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April 07, 2009 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-04-07

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0 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 - 7A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, April 7, 2009 - 7A

Killing removes
top rival to
Chechen leader

Gates urges Congress to shift
funds from weapons to troops

Assassination most Delim
the Chec
visible killing of resents t
.has denie
Chechen figure Any t
since 2004 the Dub
unlikely b
MOSCOW (AP) - The assas- keeping 1
sin of a renegade Chechen war- ble after
lord tossed a gold-plated pistol to years.
the ground next to the body - a The D
flamboyant coda to the death in the most
Dubai that marked the removal of egade Ch
the last major rival of Chechnya's when for
Kremlin-backed leader. Presiden
Dubai's police chief has yev died
accused a Russian parliamentar- intelligen
ian - and confidant of Chechen victed ant
President Ramzan Kadyrov - of serve the
masterminding the March 28 Many
killing thousands of miles from met violet
Chechnya, outside a beachfront fighting
residential complex in a glitzy includini
neighborhood of Dubai. Kadyrov was shot,
yesterdefended Adam Delimkha- on a Mos
nov, a man he called his "friend, Kadyrov
brother and, moreover, my right side his h
hand," and said the police allega- Durin
tions against him were a "provo- the Chec
cation" and "slander." transform
A suspect in custody told hulking
authorities that one of the law- He overt
maker's guards had provided the Europe's
killer with the gold-plated pistol his effort
that killed Sulim Yamadayev, the and blunt
Dubai police chief said. els.
The lawmaker was in Syria, Yulia I
according to Kadyrov, but he was mentator
expected to return to Russia. As a eled exte
member of parliament Delimkha- Kadyrov'
nov enjoys immunity from prosecu- has made
tion, and Russia's constitution bans ter of th
the extradition of Russian citizens. region.
learned i
FINE "Twen
From Page 1 about hit
to just sit and listen to him." said. "An
In addition to his career in what he
teaching, Fine was president of thing as h
the Labor Historians, served as tory beca
history department chairman, it out for
and was a member of the National Brook
Archives Advisory Council. He of great
was also a member of the Ameri- or her s
can Historical Association and the that was
University Musical Society. exceptio
Jim Weindorf one of Fine's for- "There
met students said every lecture of people w
Fine's was "a performance." as long ae
"Of all my classes that I took, their only
that's the one that I wouldn't learned
miss," he said. "I wanted to be in wrote in
the front seat and I wanted to take
copious notes."
Weindorf added that he still
remembers much of what he
the michigan daily
GRILL & Pub now hiring talented,
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khanov, 39, a cousin of
hen president who rep-
he region in parliament,
ed involvement.
sussian investigation into
ai allegations would be
to lead to charges or to
Kadyrov, who is key to
the southern region sta-
two separatist wars in 14
3ubai assassination was
visible killing of a ren-
echen figure since 2004,
mer Chechen separatist
t Zelimkhan Yandarbi-
in Qatar. Two Russian
nce agents were con-
nd sent back to Russia to
ir sentences.
of Kadyrov's rivals have
nt ends after lives spent
in the Chechen wars,
g a former warlord who
dead by Chechen police
cow avenue and a former
bodyguard killed out-
tome in Vienna.
g Kadyrov's presidency,
hen capital, Grozny, was
ted from a moonscape of
ruins into a modern city.
saw the construction of
biggest mosque as part of
s to impose Islamic values
the appeal of Islamic reb-
Latynina, a- political com-
and author who has trav-
nsively in Chechnya, said
s push to rebuild Chechnya
him the undisputed mas-
e predominantly Muslim
n Fine's class.
ty years later, I think
m all the time and how he
d you just waited to hear
had to say about some-
he was going through his-
use he could kind of sort
s said Fine was the kind
teacher "who makes his
ubject come alive," and
what made his career so
e probably aren't a lot of
ho can look back on a life
nd rich as his and say that
y regret is that they never
how to drive," Brooks
the e-mail.
- Daily News Editors Jillian
Berman and Trevor Calero
contributed to this report.

Defense secretary's
proposal to slash
programs could result
in job losses
nation should stop pouring billions
into futuristic, super-expensive
F-22 jet fighters, pull the plug on
new presidential helicopters and
put the money into systems U.S.
soldiers can use against actual foes,
Defense Secretary Robert Gates
declared yesterday.
Major overhaul plans laid out by
the Obama administration's Penta-
gon chief would slash several giant
weapons programs - and thou-
sands of civilian jobs that go with
them. With recession unemploy-
ment rising, Congress may balk at
many of the cuts in Gates' proposed
$534 billion budget for the coming
Still, despite all the talk of cuts,
the total figure would rise from
$513 billion for 2009, and Gates
spoke of using money more wisely,
not asking for less.
Gates, a holdover from the Bush
administration, said he is gear-
ing Pentagon buying plans to the
smaller, lower-tech battlefields the
military is facing now and expects
in coming years. He also said he
hopes lawmakers will resist temp-
tations to save outdated system that
keep defense plants humming in
their home districts.
The Pentagon, he said, wants
to move away from both outdated
weapons systems conceived in the
Cold War and futuristic programs
aimed at super-sophisticated foes.
Gates said he would expand
spending on equipment that tar-
gets insurgents, such as $2 billion
more on surveillance and recon-
naissance equipment. That would
include funding for 50 new Preda-
tor drones such as those that have
rained down missiles on militants
hiding along the Afghanistan-Pak-
istan border.
"We must rebalance this depart-
ment's programs in order to
From Page 1
chair and Engineering professor,
disagreed with their sentiments.
SACUA Chair David Potter
questioned the deans' proposed
changes to the faculty track poli-
cies on the grounds that by making
all research titles comparable, they
would also be eligible for regular

Defense Secretary Robert Gates listens to a reporters question at news conference at the Pentagon in Washington yesterday.

institutionalize and finance our
capabilities to fight the wars we
are in today and the scenarios we
are most likely to face in the years
ahead," he said.
Major programs facing cuts
include the F-22 Raptor, the mili-
tary's most expensive fighter plane
at $140 million apiece. An action
movie come to life, sleek, fast and
nearly invisible, the Raptor is ill-
suited to deterring roadside bombs
in Iraq or hunting insurgents who
vanish into the Afghan moun-
Gates says the Pentagon won't
continue the F-22 program beyond
187 planes already planned. Bethes-
da, Md.-based Lockheed, the
nation's largest defense contractor,
has said almost 95,000 jobs could
be at stake.
Gates also said no to a new fleet
of Marine One presidential heli-
copters - with a price tag of $13
billion, more than double the origi-
rates in raises.
Thouless also said research
professors with different levels of
standing should not have the same
"It seems to me that this pro-
posed rule for (the Office of the
Vice President for Research) is
(that) you're going to call a profes-
sor that is everything equal," Thou-
less said. "If they're not equal, then
there's this other rank. You can't

nal budget. He said new helicopters
would be needed at some point but
he wants time to figure out a better
A $160 billion Army system of
combat vehicles, flying sensors
and bomb-hunting robots would
be reduced, too, as would plans to
build a shield of missile intercep-
tors to defend against attacks by
rogue countries. The Navy would
revamp plans to buy new destroy-
A new communications satellite
would be scrapped, and a program
for a new Air Force transport plane
would be ended.
Congress reacted cautiously.
Large defense contractors
and their supporters on Capitol
Hill scrambled to assess how the
changes would affect them. Gates
had demanded total secrecy dur-
ing weeks of Pentagon discussions,
even requiring senior military offi-
cers to swear in writing that-they
have someone who's not equal; then
there's something else you can call
them. This application is the same
thing it should be. If people are
equal, then they should have equal
Gyetko also expressed opposi-
tion to another part of the poli-
cy that would require assistant
research professors to be reviewed
by an external source after six
years of employment at the Medi-

would not talk out of school.
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.,
chairman of the House Appro-
priations Defense Subcommittee,
called the proposals an important
and overdue attempt to balance
want and need at the Defense
"However, the committee will
carefully review the department's
recommendations in the context
of current and future threats when
we receive the detailed fiscal year
2010 budget request," Murtha
Some programs would grow.
Gates proposed speeding up pro-
duction of the F-35 fighter jet. That
program could end up costing $1
trillion to manufacture and main-
tain 2,443 planes. The military
would buy more speedy ships that
can operate close in to land. And
more money would be spent outfit-
ting special forces troops who can
hunt down insurgents.
cal School. She said this practice
would make it appear as if the Uni-
versity could not review its own
But Thouless said the external
review is important.
"I'm a bit puzzled by the fact
that you're saying someone after
six years has to at least be reviewed
by someone from outside the Medi-
cal School, why that's punitive," he

tednesday, April 8, 2009
h 21 to April 19)
our best to be calm today,
it's very easy to have power
with others, especially female
figures or partners. Don't blow
20 to May 20)
dup of tension with co-workers
mers where you work could take
day. This tension is related to
day) and the Full Moon (tomor-
2t to June 20)
2s must be patient with children
milarly, romantic partners must
nt with each other. The Full
morrow will generate a buildup
ion in these areas. (Ditto for
21 to July 22)
struggles with family members,
y female relatives, are likely
Consider this a warning.
ned is forearmed. Therefore,
en go there. (Keep the peace!)
3 to Aug. 22)
rautions with others, especially
,will he tense or agitated today.
are inclined to tell each other
do or how they should live. (No
ts to hear that!)
23 to Sept. 22)
y quarrels or financial squabbles
y today. Guard against buying
ng because you feel obsessed
Instead, be prudent.
23 to Oct. 22)
the urge to play one-upmanship
yone today. It won't work
of an increasing tension build-

ing up today before tomorrow's Full
Moon in your sign. (You getthe picture.)
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
You feel restless today, as if something
is nagging at you in the back of your
mind. Basically, the Moon is at odds
with your ruler, Plato. On top of this,
tomorrow is the Full Moon. (Time to
send out for dark chocolate.)
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Avoid power struggles with friends,
especially females. If others want you to
change your goals or objectives, don't
do it - not today.
(De. 22 to Jan. 19)
Remain calm and collected today
because people definitely will notice
you. (And they're going to notice you
tomorrow as well!) Be aware of this.
(Jan. 2010o Feb. 18)
Arguments about politics, religion and
racial issues are quite pointless today
because they'll be too emotionally
heated. Zip thy ip.
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
Disputes about shared property, taxes,
insurance matters and wills might take
place today. It's far better to wait several
days before approaching these areas.
YOU BORN TODAY Some of you are
outgoing; others are shy. However, all of
you have high ideals and humamitarian
goals. You are truly altruistic. You help
those who are less fortunate than you.
You fight for their rights. In this way,
many of you are daily (albeit unsung)
heroes. You're very giving. Expect a
change this year, perhaps as significant
as something around 2001.
Biredate of Vivienne Westwood,
fashion designer; Betty Ford, first lady,
founded alcohol-treatment center; Katie
Sackhoff, actress.

From Page 1
Last night, Councilmember
Leigh Greden (D- Ward 3) submit-
ted Amendment 8 to the proposal,
which would establish a maximum
building height limit of 120 feet in
the South University Avenue area
and 180 feet in the rest of the Dl
designated zones.
Mayor John Hiefjte proposed
that Greden's amendment limit the
building height in the principal Dl
zone to 160 feet instead of 180 feet,
which is approximately 14 stories
instead of16.
"We don't live in a large city, we
live in a medium city," Hieftje said.
"The needs of density can be estab-
lished with a 14 storybuilding."
Councilmember Tony Derezin-
ski (D-Ward 2) proposed another
amendment to the height limita-
tions of A2D2. Derezinski argued
to increase the height limit in the
South University Avenue area from
120 feet to 150 feet.
CouncilmemberCarsten Hohnke
(D-Ward5) supported Derezinski's
change, warning that a height cap
of 120 feet would limit downtown
development and send development
beyond core downtown zones.
After a long debate members
compromised to amend the height
limitations of A2D2 to 150 feet in
the South University Avenue area
and 180 feet in the remainder of the

Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftie speaks during the City Council meeting last night.

D1 zone.
Other controversial amendments
included the height limitof thebuild-
ings in the Dl area of East Huron and
the amount of setback spacebetween
the buildings in that area.
The next step of the approval
process for the A2D2 zoning chang-
es is a second reading and a public
Originally scheduled to take

place on May 4, council members
decided to push back the second
reading and second public hearing
to June 1, in order to allow time for
the Planning Commission to review
last night's changes.
City staff is planning to update
the official A2D2 website as soon
as possible to inform the public of
last night's changes before the next
public hearing.

From Page 1
"I think he has a 50-50 shot at suc-
But Cole did not spare Obama
from his criticism either. He said
Obama's plan for a military build-
up in Afghanistan is misguided
because the United States's pres-
ence in the country won't help fight
the perpetrators of the Sept. 11
Cole said one of Obama's speech-
es promoting the buildup contained
similar rhetoric to that of President

George Bush.
"I found that speech eerie - a
Bushification of Obama," he said.
Cole said U.S. government offi-
cials aren't the only ones to blame
for tensions between America and
the Middle East, claiming Ameri-
cans are aware of their govern-
ment's actions in Iraq.
"It is the United States that
turned Iraq into a hell hole," he
Cole added that there is a "lack of
proportionality" in the way Ameri-
cans evaluate world events. He said
Americans see individual terrorist
aces in the Middle East as evidence

that the region is unstable. But he
said if the United States was evalu-
ated using a similar metric,America
would be considered unstable due
to the acts of violence in this coun-
try like the Oklahoma Citybombing
in 1995.
But Cole said people in the Mid-
dle East also hold misconceptions
about Americans. He cited a Leba-
nese book fair he attended last sum-
mer, which had more than 17,000
books, but less than two dozen were
related to America.
"I have long been annoyed that
they don't have books about us," he
said. "There's nothing."

V 2009 King Features Syndicate, Inc.


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