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September 24, 2009 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-09-24

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 5A

From Page 1A
major shifts in economic policy
at the macro level," Weisskopf
Weisskopf explained that in
order for the recovery to continue
to progress, the federal govern-
ment must oversee issues like
wealth redistribution and emis-
sions control.
Lisa Dugdale, co-founder of
Transition Ann Arbor - a group
that works specifically with city
residents to create a low-energy
future - addressed the need for
change at the local level.
"Look at our own individual
energy usage," said Dugdale.
"Reduce your carbon footprint in
From Page 1A
confiscated from apartments Zazi
had visited in New York.
Zazi, his father and New York
City imam Ahmad Wais Afzali
were arrested on charges of lying
to the FBI.
Brown said the bulletins did
include information about the
"We've always recognized that
our stadium, not only by being so
large, but so well-known, makes it
a possible target," she said. "That's
common knowledge, quite hon-
A no-bag policy was intro-
duced in Nov. 2001 in the wake of
the Sept. 11 attacks. For the 2002
season, officials stepped up secu-
rity further, requiring students to
present MCards at the gate for the
first time.
Brown said the bag restriction
was lifted during the 2002 season.
From Page 1A
assumes things will be "business
as ustal" come Saturday.
,They've come by and yelled at
us before," he said. "As long as we
pretty much keep people off the
roof and keep people from doing
stuff that's too stupid, I think we'll
be fine."
Grobler of Arch Realty said this
was the first time she received a

the areas of transportation, hous-
ing and food."
By creating a sustainable envi-
ronment, people are, uncon-
sciously, improving their own
personal well-being, according to
Ellen Clement, executive director
of Corner Health Center in Ypsi-
"When people live in healthy
places, they are healthier people,"
said Clement. "When people have
access to jobs, they are healthier
people. When people have access
to education, they are healthier
Clement said economic prog-
ress could be made by expanding
current projects.
"We need to take some of the
things going on in our state and
take them statewide," Clement

said. "One of the things we've been
doing in Ann Arbor is moving to
LED street lights."
Heiftje said these streetlights,
which are made in Michigan, have
the potential to be on college cam-
puses across the country, adding
that the expansion would not only
benefit the nation's environment,
but also the state's financial situ-
"What may be the most impor-
tant thing that we can do to turn
around our state is to refocus on
our cities," Hieftje said. "Focus
doesn't need to be on serving
industries so much as it needs to
be on making cities a place where
people want to live."
- Joseph Lichterman
contributed to this report.

First-year Business graduate
student Gordon Saft, who is from
New York, said the move doesn't
bother him.
"I remember going to Yankee
playoff games three weeks after
Sept. 11, and no one could bring
anything in," he said.
"I think people can make that
sacrifice if there actually is a
threat that seems legitimate," he
continued. "It's 100,000 people
in one place. I see no issue with
Saft added that he doesn't bring
bags into the stadium to begin
with, and that it was the female
fans he would "imagine would
have a problem with it."
"I think it's a little bit expreme,"
said Kanika Kochhar, an LSA
freshman. She said there should
be "a different process," like one
similar to airport security screen-
Asked if metal detectors would
be used by security at the game,
Brown said DPS reserves the right

to do so, though "it has not been a
traditional method."
But some female fans down-
played the inconvenience.
Katie Jourdan, a first-year Pub-
lic Health student, said her pock-
ets were enough.
"I think a lot of people don't
mind just bringing their ID, a little
bit of cash or maybe a camera or
something," she said.
Kinesiology junior Lara Hitch-
cock agreed.
"Personally, it wouldn't be a big
issue for me," she said. "I don't
really bring anything."
The press release encourages
fans to arrive at the gate earlier
than usual, as the increased secu-
rity could slow the flow of entry.
The gates will open at 10 a.m.
"Students have been arriving
very, very late," Brown said. "They
should come sooner this week-
- Daily Staff Reporter Mallory
Jones contributed to this report.

From Page 1A
In a phone interview, Sen. Liz
Brater (D-Ann Arbor) said she is
against cutting the program.
"I'm opposed to those cuts,"
Brater said. "We made a promise,
and it's very difficult for Michigan
families to find the money to send
their sons and daughters to col-
Brater sponsored an amend-
ment to a Senate bill earlier in the
budget process to restore funding
for the scholarship program, but it
was rejected in a vote that followed
party lines.
In an e-mail interview, Rep.
Rebekah Warren (D-Ann Arbor)
stressed the importance of the
Michigan Promise.
"Investing in education is an
investment in our future, and the
Promise Scholarship continues to
help thousands of families fulfill
their dreams of a college educa-
tion," Warren wrote.
Warren wrote that now, more
than ever, the program is needed
and she would fight to maintain
"In these difficult economic
times, we have an even greater
responsibility to help our young
people get the skills they need to
compete for those good-paying
jobs," she wrote. "Cutting the
Promise scholarship is completely
counterproductive and unaccept-
able - I will continue to fight to
save this vital program."
Vice President for Government
Relations Cynthia Wilbanks, who
acts as a liaison between the Uni-
versity administration and Lansing,
said she understands the difficult
position legislators are in.
"This is really difficult, and I
don'tthinktherewere alotofcheers
in the room when this conference
report was passed," Wilbanks said.
"But we all acknowledge there are
really tough decisions that need to
be made."
Wilbanks said that she looks

forward to seeing the higher educa-
tion budget in the near future, and
that legislators are currently work-
ing on it.
"It's all coming pretty fast and
furious, and there are a lot of mov-
ing parts; there's a lot of differing
views," Wilbanks said. "I think
there's a common goal at least of
having a state budget in place by
Oct. 1."
The conference report will now
go to the House and Senate to be
voted on, Wilbanks said.
"(Conference reports) cannot be
amended and they are simply voted
up or down and neither the House
or the Senate have voted so far on
these conference reports, including
thehigher educationbill,"Wilbanks
said. "That might come (today), so
there may be another pickle to this
debate that could occur in the next
several days."
Despite uncertainties to the state
budget, Wilbanks said she still
hopes that a solution may be found
to maintain the Michigan Promise
"I'm an optimist, so based on
that, I'd like to believe that with the
governor and the leadership in the
House and Senate, they may yet find
a way, a means, a funding source,
and use the Promise grants in some
shape or form," she said.
Of the 6,096 students eligible
to receive the Michigan Promise
scholarship on campus, Fitzger-
ald said 1,717 students currently
demonstrate financial need for
the scholarship - as calculated
by an internal University formu-
la - while 4,379 students do not
demonstrate financial need for the
"The U of M is committed to
meeting the full demonstrated
financial need of all undergradu-
ate students from Michigan,"
Fitzgerald said. "If the state were
to ultimately reduce or eliminate
the Promise scholarships, the
University would provide addi-

tional financial aid up to the level
required to meet the students' full
demonstrated need."
Phil Hanlon, vice provost for
academic and budgetary affairs,
echoed Fitzgerald, saying it is one
of the University's highest priori-
"We will find the money to com-
plete their financial aid packages,"
Hanlon said of students who were
promised the scholarship as part of
their financial aid. "There's almost
no higher priority than that for the
Hanlon said that in planning
this year's budget, University
officials set aside additional fund-
ing for financial aid that could be
used to fill gaps for students with
demonstrated need.
"We also set aside some one time
funds that will allow us to meet
some of that $2 million," Hanlon
said, noting that when planning the
budget University officials noticed
that some legislation proposed cut-
ting the Michigan Promise pro-
Students who are eligible for the
scholarship but do not demonstrate
financial need will not receive
scholarship payments from the
University if the Michigan Promise
Scholarship program is cut from
the state budget.
However, Fitzgerald encouraged
students to contact the Office of
Financial Aid if their circumstances
have changed and they believe they
may now eligible for an increase in
need-based scholarships.
"For students who have not pre-
viously demonstrated need, they
have been asked to sort of pay that
amount up front and then they
would be credited that amount if
the Promise scholarship comes
through," Fitzgerald said.
- Daily Staff Reporter Nicole Aber,
Daily News Editor Jillian Berman
and Managing News Editor Jacob
Smilovitz contributed to this report.

letter like this from the city, but
added that she has "heard of such
a letter" before.
"We just directed the letter to
the tenants just to let them know
that the city is willing to take
action," she said. "What I've heard
is that it's mainly the people that
go to these parties that cause these
Larcom said police have given
the houses citations in the past,
but she's not sure what actions the
office will take if the block contin-

ues its rowdy behavior.
"We have to wait and see what
happens," she said.

From Page 1A
gy Jobs Tour. The tour has been on
the road for a month, hosting 50
events in 22 states.
Luke Canfora, the Michigan
director for Repower Michigan,
said the campaign was started as
part of former Vice President Al
Gore's organization to promote cli-
mate change.
"We are a grassroots-driven
organization supporting federal
climate change legislation," Can-
fora said.
Canfora works with Repower
America to recruit members, gen-
erate support for federal climate
change legislation and educate the
public about the urgency of com-
prehensive reform.
"We want to see an end to our
dependence on foreign oil and the
creation of essentially a whole new
sector of jobs in America," Canfora
He explained that clean energy
jobs are very similar to things
Michigan's workforce already does
every day. He said clean energy
jobs range from the people who
build things like solar panels,
windmills and solar batteries to
the people who operate them, sell
them and make the components for
"The No. 1 way to create energy
is efficiency," Canfora said.
LSA .freshman Nikki McIntyre
attended the rally and said she
made the trip to learn more about
the ways in which the United
States can promote clean energy
jobs and what she as an individual
can do to help.
"The rally is just there to raise
awareness and get people involved
and let the government know that
we want action to be taken," McIn-
tyre said.
Canfora said he hoped the rally
would demonstrate to leaders gath-
ered in Pittsburgh how critical it is
for the world to create clean energy
Besides making their voices
heard and their numbers seen, the

rally's attendees also got to enjoy
musical performances and hear
from keynote speakers.
Performances by Joan Jett and
the Blackhearts and country sing-
er Kathy Mattea entertained the
crowd while prominent figures like
Leo Gerard, president of the United
Steelworkers; Carl Pope, executive
director of the Sierra Club; Richard
Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO;
and Maggie Fox, CEO and president
of the Alliance for Climate Protec-
tion, offered their perspectives on a
green energy economy.
McIntyre said the musical per-
formances were both "great" and
"It brought all these people
together from different walks of
life and everyone was just having
a good time together," McIntyre
said, adding the politicians and
other leaders who spoke at the
event were also interesting.
Canfora said that Gerard's pres-
ence at the rally was a big deal.
"I think that with Mr. Gerard,
the president of the United Steel-
workers, you can't think of any-
thing more blue collar and more
labor and frankly more American
worker than the steel workers and
to see them say that our future is
in the green economy and that we
need to go in that direction, I think
that's very poignant," Canfora
McIntyre said attending the
rally was fun and energizing, but
also provided a valuable educa-
tional experience.
"I learned a lot about how our
economy can turn towards new
sources for jobs," McIntyre said.
"We can also keep the jobs that we
have right now and keep the quali-
fied people working and just apply
them to green jobs."
Asked whether she thought the
rally accomplished everything the
group hoped it would, McIntyre
said she thought it did.
"I think they met their goal
despite some of the obstacles they
had to overcome," she said. "It's
still continuing on for the rest
of the week so there's more to

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