Iie 1J id igan &xiIy 10 Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, September 10,2009 michigandaily.com LESSONS IN MARKETING, INSIDE AND OUT FIGHTING HiNi PART 3 OF A 3-PART SERIES Vaccines' impact an unknown CHANEL VON HABSBURG-LOTHRINGEN/Daily A film crew shoots outside the Ross School of Business yesterday afternoon. The crew was filming a commercial for the University set to air on ABC, ESPN and Big Ten Net- work premiering the weekend of Sept. 26. This scene features real Business students and faculty. The ads will be a continuation of the Michigan Difference campaign. Law Schoolwelcomes chief justice University officials don't know how many doses will be available or needed By STEPHANIE STEINBERG Daily StaffReporter As the threat of a swine flu pandemic looms, a major ques- tion remains for University of- ficials preparing for its arrival: how many students will want to be vaccinated? Although the H1N1 vaccine is not available yet, University and public health officials estimate it will be distributed to the public in late October or early November. Dr. Robert Winfield, the Uni- versity's chief medical officer, said the University ordered ap- proximately 25,000 doses of the H1N1 vaccine. While more than 40,000 students attend the Uni- versity, Winfield said he doesn't expect more than half of the stu- dents will want to be vaccinated. "We don't anticipate every- body will want to get the vaccine," he said, adding that only about 10 percentof University students get vaccinated for the seasonal flu. The regular, seasonal influenza vaccine - which doesn't prevent people from contracting H1N1 - will be available to students in late September Winfield said the University will practice a mass vaccination with the seasonal flu shot as a way to prepare for the HtNl vaccine. Students and faculty from the Schools of Public Health, Nurs- ing and Dentistry and College of Pharmacy will help with vacci- nations in the University Health Service's Allergy, Immunization and Travel Health Clinic for $42. The Dean of Students Office will also offer seasonal flu vaccina- tions for a discounted price of $15 at Palmer Commons on Sept. 30. Because University students were labeled as one of five prior- ity groups for the H1N1 vaccine in late July, officials at colleges around the country are scram- bling to make last-minute prepa- rations. When all people younger than age 24 became a priority group for the vaccine, Dr. Robert Ernst, the medical director of UHS, said the decision considerably changed See SWINE FLU, Page 7A the wire On the Daily's news blog, head football coach Rich Rodriguez discusses what his staff isdoingto make sre his team isnt stricken with swineflu. Combination of academic prestige, football brings John Roberts to campus By ANNIE THOMAS Daily StaffReporter What does it take to get a visit from the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court? University offi- cials went with football tickets to the Notre Dame game. It worked. This weekend the University of Michigan's Law School will cel- ebrate its 150th anniversary with a full schedule of events, including a live feed of the Notre Dame football game in the Law Quad, a panel dis- cussion of the Law School's contri- butions to the legal field - in which all living deans of the Law School will participate - and a question- and-answer session with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. In a letter obtained by The Mich- igan Daily, Law School Dean Evan Caminker invited Roberts in 2007 to attend the celebrations, offering him a plethora of amenities includ- ing seats at midfield to the Notre Dame game at the Big House. "I recognize that you receive many more invitations to visit law schools than you can possibly ac- cept," Carminker wrote in the let- ter, "but I daresay that Michigan Law can offer something no other law school can: a seat at midfield in the Big House!" "Only at this great law school," the letter continued, "can you take a Saturday afternoon off, walk down the street, and sing Hail to the Vic- tors with 110,000 of your new best friends as you (I hope?) cheer on one of the best college football teams in the nation." Carminker's pitch culminated with an appeal to the variety of ac- tivities Roberts could take part in on campus. "Given this hat trick of opportu- nities, I would like to invite you to come visit the University of Michi- gan Law School, spend some infor- See LAW SCHOOL, Page 7A LAW SCHOOL'S PITCH TO ROBERTS Read the letter in its entirety on our website at michigandaily.com. THE TEXTBOOK INDUSTRY A shuttered shop and changing scene Stockwell: Men, freshmen out Other bookstores try to fill void left by Shaman Drum By LINDSAY KRAMER DailyStaffReporter As Welcome Week's festivities come to a close this week, stu- dents around the country of ev- ery academic stripe are facing the same sobering experience: buying textbooks. This year, in Ann Arbor, one campus landmark is nothing but an empty storefront. For 29 years, Shaman Drum Book- shop, known for its selection of spe- cialty English and history texts, had beenastaplefor students purchasing books for class and for leisure. On June 30, Shaman Drum fell victim to a changing sales envi- roment in the textbook industry, brought on primarily by the In- ternet, that has hurt independent bookstores across the country. With Shaman Drum leaving the campus textbook market, other bookstores have been left to pick up the slack. Michigan Book and Supply add- ed an entire wall of English books that had not been sold there in pre- vious years. Evan Lee, an employee, said Shaman Drum's closing was the reason behind the addition of new inventory. Many of the books Shaman Drum typically carried were for obscure and advanced courses. Of- ten, professors for these courses would only give their book lists to Shaman Drum. As a result of the surge in orders of these types of books from professors, Michigan Book and Supply ran out of plastic sleeves used to hold the cards that identify books for specific courses. However, not all professors chose to continue ordering books through local stores. "Quite a few more students have come in asking for books that were not ordered," Lee said. The students "were told (by their professors) they could be ordered online." This trend has become more common in recent years, with the increasing tendency of professors to post textbook requirements early on CTools, Wolverine Access and the UBook program offered bythe University. Additionally, students often look online or to their peers for lower prices even before they return to Ann Arbor in the fall. Shaman Drum owner Karl Pohrt contends that these developments contributed to his store's downfall. "My sense was it was decided to put everything online to make it easier for students," Pohrt said. He also said he understood "the idea See TEXTBOOKS, Page 3A After renovations, former all-female res. hall welcomes new residents By JILLIAN BERMAN DailyNewsEditor The brand new Stockwell Resi- dence Hall boasts amenities one would be hard-pressed to find in other residence halls. The computer lab's giant moni- tor and Web cam and the atrium's natural light enable Stockwell to offer a different type of on-campus living experience. But for LSA sophomore Seena Tehrani, one of the first men to live in the formerly all-female residence hall, there's only one change that really matters. 16 monthsmin the making. "We're celebrating the past and the future today' Coleman said at the ceremony. Stockwell's renovation was part of Coleman's Residential Life Initiative, a program that has in- eluded the construction of the one-year-old Hill Dining Center and North Quad Residence Hall, which will open next fall. In addition to the physical changes to the building, the resi- dence hall boasts two other major, new features. The residence hall, which has been all female since it was completed in 1940, will be coeducational for the first time. It will also house a new living- learning community focused on sophomores. Joseph Varilone, a community center assistant who lives in Stock- well, said the Sophomore Year Ex- See STOCKWELL, Page 7A Speakers stand behind microphones at thec "When you come down the stairs to the bottom, it looks like you're in Hogwarts," he said. President Mary Sue Coleman and other University officials cut the maize and blue ribbon to re- open Stockwell officially yester- day. The renovated residence hall, which houses sophomores, juniors and seniors but no freshman, was Group: Muslim teen attacked in Ann Arbor By MATT AARONSON edly, pulledoffhertIslamicheadscarf used during this attack, we urge attackers rather than the five al- Daily News Editor - or hijab - and dragged her to a local, state and national law en- . leged by CAIR. The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Re- lations said in a press release yes- terday that a group of teenage stu- dents attacked a 16-year-old girl of Iraqi heritage on a school bus in Ann Arbor Tuesday. The family of the girl told CAIR that the assailants hit the girl repeat- home nearby, according to the press release. CAIR-MI Executive Direc- tor Dawud Walid told the Detroit Free Press that the assailants were five African American teenagers. According to the press release, the attackers shouted "Fuck Ar- abs, they are dirty" during the al- leged assault. "Because of the slurs reportedly forcement authorities to consider hate crime charges for any perpe- trators arrested," Walid said in the press release. The girl required six stitches for the injuries to her face. Ann Arbor Police Lieutenant Angela Abrams confirmed to the Daily that there was an assault and battery on Tuesday involving two She said the AAPD had no other details at the time, but would have more information Thursday morn- ing at 10 a.m. Dawud Walid did not return phone calls late last night. This is a developing story. Check michigandaily.com for updates throughout the day. WEATHER HI: 72 GOT A NEWS TIP? NEW ON MICHIGANDAILY.COM Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail Michigan university trading land for free tuition TOMORROW LO: news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS/THE WIRE INDEX NEWS... . . . 2A SPORTS...............A...,A Vol CXX,No.3 SUDOKU................ .....3A CLASSIFIEDS...........6A OPINI ..ON ........... ....... 4A TH E B-SI DE........ ........... 1t michigandaily corn