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October 08, 2009 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-10-08

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UThe Michigan Daily 1 michigandailycom IThursd

Oct. 8 to Oct 11
The Penny Stamps
Lecture Series brings
Bernard Khoury to
Michigan Theater
tonight. The accom-
plished architect will
talk about his past
work in Beirut and
future commissions .
in the Arabian Gulf
region. His modern-
ist outlook on the
urban landscape is as
thought-provoking as
it is shocking. The lec-
ture starts at 5:10 p.m.
Jonesing for an
evening of sonic
eclecticism and Mich-
igan-bred indie rock?
Then come to the Blind
Pig tomorrow night for
the trifecta: the mini-
rmlis4a-lello Kitty
synth-pop of Lightning
Love, the sex-drenched
arguartoverdrive of-=
The Satin Peaches and
the reggae-folk-soul
fusion of James and
the Rainbros. Tickets
are $7 ($10 if you're
under 21) and doors
are at 9:30 p.m.
You've seen the lines
around the block for
the past two weekends

and wondered what
all the fuss was about.
Well, now's your
chance to find out:
The State Theater has
expanded its theatri-
cal run of "Paranormal
Activity," the low-bud-
get horror flick that's
shocking audiences
nationwide. More
showtimes means
fewer sellouts, which
means you can actu-
ally get a ticket now.
The Department of
Theatre and Dra-
ma's production of
Moliere's "Tartuffe"
opens tonight in the
Arthur Miller Theatre.
Written in France in
1664, the comedy
tells the tale of a con
man, Tartuffe, and his
scheme of manipu-
lating his way into a
man's finances and
family. The play was
almost instantly cen-
sored by Louise XIV,
so come see what all
the fuss was about.
Tickets are $9 for
students. 7:30 p.m.

§ilfOt CloSC Our eY while listening to the
q Unive sity of Michigan Men's Glee Club, you might feel
like you're lost in 18th-century London or strolling down
Diagon Alley in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. How,
.though, can an organization with an old-fashioned, almost
nostalgic sensibility be one of the most recognized and
revered groups on such a progressive campus? The answer
lies in three pillars that define the oldest student organiza-
tion at the University: tradition, camaraderie and musical
Although these words may apply to many student groups,
they, through their intertwined relationship, accurately rep-
resent the club as it celebrates its 150th anniversary this year.
The University of Michigan Men's Glee Club will hold their
150th annual fall concert on Nov. 21 at Hill Auditorium.
Founded in 1859 by - according to the website - "six or
eight men," Glee Club membership has grown to around
100, and this number has been held in place by annual fall
and winter auditions.
Some notable accomplishments of the club include
world-wide recognition with four first-place finishes at the
International Music Eisteddfod in Llangollen, Wales (1959,
1963, 1971, 1978) and national admiration when the club
sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Tiger Stadium during
the 1984 World Series.
Winning awards and performing to thousands of people
P0, are just two of many contributors to the Glee Club's long-
standing tradition.


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