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April 02, 2009 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-04-02

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
COLEMAN any conc
From Page 1A "Fresi
be right
of 11 percent to a total of $43 mil- want to
lion. a sense t
Coleman added that despite right no
the recession, she plans to make said of th
the University better than it was ity. "Thi
before the recession. you can'
"I think it's changed for the professo
positive because I intend to come getting
out of this recession stronger than but we'l
when we went in," she said enthu- trends e
siastically. Forres
Vice President for Research omy cou
Stephen Forrest said although decrease
research at the University is up, how com
he's not entirely certain that the "The
down economy is the sole rea- mate, I
son. ate some
"I think there's been a long-term they do
shift of companies toward working research
with universities," he said. "I'm body'su
not so sure that it's economically he said.
driven." possible
Forrest said while there used greater
to be a large number of industrial sity of M
labs, most have disappeared, leav- very lik
ing the University as an obvious this peri
" choice for corporations that need on their
research done. Forres
"The University of Michigan sity's Bu
has really played a leading role in ter has a
working with industry, certainly securing
in recent years," he said. with com
Forrest said while he didn't dis- "They
agree with Coleman's analysis, he busters,"
thought it was too early to make staff. "TI
nity is h
BAITS layout of
From Page 1A ing sev
fewer rt
freshman currently living in Baits, dors)," L
said, "At first I was upset to be liv- The t
ing there because of the bus ride," exclusiv
but added that there are a lot of accordin
. events that bring the community because
together. Bursley
Currently, 78 percent of stu- ties, wh
dents in Baits live in single rooms, supporti
givingithighest single rate among tion and
all University housing accommo- for new
dations. Logan added that some The
students have expressed con- kitchen
cerns regarding the design of the but do n
residence hall. halls.
"First-year students there have When
indicated that a sense of commu- pleted in
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lusions about the level of
dent Coleman may well
, and I certainly don't
contradict her, because in
here's no way of knowing
w how all that stands," he
he boost in research activ-
Js is a big university, so
t keep track of what every
r is doing, what deals are
made to do new research,
l see those numbers and
volve over the next year."
st said the current econ-
ild lead to increased or
d research, depending on
panies respond.
current economic cli-
think, may actually cre-
dampening, not because
n't want to (conduct
), but because every-
under economic stress,"
"(However) it is highly
that they could come in
abundance to the Univer-
dichigan. Companies are
ely to take advantage of
od of crisis to get a jump
st added that the Univer-
siness Engagement Cen-
lso played a major role in
research partnerships
're going like gang-
he said of the center's
hey're connecting so many
hindered by the physical
the complexes (compris-
eral units, each having
ooms along short corri-
ogan said.
hree houses designated
ely for freshman were,
ag to Logan, "selected
of their proximity to
Hall and its dining facili-
ich play an important
ng role in social interac-
community development
Baits houses provide
facilities to all students,
ot have their own dining
construction was com-
1967, Baits houses were

companies to professors here."
Daryl Weinert, executive direc-
tor of the BEC, also said he wasn't
sure if the center's flurry of activ-
ity was tied to the economy, but he
echoed Forrest's comments about
the high level of research activi-
"I would actually say that our
level of inquiries from industry is
way up," he said. "I'm not sure it's
necessarily tied to the economic
Forrest said the stimulus pack-
age could also play a significant
role in future research partner-
"If we think about companies
that might team with universities
due to the stimulus package, which
is sort of a near-term burst of fund-
ing, that I suspect is going to be
really strong," he said.
Coleman said in addition to
high levels of research activ-
ity, the University has also ben-
efited from the current economic
situation through its long-term
investments, like the University's
intention to purchase the former
Pfizer Inc. complex on North
The acquisition of the former
Pfizer facility will attract new and
highly qualified faculty and create
many more research opportunities
for faculty and students, Coleman
Despite such benefits, Coleman
originally designed for graduate
students. In 2004, the residence
hall houses were opened to under-
graduate students "as the space
needs for new and returning stu-
dents increased," Logan said.
He also said students have sug-
gested having more residence
advisors to support community-
building activities and programs.
"The RAs assigned to the three
houses will have the opportu-
nity to work with the residents
in developing a more intentional
community that is focused on the
interests and needs of first-year
students," Logan said.
In regards to students who cur-
rently live in the Cross, Conger
and Coman halls and who wish

said the current economic situa-
tion is posing great challenges to
the University but that she's trying
to make the most of it.
"There's a silver lining to every-
thing," she said. "I don't think it's
great we have this tough economic
time, but I'm also not going to sit
around and mope about it."
Coleman said to take full advan-
tage of the situation, she plans to
make the University a source of
good news for Michigan.
"I'm really energized to try to
help and do something to really
have the University be a beacon,"
she said. "You go around the
country and people think, 'Well,
Michigan is falling apart.' It has
troubles but it's not falling apart
as a state."
Coleman said one of the reasons
the University isn't as negatively
affected bythe economy is because
the University has experience cop-
ing with tough economic times.
"We're kind of battle tested at
this, because we've been having
to do it for seven years," she said.
"I think that's one of the things
that distinguishes us a little bit
from places in other states where
they're facing this shock for the
first time."
- Daily Staff Reporter
Matt Aaronson and Managing
News Editor Jacob Smilovitz
contributed to this report.
to renew their housing contracts,
Logan said, "They could not reap-
ply for their same rooms for next
year, but they were invited to par-
ticipate in the 'same hall' reappli-'
cation process to select rooms in
other houses of Baits."
Yulin Cui, an Engineering
freshman and Baits Hall resi-
dent, said' he was initially con-
cerned about living on North
Campus during his first year at
the University. Now that the
school year is coming to a close,
he said, overall, his experience
has been positive.
"There's really nothing wrong
with living in Baits and the peo-
ple are quite friendly," Cui said.
"Freshmen do fine here."

From Page 1A
found Phoenix would remove Mars'
topsoil and expose a deeper layer
of the planet's surface. This would
melt any ice on the topsoil, causing
the mixture of soil and melted ice
to splash around the lander.
Renno said after Phoenix landed
theteamstartedtakingimages from
under the lander to figure out if the
spacecraft removed the soil like
Mehta had suggested. And itdid.
"It was a huge surprise," Renno
said. "That was one of the great
moments of the mission to find out
the ice was completely exposed
under the lander."
After analyzing images from
the lander, the researchers noticed
one of the lander's legs contained
moving particles. Renno said the
particles "looked very strange"
when he first saw the image.
"It looked like something had
splashed there,"he said. "We start-
ed taking images as soon as we
could to monitor what was going
on. And then to my surprise, after
three images, I noticed that some
of those particles were growing."
The researchers then took more
images, which showed some of the
particles were not only growing, but
moving as well. Renno said this was
surprising because particles only
move if they are in a liquid state.
Because scientists previously
believed water only existed on
Mars in the form of ice or water
vapor, Renno was doubtful the
particles were moving in liquid.
He said he thought liquid water
could not exist on Mars because
the planet's cold temperatures
would cause the liquid to freeze.

Thursday, April 2, 2009 - 7A
After monitoring the lander a
few more days, Renno hypoth-
esized that salt in Mars' soil pro-
hibited some areas of the planet's
surface from freezing, allowing
water to exist in a liquid state.
WhenPhoenix returned to Earth
Nov.10,2008,researchers analyzed
the soil collected from the lander.
What they discovered proved
Renno's hypothesis correct.
"We found out that the soil
had lots of perchlorate - that are
very powerful anti-freeze (salts),"
Renno said. "We found out we
could have liquid saline water at
a temperature even lower than we
had described."
The perchlorate salts found in
Mars' soil freeze in temperatures
of -90 to -105 degrees Fahrenheit.
The average temperature where
Phoenix landed was -75 degrees
Fahrenheit, proving the salts kept
the water from freezing.
This discovery has led some
scientists to believe liquid water
may exist in other areas on Mars'
surface and has spurred NASA to
further investigate the presence of
water on the planet.
erysomeresearchers are hesitantto
say that the saltwater found on Mars
directly indicates the possibility
of life there. Jasper Kok, graduate
student in the department of Atmo-
spheric, Oceanic and Space Scienc-
es, contributed to the discovery by
calculatingthe size and growth rate
of the particles on Phoenix's leg.
He said he does not believe the
finding proves life can exist on
Mars even though "liquid water is
tied to life."
"(Mars) has such ahigh salt con-
tent that the implications for life
might make it difficult," he said.

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For Friday, April 3, 2009
(March 21 to April 19)
Don't quit your day job today. Be
careful how you react to parents, bosses,
teachers and authority figures. It's easy
to do something rash that you might later
(April 20 to May 20)
Something inside you makes you feel
easily upset about things today. It's just a
feeling you have. Don't give into it. It
will pass in a day or so.
(May 21 to June 20)
Friends and even casual acquaintances
might be difficult to deal with today.
Feelings of jealousy or competition
could be a factor. Emotions are exagger-
ated right now.
(June 21to July 22)
It's easy to overreact to something that
someone in a position of authority says
or does today. (This could be a parent,
boss, teacher or VIP or even the police.)
Keep your cool!
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
No matter how passionately you feel
about an issue related to religion, politics
or education, pull in your reins a little
today. Don't overreact to things. Later,
you'll be glad you remained calm.
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Upsetting discussions about shared
property, inheritances or insurance mat-
ters could take place today. People are
emotionally intense today, iocluding
you. (Perhaps you should zip your lip?)
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Avoid arguments with family mem-
bers and partners about anything today.
People are obsessed about things.
Rational, reasonable discussions are

impossible. (You get the picture.)
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Don't quarrel with co-workers about
anything today. You won't win, and you
won't persuade others to agree with you
anyway. There are none so deaf as those
who are wearing headphones.
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Parents and caregivers must be patient
with children today. Everyone is quite
emotional, and children will feel this too.
Don't make a big deal about things.
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Do whatever you can to avoid family
arguments or disagreements with rela-
tives today. Compulsive feelings plus
jealousy can cloud your mind. Don't
even go there! Keep smiling.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
You want something so much today,
you're forgetting about the big picture.
Try to keep things in perspective. Don't
let your emotions overrun you.
(Feb. 19to March 20)
You passionately want to buy some-
thing today or do something related to
your cash flow. Just make sure you know
what you're doing. Avoid compulsions.
quiet, gentle unassuming quality that
masks your fierce determination to over-
come all obstacles and odds to achieve
whatever you want. You have a good
understanding of human nature at its
most basic level. On the whole, you are
easygoing and good-natured. At times,
you have an almost childlike innocence.
In the year ahead, you will have to make
an important choice. Choose wisely.
Birthdate of: Alec Baldwin, actor;
Marlon Brando, actor; Jane Goodall,
wildlife researcher, author.


c) 2009 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Questions about the program? Please
email La Cheryl Wicker at
t"wielr"r@"mich rat

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