2A - Monday, September 28, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 2A - Monday, September 28, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom THURSDAY: FRIDAY: TUESDAY: Off the Beaten Path WEDNESDAY: Campus Clubs Before You Were Here Photos of the Week ses GETTIN' GROOVY 420 Maynard Sn. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com GARY GRACA DAN NEWMAN Edinor in Chief Business Manager 734-847-3336 734-764-0858 graca@michigandaiy.com tmdbusiness@gnsail.cem Budget cuts protested on California campu~ Snudenns, faculny and snuff mem- bers on all tO campuses of the Uni- versiny of California system snaged walkouts and rallies Thursdayto pro- nestncuns in nhe staesbudgen for uni- versity support, employee furloughs and rising tuiion, The Chronicle of Higher Educaion reporned. The largesn of nhe protesns was an the Berkeley campus, where an esni- maned 5,000 people gatheredto dem- onstrate againsn nhe cuns, according no nhe school's student newspaper, The Daily Californian. The Sanna Cruz Sentinel reporned Friday than "several dozen UC Sanna Cruz snudenns and workers" were sill barricaded in nhe Graduate Snu- denn Commons after caking over nhe second floor of nhe building an 8 p.m. Thursday. Snane support for the universiny was reduced by nearly 20 percenn in the lastn year, according no nhe Chronicle, "leading no furloughs, enrollmen reductions, and tuiion increases nhan are likely no approach 50 percenn over antwo-year period." KANSAS BASKETBALL AND FOOTBALL TEAMS BRAWL A series of public altercanions benween nhe basketball neam and the football team an nhe University of Kansas have leftnthe school's ath- letic director confounded. A sourcentoldnthe Kansas City Star the firsn incidenn, which nook place Tuesday night, was sparked by an argumenn over a woman benween foonball cornerback Anthony Davis and basketball guard Tyshawn Taylor. The second altercation took place on campus, and began after a basketball player pushed a football player down some stairs, according to The University Daily Kansan. Football coach Mark Mangino has indicated that he would not suspend any players, while basket- ball coach Bill Self said Thursday afternoon that the situation was "very, very serious" and that he would handle disciplinary actions privately, according no the Star. TUFTS BANS DORM SEX WHEN ROOMMATE PRESENT Tufts University officials modi- fied the school's residence hall guest policy to prohibit sexual acts in dorm rooms when one's room- mate is present, according to The Tufts Daily. The stipulation also forbids any sexual activity that interferes with a roommate's study habits, sleep or privacy. Carrie Ales-Rich of the Office for Residential Life and Learning at Tufts told The Tufts Daily that the policy change was brought about after the department received many complaints regarding room- mates' sexual behaviors lastnyear. - MATT AARONSON CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom c News Tips tarrections LetestolhetEdilt Photography Departmsent Arts Section Editorial Page Sports Section Display Sales tlassified Sales Onine Sales Ofice hoars:Sun-Thures. 11 a..-2 anm news@ichigandiy.com corrections@michigandaily.com tothedaily@michigasdaiy.on photo@michigandaiy.een, artspage@wichitandaiy.een opinion@michigandaily.omn sports@michigandaily.com display@michigandaily.com classified@michigandaiy.on onlineads@michigandaily.com TOnRHANSHARMAN/Daly Schosl of Masic, Theatre & Dance senisr Antwans Stanley sings at tnplorth Friday on North Campas. Stanley is the lead singer of Groove Spoon. CRIME NOTES Wallet stolen, Unknown subject not found found trespassing CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Workshop on Women's free using Google in game day WHERE: Michigan Stadium WHEN: Saturday at about 4 p.m. WHAT: A walletncontaining $300 and personal identifica- tion was stolen from an indi- vidual unaffiliated with the University, University Police reported. Police have ns sus- pects. WHERE: Cardiovascular Center WHEN: Saturday at about 7 p.m. WHAT: An individual unaf- filiated with the University was found trespassing in the Car- diovascular Center, University Police reported. The subject was escorted from the building. Broken window, Drinker ejected research WHAT: This workshop will explore how no effectively use Google tools, including Google News, Book Search and Scholar to conduct aca- demic research. WHO: Teaching and Tech- nology Collaborative WHEN: Today at 3 p.m. WHEEE: Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library, Room 206 Gender explorers WHAT: A support and social group meeting for transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, ransgender, usinn tdns WHO: Spectrum Center WHEN: Tonight from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, Room 3200 no suspects WHERE: Buhr Building WHEN: Saturday an about S p.m. WHIAT: Awindow was broken from the outside on the west side of the building, University Police reported. A report was filed, bun ther earenoas svsects. 11 VJ1I1 bi Luluill WHERE: Michigan Stadium WHEN: Saturday at about 11:45 a.m. WHAT: A subject not affili- ated with the University was issued a ticket for possession of alcohol and was forced to leave the premises, University Police rertred. WHAT: Each Monday, women are able to play games at the Union for free, including pool, foosball, X-box and Wit. WHO: Michigan Union Bil- lards WHEN: Today from 11:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, Billiards Room Poker game WHAT: A weekly pokerntour- nament with the chance to win $20 in munchie money. WHO: Michigan Union WHEN: Tonight at 6 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, U-Club CORRECTIONS . Please report any error in the Daily to correc- tions@michigandaily.com. Itn the United States, diabe- tes is most prevalent among Southern and Appalachian states, a recent study published in Population Health Metrics found. The study also showed that the Midwest and North- east have the lowest levels of diabetes in the United States. 2If all of the premium seat- ing boxes atnthe Big House are sold, the IRS will give a total of $3.5 million in tax breaks to the purchasers. >>FOR MORE, SEE OPINION, PAGE 4A 3The Examiner reports than Disney World will no lon- ger offer all-beef hot dogs to its visitors. Instead, Disney will sell hot dogs with a beef and chicken mix. Finance finance@michigandaity.com EDITORIAL STAFF toartneylatkawiak ManagingEditor ratowiak@michigandaily.com Jacab Snilovitz Managing NewrsEioe smiitz@michigandaily.com ASSISTNTsNEsWS EswoOnSs:,N inoeAe, Mattory Joees,, Emily Or,Stephasnie Steinberg, ha hrnavu,,kkarasu Rabent SoaaveEdioriltPageEditorn soave@micthigandaity.com ASSISTNTTRAsnn oLPAEIORaS: Eas Jesk, MathewShutler Andy Reid Managing Sport ditoe reid@michigandaity.een ssston enChrs esrs, nodgsiels nh i,5~,~e ,nn DavidWatnick ManagisgAeao ditooe watnicktmictigandailycoem oSEORAnTS EIS: JnamiBlock,,ra,n Cnais,WhitnePo AnSSSTNTsARTSnOS on hayero,nCalne Klanrecki,oAdre ain, DavidnRies Zachsary Meisner and photo@mihiendailynesn tliftReede Managing Phot onitr SasENPOTOnEDITORS:SidAalah,ChaelVo~n HbsbuergLothringn ASA NT HO O E DTOn S:nMaxCllins, Chris Dzobk, Sam owsn AngelatChhand design@michigandaiycom Maareen Stych Manain esignsditoes Jessica Vosgerchian MagazinenEditor vosgerchian@michigan~daily.com KatherineMitchell Copy Chief mithett@nmithigandaity.com ASSOCIATEnCOPYCHIEF:MelanieFied, AdiWollstein BUSINESS STAFF Katie lanwiak Salesansager SALES FORCEMANAGER:MollyTwigg Ryan Basiski Classified Manager CLASSIFE SSSAeNaT MANAGER: Kala Laata Ben EnglishtProuonaneagee AllisonSantacreU ayoutsanaer Visian Lee Finance Managee Brittany MaralesCcaiosMansager Brad Wiley Prot Coordinator The MignnDaily (ISSN 074-%7)ispublished Mnday trough Frday duing the fllad winer tems bystudensltst nesity toMigan. ne coy isailblsefese he tallees. Aitionalopis my be piced up t the Daly ficetfr 2.sciptionsorall ter, sartnin teptembe,vaiU. t.nmil ae$110.Winter terJnaryhouApiylis$5, yealng(eptemier throgh April) is $195. Universityaffiliaes are subectto a reduced subscriptsrate. On-campus subo:scritofoalOermae$3.tSubsciptionsst bepepai.The MichianDailyia member o TheAoiatedPresanden Asoated ClleiatePrees. 0 0 LA ZAK1D Cordially invites University of Michigan Juniors and Seniors to a presentation and reception On Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 Ross School of Business - R2230 5:00PM Analyst Interviews: Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 Summer Analyst Interviews: Wednesday, January 201", 2010 Seniors interested in interviewing for Analyst positions in our Investment Banking Group should submit resumes and cover letters through iMpact by October 1St For additional information, please contact: Kristen.Holzerdlazard.com 0 " 0 0 " I_ 4' :4