets, was valued at $6.5 billion meaning that they average togeth-
as of Dec. 31. Through its payout, er the value of the endowment for
the endowment funds financial aid every year over the last seven years
programs, academic departments in their calculations. This helps
and many of the other necessary to guard against volatile ups and
operations of the University. downs in the market, like the ones
At last October's Regents meet- felt over the past year with the eco-
ing, the endowment was reported nomic downturn.
to be valued at $7.6 billion, which The report on the endowment is
was a 6.4 percent increase from its traditionally given at the October
previous fiscal year. See REGENTS, Page 7

AARON AUGSBURGER/Daily Read thefull story about the
A rally was held as the Diag yesterday to celebrate the start Diag rally onssutwebsite at
of National Coming Out Week. Above, Chris Armstrong, chair
of MSA's LGBT Commission, speaks tothe crowd. michigandaily.com.

An academic diagnosis for
health reform's public plan

U experts weigh
in on government
option's pros, cons
Daily Staff Reporter
As the current health care
reform bill rattles its way through
the legislative process, Republi-
cans and Democrats alike con-
tinue to grapple with a central
question of the debate: whether to
create a public option or a govern-
ment-run health care alternative
for those who either can't afford
or lack access to other private
Proponents of the public option
argue that without some govern-
ment intervention into the health
care market, private insurers will

continue to drive up premiums
and other costs because they hold
near monopolies in many areas
throughout the country.
But the notion of handing even
a part of the nation's health care
system over to the government
has been a point of consternation
for some, who worry that bal-
looning fiscal obligations could
bog down the federal budget for
decades to come.
Amid these deliberations, The
Michigan Daily sat down with
five experts on health care reform
from the University's faculty to
discuss the debate between pri-
vate insurance companies and
publicly funded alternatives.
While some express concern
that a public option would bring
premiums and medical costs down
so low it would drive out competi-
tion and put private insurers out of

Members of the faculty's leading governing body at their meeting yesterday in the Regents Room of the Fleming Building.
'U, praises faculty fundraisers

Hype help: Companies tap students

Red Bull, Microsoft,
Apple among those
using students to
plug new products
For the Daily
Thanks to the Internet'sfacilita-
tion of more rapid communication
a by way of blogs, e-mail and social

networking sites, consumer mar-
keting now has a fresh look. Com-
panies all around the world have
expanded their outreach by using
college students as representatives,
bloggers and local experts.
Kaplan Test Prep and Admis-
sions, Microsoft, Bianchi-Rossi
Tours, Red Bull and Apple are
among the companies that have
established such programs, and
all have tapped University stu-
dents to help.
Business Prof. Puneet Man-

chanda, who specializes in mar-
keting, said such initiatives are
an effective method of promoting
products to the next generation of
leaders and consumers.
"What they're tryingto do is win
some mind-share and heart-share
from the emerging generation of
young adults," Manchanda said.
"In this sense, peer marketing has
been shown to be quite credible.
People tend to trust their peers, so
it is a fairly sensible thing to do."

Professors donated
more than $100M in
Michigan Difference
Daily StaffReporter
Alumni and friends of the Uni-
versity have been widely recog-
nized for helping raise $3.2 billion
in the eight-year Michigan Dif-
ference Campaign that ended last
year. But one donor group has
remained under the radar: Univer-
sity faculty and staff.
At yesterday's meeting of the

faculty's top governing body, the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, Vice President
for Development Jerry May spoke
to the board about the faculty's
impact on the campaign.
Faculty and staff contributed
more than $100 million in cash
pledges and more than $60 mil-
lion in bequests to the campaign,
according to May.
Throughout the course of the
campaign, an advisory committee
from the University's Office of Devel-
opment collaborated on ways to seek
donations from University employ-
ees in an appropriate manner.
May said the development office

doesn't believe in "arm twisting"
to get people to give, adding that
the office makes sure department
chairs didn't ask for donations
from the faculty who worked under
"We believe that philanthropy is
a voluntary act," he said. "We don't
believe that you should be asked by
somebody who is your superior for
a gift."
While May said faculty willingly
past reaching into their wallets.
During the last seven years,
about eight to 12 faculty mem-
bers traveled to alumni events in
See SACUA, Page 7


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