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April 21, 2009 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-04-21

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


'U'to ban
on campus
Ban will take effect policy is aimed at reducing sec-
ondhand smoke around campus
on July 1, 2011 and in order to improve the overall
health of the University commu-
will affect all nity.
"Certainly irritation of second-
campus property hand smoke is an issue and what's
also important is doing the right
By NICOLE ABER thing for the health of the com-
DailyStaffReporter munity," Winfield said.
According to Winfield, another
All three University campuses major reason for implementing
will be smoke free when a new the policy is to decrease the cost
policy announced by University of health care for University fac-
administrators yesterday takes ulty and staff. Within five years of
effect on July 1, 2011. implementing such a policy, Win-
The initiative is meant to field said health care costs usually
reduce the health risks associ- start to decline.
ated with secondhand smoke and "We learned that the health
reduce health costs associated care costs are at least $2,000 more
with smoking. per year for people who smoke
"A healthier, smoke-free than for nonsmokers," he added.
physical environment will only According to a press release on
enhance the intellectual vigor of the policy, about14percentofUni-
our campuses," University Presi- versity employees are smokers. A
dent Mary Sue Coleman wrote 2006 survey found that about 16
in an campus-wide e-mail yes- percent of University students
terday. "Our decision to become smoke one or more cigarettes a
smoke-free aligns perfectly with month, according to Winfield.
the goals of MHealthy to improve There will be five subcom-
the health of our community." mittees - one each for students,
University Chief Health Offi- community relations, faculty
cer Robert Winfield and School and staff, communications and
of Public Health Dean Kenneth grounds and facilities - working
Warner will co-chair the Smoke to create the best way to imple-
Free University Steering Com- ment the policy, Winfield-said.
mittee, which is charged with In order to help smokers tran-
creating a dialogue on campus sition into a community with
about the policy in order to get this new policy, the University
input from students, faculty and will offer free behavioral coun-
staff seling and discounts on over-
In an interview with The the-counter smoking cessation
Michigan Daily, Winfield said the See SMOKING, Page 3A

LSA students Annemarie Friedo (left) and Christopher Porter (right) freeze on the Diag yesterday. The "freeze" was orchestrated as a promotion for the student film festi'
val, Lightworks, which will be held in the Natural Science Auditorium on April 24 and 25 from 6 p.m. to midnight.
Ross Center, athletes oniy

Semi-official policy
raises questions
about separation of
Daily StaffReporter
It's Thursday night at 6:45 p.m.,
and the Ross Academic Center is
empty. The only sounds come from
the soft pattering of feet on the tile
and occasional whispers from a pair

of students studying in the lobby. A
few people occupy the dozens of
study rooms while six students are
using the 75 available computers
in the computer lab. But these stu-
dents aren't just students - they're
athletes, and they're the only stu-
dents allowed to use the building.
The Ross Academic Center
opened in January 2006. The Uni-
versity built the $12 million, 38,000
square-foot facility to serve as a
study place for the roughly 750 var-
sity student-athletes on campus.
When University officials
opened the center, they spoke of

allowing all students to use it. Yet
students who are not athletes - but
want a quiet place to work - are
turned away. The sign posted on
the front door reads: "This facility
is reserved for student-athletes. All
visitors must be accompanied by a
student-athlete and sign in at the
reception desk. Thank you."
Michael Stevenson, executive
associate director of athletics, said
the center is reserved for student-
athletes. However, lie said regular
students are allowed to enter if
they are working on a course proj-
ect with an athlete or if they are

taking a course that is taught in the
Though there is no written pol-
icy prohibiting regular students
from using the facility, Stevenson
said if regular students wanted to
study in the building they would
not be allowed. He explains there
is not enough space for the athletes
let alone the entire student body.
"It's so crowded by 750 student-
athletes that we don't have enough
computers and computer stations
and study space to accommodate
student-athletes the way the build-

After 39-year career,
Williams's curtain call
Renowned prof. will
deliver 'very last'
lecture at 'U' tonight
Daily StaffReporter
"Beowulf" and John Milton
weren't what motivated Univer-
sity Alum Ben Wetherbee to keep
attending his English 350 class.
Instead, it was the warmth, pas-
sion and expressive hand gestures
of retiring English Prof. Ralph Wil-
liams that made him engage in the
literature - an experience he said
he will not soon forget.
The large, animated hands of
Williams that helped connect
Wetherbee to Milton have been
put to great use during the past 39 "."
years of his teaching career at the
University. During his time, Wil-
liams has become renown for his
welcoming personality, inviting
generations of students to join in on
his love for literature with his one- KRISTA BOYD/Daily
of-a-kind lectures. Prof. Ralph Williams during lecturing class last night. He will give his last lecture tonight.
Williams, who received both his He was the recipient of the Gold- ever Lifetime Achievement Golden
bachelor's degree and Ph.D. from en Apple Teaching Award in 1992. Apple Award.
the University, boasts a long list of The award, which is presented by The presentation of the award
grand achievements throughout his the student organization Students will take place tonight in Rackbam
career here. He has been the chair Honoring Outstanding University Auditorium at 7 p.m., during Wil-
of the English Department, director Teaching, was created to pay trib- liams's "very last" public lecture at
of programs in Florence, Italy and ute to outstanding teachers. Last the University - entitled "How with
head of the Great Books Program, month, Williams was nominated this rage shall beauty hold a plea?"
among many accomplishments. by students to receive the first- See WILLIAMS, Page 7A

'U' officials offer a sneak
peek at this year's budget

say state funding
is expected to fall
three percent
Daily StaffReporter
Specific proposals and figures
in the University's budget are
often kept secret until the bud-
get is presented to the University
Board of Regents in June, but this
year administrators have released

much of the proposal early.
The mnformation, acquired
by The Michigan Daily over the
course of several interviews with
University President Mary Sue
Coleman, Provost Teresa Sullivan
and Phil Hanlon, vice provost for
academic and budgetary affairs,
includes several recommendations
for next year's budget.
One of the main sources of rev-
enue for the University's academic
mission - state appropriations -
won't be finalized until the final
state budget is passed in Septem-
ber. But, in an interview last week,
Hanlon said budget predictions

from the state place next year's
state budget down 15 to 20 percent
from this year's budget. Hanlon
said in the current budgeting, the
University has assumed a 3-per-
cent reduction in state funding, but
that the number will be revised as
June nears.
In an interview last month,
Sullivan said the uncertainty sur-
rounding state funding makes it
especially difficult to predict what
level of funding the University will
receive from the state.
ulus bill requires states to continue
See BUDGET, Page 7A

The regents' plans for summer break

Board will consider
budget, tuition rates
and promotions
Daily StaffReporter
While many students will leave
campus in the next few weeks, Uni-
of the University Board of Regents
will be busy over the summer final-
izing decisions that will affect the

educational experience on campus
in the fall and for years to come.
The items on their collective
docket include settingtuition rates,
finalizing budget plans and deter-
mining faculty promotions.
In an interview yesterday, Pro-
vost Teresa Sullivan outlined what
she knew University administra-
tors would present to the regents
over the next few months.
Sullivan said the regents would
consider faculty promotions at their
Maymeeting. Recommendations for
faculty promotions are made by the

deans of each school and are cur-
rently being reviewed by the Office
and her staff have finished review-
ing the recommendations, she will
submit her recommendations to the
regents for final approval.
"The May meeting in Dear-
born is a big meeting for faculty
because that's when promotions get
approved," she said. "So there's a lot
of faculty members waiting anx-
iously for thatmeeting."
Yesterday Sullivan told mem-
See REGENTS, Page 7A


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Today is the Daily's last print edition this semester. INDEX N EWS................
For continuing updates, check michigandaily.com. Vol. CXIX, No.134 O P I N I O N ..........
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.......2A CLASSIFIEDS...............A.... 6A
.......4A SPORTS......................... 8 A
.....5A GRADUATION ISSUE ............11

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