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March 05, 2009 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-03-05

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, March 5, 2009 - 7A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, March 5, 2009 - 7A

From Page 1A
When asked if these delays will
affect University programs, Judith
Malcolm, the director of communi-
cations and donor relations for the
University's Office of Development,
said because donors are extending
their payment times, the University
now has less money to set aside for
programs originally expected to
receive more money sooner.
If they were putting this into a
scholarship account, it means there
will be less money there earning
interest," Malcolm said. "If their
gift was to be spent now, yes it does
mean there's less money to be spent
so if they were funding a scholarship
there is less money for the students."
The total donations to the Uni-
versity between the 2007-2008 fis-
cal year and the 2008-2009 year
have declined from $184,214,257 to

$155,191,066 according to the Uni-
versity Board of Regents website.
University officials acknowledge
that a small part of this decline is
because of the economic downturn.
The donations total isn't likely to
increase anytime soon, May said. He
predictsothat in the coming months, as
the University further feels the impact
of the financial crisis, getting new
donations willbecome more difficult.
"I think new commitments are
going to be harder to get," May said.
"We've just gone through a tremen-
dous period in the last eight years of
this campaign where we had a cam-
really positive. Now we don't have
a campaign, we have what we call
regular fundraising, so there's not the
same sense of deadline, if you will."
The downturn comes onthe heels
of the University's record-setting
Michigan Difference Campaign,
which raised $3.2 billion since it
became public in 2004.

Granhoim, Danish officials to meet
discuss join sustainability project

From Page 1A students
stand a
lion in the 2008-2009 school year to case wit
$140 million in the 2009-2010 year. arships, i
Susan Dynarski, an associate on their b
professor in the Ford School of Pub- In th
lir Policy, has researched the effec- 3,399 stud
tiveness of merit-based scholarship $4,125,318
programs. She said that in states Competit
with "generous and transparent" based sc
programs, the number of students merged i
who enter college increases by 5 to Access Fu
7 percentage points. Prof.
Dynarski noted that merit-based Center fo
programs like one in Georgia - Postsecon
where students who earn a B average Universit
in high school receive money from gan need
the state for full tuition and fees - for need-
have yielded better results than the "It's ve
Michigan Promise Grant program. students
"When well designed, merit lic four-y
scholarships can be very effec- challengel
tive," Dynarski said. "If they are Accor
generous enough and transparent the state
enough they can be a powerful sig- grants, &
nal to families." great cos
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parency is key to an effec-
larship, Dynarski said. If
and parents do not under-
scholarship, which is the
h many need-based schol-
t has a much smaller effect
e 2007-2008 school year,
dents at Michigan received
8 through the Michigan
ive Scholarship, a need-
holarship that would be
nto the Michigan College
nd underthenewproposal.
Ed St. John, part of the
or the Study of Higher and
ndary Education at the
ty, said the state of Michi-
Is to allocate more money
based aid.
ery difficult for low-income
in this state to pay for pub-
ear colleges, and that's a big
for the state," St. John said.
ding to St. John, because
has limited need-based
inancial aid "comes at a
t to the University."

State officials hope
to learn from Danish
green economy
For the Daily
Gov. Jennifer Granholm will
meet with members of the Danish
Royal Embassy on campus today to
discuss the first leg in their part-
nership to address the prospect of
an environmentally sustainable
economy in Michigan and across.
the United States.
The Climate Group, an interna-
tional nongovernmental organiza-
tion that works with businesses and
governments to stop climate change,
willfacilitatethe partnership,which
From Page1A
Rackham Graduate School stu-
dent Conner Sandefur, a member
of NASA, said the move reflects
NASA's, desire to redirect the
powwow's management away
from the University's Office of
Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs and
back to the Native American com-
Sandefur said that while MESA
has done a great job planning the
event in the past, the red tape of
University bureaucracies do not
allow Native American students to
have as much direct involvement
with the Native American commu-
nity as they would like.
"We are taking back our central
control of the powwow to honor
our community," he said. "One

is meant to help create jobs in the.
field of sustainable energy.
Allison Hannon, Midwest
regional manager for The Climate
Group, said the event, which will
take place in the Michigan League,
will "maintain a dialogue" between
the two governments.
"We're bringing the .Danish
minister, sort of the European
experience, over to Michigan and
to the Midwest where we're try-
ing out figure out 'how we really
do address climate change in the
U.S.," Hannon said.
The event, titled "Switching
Gears," will include two panel dis-
cussions with Michigan business
leaders, including representatives
from Ford Motor- Co. and Whirl-
pool Corp., said Andrew Hoffman,
a professor in the School of Natural
of the great things that have hap-
pened this year is we have been
able to connect with the greater
community. Native American stu-
dents get to meet elders who feel
comfortable coming because it's
not within the confinements of the
University setting."
Amer Ahmed, associate direc-
tor of the Office of Multi-Eth-
nit Student Affairs, told the
Ann Arbor News yesterday that
the University will respect the
group's decision to relocate the
"The University of Michigan
has been proud to support the Ann
Arbor Powwow in whatever capac-
ity the community felt comfortable
with," he told the News.
Ojibwe Lecturer Howard Kime-,
won, who has attended the pow-
wow in the past, said he hopes that
the move will bring back traditions

Resources and Environment and
the Ross School of Business.
Sen.Debbie Stabenow(D-Mich.)
will speak via video, and Granholm
will speak in person and sign an
the Danish Minister for Climate
and Energy, officially cementing
the collaboration between Michi-
gan and Denmark.
Hannon said the Danish gov-
ernment officials chose to partner
with Michigan because they want-
ed to work with a part of the Unit-
ed States where sustainable energy
would have a large impact.
"With Gov. Granholm being the
chair of the Midwest Governors
Association and talking aboutgreen
jobs and green manufacturing and
a new energy economy this seems
like really one of the most logical
that have been absent in the past.
"I think that people are start-
ing to wake up now," he said. "Last
year, tradition wasn't there at all, it
was all governed by the University
of Michigan."
Sandefur also said one of the
major reasons for the move is the
controversy surrounding about
1,900 Native American remains
currently located in the Universi-
ty's Museum of Anthropology.
University officials maintain
that they can't turn over any of the
artifacts because the Native Amer-
ican Graves Protection and Repa-
triation Act requires them to keep
all artifacts that are not considered
"culturally identifiable." But last
March, members of the Saginaw
Chippewa tribe asked the Univer-
sity to return culturally identifi-
able objects, of which they claim

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places to engage," Hannon said.
Hannon said Hedegaard and
others will be able to provide
Michigan officials with advice
on dealing with climate change
because Denmark has a wide vari-
ety of experience in sustainable
It is the home of one of the
largest wind manufacturing com-
panies in the world and is a par-
ticipant in the European Union
Emissions Trading Scheme, which
puts a price on carbon emissions.
Haanon added that Denmark is
a leader in sustainable technolo-
gies and will even host a meeting
of the Conference of the Parties
- the highest meeting body of the
United Nations Framework Con-
vention on Climate Change - in
Sandefur said one of the reasons
NASA is relocating the powwow is
because the remains have yet to be
"(We are making) a statement
that this is a wrong thing and that
Michigan is supposed to be the
leaders and the best," Sandefur
said. "Let's be a leader and return
the remains."
Kimewon said he thinks the
remains should no longer be
housed at the University,
"I strongly believe that native
human remains should go where
they belong in the Earth and finish
their journey," he said.
Though the powwow won't be at
its usual home this year, Sandefur
expects that the attendance rate
will remain high. He added that
they will be offering free shuttles
from the Michigan Union to Saline
Middle School.
From Page 1A
tor John Lewandowski refused to
confirm yesterday that plans for a
game at the Big Mouse were in the
works, according to the Lansing
State Journal.
In 2001, the two in-state rivals
met at Spartan Stadium in front
of more than 74,000 people in a
game dubbed the Cold War. The
game ended in a 3-3 tie. Rumors of
a rematch in the Big House have
been passed around, but talks have
never beenas serious as now.
Trevor also said that the Michigan
vs. Wisconsin outdoor hockey game
at Camp Randall Stadium scheduled
for Feb.'6, 2010 would be confirmed
by the University of Wisconsin Ath-
letic Departmentlater this week.
Trevor stressed that planning
for the game at the Big House is in
the most preliminary stages, but
said "it's definitely planned. People
want to do it and everyone's behind
it - it's a matter of moving forward
and figuring out how."
"There's still a lot to be decided,"
he said. "We have to decide what
time the game will be, how much
tickets will be, what companies can
provide the outdoor ice.
"We'll contact the NHL and see
how the Blackhawks did it, and talk
to the people that did the Cold War
game at Michigan State back it
2001," he said. "And then we'll see
how the Badgers do it next year."
Trevor also said that packaging
the game with an NHL matchup is
not out of the question, since the
production of the game is still in its
early stages.

"People are always saying, 'Oh,
the Red Wings should play a game
at the Big House,' " Trevor said.
"We definitely want to do it ... but
there's a lot of stuff that we would
have to go through."
- Daily Sports Editor Michael
Eisenstein contributed to this report.

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Solitude in beautiful surroundings will
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Gifts, goodies, inheritances and
bonuses to partners will benefit you in
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(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
An unusual celestial phenomenon will
pave the way for all your partnerships
and close relationships for the next three
months. This is one of the best things

that can happen for all your relation-
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Things definitely are going to improve
your work in the next several months.
You'll enjoy better relationships with
your bosses and your co-workers. You
might get a-raise!
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Love; romance, parties, social oppor-
tunities, sports and playful times with
children all get a lovely boost for the
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ment world. Yay!
(Dec. 22to Jan. 19)
In the next several months, all your
relations with family members will
improve. This is a wonderful time to
tackle a new decorating project.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
You're going to be a successful
schmoozer, writer, teacher, actor or
salesperson for the next three months.
All your communications are blessed!
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
Your ability to earn money is going to
improve for the next several months.
Similarly, you'll be just as eager to
spend it on art and beautiful things.
YOU BORN TODAY You're talented
and creative! In addition, you're
attracted to beauty, both in the creations
of others and in its natural forms around
you. You enjoy the aesthetics (in terms
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in your environment. You're easygoing
and peace-loving. You're very loyal to
family. This year, partnerships and close
friendships will bea major focus in your
Birthdate of: Rob Reiner, actor/pro-
ducer; Alberta Watson, actress; David
Gilmour, musician/philanthropist.

0 2009 King Features SyndicateInc.


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