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October 01, 2009 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-10-01

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, October 1, 2009


After brief
deal passed
30-day temporary budget averts
crisis, but big problems remain
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Michigan's brief partial
government shutdown is over after lawmakers voted
to adopt a temporary 30-day budget.
The move early Thursday morning avoids tempo-
rary state worker layoffs and state office closures. It
also delays tough decisions on more permanent spend-
ing cuts in one of the nation's most economically bat-
tered states.
The continuation budget is headed to Democratic
Gov. Jennifer Granholm.
The move came just less than two hours after offi-
cials started a partial government shutdown. Lawmak-
ers had failed to pass a permanent budget before the
midnight Wednesday deadline.
The shutdown was a couple of hours shorter than
the last one in 2007.
The deal was reached after the legislature remained
without a budget at its midnight deadline last night and
stumbled into a partial government shutdown Thurs-
day as Michigan lawmakers failed to agree on a spend-
ing plan.
A deal to fill a nearly $3 billion shortfall with federal
recovery dollars and more than $1 billion in cuts fell
through, as many lawmakers discovered they couldn't
stomach deep cuts to schools and local services such as
police and fire protection in the stricken state.
They also failed to finalize a temporary budget and
avert Michigan's second shutdown since 2007.
Secretary of State offices were set to close Thursday
and state parks prepared to ask visitors to leave if the
impasse remained when state workers were supposed
to report for work. Essential services such as state
police and prisons were to remain running.
"We have taken steps to put a shutdown in place,"
Liz Boyd, a spokeswoman for Democratic Gov. Jen-
See BUDGET, Page 7A

Demonstrators protest outside the Blind Pig to voice their opposition to the performance of Buju Banton yesterday. Despite efforts to get the show cancelled, the concert went on as planned.
Protestors rally at Blind Pig

Demonstrators, mayor
speak out against
artist's anti-gay lyrics
For the Daily
Despite community pressure to
cancel the scheduled performance of
controversial reggae artist Buju Ban-
ton, the show went on last night at the
Blind Pig.
But while Banton was inside the club
setting up for a sound check, dozens
of protesters gathered outside in the
early evening to wave signs reading

"WWMD: What Would Marley Do?"
and "Say NO To Blind Pigotry."
Chris Armstrong, Michigan Student
Assembly LGBT Commission Chair and
an attendee at the rally, said the fact the
Blind Pig allowed the show to go on is
especially hurtful because of how much
the LGBT community has supported
the establishment in the past.
"We were hoping that the Blind Pig
would cancel the show and they didn't,"
Armstrong said. "A lot of people come
to U of M because it's so accepting, and
it has an amazing LGBT community.
The Blind Pig has been a part of that."
Banton has been criticized for lyrics
in his song "Boom Bye-Bye," in which
Banton raps about shooting gay men

with guns and, as some argue, burning
their skin with acid. His shows have
been cancelled at many venues across
the country, most recently in Detroit at
the Majestic Theatre.
Many of last night's protestors con-
tacted the Blind Pig in hopes that offi-
cials at the venue would cancel the
show. But when the club decided not to
cancel the show, Social Work student
Lindsey McKinney decided to organize
a protest.
"My panties are in a bundleasashould
everyone else's," McKinney said, refer-
encing a quote in yesterday's edition of
the Daily in which Faith Wood, gen-
eral manager of the Blind Pig, said she
wished people better understood the

issue they were getting "their panties
in a bundle" about.
Last night, The Blind Pig issued
a statement staffers printed off and
taped to the doors and windows of the
building defending the venues decision
to allow Banton to play.
"We have come to the conclusion
that this artist does not support the
point of view that he put forward in
his controversial song," which he made
when he was 15 years old, the flier read.
"And that, to the contrary, his current
performances are celebrated by many
because of the powerfully positive mes-
sages he puts forward at his concert."
Jason Berry, the Blind Pig's talent
See PROTEST, Page 7A


BOX House asks 'U' to
support football tailgates


game supporters of Whi
march on Oct. 16 not rec
om President's warnin
to turn
use to City Hall admits
their I
By ALLIE WHITE looking
For the Daily Larc
file a l

At Community High School yesterday, MTV Casting Director Jessica Arbus (left) opens the door to wake way for interviews
with prospective participants for MTV's "Made" - a reality show offering high school students a chance for self-improvement.
'U' scientists develop drug to
ease pains from the battlefield

Students making their way to
last Saturday's football game may
have detected something different
about their usual route to the sta-
dium. The houses in the 900 block
of South State Street, usually the
epitome of pre-game celebrations
on campus, were noticeably less
festive in the wake of "cease and
desist" letters sent by the Ann
Arbor City Attorney's Office last
LSA senior Alex Girard, a resi-
dent of 933 S. State St. - better
known as the BOX House - said
although residents of the house
started partying at 5:30 a.m. like
any regular football Saturday,
the tailgate was not "business as
"It was pretty much killed," he
said. "(The Police) showed up and
gave everyone on the street public
nuisance tickets."
Kristen Larcom, senior assistant
city attorney, sent a letter to the
houses of the 900 block of South
State Street last Tuesday threat-
ening lawsuits from the city if the
houses continued to engage in
"illegal and dangerous conduct."


an incr

le BOX House was one To that end, Engineering junior
few in the block that did Joe Juanico, who does not live in
:eive a noise violation this any of the affected houses, is plan-
nd because it heeded a ning a protest that will start in
ig from a police officer front of The President's House and
its music down, Girard continue on to City Hall, where he
that the continuation of hopes, "the right person will hear
pre-game rituals is "not their claim."
g good." The protest is planned for Oc.
om said the city has yet to 16, the Friday before the next
awsuit against the houses, home football game against Dela-
that she wasn't aware of ware State University.
ease in tickets given out on Juanico has created a Facebook
ay. event, which already has more
than 700 confirmed guests, and
he's looking into permits for set-
ting up the protest.
i~e pregarme "It's a battle between students
aspretty and the city, and I figured (Presi-
was dent Coleman) was kind of like the
uch killed." leader of the school," he said.
He added that he noticed a dif-
ference in the atmosphere of the
South State Street tailgates last
eeds tobe understood that "One thing led to another, and
ter did not say that they I saw a bunch of angry people
iot host pre-game parties," and figured I'd start a protest," he
d. said.
rd added that he is looking Larcom said that because the
ay to continue with the fes- houses are located near the busy
while avoiding action from South State Street and Hoover
y. He is even considering Street intersection, their tailgat-
ning the University to rec- ing activities cause many traffic
the house's tailgates as an problems.
part of Football Saturday. "The houses in the 900 block of
only way we can actu- South State Street are at this point
at it is if we get (University the only ones causing problems
nt) Mary Sue (Coleman) that we know of," she said. "It has
nowledge the State Street a lot to do with the circumstance
s as part of the festivities," and location."
said. See TAILGATE, Page 7A

New drug seeks to
limit downside of
taking morphine
For the Daily
For wounded combat soldiers
on the front lines of this nation's
wars, pain relief requires a deli-
cate balance.

One primary option is morphine
- the well-known painkiller just
as well-known for its hazardous
side effects, which include slowed
breathing, slowed heart rate, sei-
zure, convulsion, severe weakness
or dizziness, lightheadedness and
But on the battlefield, those side
effects can be dangerous and, at
times, deadly.
That is until anew drug- geared
toward reducing the downside

of the painkiller - and currently
being developed by researchers at
the University.
The research team, led by Dr.
James Baker, director of the Michi-
gan Nanotechnology Institute for
Medicine and Biological Sciences,
aimsto minimize morphines poten-
tially hazardous and even fatal side
effects with the implementation of
this new drug.
The drugutilizes nanotechnology

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Research Corridor adds $14.5 billion to economy

INDEX NEWS....................2A SPORTS..............................SA
Vol. CXX, No.18 SUDDKU. ........................3A CLASSIFIEDS.. . ........... 6A
C209TheMichiganDaily PINION... ....4A THE B-SIDE ........................1B


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