4 2A - Thursday, September 10, 2009 The Michigan Daily- michigandailycom MONDAY: In Other Ivory Towers TUESDAY: Off the Beaten Path w "TeUiest fMcia ecmyouheril:o h ma ofou tr minationsto maeths_-Hpa memorableaffair. hniapyfsocialsreciletionhips.Noeiniutiniri9coimitmsprainthic ticuasettingandichgay n'sgeteirspcirivt." "Th Annexerty oiveriycrid eoent arouheBrtile tteosHo gestinocsono t e1924ee ilb mpeetraleiec WEDNESDAY: ampus Clubs :- A party f Many a student has spent the weekend comb- ing campus tor the best parties. However, what many students don't know is that at one point in time, the University was not just home to the best party on campus, but arguably the most gnarly party nation- wide. The J-Slop, named because the junior class was responsible tor its planning and execution, was an annual event held in February, running trom Thursday through Sunday and was known by many on campus to be "Michi- gan's greatest social event," according to a Daily article trom Feb. 9, 1924. .or the histi During the dance h 1924, an ordinary gym wa turned into a winter woi derland, complete wit] igloos. torest pine trees any pictures ot vast oceans iti - all combining to creat, a truly magical scene. Stu dents trom across the coon try poured in to attend an( lines extended all the wi, to the coat check outside. Founded in the 1870 under the name ot the Soci ety Hop, the 2-Hop wa a staple on campus unti 1962. The party was throws each year by a plannir; committee who in 192, were made up ot 13 stu dents trom the junior clas: -otten times chosen trn FRIDAY: Photos of the Week ;Orybooks cn a pool ot more than 400 is applicants - each repre- n- senting one ot the Uni- h versity's colleges. These id students worked diligently :.e into throw as pertect a to dance as possible tor their a- peers, both at the Univer- n- sity and abroad. d Beginning on Thursday, iy the testivities included concerts, parties and sleigh Is rides and culminated in the i- J-Mop dance on Saturday is night. A ticket to the dance il was such a hot commodity that those wishing to attend n had to apply to get them. ig Out ot more than 1,100 4 applicants, only around 800 a- students were permitted to ss attend each year. am -VALIANT LOWITZ 1A recent study by a British risk analysis firm tound that Australians emit the most carbon dioxide per cap- ita - 20.59 tons ot C02 annual- ly. Americans emit the second highest amount ot C02, aver- aging 19.78 tons ot C02 per person each year. 2 The seventh annual Kerrytown Book- Feat will be held this Sunday around the Her- rytown Farmers' Market. FOR MORE, SEE B-SIDE, PAGE 3B 3McDonalds is currently testing a Big Mac Snack Wrap in all 1,400 ot its Canadian chains, according to Eat Me Daily. The "Mac Snack Wrap" includes all ot the stan- dard Big Mac ingredients, but is wrapped in a warm tortilla shell. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www, michigandaily.coin GARY GRACA DAN NEWMAAN Editon in Chief Business Manager 734-647-3336 734-764-0558 piaea@miohigandaily.com rmdhuiinesa@aseai~com CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom Officefhours: Sun.-'Chuns. 11 a.m.- 2 a. 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Oneoyis valable fr5esirgstmll rer. AdStioal opisaybe pikedupahDanA ialy'soffce for $. Sbcripionsorfll terim,ringiin Septebr,ia .S.maae$10.AWitr termlanaryhrougApil)i$15, yearng(Spember thoughoAprl)is $195.Anverit yafihlitieae sbje oi reduedscipion e.O-canpus subscriptios fofaltnermarf35,Subcriptionmstbeprepaid. heOchganDiliy iuaember f ThAociated Pressan heAssocatedCllegiteres. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Destruction in Extinguisher Festifall men's restroom lifted from dorm WHAT: More th. ian 400 stu- WHERE: Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library WHEN: Tuesday at about 7 WHAT: A statt member reported that holes had been drilled in the stall walls ot a men's restroom, University Police reported. The walls cost $150 to replace. Passed out WHERE: West Quad Resi- dence Hall WHEN: Tuesday at about 2 p.m. WHAT: A housing tacilities statt member reported that a fire extinguisher was missing, University Police reported. Wallet stolen will have tables set up on the Diag to promote the activities and recruit new students to join their organizations. WHO: Student Activities and Leadership WHEN: Today from 11 am. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Diag Professor hosts jazz concert WHAT: Adam Unsworth, who spent nine years per- torming with the Philadel- phia Orchestra and three years with the Detroit Sym- phony Orhestra will pertorm with his ensemble. WHO: University ot Michi- gan Museum ot Art .WHEN: Tonight trom 1:30 p.m. to 11) p.m. WHERE: University ot Michigan Museum ot Art Commons. CORRECTIONS . A story in yesterday's edition ot The Statement "Your (dis)orientation tour" misspelled Regent Sarah Goddard Power's name. . Please report any error in the Daily to correc- tions@michigandaily.com. student treated from hospital Outdoor movie WHERE: Elbel Field WHERE: Mott Children's on North Diag IVx~aUVNueraac~nraunl~itA N~i p.m. WHAT: An ambulance was called tor a temale student who had passed out. She was treated at the scene, University Police reported. WHEN: Tuesday at about 8:30 WHAT: A statt member's wal- let was reported missing and tound in a patient's room, Uni- versity Police reported. WHAT: The movie Star Trek will be screened during this annual outdoor naovie event. Students are encouraged to bring blankets to sit on while watching the movie. WHO: University Unions Arts and Programs WHEN: Today at 8:30 p~m. WHERE: North Campus Diag MORE ONLINE Loe CrmelNoes? Getmore onlineat michigandaily.csr/log/h wefs 4