4A - Thursday, March 5, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com E-MAIL HARUN AT BULJINAH@UMICH.EDU L71 he Iicl igan 43atim HARUN BUIINA Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu GARY GRACA ROBERT SOAVE COURTNEY RATKOWIAK EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position oftthe Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Freeing up funding State should improve probation programs for offenders M ichigan prisons consume around 90 percent of the state's corrections spending. Sound excessive? It gets even worse when one considers that two thirds of the people who should be benefiting from projects funded by this money aren't even inside these prisons. With a report released Monday find- ing that one in every 27 Michigan adults are in jail, on probation or parole, it's long past time to take a closer look at how the state spends money on corrections. Michigan lawmakers should invest in better supervision for offenders to be monitored outside of the jail cell, not just because it's in their economic best interests to do so but also because this strategy would emphasize the rehabilitative pur- pose of the state corrections department. CV CAPIThLISt1 S5 ,l ' ABOT F , 4Est -js 4 4 A movement for liberty 4 Monday's report by the Pew Center on the States estimated that there are about 5.1 million people on probation or parole in the United States - a number that tripled from 1982 to 2007. Including prisoners behind bars, the number exceeds 7.3 million. Michigan in particular has the 13th high- est rate of adults under community super- vision or behind bars. And while costs for a prison inmate average nationally around $29,000, the cost for a parolee or proba- tioner ranges from only $1,250-$2,250. Considering Michigan's current economic troubles, allowing low-risk inmates to take advantage of correctional probation and parole programs would be a smart way to save money. Due to Michigan's strict release policies, the state has considerably more people in prison for longer periods of time. A high rate of prisoners costs the state more money - money that could be saved if more prison- ers were released to community supervision programs. This saving from downsizingpris- on spending could be redirected to improve Michigan's current probation and parole programs. 'The Michigan Prison Re-Entry Initiative already has programs in place designed to help successfully guide prison- ers back into their communities. The state can the use money saved to improve these community supervision strategies through advances in technology. By developing better technology for reha- bilitation programs in the community, such as electric monitoring and rapid-result drug and alcohol tests, supervisors can better keep the offender on the right track. The offend- ers will also benefit because this gives them a better opportunity for transitioning back into society. The greatest returns will come to the state by implementing programs that decrease recidivism rates, save money on prison spending and rehabilitate the inmate population. Better technology and programs are mak- ing it much easier to monitor offenders on parole. In states like Hawaii, for example, a focus on the rehabilitation of offenders in their own communities has proven to be effective. Participants are offered programs with extensive counseling and treatment, and are required to comply with regular drug tests, office visits and treatment require- ments. Programs that are more specialized to the specific needs and interests of the individual offenders are more likely to be successful. Michigan correctional programs should adopt creative programs like this one that improve the corrections system in Michigan and save the state money. Through strengthened and expanded community supervision strategies and tech- nologies, the state can achieve long-term solutions for the well-being of the prisoners and the economy. It's time to follow the lead of other states and start reducing both the money - and the people - funneling into an outdated prison system. Many of these prisoners can be safely overseen in their own communities, working with extensive coun- seling and treatment through the help of improved technologies - that will save the. state money that can be put to better use. T heFeb. 16 editionofNewsweek magazine had an interesting but unsurprising cover story: "We Are All Social- ists Now". The story demonstrat- ed how the size of the U.S.'s govern- ment spending as a percentage of the economy is quickly approaching Euro- pean levels. Gov- ernment spending PATRICK was 34.3 percent of ZABAWA the country's Gross Domestic Prod- uct a decade ago - it's projected to be 39.9 percent in 2010. But despite Newsweek's argu- ments that U.S. public policy is shift- ing toward socialism, there are still strong contingents of Americans who are notsocialists. Forone, stronganti- socialist movements are developing on campuses across the world. And Americans' increased opportunity for choices ensure that their freedom is increasing even as the government takes over their banks. Indeed, we are not all socialists now. Yes, it's worth noting that Obama, who favors an interventionist govern- ment, attracted most of the country's young voters. For every young adult who voted for Republican candidate John McCain on Election Day, two voted for Obama. But while it may seem that young voters are becoming ever more socialist in their views, the Ron Paul campaign revealed other- wise. In many states' Republican pri- mary elections, Paul - who supports dismantling the federal income tax and significantly shrinking the size of government - received from young voters nearly twice the percentage of votes than he received from other age groups. His college-student support was bolstered by his frequent visits to university campuses, and he even spoke at the University of Michigan while Obama and McCain did not. But even now that the 2008 pres- idential election is over and the energy surrounding the Ron Paul campaign has diminished, students around the nation are continuing to pursue efforts to counter the nation's socialist policies. Just two weeks ago, I joined students from college campuses around the world for the International Students for Liberty Conference in Washington, D.C. The conference, first held last year by a group of Ivy League students, brought together student leaders to hold discussions with prominent pro- liberty, anti-government advocates. In just one year, the conference has expanded to include students from over a dozen countries outside the United States. One of the conference's keynote speakers, editor in chief of Reason. com Nick Gillespie, spoke not only about how anti-government move- ments are growing but why govern- ment's growth hasn't prevented the expansion of freedom. He argued that despite increasing government in the economy and our personal lives, we are more free today than ever before. Gillespie's point was thought- provoking and surprisingly accurate. Over the past twenty years, the size of the government has grownto unprec- edented levels. Even the conservative Bush administration enacted the biggest social welfare program ever, implemented senior prescription drug coverage and nearly socialized the banking and mortgage industries. Government has become increasing- ly involved in overseas warfare and now has restricted gay marriage in 29 states. But despite government's new involvement in American's personal and economic lives, Gillespie had a point when he stated that we are in fact more free today than we were twenty years ago. We are more free because we have more choice. Trav- el opportunities abound as airlines travel to nearly every small city in the United States now, not only large ones. The advent of personal comput- ers, the Internet and cell phones has brought about a new era of commu- nication. Information is now acces- sible to people of any educational background through user-friendly sources such as Wikipedia. Why Americans aren't as socialist as they may seem. 4 It is the human desire for choice that has continued to increase its freedom. Choice has continued to motivate innovators to make new products and come up with new ways for people to communicate. Socially, more people tbday support the abil- ity to "choose" to marry a partner of the same sex or allow women the right to "choose". Is the similar word usage coincidental, deliberate or just inevitable? So while Newsweek argues that we are all socialist now, students' activism and the number of choices we have today points to the contrary. Yes, government is gaining more con- trol of our lives at an alarming rate, but there are many factors working against that control. And as anti- government student groups rise and innovations continue to develop, government will have many forces to reckon with in its quest to limit our freedoms. - Patrick Zabawa can be reached at pzabawa@umich.edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nina Amilineni, Emad Ansari, Emily Barton, Elise Baun, Harun Buljina, Ben Caleca Satyajeet Deshmukh, Brian Flaherty, Emmarie Huetteman, Emma Jeszke, Sutha K Kanagasingam, Shannon Kellman, Edward McPhee, Matthew Shutler, Neil Tambe, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder MATTHEW SHUTLER | ' Coming out for acceptance As the Michigan Student Assembly examines its own future on campus, the Daily would like students to voice their opinions on what should be a part of its agenda. E-MAIL YOUR IDEAS TO ROBERT SOAVE AT RSOAVE@UMICH.EDU Staying safe at school I recently "came out of. the closet" and, to my surprise, the world outside my little cha- rade hasn't changed much - except for'a newly found happiness, of course. I made this decision a little after Christmas and I haven't looked back since, but I have to admit that the decision itself was the most difficult one I've ever had to make. The pressure it presented and the unknown that waited on the other side wasn't easy to set aside or overcome. However, coming out has made my life infinitely better, and other gay teenag- ers should know that they don't have to live in an environment that forces them to keep their sexu- ality secret. I'm saying this in hopes that some- one, somewhere will be helped by knowing that, because I understand the fear, pain and doubt that keepingthis secret creates. For years, my sexuality was something I didn't talk about even among my friends, and when the topic was brought up I would begrudgingly spout out mumbles, half-truths and lies. It was difficult, but manageable. How hard is it to lie and say you had a crush on some random girl from English? The answer is surprisingly complex. It's both the easiest and most difficult thing to do. This lie makes you seem more "normal," but it, also rein- forces the feelings inside you that you're some- thing inferior. I lived knowing that I wasn't being true to myself I went through the motions of daily life and kept myself excessively busy with clubs, sports and organizations, but I knew all along that it was to stop myself from thinking about the part of myself I was covering up. It was suffocat- ing and undeniably painful to lie to the entirety of my family and friends - every sentence I uttered needed to be checked and each action analyzed. The consistent fear that someone would discover my secret was the worst part. Slipping or making a mistake was simply not an option. Despite this dishonesty, I had an amaz- ing high school experience. I was able to make friends and form bonds without worrying about being judged any more than the average teen- ager. With my busy schedule, I found a love for writing and athletics and steadily whittled away the four years. Looking back, I wish I was strong enough to come out back then because I think high school would have felt more complete if everyone knew, but emotionally I wasn't ready to let everyone know what I had kept hidden since grade school. During my first year here at the University, the strain of retaining my facade started to become too much. I had trouble sleeping and, despite the fact I was living away from home, I still had to watch everything I said. Why could other people live their lives and be happy, but I couldn't? I decided to take my life into my own hands and come out. After a near heart attack, I was finally able to tell my parents what I wanted to for years. Without a second's hesitation they both said that I was their son, and their love for me would never falter. For me, this was the most liberating experience of my life, and I am more than proud to say that I have been supported by everyone I have told thus far. Ican only wish any other gay person who makes this decision the same luck. The best advice I can give is to make sure you're ready, because your life will change, hope- fully it will be for the better, but it will doubtless- ly change. Some people never tell a soul, others come out in middle or high school. Others still, likemyselfwaituntilcollegeandthe"realworld." But all teenagers struggling with their sexual- ity should know that you're not alone. Despite the way you may be feeling right now, you're not. There are people you can talk to and steps you can take. If you're not ready to tell your parents or friends, call a hotline and talk about it. Maybe there is one person you feel comfortable with: tell them. The University offers help as well, and the Spectrum Center exists for just this reason. The center has a coming-out support program and people are there just waitingto help you. Instead of feeling isolated and weak, feel strong - the first step is knowing you have options. I've lived through my personal Dark Ages and I'm stronger for it. I hope reading this helps at least one person, because if it does, telling my story was worth it. I'm gay: who cares? If you're gay too, stand and be proud. Matthew Shutler is an assistant editorial page editor. am not a doctor. And in all like- lihood, neither are you. When it comes time to learn about a part- ner's sexual health status, I, like you, would simply like to march down to Fletcher Avenue, talk my doctor's ear off about my hand- : some prospect and await mutual posi- tive results. ROSE But the current state of know- AFRIYIE ing how sexually healthy you are sometimes has me feeling like I need a professional degree. It's mind- bogglingly complicated and has the potential to turn upside down some of the general rules about sex and pre- vention. Particularly, testing condi- tions for human papilloma virus and herpes, two of the most prevalent sex- ually transmitted infections on cam- pus, have me pulling my locks out. How bad is it? Well, it's so bad that, in the instance of some herpes blood tests, a positive or negative test result can't neces- sarily be taken at face value. Even though men and women have equal chances of getting genital warts - a symptom of HPV - they don't have equal access to testing or vaccina- tions against it. In order to further clarify this precarious situation, I sat down with Medical Director of UHS Dr. Robert Ernst to get the skinny, one STI at a time, on what a student can expect when they walk into UHS with the intentions of knowing their status. I knewthat something was up when I read the disclaimer from the Cen- ters for Disease Control's most recent herpes fact sheet. It stated that while a positive blood test result most likely indicated a genital herpes infection, the results "were not always clear- cut." And Ernst agreed. "Some of my colleagues project that herpes blood tests could have as low as a 50 percent accuracy rate," he said. men were tested for HPV, partners - And then there is a matter of the both male and female - who wanted price tag: a whopping $200. Given assurance about their boyfriend's the testing inefficiency, students who genital warts status could get it. are curious must do so on their own Prevention options? Similar deal dime. And there aren't any student with herpes: condoms reduce risk, activities fees to cover this. bare crotch rubbing can lead to infec- If students book an appointment tion. The upside for HPV is, according to know their herpes infection sta- to Ernst, "all the chips go to vaccina- tus, they are given a visual inspec- tion." But again, women can only get tion - or in other words, a look-see. the vaccine, which can cost a total of Culture tests, a process that involves $500 at UHS - also not covered by taking a sample from a sore and test- student activities fees. ing it in a laboratoiy, are done after a student has an outbreak. In 2007, 25 percent of herpes "culture tests" at UHS came back positive. While there Some STIsa ren't is treatment that can manage the out- breaks, there is no cure. as detectable as In terms of prevention, condoms help, but they won't protect you com- YOu might think pletely because the disease can be t transmitted when your pubic areas touch. WebMd.com insists that there is a vaccine in the works, but there's no So where does that leave us now? definitive sign on the date of delivery. ' In the absence of comprehensive test- HPV is a somewhat different story. ing options, the CDC endorses absti- To complicate the whole gender, nence to ward off HPV and'abstinence aspect, Dr. Ernst said the higher risk and long-term, mutual monogamy of cervical cancer in women means to reduce the risk of getting herpes. HPV tests are only done on women. This should be surprising, since the According to the American Cancer CDC's mission statement, according Society, 11,070 women were diag- to its website, is not to weigh in on nosed with cervical cancer in 2008. the monogamy debate but to "create The CDC's recent fact sheet states . the expertise, information, and tools -that men can get penile and anal can- that people and communities need to cers, but it's much less common. protect their health." Here's the testing process: Univer- If the CDC is on the front lines sity Health Service conducts HPV of advocating for . ground-breaking follow-up tests when a woman gets research on the herpes vaccine or an abnormal result from her Pap against one-sided HPV testing and smear. Out of 4,500 pap tests con- vaccinations, its fact sheets should ducted in 2008, less than 10 percent reflect that and not this monogamy- had some degree of abnormality: promoting, abstinence-only non- Ernst projected that 30 to 50 percent sense. In the end, STI prevention of women acquire HPV at some point efforts should be aimed at creating in college. a straightforward, comprehensive Now the good news about HPV is testing process that enables anyone that a majority of infections eventu- who is sexually active to truly know ally clear up. While Pap smears can their status. serve as a way to catch cervical can- cer early, all bets are off with genital - Rose Afriyie is the Daily's sex warts - something both men and and relationships columnist. She can women can get. The bottom line is: If be reached at sariyie@umich.edu. I