0 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
Thursday, April 9, 2009 - 7A
* The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, April 9, 2009 - 7A
From Page 1A
volunteers. This increase comes
at an opportune time, as student-
targeted service programs like
National Student Partnerships, a
non-profit organization focused
on combating poverty, begin run-
ning into funding trouble.
Addell Anderson, program
director of the Michigan Ameri-
Corps Partnership, said the funding
increase has benefited many stu-
From Page 1A
police administered at the scene
showed Stonum's blood alcohol
content to be at .10. In the state of
Michigan, it is illegal for a minor
to operate a vehicle with a BAC
of .02 or higher. Stonum was 18 at
the time of the incident.
Stonum could have potentially
faced up to 93 days in jail, $300 in
fines and 360 hours of community
service for the offense.
Because of a "violation of team
rules," Michigan head football
coach Rich Rodriguez suspended
dents by allowing more of them to
have summer service internships.
"Before, fewer students would
have had an opportunity to do
that," she said.
Anderson said the boost in
funding will help AmeriCorps
expand its collaboration with the
Semester in Detroit program here
at the University. She said the
group's common affiliation with
the Ginsberg Center, a campus
organization dedicated to service
learning, is a good foundation for
partnership in the future.
Stonum from the team's Oct. 4
game against Illinois. Stonum
was not disciplined further in
addition to this one-game sus-
During his weekly Big Ten tele-
conference on Nov. 4, the day of
Stonum's arraignment, Rodriguez
said Stonum would not face any
further discipline
Stonum did play but didn't start
in the team's next game against
Stonum started at wide receiv-
er in the rest of the Wolverines'
12 games last season. During the
season, he made 14 catches for 176
yards and one touchdown.
From Page lA
dirt, said he knew there was "just
something very special about (Hen-
derson)" since the first time they
"I thought he had a marvelous
personality," Benedict said. "Always
had a smile on his face even though
when you see the pictures of him in
the paper you wouldn't believe that.
He was a very delightful young man
and was a joy to have on the team."
Benedict said those qualities
should help Henderson transform
GM, explaining that humor, enthu-
siasm and a positive personality "are
great qualities not only in an athlete
but in an executive."
"He obviouslyknows the business
and wherever they had trouble they
would send him," Benedict said. "I
speak very highly of him."
Others on campus see Hender-
son's professional experience as
the main factor in his ability to suc-
ceed at GM both as a leader and as
a reformer. That experience, some
say, is a mixed blessing.
Business Prof. Gerald Meyers,
who knows Henderson and his
predecessor Rick Wagoner person-
ally, said he has faith in Henderson's
ability to lead.
"He is a superb executive," he
said. "He is very well rounded and
has very rich experiences. It's a plus
because he is capable and experi-
enced and will do a good job. It's a
minus because he is just another
guy out of the GM mold."
Hendersonhas worked for most of
his career at GM. He served as vice
president and managing director of
GM Brazil before being appointed
president of GM-LAAM, which cov-
ers Latin America, Africa and the
Middle East. Hewas later appointed
president of GM Asia Pacific, where
he opened operations in Korea and
China in 2002. He served as chair-
man of GM Europe until he became
president and chief operating officer
of GM in 2008.
Business Prof. Martin Zimmer-
man, a former group vice president
of Ford Motor Co., said it's impor-
tant to note that Wagoner and Hen-
derson have worked closely together
and that the switch is a change in
pace but "not a radical change in
While many people may be con-
fident about Henderson's ability,
Zimmerman said Wagoner's depar-
ture from the company was "largely
"Wagoner was a good executive,"
he said. "I think that that was the
(Obama) administration indicat-
ing that they're getting tough and
demanding change."
Though he was the object of
the Obama administration's tough
stance, Wagoner expressed confi-
dence in his replacement's abilities,
according to a press release.
"Having worked closely with
Fritz for many years, I know that
he is the ideal person to lead the
company through the completion of
our restructuring efforts," Wagoner
wrote. "His knowledge of the glob-
al industry and the company are
exceptional, and he has the intellect,
energy and support among GM'ers
worldwide to succeed."
Bruce Belzowski, associate direc-
tor of the Automotive Analysis
Division at the University Transpor-
tation Research Institute, said Wag-
oner's resignation was "inevitable."
He added, however, that he wasn't
sure if Henderson is "in any better
position than Wagoner to turn GM
That turnaround has been the
focus of Henderson's job during the
past week.
Last Tuesday, Henderson issued
a statement on the topic, saying,
"fundamental and lasting changes
are necessary to reinvent GM for the
"We have significant challeng-
es ahead of us, and a very tight
timeline," Henderson wrote. "I
am confident that the GM team
will succeed, and that a stronger,
healthier GM will play an impor-
tant role in revitalizing America's
economy and re-establishing its
technology leadership and energy
Zimmerman said that whether
or not the company goes into bank-
ruptcy, a lot of sacrifices and chang-
es are going to have to be made for
the company to survive.
"GM is going to be a smaller com-
pany," he said. "There are going
to be sacrifices on various parties
and hopefully GM will survive
as a business and keep producing
auto mobiles, but in a lot smaller
From Page 1A
and the other 50 researchers who
received it to work on innovative
projects without the constraint of
worrying about where they will.
receive funding.
"The primary reason for this
award is to help junior faculty do
high-risk and potentially high-
impact research," he said.
When scientists at the begin-
ning of their careers run out of
start-up funds from their institu-
tion, the pressure to acquire mon-
ies from federal grant institutes
often forces them to write pro-
posals that are safe and reliable,
instead of more forward-thinking
"The current climate of fund-
ing from the government is not
very good, so that can place limits
on potential research projects that
(scientists) can propose," Lei said.
"You have to be really conservative
to get funding."
The Howard Hughes Medi-
cal Institute is different in that it
selects finalists for funding based
on a "people not projects" phi-
losophy, allowing the early career
.scientists to explore various possi-
bilities and even change the entire
course of their research.
Lei said he is "so excited to have
received this award," and looks
forward to continuing his research
on "how telomeres fulfill their two
functions, and hopefully discover-
ing their application in cancer pre-
the michigan daily
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From Page 1A
attend the University, because Arab
or Arab American is not considered
an ethnic or racial group onthe Uni-
versity's admissions application.
But according to the Arab Ameri-
can Institute's website, "Michigan
is home to the highest concentra-
tion of Arab Americans in any
state," with 490,000 Arab Ameri-
cans callingthe state home.
Another factor contributingto the
on-campus debate may be religion.
Sociology Prof. Fatma Muge
Gocek said in addition to demo-
graphics, the religious diversity on
campus greatly influences the dia-
logue amongstudents.
"A lot has to do with Islam as
well; Islam vs. Judaism and the civ-
ilization of the two," Gocek said. "I
think you do have various intersec-
tions of culture, ideology, security,
and war, (and) those things all come
together in various imports in sig-
nificantways. And we have so many
student organizations on campus
that they are already - because of
their particular age group - are
immediately mobilized regardless,
whatever the group may be."
A third factor may be students'
political ideologies.
History Prof. and Middle Eastern
Studies expert Juan Cole said that
the discourse does not extend from
purely racial or ethnic demograph-
ics of the student body, but rather a
difference in ideology between lib-
eral and conservative students on
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"So I think in some ways it's a
human rights thing from the point
of view of the campus left," Cole
said. "On campus, the stateless-
ness and the victimhood, (and) the
way they're being blockaded is per-
ceived as an outrage."
Rachel Goldstein, chair of the
American Movement for Israel, the
largest pro-Israel group on campus
also said the discourse surround-
ing the Israeli-Palestinian con-
flict stems from historical trends
of active debates surrounding-the
issue at the University. She points
to a series of demonstrations and
events that took place on campus
in the fall of 2000 at the start of the
Second Intifada as an example of
those trends.
"I think Michigan has a repu-
tation of having a lot of dialogue
and a lot of discourse about the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict going
on, on campus,' Goldstein said.
"(The activism during the Second
Intifada) gave the University a bit
of a reputation for being ashot be
of pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian
activism. Because both sides were
very active at that point and it ren-
dered national attention."
Ben Kaminsky, chair of Israel
Initiating Dialogue, Education
and Advocacy, another pro-Israel
student group, said the opposing
sides of the conflict within the Ann
Arbor community and their vocal
opinions at various University
organization-sponsored events is
also a contributing factor to the
debate on campus.
Andrew Dalack, co-chair of
Students Allied for Freedom and
Equality, a pro-Palestinian group
on campus, said the main reason
for dialogue surrounding the issue
is because students are concerned
about the situation in the Middle
East, and are focused on rais-
ing awareness for the Palestinian
Kamelya Youssef, chair of the
Arab Student Association, said
that while the large Jewish, Arab
and Muslim student populations
do greatly impact the discourse on
campus, she does not consider the
conflict to be a religious matter,
but rather a political issue.
Youssef said the interest in the
conflict has inspired the Univer-
sity's Program on Intergroup Rela-
tions to develop a dialogue course
on the Arab-Israeli conflict for the
upcomingfall semester.
Youssef, along with two other
Arab student organization leaders
and two Jewish students, and offi-
cials from the Program on Inter-
group Relations, are creating this
dialogue course in order to create
better understanding between the
two diverse groups on campus.
"This will be something to talk
about the Arab-Jewish dynamic
on campus as well as talking about
"We're taking a big problem on our
shoulders and saying how are we
going to make the campus envi-
ronment better, how are we going
to make people better understand
eachother,how are wegoingtojust
start a dialogue between them."
E-mail smilovitz@
For Friday, April 10, 2009
(March 21to April 19)
You feel unusually positive about life
today. It's as if you have survived some-
thing! Your hopes for your own future
are now considerably more optimistic.
(Good for you.)
(April 20to May 20)
You feel happier today, even if you
don't know why. It's an inner thing.
Don't question it. Just be grateful that
you have a positive frame of mind.
(Others can sense this about you, also.)
(May 21 to June 20)
What a popular day for you! You're
enjoying the company of others, and
vice versa. This is a great day to think
about your dreams for the future. (Tell
them to others.)
(June 21 toJuly 22)
You exude such positive vibes today,
bosses, parents and people in authority
are impressed with you. Others want to
be in your presence because your enthu-
siasm is contagious.
(July 23 toAug. 22)
Travel opportunities and matters deal-
ing with publishing, higher education,
medicine and the law look wonderfully
promising! You're excited to see things
going in an adventurous direction.
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
The wealth and resources of others can
benefit you today. Keep your pockets
open. Expect gifts, goodies and favors to
come your way. Yay!
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
This is a wonderful day to enjoy good
times with partners and close friends.
Important clients are equally impressed
with you. Travel opportunities and
romance will come your way.
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
You can improve something at work
today. Some might get a better job.
Others will get better working condi-
tions. Or perhaps the promise of some-
thing in the future is too good to be true?
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
This is a great day to party and social-
ize. Enjoy sports and playful activities
with children. Romance and love affairs
are blessed. Take a mini vacation if you
(Dec. 22to Jan. 19)
Real estate deals can go very well
today. Whatever you do (financially
speaking) with your home or family
could yield future benefits and profits.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Your optimism says it all today.
Discussions with siblings and daily con-
tacts are upbeat and positive. Enjoy short
(Feb. 19to March 20)
This is an excellent day for business
and commerce. Most money transactions
will grow to be more profitable in the
YOU BORN TODAY Personally, you
are very bold and daring. You shrink
from nothing! You become fully
involved in whatever you embrace. (No
halfway measures for you!) You tend to
stand out in your chosen field, in an
almost starlike quality. Essentially,
you're a risk-taker who is not afraid to
gamble. Carve out some solitude this
year in order to learn or study something
Birthdate of Dolores Huerta, labor-
rights leader; Stephen Seagal, actor;
Jack Miner; conservationist.
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C 2009 King Features Syndicate, Inc.