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October 05, 2009 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-10-05

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, October 5, 2009 - 7A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, October 5, 2009 - 7A

From Page 1A
lead to groundbreaking discoveries
in their industry. Foundations from
across the globe give to the Univer-
sity, as well, helping to solve some
of the world's most pressing social
issues, like homelessness, illiteracy
and environmental destruction.
At the University, donors know
their money can support virtually
any cause they desire - ensuring
the leaders and the best. And all
this rests on the shoulders of offi-
cials in the Development Office to
make sure that this steady stream
of support continues to flow.
In the first part of a five-part
series, today's article will look at
the growing significance of the
Development Office in campus life.
"This University intends to con-
tinue to become one of the world's
leaders in higher education," Vice
President for Development Jerry
May said in an interview last
month. "The only way that is going
to happen is if we continue to make
philanthropic partners a big part of
the quality of this institution, so we
will continue to grow philanthropy
and have high aspirations for rais-
ing more money in the future."
The University's rich history
of philanthropic support, May
said, remains a key element of the
school's growth and development.
University President Mary Sue
Coleman has made similar remarks,
includingaspeechshegave duringthe
MichiganDifference Campaign finale
celebration last November, where she
called a donation to the University "an
investmentunlike anyother."
"It is an enterprise that advances
worthy ideals, creates productive
jobs and opens the doors to possi-
bilities for the students who walk
through them," she said at the time.
In the current economic situ-
ation, the importance of philan-
thropy has become increasingly
clear. As state support to the Uni-
versity continues to fall, a void is
left to be filled by private support or
increased tuition on students who,
many say, are already at their finan-
cial breaking points.
While the state's budget situation
remains unclear, appropriations
for the University are estimated to
decrease by $10.4 million. At the
same time, the University's Board
of Regents passed a budget in June
with close to $200 million in added
expenses from last year.
Chrissi Rawak, assistant vice
president for talent management
and development operations, said
the development office is working
to try to alleviate the pressures the
state's shrinking budget is having
on students.
"I think what is really important,
now more than ever, with the state's
funding decreasing, we need to be
sure we can continue to provide the
exceptional education experience
for students," she said.
The office plans to do that by
reaching out to donors, who Rawak
said typically donate on their own
accord because they want to give
back to the University.
"Generally speaking, the donor
raises their hand, and we work
with them to identify what their
passions are for the institution and
giving back to Michigan, and (we)
drive any kind of gift conversations

that may happen," Rawak said.
Rawak - who is also a University
alum - said as a student she never

are for the University to operate.
She added that she feels fortunate
to play a part in making students'
time at the University either equal
or better than what her class got to
"It's a very rewarding experience
to be able to do that because you want
Michigan students to have the best
and to experience the best, and I think
that donors care a lot about providing
thattoourstudents," she said.
Though an integral to the Univer-
sity's operations, May said private
support to higher education is some-
thing unique to the United States.
"Philanthropy is one of the dis-
tinguishing features of the Ameri-
can culture," May said, adding that
it's gaining attention in other parts
of the world. "Higher education
philanthropy is something we're
very fortunate to have in this par-
ticular society."
Coleman and May are by no
means the first to recognize the
importance of private giving to the

of Development set a new national
record when it announced its Mich-
iganDifference Campaignraised an
unheard of $3.2 billion. The previ-
ous record had been set by the Uni-
versity of California Los Angeles,
which raised $3.1 billion.
Today, the Office of Develop-
ment employs 160 employees who
work on the eighth, ninth and tenth
floors of Wolverine Tower, where
they plan and execute the Univer-
sity's development strategy at all
three campuses.
Additionally, 320 staff work in
other locations across Ann Arbor,
as well as in Flint and Dearborn to
encourage alumni and friends of
the University to donate.
In total, the University has 43
fundraising units between the
three campuses including academ-
ic units and other entities, like the
University of Michigan Museum of
Art and the Athletic Department.

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sity. In fact, it's no stretch to One of the most visible actions of
it private philanthropy to the the University's Office of Develop-
sity is something of a Michi- ment comes in the form of execut-
adition. ing a capital campaign. Designed
to increase givingto the University
THE EVOLUTION through more aggressive relation-
OF THE OFFICE ship building and donation seek-
ing, the University has planned and
ognizing the opportunity executed five major fundraising
donations presented to the campaigns in its history.
sity, then-University Presi- In its most recent campaign, The
Alexander Grant Ruthven Michigan Difference Campaign,
ed deans and senior leaders development officers and staff cre-
cross campus in 1945 to for- ated an aggressive plan that would
a plan as to how they could increase giving levels by about $170
-age giving. million a year.
ugh it was the first attempt To accomplish that, fundraising
anize giving programs, pri- efforts were boosted on all fronts.
upport was nothing new to Through increased mail, phone and
iversity. e-mail communication, development
first recorded gift to the Uni- officers collaborated to reach out to
came in 1841. A fur trader as many potential donors as possible.
Michigan's Upper Peninsula And they succeeded - setting
d the gift, a set of German the new national record for fund-
ge encyclopedias. However, raising by a public university.
tgifts from alumniwould not Rawak said the money raised
until 1862 when Eber Ward through the Michigan Difference
and A.C. Jewett donated sam- Campaign and other fundraising
iron ore and minerals. efforts have had a major impact on
m there, the gifts grew larger the face of the University.
ore frequent. "If you look around campus at
nue for some of the biggest the buildings that have been built
on campus, Hill Auditorium through philanthropic dollars, it's
uilt after University Regent really changed the experience the
r Hill died in 1909, leaving students have," she said.
00 to the University for the Though monetary goals are set
uction of a new auditorium. during capital campaigns, Rawak said
935, Horace Rackham, one the development office doesn't set
original stockholders in the goals about how much to raise during
Motor Company, and his wife years it's not in a campaign, though
rave $6.5million - at the time employees continue to fundraise.
gest gift to support graduate "We want to be sure that we
ion ever in the country - to are providing the University the
he conisrufionof the Rack- resources it needs to continue to be
chool of Graduate Studies. successful," she said.
ng continued over the next In contrast, schools and depart-
1 years, until the first for- ments throughout the University
undraising campaign was do set fundraising goals, something
ed in 1953. The campaign that Rawak said each unit has done
$7.3 million to help fund or will do soon.

University and to our colleagues
across the campus helps enhance
the opportunities that we have to
raise dollars for the University."
Though much of its support
comes from individuals, the devel-
opment office also partners with
both foundations and corporations.
Through it's Business Engage-
ment Center, the University col-
laborates with companies to fund
research projects of all sizes at the
University. Focusing on real-world
problems, these studies can result
in new findings that help compa-
nies overcome obstacles they face.
A department in the Develop-
ment Office works closely with
foundation leaders to demonstrate
how projects at the University
can help solve societal problems.
This can be especially attractive
to foundations, as many nonprofits
are established to combat a specific
issue of public concern.
Despite the large gifts that corpo-
rations and foundations often make
to the University, individuals - both
alumni and non-alumni - still com-
pose the largest group of donors.
Non-alumni, known in fundrais-
ing jargon as friends of the Univer-
sity, include individuals who give to
the University because a spouse or
family member graduated from the
University, they or someone they
know has benefited from a Univer-
sity service - like the University of
Michigan Health System - or they,
for whatever reason, are supportive
of the institution.
Many graduates also give to
the University. While the major-
ity of alumni live in the country,
the University's alumni population
is becoming increasingly inter-
national. With large numbers of
students coming from the Univer-
sity's partnership in China and an
increasingly international business
environment, alumni are livingand
working overseas at higher rate
than ever before.
While many on campus recog-
nize the names of major donors, for
whom buildings and facilities are
named, most individuals give gifts
of less than $25,000. Though their
gifts may be small in comparison,
the collective amount of money
raised from these donors quickly
adds up - and can re-shape stu-
dents' experiences on campus.
How the University relies on
a steady stream of individual
donations to operate.

From Page 1A
laws" in a statement he prepared
for tonight's meeting and released
to the Daily.
Additionally, Chaffin believes
his past willingness to speak
openly about his differing views
has led to tonight's proceedings.
Atop the list of these past inci-
dents is an interview expected
to be published Thursday in The
Michigan Independent, a left-
leaning campus publication, in
which Chaffin referred to the 9/12
rally - a Glenn Beck-led march
on Washington, D.C. protesting
the proliferation of government
spending and health care reform
- as "misguided," though he did
mention that they were real people
with real concerns, which is para-
phrased in the article. Chaffin for-
warded to the Daily a transcript of
his quotes in the article that was
provided to him by Jane Lawrence
of the Independent.
In the interview, Chaffin also
tried to dispel what he believed
were myths about the death panel
argument in the health care debate
- which claims an earlier version
of the health care bill would set
up government panels to decide
whether elderly people live or die.
"In its original legislative lan-
guage, it was basically saying that
the government would provide
counsel to people nearing the
end of their life," he said, "(and)
as someone who's gone through
hospice care with a couple of my
grandparents, this is something
that is incredibly helpful. It makes
dying respectable and peaceful ...
it isn't at all like the government
or some company pushing death
upon your loved one."
Chaffin said he also drew criti-
cism from group members for
comments he posted on his Face-
book page supporting Obama's
health care plan.
"Gordon Chaffin is a supporter
of President Obama's Healthcare
Reform Plan ... while it has faults
... the totality of the plan is strong,
will provide coverage to unisured
(sic), cut costs, provide security
and choice ... I VOTE YEA MR.

PRESIDENT!" he wrote on his
Facebook page on Sept. 9.
In an e-mail to the group's
executive board providedby Chaf-
fin, Events Chair Anthony Dzik, a
Business sophomore, wrote that
though Chaffin argues the quotes
were meant to represent his own
view, his actions represent the
club's views too.
"Although the chair may claim
he is expressing his individual
opinions, that does not remove
himfromthe responsibility ofrep-
resenting the club," Dzik wrote,
"just as the actions of former pres-
ident G. W. Bush reflected poorly
on Republicans as a whole even
though many of us did not fully
support all of his actions."
Dzik wrote that he is pushing
for nothing "less than a censure
of our chair," though such a pro-
cedure does not currently exist
within the group's bylaws.
In the e-mail, Dzik proposed
that with a censure of the presi-
dent, the vice president would
assume the group's top position.
"While currently I am will-
ing to suggest the fairly trivial
punishment of censure, if only to
distance the club from your negli-
gence," Dzik wrote in the e-mail,
addressing Chaffin, "I suggestthat
any future behavior that need be
censured cease, otherwise I will
question your ability to carry out
your office."
In response to Dzik's e-mail,
Chaffin replied with an e-mail
statement to College Republican
executive board members.
In the statement, he defended
his views and discussed what he
knows of the proceedings.
Chaffin said he plans to attend
tonight's meeting to stand up for
his beliefs.
"I will be there to talk and dis-
cuss my situation, but I will not
cave in on the fact that I have the
rights to say what I want," Chaf-
fin said.
"And if they believe that my
views - when they are not offen-
sive, sexist, not racist and not
controversial at all - when they
believe that my views are harm-
ful, then fine, we disagree and I
move forward, without the club,"
he said.


efforts to research alternatives to
atomic energy.
After opening its Flint and Dear-
born campuses in 1956, the Uni-
versity established the Office of
Development in the early 1960s to
facilitate fundraising efforts at all
three campuses.
In 1964, the University began
another capital campaign, this time
with a goal of raising $55 million.
Exceeding its expectations, the
campaign raised $74 million.
Three campaigns followed, with
one in the 1980s that raised $187
million and one in the 1990s that
raised $1.37 billion - making it the
first fundraising campaign by a
public university to raise more than
$1 billion. .
The streak of breaking records
continued in 2008 when the Office

Being responsible for the fund-
raising of three campuses in Michi-
gan and alumni across the globe
isn't a simple task. Development
staff members work closely with
others officials at the University to
coordinate events, understand the
needs of academic units and Uni-
versity programs and design plans
that effectively meet the needs
of the University and interests of
Rawak said the work of the
development office is "critical" to
the University's success.
"I believe that the services and
the support that we provide to Mich-
igan are helping," she said, "and the
expertise that we provide to the

r t
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From Page IA
Rodriguez's 2009 signees, and
the numbers are telling: four from
Michigan, 13 from the South or the
For Dantonio's 2009 class: 13
from Michigan, two from the West
and South.
It's not that in-state talent is
choosing Dantonio - it's that
Rodriguez is choosing out-of-
state talent. While speaking at the
Detroit Economic Club last Thurs-
day, Martin was clear that Rodri-
guez's national appeal was part of
the reason Martin brought him to
"That's why, in recruiting Rich, I
was looking for a coach who played
a more up-tempo spread offense
type that you see on the field today
at Michigan and secondly, has
recruiting in-roads into the South
and theWest," Martinsaid onOct. 1,
according to the Detroit Free Press.
Rodriguez is about the national
scene. He understands the Ohio
State rivalry because it's a national
rivalry. Across the country, the
Michigan-Michigan State rivalry
carries little weight. At this point
in his Michigan career, the annual
intra-state matchup is just another
chance for him to get a win.
For Michigan State, winning
the intra-state battle can change
the whole season. Just ask Spartan

wideout Blair White.
"It doesn't feel like we're 2-3,"
White said. "It feels like we're 5-0."
Don't scoff at White. For the
Michigan State, it's true. This
might have felt like four wins for

the Spartans.
But with Rodriguez at the helm,
it's just one loss for Michigan.
- Lincoln can be reached
at lincolnr@umich.edu.

Student Publications
seeks New Member
The University of Michigan Board for Student
Publications is recruiting a member for a one-year
term beginning immediately.
The Board is responsible for three publications:
The Michigan Daily, the Michiganensian Yearbook,
and the Gargoyle.
Because the Board is committed to realizing
diversity's benefits for itself and for the publications
it oversees, the Board is particularly interested in
recruiting members of the University Community
(faculty, staff and students) or the general public
who are members of underrepresented groups and
who have experience and expertise in journalism, law,
finance or development.
Interested persons are encouraged to apply.
For more information and application forms, please
contact Mark Bealafeld, Student Publications General
Manager at (734) 936-7883 or mbealafe@umich.edu.
The deadline for receipt of applications is
Friday, October 16, 2009.

Wednesday, October 14
By invitation

To schedule a 20-minute infoview with our National Officers,
call our Traveling Leadership Consultants at 317-987-8361, e-mail them
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