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March 05, 2009 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-03-05

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Ifric i.. an

I Ann Arbor, Michigan__
Ice hockey
coming to
Officials confirm rumors,
outdoor game planned
for December 2010
ManagingSports Editor
The Michigan Athletic Department is in the
early planning stages of hosting an outdoor
hockey game in Michigan Stadium, officials
said yesterday.
The game is planned for Dec. 11, 2010, Matt
Trevor, the, Michigan hockey team's Sports
Information Director, said in a phone interview
Early yesterday afternoon, Athletic Depart-
ment officials contacted Michigan State offi-
cials about playing a game in Michigan Stadium.
The stadium, which is currently undergoing a
3-year, $226 million renovation, is scheduled to
be completed by August 2010.
"They're intrigued," Trevor said. "The
planned opponent at this point is Michigan
State, through an expressed interest in favor
of playing an outdoor game at Michigan Sta-
But Michigan State Associate Athletic Direc-
See HOCKEY, Page 7A

Thursday, March 5, 2009



Some delay
donations in
bad economy

As crisis worsens,
some donors ask to
fulfill their donations
over a longer time .
Daily StaffReporter
While the full impact of the eco-
nomic downturn is still unclear,
the University is starting to see a
decrease in immediate payments
by donors who have pledged money
to Michigan.
Accordingto University officials,
the economic downturn hasn't
forced donors to go back on their
pledges, but many are taking more
time to pay their pledged amounts.
With donations stretched over lon-
ger periods of time, the University
may have to modify some programs
because funding that was thought
to be available for this year may not
be available until later.
This comes at the same time that
the total amount of money donated
to the University has declined along
with the University's endowment.
But Vice President for Devel-

opment Jerry May said the vast
majority of donors are fulfilling
their pledges as if the economy
were perfectly healthy.
"Eighty-five percent of the cash-
pledged goals have been paid,"
May said. "We've got a little over
$300 million unpaid that people are
making pledged payments on. We
are only about 4 percent behind in
terms of people's pledge payments,
so 96 percent of people are paying
their pledges on time."
But May added that though few
donors have canceled their pledg-
es, there are some donors who
have extended the period in which
they make payments to fulfill their
pledged donations.
"No one has canceled their
pledge," May said. "No one has said
'I pledged $100,000 in the cam-
paign but I'm giving you $20,000
but I can't give you any more,"'
"What we do have is some anec-
dotal information that a handful of
people - oh, let's say 10 to 15 - that
say 'what I need to do is elongate
my pledge, so I was going to pay
it over the next three years, I now
need to extend that to the next
five,"' he said.
See DONORS, Page 7A

Christopher Reynolds plays the organ for the "Brown Bag Concert Series" at the School of Public Health
yesterday. People are free to bring lunch to the room and listen to a free concert as a part of the series. The
next performance is Wednesday, March 18.

Granhoim pitches
cut to need-based

From the Editor: On plagiarism

Plan would trim
need-based funds
by 5.8 percent, boost
merit-based monies
For the Daily
Balancing the need to keep
dealing with the task of keeping
college affordable in the wors-
ening Michigan economy, Gov.
Jennifer Granholm's new bud-
get proposal calls for a funding
increase of $59.5 million to the
Michigan Promise Grant, a merit-
based scholarship program that
gives students up to $4,000 to
help pay for college tuition.
The proposed budget also
includes combining multiple
existing. need-based programs
into one fund, called the Michi-
gan College Access Grants. Over-
all, need-based programs would
take an $18.8 million funding cut,
or 5.8 percent, if this action were

to be enacted.
While the proposal reduces
funding to need-based programs,
the budget proposal would make
more students eligible for fund-
ing, according to Tiffany Brown,
a spokesperson for Granholm's
She said that with the new
Michigan College Access Grant
fund, students who were not pre-
viously able to get money from
the earlier programs will now
have the opportunity to qualify
for state aid.
"We are tryingto streamline to
make need available to more stu-
dents," Brown said.
At the University of Michigan,
in the 2007-2008 school year
3,152 students received a total of
$3,155,000 from the Michigan
Promise Grants program, accord-
ing to Pam Fowler, executive
director of the University's Office
of Financial Aid.
Granholm's proposed budget
would raise statewide funding for
Michigan Promise from $80.5 mil-

At the core of The Michigan
Daily's relationship with readers
is a trust that the stories in this
paper are factual and original.
An article that appeared on
Page 2 of the Daily on Feb.'2,
2009, "In Other Ivory Towers,"
violated that fundamental trust.
Written by a senior news edi-
tor, this piece plagiarized an
article from The Diamondback
(Teleportation: Information?
Yes. People? No., 01/30/2009),
a blog post from The Chronicle
of Higher Education (Freshman
Retention Continues to Decline,
Report Says, 01/22/2009) and an
article from The Chronicle of
Higher Education (2 Universi-
ties' Plagiarism Policies Look

a Lot Alike, 01/28/2009). By
nature, this feature is a com-
pilation of news from sources
across the country. While this
particular piece cited these
three sources, it inappropri-
ately took complete sentences
and phrases verbatim from
them without using quotes.
This implied the material was
paraphrased when, in fact, it
was not.
Though this is the only inci-
dent we found after reviewing
the author's two years of prolific
writing at the Daily, the author
has resigned.
We take plagiarism at the
Daily very seriously. We also
believe that when we violate the

paper we owe you, the reader, our blog The Ed
an explanation and a corrective which can be fot
action. We hold other campus editorspage.blog
institutions to this high stan- com/.
dard, and we believe we should At the end of
hold ourselves to the same stan- will provide reac
dard, if not a higher one. ough, concludin
Though this is a relatively our efforts in pr
isolated incident, in the com- This is a regre
ing weeks and months, we plan for us at the Dai
to use it as an opportunity to opportunity, an
improve our safeguards against seize that.
plagiarism and our commitment
to ethical journalism. We will be Q4
providing readers with updates
about these efforts, which will
include more thorough plagia-
rism checks, mandatory training Gary Graca
and technological safeguards. Editor in Chief

trust between reader and news-

These updates w

ill appear on
itor's Page,
und at http://
the semester, I
ders with a thor-
g summary of
ettable incident
ly. It is also an
d we plan to

Powwow won't return to Criler Arena next year
Citing too much University
involvement, campus group
moves tradition to Saline
For the Daily
The Ann Arbor Dance for Mother Earth
Powwow, which has been a University tradi-
tion since 1972, will be held outside of Ann
Arbor for the first time in almost 20 years.
Each April, Native Americans nationwide
gather alongside University students and Ann
Arbor community members to kick off the
national powwow season with the Dance for
Mother Earth Powwow.
After refusing direct funding from the Uni-
versity, the Native American Student Associa-
tion decided to hold the 37th annual powwow
in the neighboring town of Saline at the Saline
Middle School on Apr. 4 and 5, instead of its
usual location, Crisler Arena. SAM WOLsON/Daily
See POWWOW, Page 7A People participate in last years Mother Earth Powwow in Crisler Arena. The event won't be held orrcampus this year.

Granholm's proposed changes to merit-based and need-based scholarships.
$59.5 MILLION 3,152
Granholm'sproposed fundingiocreasefor University students who received money
Michigan Promise Grants from the merit-based Michigan Promise
Grant during the 2007-2008 school year

Maximum amount offered by the
merit-based Michigan Promise Grants
Proposed cut in need-based programs

Universoy students who received money
through the need-based Michigan
Competitive Scholarship during the 2007-
2008 school year


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
newspmichigandaily.com and let us know.

Why Tom Izzo says he isn't shaving his head, yet.

Vol CXIX, No, 03 S U D OK U
@2009TheMchiganDaily OP IN I ON..

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