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September 30, 2009 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-09-30

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2 - Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In Other Ivory Towers Off the Beaten Path Cam
Art on a frozen canvas

Before You Were Here Photos of the Week

LSA junior Andrew Dick-
son is an artist, but not in the
traditional sense. His brush-
es and colored pencils are a
chainsaw and a blowtorch,
and his canvas is a 300-pound
block of ice.
Dickson is an ice carver
and one of three presidents
of the University's Michigan
Ice Carving Team. The group
creates ice sculptures for sale
and for competitions across
the state.
He said the uniqueness of
the opportunity first drew
him in.
"I was looking for some-
thing that was outside the
mainstream," Dickson said.
The team was started in
2001 as part of Alice Lloyd
Hall's Arts on the Hill pro-
gram and is now a full-fledged
club advised by Michigan
League chef Aaron Bruck.

Most of the team's 20 some
members were recruited with
no prior experience.
Engineering junior Stephen
Wald, one of the team's presi-
dents, said that joining the
club can be overwhelming at
first because of the dangerous
tools members use and the
difficulties associated with
carving ice.
"Ice is really fragile, but at
the same time it's a ton a fun,"
he said. "When you mess up
you have to keep going."
But, members say, the
amateur nature of the team
doesn't hinder it in competi-
This past January, the Uni-
versity received first place at
the Plymouth Ice Festival for
team competition.
The team usually competes
against students from culi-
nary arts programs who learn

ice carving as part of their
Among the team's creations
are sculptures of the Univer-
sity's block 'M', a starfish, a
bear, Pikachu from Pokemon
and a glass cup with ice cubes
in it.
"You see a lot of animals
and swans and fish," said LSA
senior Max Weston, a former
team president. "Somebody
carved a big tooth brushing
itself. I've seen submarines,
sharks. Last year I carved an
elephant fish."'
The team also carves cus-
tom sculptures for students
and organizations on campus.
The sculptures start at a base
price of $120.
"We sold a couple to frater-
nities for Saturday morning
activities," Dickson said.
Austin McHenry works on a 750-pound ice sculpts
- ERIC PERKEY 2009 Plymouth Ice Spectacular.

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Laptop lifted Girl loses phone The future of Israeli diplomat

from library
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
WHEN: Monday at about 5:45
WHAT: An Apple Powerbook
laptop valued at an estimated
$2,500 was stolen after being
left unattended by a male
student, University Police
Jacked jacket
WHERE: Palmer Field
WHEN: Monday around noon
WHAT: A student called to
report her jacket stolen after
leaving it unattended, Uni-
versity Police reported. Her
MCard was in the pocket.
There are no suspects.

WHERE: University Hospital
WHEN: Monday at about 6:45
WHAT: A staff member left
her cellphone in a hospital
room and returned an hour
later to find it gone, University
Police reported. There are no
A tight repair
WHERE: Chemistry Building
WHEN: Monday at about 11
WHAT: A repair person dam-
aged the cooling pump to a
Spectra Physics laser while
trying to fix it, University
Police reported. The damage
was caused by tightening the
screws too much and cracking
the plastic frame.

female activism
WHAT: Alum Robin Wright
will speak about female activ-
ism in the future. The award-
winning journalist, author and
scholar will discuss changes in
female leadership and how the
women's movement has creat-
ed political and social reform.
WHO: Center for the Educa-
tion of Women
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m. to
5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Biomedical Science
Research Building
Video game
WHAT: A weekly, free video
game tournament with
WHO: Michigan Union Bil-
WHEN: Today from 8 p.m. to
11 p.m.
WHERE: Pierpont Commons

to give lecture
WHAT: Israeli Deputy Con-
sul General Gershon Kedar
is coming to speak about the
relationship between Wash-
ington and Israel and the
future of Israel-American
WHO: American Movement
for Israel
WHEN: Today from 7 p.m. to
8 p.m.
WHERE: Hillel
* The events calendar
included in the Career Issue
in yesterday's edition of The
Michigan Daily gave an incor-
rect date for the Career Cen-
ter's Fall Career Expo. The
event is scheduled for today,
from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the
Michigan Union.
* Please report any error
in the Daily to corrections@

An 18-year-old in She-
boygan, Wisconsin was
arrested for trying to eat
marijuana after being pulled
over by a police office, accord-
ing to The Star Tribune. The
complaint said she was sur-
prised by the arrest. "I only ate
some weed, officer," she said.
State Senate Major-
ity Leader Mike Bishop's
budget plan might break
the stalemate and prevent a
government shutdown, but it
could hurt regular folks in a
state that's already severely
A highly trained group of
Swedish soldiers acciden-
tally blew up the wrong
house during a demolition
exercise, according to The
Local. Somehow,theyattacked
the wrong target, hitting a
house that was 200 meters
from the intended one.

Toyota cites stuck accelerator risk for big recall

Company will recall
3.8 million vehicles,
including Camry
and Prius
ta Motor Corp. said yesterday it
will recall 3.8 million vehicles in
the United States, the company's
largest-ever U.S. recall, to address
problems with a removable floor
mat that could cause accelerators
to get stuck and lead to a crash.
The recall will involve popular
models such as the Toyota Camry,
the top-selling passenger car in
America, and the Toyota Prius,
the best-selling gas-electric
Toyota said it was still working
with officials with the National
Highway Traffic Safety Adminis-

tration to find a remedy to fix the
problem and said owners could be
notified about the recall as early
as next week.
Toyota spokesman Irv Miller
said until the company finds a
fix, owners should take out the
removable floor mat on the driv-
er's side and not replace it.
"A stuck open accelerator pedal
may result in very high vehicle
speeds and make it difficult to
stop a vehicle, which could cause
a crash, serious injury or death,"
Miller said.
NHTSA said it had received
reports of 102 incidents in which
the accelerator may have become
stuck on the Toyota vehicles
It was unclear how many led
to crashes but the inquiry was
prompted by a highspeed crash
in August in California of a Lexus
barreling out of control. As the

vehicle hit speeds exceeding 120
mph, family members made a
frantic 911 call and said the accel-
erator was stuck and they couldn't
stop the vehicle.
"This is an urgent matter,"
Transportation Secretary Ray
LaHood said in a statement. "For
everyone's sake, we strongly urge
owners of these vehiclesto remove
mats or other obstacles that could
lead to unintended acceleration."
The recall will affect 2007-2010
model year Toyota Camry, 2005-
2010 Toyota Avalon, 2004-2009
Toyota Prius, 2005-2010 Tacoma,
2007-2010 Toyota Tundra, 2007-
2010 Lexus ES350 and 2006-2010
Lexus IS250 and IS350.
Toyota's previously largest U.S.
recall was about 900,000 vehicles
in 2005 to fix a steering issue.
The company declined to say how
many complaints it had received
about the accelerator issue.

The Japanese automaker
warned owners that if they think
their vehicle is accelerating out of
control, they should check to see
whether their floor mat is under
the pedal.
If a driver can't remove the
floor mat, Toyota advises drivers
to step on the brake pedal with
both feet until the vehicle slows
and then try to put it into neutral
and switch the ignition to acces-
sory power.
For vehicles with engine start/
stop buttons, Toyota said the
engine can be shut off by holding
the button down for three sec-
In the August incident near
San Diego, the fiery crash of a
2009 Lexus ES 350 killed Califor-
nia Highway Patrol Officer Mark
Saylor, 45, and three members
of his family on State Route 125
in Santee. The runaway car was

traveling at more than 120 mph
when it hit a sport utility vehicle,
launched off an embankment,
rolled several times and burst into
One of the family members
calledpolice aboutaminutebefore
the crash to report the vehicle
had no brakes and the accelerator
was stuck. The call ended with
someone telling people in the car
to hold on and pray, followed by a
woman's scream.
NHTSA investigators deter-
mined that a rubber all-weather
floor mat found in the wreckage
was slightly longer than the mat
thatbelonged in the vehicle, some-
thing that could have snared or
covered the accelerator pedal.
Toyota spokesman John Han-
son said the final report had not
yet been submitted in the Califor-
nia case.
"We don't know what the

actual cause was of that accid5ent
other than preliminary reports
that have been published so it's
impossible for us to comment on
that particular incident," Hanson
In mid-September, Toyota
ordered 1,400 Toyota and Lexus
dealers nationwide to ensure that
each new, used and loaner vehi-
cles had the proper floor mats
and that the mats were properly
In September 2007, Toyota
recalled an accessory all-weath-
er floor mat sold for use in some
2007 and 2008 model year Lexus
ES 350 and Toyota Camry vehicles
because of similar problems.
For more information, con-
sumers can contact the National
Highway Traffic Safety Adminis-
tration's hotline at (888) 327-4236,
Toyota at (800) 331-4331 or Lexus
at (800) 255-3987.


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