2A - Wednesday, April 8, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 2A - Wednesday, April 8, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com GARY GRACA ELAINA BUGLI Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-647-3336 734-704-0508 graca@michigandailycom bugli@michigandailyeom Food and friendship Every residence hall room comes fur- nished with a bed, a dresser, a desk and a variety of ocher necessities for living comforcably. But why is every student who lives in the University's residence halls required to get the mean plan? University Housing Spokesman Peter Logan said the main reason the requirement exists is because students don't have the means to cook in their "It would not be safe for students to cook in their rooms," he said. "It would be an incredible fire hazard. Unless residence halls have that kind of kitch- en capability, it's very difficult to allow students to store and prepare foods safely." But Logan said there are also less practical reasons for requiring students to have a meal plan. "We believe very much that dining in the residence halls is a part of the com- munity experience - part of the univer- sity and living experience at Michigan," he said. Logan added that eating in the dining halls is a good way for students to meet and get to know one another. "Socially, the dining halls are part of the community experience that helps residential students build friendsbips and become more engaged in the cam- pus environment," he said. Logan said he thinks the quality of food offered in the dining halls is worth the price of meal plans. Prices for plans range from $2,245 per semester for the unlimited plus plan to $1,685 per semes- ter for the least expensive plans. "Nutritionally, our dining halls follow the highest standards of quality in foods and preparation," he said. "Our chefs and dietitians create menus that pro- vide the nutritional value that students need, more so than many students will prepare or purchase themselves." - ELY TWIGGS CONTACT INFORMATION NewsroomC News Tips torrectins Letters to the Editor Photography Department Arts Section Editorial Pate Sports Section Display Sales tlassitied Sales OninSales Office hour: Sun.-Thurs.t11 a.m.- 2a.m news@icindaiy.com corectnions@michigaodaiy.com tothedaity@michigndaity.com photo@michigandaily.com arts@ichiandaily.com sports@michiandaiy.com display@michigandaily.com cassaified@michigandaily.com 4 JED MOCH/Daily Cafeteria-goers wait in lice for a meal at the Hill Doning Center. Stadenns who lice in resi- dence halls are required to have a weal plan with their housing cntract. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Man harassed Prescription pills Information on CORRECTIONS via Facebook swiped from a study abroad "Anatcei WHERE: 1239 Kipke lunch box WHAT: An information table Ftne, a U prof WHEN: Monday atnbu 01 on SIT Study Abroad pro- years, dies) sue; 1 yesterday's Daily (Remem- uut best: Sidney rssor for 53 ,gested Sidney a.m. WHERE: 3231 Baxter grams WHAT: A male caller report- WHEN: Monday at about 12:15 WHE:Itetodal e11:0 ed that an unknown subject p.m. W E:Tdyfo 10 was leaving harassing messag- WHAT: A caller reported that am. to 4:00 p.m. es on his Pacebook, University his medication was stolen WHERE: Ground Floor, Police reported. There are no from his lunch box, Universi- Michigan Union suspects. ty Police reported. The lunch box was unattended in a car ithe Hill carport The case 4b - Hao3 Blood pressure is under investigation. 4b - a machine stolen tournament at from Hospital $750 in dental the Union tools taken WHAT: A froeetlav Hao :er } Fine did not serve in World War IL. He served in the Navy and was a Lieutenant Junior Grade. *An article in Monday's edition of the Daily (Hash Bosh reurns for another hit), incorrectly described the event as the 37th annual Hash Bash. It was the 38th annual Hash Bash. " An article in yesterday's edition of the Daily (Sobering the System) incorrectly iden- tified the minimum blood alcohol content to receive a minor in possession charge in the state of Michigan as a .08. It is a.02. " Please report any error in the Daily to correc- tions@michigandaily~com. 1Doctors in Britain believe that Ritalin might be the key to combating obe- sity in adults, the Daily Mail reported. They believe over- weight adults are struggling in part due to undiagnosed ADHD and that the chemical imbalance in the brain dimin- ishes willpower. 2 Agroup of student veterans spoke to the Michigan legislature in favor of a bill that would extend in-state tuition rates to veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. >>FOR MORE, SEE OPINION, PAGE 4A 3 Asuspected bank robber was caught after police saw him with shaving cream on his ear and areas of his face that had not been shaved, The Arizona Republic reported. The man was trying to cbange his appearance to hide from police. Finance finanea@michigandaily.com EDITORIAL STAFF toartney Ratkowiak ManaginEditor ratowiak@michigandaily.com Jacoh SMiloitZ Manugingsew~s Eior smitovitz@michigaedaity.com ASSISTNTsoNwWsS EIToRS: MatAaonon, BnjainoS. Chas,,JennSkoller, RoerttSoave EdioiatPage Edinor soave@michieandaity.com Andy Reid ManagingeSporntditoe reid@michigaedaity.com SENISO RTSEDnsIRSNsicoleerba, M~ikeEntei, Dneladn, Chs~i Herrin,Ruth Linolnt ASSISTANT SPoOS E0ITOS0RyneoKartje, Iaon Ky on,,ochler, ChrisMszoros, Alex Prerin~, Colt Roeweig DavidWatnick MaouiogArtsEitoe watehck@ohhigadaiy.com SNIORnARTSnEIORS:amnienBlock,BrndonConrai,WitoeeePow ASSISTANTARTSnEITORS:aoshuea aedewLaien,aeea e Vn goer Zachary Menner and ehoto@michiganduilynawm tlifReeder ManugingnhototEditoes SENIOR POOEDITnORnS:Sidavlh, ChaelVon HsbrLohinen AnSSSANT eHOTOnoEORS:oMaxCllios, hrisDonbak,Rob igio, SamWolson AntelatChihl and design@whchigaedaity.com Maureen Stych ManagingDeeigonEditoes SENInORnDESIGNEIORS:illarynRute Jessica osgerchian MagazinetEditoe ogercian@ihigadaiy.com David Merian Multinedie Editor merian@michigandaiy.com Katerine Mitchell CopyrChief oitosett@mihigandaiy.com BUSINESS STAFF Michael Schrotenhner tDispleyAdvreiingSeseManaere Ryan Basinski Claseifed SaesManager Marissa GerherOnlioe SaleseManager Bet English PeoducetionesignManager Meryl Nultent LayoutnManuger Vioian Lee and Emily Loveless FinneManagers TheMiha Diore:ly (ISN074-9is ulishseedoay nthghFidaydrngthealandeiter teresby studens at he Universiy ,of ihigan.0One opy iseavailable hre ofretoEatlreereo. Adinl co: rpisma e ickoed up atthe Dalys ffie or$. Susciptiosstortaaineterm (Septemberthrough Aprilva U.S.emal are $20.Yerrond sbsciptione(FllWinter prngand lummer isue)are $225. Sbitaionswmuet bepepaid. 1he Mihigan Daily ismemer oftThe Associate Pres ndThessocitedCollegatePsse. 4 1lo WHERE: University Hospital WHEN: Monday at about 9:30 WHAT: A $3,500 blood pres- sure monitoring device was stolen from an office in the hospital by an unknown sub- ject, University Police report- ed. The incident is under investigation. WHERE: School of Dentistry WHEN: Monday at about 3:15 p.m. WHAT: Unattended dental tools were taken from an open room, University Police reported. Police have no sus- pects and the case is under investigation. 3 tournament with a $120 first place prize for the win- ning team. The second place team will recieve a $60. WHO: University Unions Arts and Programs WHEN: Tonight from 8 p.m. to midnight. WHERE: Billiards and Games Room, Michigan Union 4 I I 4