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April 01, 2009 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-04-01

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2A - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers

Campus Characters ExplainedBefore You Were Here Photos of the Week

Celebrating abig win

"The Victors" has come to define
football Saturdays for many Michi-
gan fans, and it's no surprise that the
birth of the beloved song stemmed
from one of the most famous foot-
ball victories of all-time.
Louis Elbel, a student of the
School of Music, created "The Vic-
tors" in 1898, in honor of Michigan's
famous win against the University
of Chicago that led the Wolverines
to their first undefeated season
since 1891, according to the Alumni
Association's website.
After the Wolverines secured
their 12-11 victory against the
Maroons with a touchdown fol-
lowed by an extra point, Michigan
fans, who traveled to the game
by train, erupted in song and cel-
ebration and took to marching the
streets of Chicago behind the Uni-
versity band.
Shortly after the victory, the

game's results were telephoned
back to campus.
But despite overwhelming sup-
port for the Wolverines, Elbel, a
member of the crowd, was dissatis-
fied with the songs and felt that the
greatness of the event required a
more uplifting melody, according to
the Alumni Association's website.
His dissatisfaction led to the birth
of "The Victors."
Elbel ran back to his sister's house
in Chicago to record the notes of the
song. He experimented with it on
the piano and eventually finished
the entire refrain.
On the train back to Ann Arbor,
Elbel decided to convert the piece
into a march and his humble cre-
ation emerged into a grand arrange-
ment for 23 instruments.
The fight song's premiere took
place in 1899 when the "March
King," John Philip Sousa, came to

Ann Arbor with his band, according
to the Michigan Marching Band's
website. Sousa was employed to
conduct the piece, which was met
by overwhelming admiration with
the audience.
The Minstrels, a University cho-
rale group, first performed the lyr-
ics two nights later at their concert,
according to an article in the Uni-
versity Record.
Since its creation, Michigan fans
young and old have proudly sung,
"Hail to the Victors Valiant" for 111
years. Its victorious strains have
rung at numerous events ranging
from the annual University of Mich-
igan Dance Marathon to President
Gerald R. Ford's funeral procession.
Elbel received the Band Alumni's
first Honorary Life Membership in
1951 for his creation, according to
the Marching Band's website.

School of Art and Design freshmen Mai Tai Truong
struts her stuff as part of the Michigan Student
Assembly's Sustainable Fashion Show.

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$2,000 LCD Subject injured Lecture on Talk on the
projector stolen by cart at Mott's genes and the Michigan Parole

WHERE: Undergraduate Sci- WHERE: Mott's
ence Building Hospital
WHEN: Monday at about 9:20 WHEN: Monday
a.m. p.m.
WHAT: An LCD projector, val- WHAT: A subjea
ued at $2,000 was stolen from cart while worki
a room in the Undergraduate tal, University Pr
Science Building by an unknown The subject wast
person, University Police report- University Hospi
ed. The room was left unlocked
on Sunday between 7:55 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Small fir
Dental S
Laptop lifted stovetop
WHERE: Life Sciences Insti- WHERE: School
tute Building WHEN: Monday
WHEN: Monday at about 10:50 p.m.
a.m. WHAT: A small
WHAT: A laptop computer on a stove top at
was stolen by an unknown per- School, Universi
son, University Police report- reported. The fi
ed. The laptop is valued at guished and the
$2,400. There are no suspects. damage.

Children's environment Board

at about 12:50
ct was hit by a
ng at the hospi-
olice reported.
treated at the
e on
l of Dentistry
at about 5:30
I fire occurred
the Dental
ity Police
re was extin-
re was no

WHAT: Prof. Joel Schwartz
will give a talk called "Gene-
Environment Interactions:
Through the looking glass
into Mechanisms," which
will discuss toxicity.
WHO: The Department of
WHEN: Today at 3 p.m.
WHERE:. Room 1690, SPH
Founders Day
WHAT: A celebration of Wil-
liam Clements's birthday,
which will feature the intro-
duction of Dr. J. Kevin Graff-
agnino as the new director of
the library.
WHO: Clements Library
WHEN: Today at 4 pot.
WHERE: William Clements

WHAT: Barbara Sampson,
chairperson of the Michigan
Parole and Commutation
Board will discuss how the
body determines if a prisoner
is ready to return to society.
WHO: Department of Eng-
lish Language and Literature
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Anderson RoomA
and B, Michigan Union
. An event listing in yes-
terday's edition of the Daily
(Bacon to deliver Golden
Apple Lecture) incorrectly
reportedcthe time of the
lecture. The lecture was at
7 p.m.
. Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

After receiving12 fine notic-
es for a ticket for running
a red light a Chicago man
complained to city of Chicago
government, the Chicago Tri-
bune reported. After John Wray
contacted the city government,
he received 13 notices for the
same ticket.
Today is April Fool's Day.
To read selections writ-
ten by University students
in honor of the day known
for pranks and hijinx see The
In Sufolk forest, UK, the
Red Rose Chain The-
atre Company persuaded
three people to report seeing
a bear in the woods that lead
to an investigation, Telegraph
News reported. The "bear"
was actually a stunt to get
families interested in Shake-

r I

Ready to Launch
Thursday, April 2
11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Alumni Center
200 Fletcher St., next to the Michigan League
The Alumni Association wants to help graduating seniors get ready to
launch their careers. Drop by the Alumni Center on April 2 and make
connections that can help you settle into a new city, help you with
your job search and help you find a career mentor. Seniors will also
receive one-on-one help with their job search.
Job search advisers will be available to:


" Review your resume and cover letter
" Provide interview tips
" Coach you on your professional pitch


" Strategize your next step for your career
Free gifts and guaranteed appointment times for those who pre-register.
Visit www.umalumni.com/students to pre-register or for more details.


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