The Michigan Daily -
Thursday, March 26, 2009 -- 7A
African-American scholar dies State senators
Author who penned
'From Slavery to
Freedom' passed
away at 94
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - John
Hope Franklin, a towering scholar
and pioneer of African-American
studies who wrote the seminal
text on the black experience in the
U.S. and worked on the landmark
Supreme Court case that outlawed
public school segregation, died
yesterday. He was 94.
David Jarmul, a spokesman at
Duke University, where Franklin
taught for a decade .and was pro-
fessor emeritus of history, said he
died of congestive heart failure at
the school's hospital in Durham.
Born and raised in an all-black
community in Oklahoma where he
was often subjected to humiliating
racism, Franklin was later instru-
mental in bringing down the legal
and historical validations of such a
As an author, his book "From
Slavery to Freedom" was a land-
mark integration of black history
relevant more than 60 years after
being published. As a scholar, his
research helped Thurgood Mar-
shall and his team at the NAACP
win Brown v. Board of Education,
the 1954 case that barred the doc-
trine of "separate but equal" in the
nation's public schools.
"It was evident how much the
lawyers appreciated what the his-
torians could offer," Franklin later
wrote. "For me, and I suspect the
From Page 1A
who have been affected by (the
economy), and they're looking for
anything or anyone that they can
turn to help them out."
According to an Alumni Asso-
ciation press release about the
Economic Hardship Fund, traf-
fic to career-related pages on the
Alumni Association's website has
increased about 32 percent since
Alumni Association member-
ships are normally $64 per year
and provide members with ben-
efits like discounts on cell phones
and computers.
Sigler said depending on the
response from alumni donating to
the Economic Hardship Fund, the
Alumni Association might provide
emergency loans to alumni in dire
Sigler added that in addition to
same was true for the others, it
was exhilarating."
color barriers. He was the first black
department chair at a predominant-
ly white institution, Brooklyn Col-
lege; the first black professor to hold
an endowed chair at Duke; and the
first black presidentof the American
Historical Association.
He often regarded his country
like an exasperated relative, frus-
trated by racism's stubborn power,
yet refusing to give up. "I want to
be outthere on the firing line, help-
ing, directing or doing something
to try to make this a better world, a
better place to live," Franklin told
The Associated Press in 2005.
InNovember, after BarackObama
broke the ultimate racial barrier in
American politics, Franklin called
his ascension to the White House
"one of the most historic moments,
if not the most historic moment, in
the history ofthis country."
"Because of the life John Hope
Franklin lived, the public service he
rendered, and the scholarship that
was the mark of his distinguished
career, we all have a richer under-
standingofwhowe are asAmericans
and our journey as a people," Obama
said in a statement. "Dr. Franklin
will be deeply missed, but his legacy
is one that will surely endure."
Obama's achievement fit with
Franklin's mission as a historian,
to document how blacks lived
and served alongside whites from
the nation's birth. Black patriots
fought at Lexington and Concord,
Franklin pointed out in "From
Slavery to Freedom," published in
1947. They crossed the Delaware
with Washington and explored
the Economic Hardship Fund, the
Alumni Association is also devel-
oping a series of networking events
over the nextfew months, including
one that was held Tuesday in Chi-
cago. Other upcoming networking
events include ones in Flint, Detroit
and potentially, New York.
"We're looking right now at
the primary areas that we can be
helpful with - the career services,
networking, volunteering and get-
ting the alumni network to help
support each other and looking at
some other benefits that we offer
that might help alumni save some
money right now," Sigler said.
Sigler said the Alumni Asso-
ciation has also had conversations
with alumni associations from
other Big Ten schools about col-
laborating on a future networking
event or job fair.
The events the Alumni Asso-
ciation is hosting now are geared
toward helping alumni find jobs
as opposed to professional devel-
In this 1956 file photo, Duke University historian and African-American scholar
John Hope Franklin is shown. Franklin died yesterday at the age of 94.
with Lewis and Clark.
The book sold more than 3.5 mil-
lion copies and remains required
reading in college classrooms. It was
based on research Franklin con-
ducted in libraries and archives that
didn't allow him to eat lunch or use
the bathroom because he was black.
"He was working in a profes-
sion that more or less banned him
opment. In addition, Sigler said
the Alumni Association has also
increased its career counseling
programming to provide career
advice to alumni struggling in
today's job market.
In order to gauge the need for
their services, the Alumni Associa-
tion recently surveyed its members
about their current career situa-
tions, and 5 percent responded say-
ing they are currently unemployed
and actively looking for a job, said
Kathy Noble, vice president of
research, new product develop-
ment and program implementation
for the Alumni Association.
berssaidthey arecurrentlyemployed
but worried about their job security.
"We really hear the pain
throughout our alumni and rec-
ognize the hardship that this
economy is causing," Sigler said.
"We want to be as responsive and
responsible and want to help them
leverage the strength of the Uni-
at the outset and ended up its lead-
ing practitioner," said Tim Tyson,
a history professor at Duke. "And
yet, he always managed to keep his
grace and his sense of humor."
Late in life, Franklin received
more than 130 honorary degrees
and the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple's Spingarn Award.
versity and the strength of Alumni
Association network to help get
them through this troublingtime."
Doug Baruchin, director of
operations for,
a career-networking site for col-
leges and universities, said he has
also seen an increase in requests
for services. In the past six to nine
months, website registration has
increased by 1,500 percent, he said.
"What's happening is so many
people are all vying for the same
jobs," Baruchin said. "People are
looking for whatever possible
advances they can get." links alumni
working in various industries to
alumni from the same schools
looking for jobs.
"And one of the things that we
do is we enable them to stay in
touch with people from their uni-
versity and who works at a specific
company so they can actually get
their foot in the door that way,"
Baruchin said.
want to cap film
Much-discussed tax $250,000.
Republic an Sen. Nancy Cassis
breaks for movie of Novi, a co-sponsor on both bills,
said the bills also require that 90
companies could be percent of the people working on
a movie or national ad production
trimmed back must be from Michigan, where
hundreds of people are enrolled in
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Some classes to learn skills that could get
state senators want to cap the tax them hired by production compa-
incentives Michigan offers to movie- nies.
makers and require that more work- "If you are starting to encour-
ers hired by thembe from Michigan. age students to go into the field to
Legislation introduced yesterday diversify our economy, you better
would reduce Michigan's refund- have a job (waiting)," Cassis said.
able movie tax credit, now 40 "Otherwise you've misled them ...
percent to 42 percent, down to 35 or they'll go somewhere else."
percent of the amount of a produc- Cassis said the bills "right-size"
tion company's qualified expendi- the film credits, which some have
tures thatcare incurred in producing criticized for costing too much.
a motion picture or other media While the credits cost the state $48
entertainment project in Michigan. million in 2008, according to the
The measures would limit the Michigan Film Office, the Senate
amount of credits to $50 million a Fiscal Agency estimates the state
year and expand a credit for build- will pay out $99 million in credits
ing permanent facilities, such as this budgetcyear and $198 million in
sound stages, to 30 percent rather the fiscal year that starts Oct.1.
than 25 percent. They also would It's unlikelythe bills will getcvery
add a credit that would be given far. Some Republicans proposed
for producing national advertise- similar measures last year but the
ments in Michigan that cost at least measures didn't make it into law.
of this and that (the tax benefit)
TAX POLICY isn't their prime motivator."
From Page 1A Instead, Malcolm said the
University's development opera-
mously over the last several years." tions will continue to promote the
Slemrodsaid althoughthepropos- University's mission to potential
al has concerned many nonprofits, it donors.
would likely have avery small impact "We think it's important right
on donations to the University. now to make it clear to donors that
"Charitable organizations are the University of Michigan is still
concerned that the increased price educating students just like we
will reduce the amount of dona- were a year ago," she said. "We're
tions they get," he said. "It will still conducting fantastic research.
probably have some negative effect, We're still working hard and doing
but I imagine the impact on giving what we do."
will be quite modest." Malcolm said the University will
Judy Malcolm, director of devel- continue to monitor the situation,
opment communications and donor but at this point it doesn't appear
relations for the Office of Develop- that the tax deduction change
ment, said the University has been would have a major impact on giv-
monitoring the situation closely, ing.
and it is primarily donors who Shari Fox, a development execu-
make large, capital contributions tive who works with major gifts to
that would be affected. the University, echoed Malcolm's
"We know that a lot of our major comments and said if the propos-
donors are going to be negatively al passes in its current form, she
impacted by this change," she said. doesn't expect it will have a major
Although studies from The effect on the University.
Chronicle ofHigher Education, The Fox said the only difference
Chronicle of Philanthropy and The the University may experience if
Wall Street Journal estimate dona- the new tax law passes would be a
tions could decrease by 1.3 to 4.8 short-term increase in donations
percent, Malcolm said she believes for 2010 by people trying to push
donors would continue to give to their donation through before the
the University. law goes into effect.
"Ingeneral,wedon'tthinkthere's A donor considering a major
going to be a huge decrease in giv- contribution may give the gift, or
ing to the University," she said. "We a larger part of it, the year before
really feel that most of our donors the tax change so they qualify for a
aren't going to stop giving because larger deduction, Fox said.
TICKETS ets, everything is the same" he
From Page 1A said. "We will do everything in our
power to get everyone a ticket. For
for the Athletic Department. the last ten years, we've got every-
"U of M Football is one of the one a ticket who has wanted one,
only events where all students provided that they bought tickets
from the three campuses can come on time" he said.
together," he said. "We're treating LSA freshman Sam Hamburger
everyone equal - and that's our said though the new policy might
main goal." affect him negatively, he thinks it
Bodnar said about 900 Flint stu- is fair.
dents and 850 Dearborn Students "Definitely if I went to Flint, I'd
buy tickets each year. want a chance to get the same seats
He added that the only change in that Ann Arbor students get," he
the ticketpolicy is in regard to seat- said. "They technically go to U of
ing priority - nothing else. M, so they should get equal treat-
"With regards to buying tick- ment."
tunities to interact more intimately
EDUCATION with faculty to discuss their craft.
From Page 1A "Ithinktheclubisareallygoodway
for undergraduates to get involved
School of Education - the club will in the School of Education," she said.
serve as a practical supplement to "There hasn't been a voice for under-
the goals of the initiative. graduates to express concerns and
"(The School of Education is) discuss issues we are goingto face in
developing new methods and our jobs inthe nextfew years."
approaches to training teachers," Though MERC is still in the
she said. "(Metler's) club has an beginning stages of its develop-
effect that is much larger, and has ment, the organization has big
to do with actually doing that, get-' plans for the future.
ting students involved in concerns Metler has already contacted
of education even if they are not members of Illinois State Univer-
going to be teachers." sity's club, Urban Needs in Teacher
Metler said he was motivated to Education, which has similar ambi-
start the club because he wanted tions, and he has arranged for them
to find other students who shared to work together to develop MERC
similar concerns about the edu- and implement its ideas.
cational field. Earlier this month, MERC is also working closely
MERC held its first meeting, which with Kappa Delta Phi, an honor
was met with support from Ball and society in the education field, and
other faculty within the School of the Student Michigan Education
Education. Association to become more active
"This is something I've been within the School of Education.
passionate about and care so much Metler intends to maintain
about and have been thinking about enthusiasm for MERC throughout
for a while," Metler said. "There the summer, with continued plan-
have to be other undergrads that ning by a core team of active mem-
are as passionate as I am and want bers to look for additional ways to
to spend time one or two nights reform how teachers are educated.
a week to talk about issues we are He said he wants to keepthe group
going to face as teachers." active because proper teacher educa-
LSA senior Stephanie Smith tion is necessary for properteaching.
attended the club's firstmeeting. She "The problems in teacher educa-
said the club fills a much-needed void tion are mirroring the problems in
by providing students with oppor- the schools," he said.
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