2A - Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
In Other Ivory Towers
Off the Beaten Path Cmu lb Before You Were Here
Photos of the Week
150 years of singing
With a history extending
hack to 1859, the Men's Glee
lob is the oldest continually
run student organization at
the University.
"at formed mainly at first
not necessarily as a singing
group but as more of a social
group," Glee Club President
Drew Smith said. "But at the
same time, singing was a big
part of it."
Smith said the club was ini-
tially a loose arrangement of
both vocals and instrumen-
tals but eventually evolved
into a more structured cho-
rus. Now it stands alongside
Harvard's Glee Club as one
of the most prestigios of its
type in the United States.
The club is comprised of
four vocal sections and cur-
rently has 103 members. The
group performs repertoires
chosen by Director Paul Ear-
din, who is also an associ-
ate professor in the School
of Music, Theatre '& Dance,
with music selections vary-
ing from folk songs to Latin
Renaissance pieces.
The club rehearses twice a
week and performs every fall
and spring at Mill Auditorium.
In addition, it tours the state
of Michigan and the Midwest
twice a year and internation-
ally every four years.
"We've been to every con-
tinent except for Africa on
our tours," Smith said. "So
we're pretty well traveled as
a group."
For its 150th anniversary,
the club plans to celebrate by
premiering a piece commis-
sioned from former faculty
member William Bolcom. The
group plans to invite Glee
Club alumni to a celebration
weekend in the spring.
Maintaining connections
with alumni is an important
part of the Glee Club.
"One thing that's great
about the Glee Club is that
you get such a strong alumni
base. We'll talk to people
from 20, 30 years ago," said
Joe Wieciek, the assistant
alumni relations manager
and co-150th anniversary
Wieciek also said the group
is trying to create an alumni
tour group to further main-
tain the alumni bond.
As part of its 150th celebra-
lion, the Glee Club is set to
perform Nov. 21 at Hill Audi-
torium featuring an Ameni-
can-themed repertoire.
Members at the Mes's Glee Glob perform durint a dress rehearsol tar the
grasp'sSprng 2009 concert.
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Th MihianDaiy(ISSN5-%)s pblihdoanday thuh Fiday during th fllad nter
termsbystudnsat heUneshnityociga. ne o swavalablefreeof care tall rades.
Addtoalcopies my bpiikd ptthe Diys ofie fr2.Sbsriptosfralter, artngn
Setembear, ia U.S. mail aet$11. Wisnte erIJanuarythough Apri) i$15, yealon Stember~
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sbsciptnf arbli term aet$3. Sbsciptos must berpai.The Mihigantgai snameber o
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Nearly a half ton Bike goes missing
Oi ontrutiUonUI
equipment taken
WHERE: 2900 Block Baxter
WHEN: Monday at about 8
WHAT: Sometime between
Saturday and Monday, an
800 lb. "piece of breaking
equipment" was taken from a
construction site, University
Police reported. There are no
Sign pole down
WHERE: University parking
lot, Catherine St.
WHEN: Monday at about 3:45
WHAT: A caller told DPS
that someone hit and damaged
a sign pole, University Police
WHERE: East Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Monday at about S
WHAT: A "Diamondback
purple bike" that had been
parked on a bike rack near
East Quad was stolen between
Sunday and Monday, Univer-
sity Police reported. There are
no suspects.
'Unknown' thief
steals laptop
WHERE: Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library
WHEN: Monday at about 8:15
WHRAT: An Apple laptop and
a wallet that had been left
unattended were stolen "by an
unknown person," University
Police reported.
Med. Service
mass meeting
WHAT: Medical Educational
Service Opportunities will
hold a mass meeting
WHO: Medical Educational
Service Opportunities
WHEN: Today from 6 p.m.
to 7 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m to
8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
Kuenzel Room
Career Center
hosts Law Day
WHAT: A chance for stu-
dents at all grade levels to
connect with more than 100
different law schools.
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today from 12 p.m.
to 4 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
.Second floor
AMI coffee talk
WHAT: Free coffee and
a discussion on President
obama's call for a settlement
freeze in the West Bank.
WHO: Hillel
WHEN: Tonight from 7 p.m.
to 8t p.m.
WHERE: Amer's on State
. A story in yesterday's edi-
tion of The Michigan Daily
"'U' officials crack down on
trademark violations" incor-
rectly defined two types of
student organizations. A
sponsored student organiza-
tion is one that has a sub-
stantial relationship with
a University department.
Also, both, sponsored and
voluntary student organiza-
tions are eligible for MSA
. Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-
1A woman from Browns-
ville, Texas was arrested
last week for giving a lap
dance to a man at a cantina, the
Brownsville Herald reported.
The woman was reported to
having been "moving her body
up and down simulating sexual
2The Athletic Depart-
ment, in conjunction
with the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly, will hold a pep
rally for the football team on
Friday at Crisler Arena.
3 The principal of Millburn
High in New Jersey said
hundreds of copies of a
"slot list" of incoming fresh-
man are passed out on the first
day of each school year, The
New York Times reported.
Each year, some girls are upset
their names appear on it, others
that theirs are missing.
LvCrime Ntes? Get mare enlist at michigandaily.cm/blgs/he wire,.,