0 4A - Wednesday, April 15, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com E-MAIL ROSE AT ROSEJAFF@UMICH.EDU L 4e fiVC4t*gan4:3at*lV ROSE JAFFE Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu GARY GRACA ROBERT SOAVE COURTNEY RATKOWIAK EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position oftthe Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views ofttheir authors. Show us the money MSA must make funding decisions more transparent Jn the most recent Michigan Student Assembly elections, the student body narrowly elected the Michigan Vision Party presidential candidates to run the assembly. Or at least that's what roughly 13 percent of students who actually voted did. But despite low turnout, MSA still has a responsibil- ity to the entire student body and the Michigan Vision party needs to act quickly to implement some long-overdue changes. With a new party in charge, it's finally time for MSA to fix its transparency issues. The assembly should start by making sure that the rationale behind how funding is allocated to student groups is better understood - and such information should be readily available to students on MSA's website. OIL/ 9Y \!4 ., at OI t N tNI~ ':, C~&EL t4Y~~o~Z~,. Life, death and lists MSA managed to give out more money to student groups this year than in pre- vious years. In difficult economic times - when financial backers may be willing to spend less on student groups - MSA's role in allocating funds to these groups is more important than ever. And the pro- cess to apply for funding from MSA was made easier in response to complaints that the previous system was too complicated. Initiated at the beginning of last semester, the new procedure for requesting funding from MSA's Budget Priorities and Commu- nity Service Committees requires students to fill out only one form. Though the process for receiving fund- ing is simpler, the reasons for why some funding decisions are made can still be mysterious. This can be an issue for newer groups who may not have the institutional knowledge that comes with applying for funding several times. To assure that stu- dent groups aren't surprised and confused by funding decisions, MSA needs to make sure an explanation of the decision-making process is readily available to all students. With a better understanding of this, stu- dents won't have to wonder how funding decisions are made. Being clearer about funding decisions is one way that MSA can start solving its transparency issues. But the assembly has struggled for years to keep students informed about what it's doing, and there are plenty of other things the assembly needs to fix. While the new administration has displayed a willingness to combat this problem, more can be done. A glaring example is the recent disclo- sure of MSA's attendance record. On aver- age, 30 percent of MSA representatives were absent at each meeting last semes- ter. This number of absences certainly impacted the assembly's ability to govern effectively and students should have been aware before heading to the polls. For the sake of accountability, students need to know which of their representatives are showing up to meetings. A good place to list such information would be MSA's website. The website should ideally be MSA's best method of informing students about its decisions Sadly, it has been neglected by the assem- bly for years. The Michigan Vision Party must make good on its campaign promise to present students with a better one so that students can effectively check up on their representatives. While progress is being made on issues like simplifying the funding process, MSA still has a long road ahead of it. T here comes a time in people's lives when they reflect on lost opportunities, forgotten childhood dreams and what truly makes them happy. Most die before this happens. As the school year dwindles= down, however, existential crises are on the rise. Life choices are being called intoW question. Intended WILL majors are fall- GRUNDLER ing under intense scrutiny. All over campus, students are asking themselves if they actu- ally want to graduate with a degree in Choral Music Education. Youmightfeel alittle overwhelmed. Maybe you don't even have a major in mind. Maybe that "Undecided" T-shirt you bought as a joke to make your parents laugh is still in your closet, only now they're not laughing anymore. But your friends are. Only they're not your friends - they're weird voices inside your head. I might be of help. The answer - like most answers - lies in list mak- ing. List making is a process that condenses incredibly complex issues into simple, manageable steps. The entire American way of life - the Declaration of Independence, weight loss, etc. - relies on making lists with specific resolutions in mind. If you're worried about choos- ing the wrong career and leading an existence of utter- boredom, it might be beneficial to make a "life list" of all the amazing goals you would like to accomplish before you die and are forgotten about forever. A good plan is to start with modest goals and then increase in complexity, assuming future technology improves. Here is a brief example of one of my lists to get your ideas going: 1. Buy more toothpaste (with fluo- ride). 2. Box out weird guy with beard during next pick-up game. He is short but quick. 3. Grow beard. 4. Start to read the news and hold opinions. S. Join the Squirrel Club. It's always a good idea to have your first few goals be relatively frivolous and/or unambitious. Thus, if you don't accomplish them you'll know you're not really cut out for this sort of thing. Subsequent goals should start to become more difficult. 6. Pass Calculus II at a community college. 7. Run for president of the Squirrel Club. 8. Print lots of little colored pieces of paper with nothing on them and pass them out on the Diag. See if any- one notices the difference. 9. Abolish something. 10. Teach my friend from Ohio how to operate indoor plumbing.* *I recommend placing a star by any goal that you feel is especially chal- lenging. After ten or so goals, you have to start predicting what your life will be like in the future so you can continue to be spontaneous. Odds are after ten goals and about ten years you'll be stuck in a boring job, so mix it up a little. To continue... 11. Sell the house, car and kids and get a boat! Sail the world. 12. Do not sail the world near Somalia. 13. Better just get a personalized license plate instead. 14. Start drinking wine. Learn how to swish it around and smell it with- out looking silly. 15. Run for the president of my kids' school board, then dismantle it because school boards are plain annoying. There's always the Squirrel Club. You could be president. At this point in your life list, any- where from fifteento thirtyyears may have passed. Amazing, I know! Under no circumstances are you required to continue - you may find that fifteen to twenty goals is enough. However, by the period 2025 to 2040, impressive technology may emerge. Feel free to get creative. Here are my ideas: 16. Own some sort of futuristic device that includes a phone, camera, e-mail, calculator and girlfriend. 17. Clone it. 18. Contact extraterrestrial civili- zations to see if they have any extra oil to spare. My list goes on, but the general idea should be apparent by now. It's important to remind yourself of what matters - to think critically about your goals before it's too late, even if you are majoring in Ceramics. So make your list. And good luck. - Will Grundler can be reached at sailgull@umich.edu. I I The Daily is looking for a diverse group of strong, informed writers with an interest in campus issues to become editorial board members in the spring and summer semesters. E-MAIL RACHEL VAN GILDER AT RACHELVG@UMICH.EDU FOR MORE INFORMATION. SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU Journalists should not spin stories forpolitical agendas organization was report, which clai killed a 12-year-ol hamud al-Dura. I TO THE DAILY: light that the jour There is a dangerous myth concerning the had no proof that American media that is circulating not only on published his deat our campus here in Ann Arbor but in various While this exat locations around the country. It is our collective importantto cons civic responsibility to be aware of this myth and it means to publ to work to dispel it in The Michigan Daily and context and whatl elsewhere. It has become an increasingly popu- to be a journalist i lar activity for irresponsible journalists to accuse the American media of lies and bias. While I am Yoni Labow an ardent supporter of the freedom of speech LSA junior and an unregulated press, I also understand that it is unfair for the Ann Arbor community to be exposed to such accusations while they are Kakwan's lacking any coherent and logical supportive evi- dence.chlla o It is the journalist's obligation to support his ora her accusations and claims with evidence and a proper context. For example, Ibrahim Kakwan's TO THE DAILY: recent column in the Daily claims that it was a Ibrahim Kakw human rights violation for the United States to labor betrays a lac send weapons to Israel prior to its incursion into protect children Gaza and that it is inconceivable to him that this trade' tragedy, 03/ occurrence didn't receive much attention from ognizes that it's t the American media (Middle East misinforma- is the answer. tion, 04/09/2009). He and we oug] The reason why this accusation is a far cry children out of ha from responsible journalism is because the writ- ents in vulnerable er purposefully avoids the situation's context in he assumes are u order to achieve his agenda. For example, had problem with any the writer mentioned that Israel was a victim column, he should of daily rocket fire prior to the incursion during us who don't like i an agreed cease-fire with Hamas it is likely his But if he finds' readers would understand why such a shipment tionable, let him of arms is neither an act of human rights abuse spending future c nor something that is newsworthy. practice wherevet Perhaps Kakwan thinks American journal- idea or two in the ists should learn from their comrades at the French 2 news organization, which epitomizes Michael Madill irresponsible reporting. In November 2004, this Alum exposed for publishing a false med the Israeli Defense Forces d Palestinian boy named Muh- In actuality, evidence came to rnalists in charge of the story the boy was harmed, but still th. mple is a very extreme one, it is ider when we think about what ish accusations without their kind of responsibility it entails n the U.S. rationalization of ris inappropriate an's rationalization for child :k of imagination about how to and ameliorate poverty ('Fair '26/2009). Surely Kakwan ret- he money and not the job that ht to be fighting harder to keep rm's way by ensuring that par- societies don't face the choices navoidable. If he sees no real of the abuses he catalogs in his d get out of the way so those of t won't step on him. exploitation of children objec- contribute to the solution by olumn inches condemning the r it is found and offering up an way of progress. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be less than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Letters are edited for style, length, clarity and accuracy. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedoily@umich.edu. EMMA LIST I 1EP1 iNT Preparing middle schoolers for college I I $22,729.00. This should be a number familiar to stu- dents across campus as we roll steadily through the sec- ond semester. This particular number is the 2008-2009 estimated cost of tuition for in-state first and second year students at the University. It's a dauntingly high number for those struggling to pay for both credit hours and a roof over their heads. Unfortunately, it's not an uncom- mon circumstance as colleges and universities across the country continue to raise the numbers on their price tags. As anyone who needs to keep textbook costs and electricity bills on their mental list would know, a col- lege degree in today's world is becoming an increasingly difficult undertaking for the average middle-class stu- dent. Many students need to worry about issues other than classes. I know that I am among the lucky students attending the University with a relatively stable financial situation at home, but regrettably, this isn't true for far too many other prospective and current college students. The prospect of earning a University degree is even more disheartening if feels out of reach at an early age. Rewind to your middle school days. If you were any- thing like me (and probably plenty of others who won't admit it), you were thinking about prospective colleges five or six years ahead of time. In retrospect, what felt like an extra load of stress to place on my 13-year-old shoulders now seems more like a luxury. I had assumed that college was in my future. It was an unquestioned undercurrent that affected every aspect of my academic life. Now, years later, I realize that this is far from the experience that many kids had growing up. Without the assurance of further education waiting in the future, it's easy for young minds to lose focus on school even if there may have been initial enthusiasm. At the University, a branch of the organization InnoWorks, of which I am a member, is one group on campus dedicat- ed to sparking an interest for the sciences in financially disadvantaged middle school students. According to Anudeep Mukkamala, Executive Direc- tor of the University's InnoWorks chapter, InnoWorks strives to increase middle school students' interest in attending college by making the opportunities provided by the University more accessible. InnoWorks tries to connect middle school students with University experi- ences by organizing visits to facilities like the Medical School and meetings with University faculty. The goal is to prompt middle school students to consider careers in math, science and engineering. InnoWorks's immediate goal is to start current middle school students down the path of scientific discovery, connecting them with opportunities available only at a major research university like the University of Michigan. In the long run, InnoWorks will become more involved in the process of making higher education a reality, especially for socioeconomically disadvantaged stu- dents. We've all jumped through the hoops and hurdles to get here, with or without help. As obtaining an education from a college or university increasingly becomes a lux- ury of the upper class, keep an eye out for InnoWorks as this summer approaches, and with it, the organization's second annual science camp. Emma List is anS LSA sophomore. I I EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nina Amilineni, Emad Ansari, Emily Barton, Elise Baun, Harun Buljina, Ben Caleca, Satyajeet Deshmukh, Brian Flaherty, Emmarie Huetteman, Emma Jeszke, Sutha K Kanagasingam, Shannon Kellman, Jeremy Levy, Erika Mayer, Edward McPhee, Matthew Shutler, Neil Tambe, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Laura Veith