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March 04, 2009 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-03-04

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, March 4,2009


agrees to
After 24 years at the helm,
hockey coach agrees to deal
on a one-year, rolling basis
Daily Sports Writer
Red Berenson and the Athletic Department
announced yesterday that the longtime Michigan
hockey coach would extend his cootract through
the 2009-2010 season.
Berenson, who played for Michigan from 1960
to 1962 and has coached the
Wolverines since 1984, has a
record of 670-308-68 and is the
seventh all-time winningest
coach in NCAA hockey. Under
Berenson, Michigan has made
the NCAA Tournament for 18
consecutive season, reached
10 Frozen Fours and won the BERENSON
national championship in 1996
and 1998. Berenson's contract
was scheduled to expire after this season.
Rumors have circulated over the years, raising
questions, about whether Berenson, 69, planned
to retire. But the coach said he is ready to remain
behind the bench.
"I'm feeling good and I should be good to go
next year," said Berenson after practice Tuesday.
Berenson said Tuesday he and the Athletic
Department discussed signing a longer contract,
but he decided to sign on a rolling, one-year basis.

Between interviews with reporters and testimony before members of the state House, University President Mary Sue Coleman made her pitch for greater higher education funding from the state.
In Lansing, Coleman makes case
for more hier educationfundS

Along with two other
university presidents,
Coleman testified that
funds bolster economy
Daily Staff Reporters
LANSING - Testifying before the
Michigan House Appropriations Sub-
committee on Higher Education today,
University President Mary Sue Cole-
man told legislators that continued state
financial support is essential to the Uni-

versity of Michigan's overall mission
and the economy of the state as a whole.
Coleman appeared along with Michi-
gan State University President Lou Anna
Simon and Wayne State University Pres-
ident Jay Noren. The three presidents
stressed the importance of state fund-
ing for higher education, noting that
Michigan has fallen behind other states
in how much it supports its colleges and
universities. Each year the three presi-,
dents testify together representing the
University Research Corridor, which is
a partnership of Michigan's three larg-
est research universities.
In discussing the pivotal role higher
education plays in improving the state's
overall economic health, Coleman said-

the University of Michigan is contrib-
uting through students, faculty and last
year's decision to purchase Pfizer Inc's
Ann Arbor facilities.
Coleman said the University encour-
ages entrepreneurship in students-
and faculty, and that these ventures
strengthen the school and the state.
"We want to encourage and reward
professors who move inventions and
innovations into the market place,"
Coleman said.
She cited the NanoBio Corporation as
an example of a business resulting from
this focus on research. NanoBio was
founded by James Baker, a professor of
internal medicine and biomedical engi-
neering at the University. In the three

years since its founding, the biopharma-
ceutical company has secured a total of
$80 million in venture capital.
Coleman said financial investments
received from private backers suggests a
confidence in the company that is prom-
"There are alot of people who believe
in this company, and believe that it's
going to have breakthrough treatments
in the future," she said.
Coleman said the University's Decem-
ber announcement that it would pur-
chase the former Pfizer Inc. campus near
North Campus will allow the University
to broaden its contributions to research
and further stimulate business.
See COLEMAN, Page 7A

New tobacco tax has local
smoke shop owners worried

Kampfer's dad won't face charges

In legislation, taxes
raised on tobacco to
help fund children's
health care
Daily StaffReporter
Starting on Apr. 1, tobacco users
across the country will be faced
with a significant increase in the
price of tobacco products. The fed-
eral tax hike has some local smoke
shop owners worried about the
strain this legislation could have on
their businesses.
The tax increases were included
in the Children's Health Insur-
ance Program Reauthorization Act
signed into lawbyPresident Barack
Obama on Feb. 4. The revenue gen-
eratedfromthe actwill help finance
health care for millions of children
in low-income households. The
new program is an expansion of the
State Children's Health Insurance
Program (SCHIP).
The law will have the greatest
impact on the price of loose ciga-
rette tobacco, which is used for
hand-rolled cigarettes. The previ-
ous tax rate for loose tobacco was
$1.10 per pound. But, after Apr. 1
that rate will increase to $24.78 per
S pound.
At Smokah Hookah on South
UniversityAvenue, loose rollingand
hookah tobacco comprise approxi-
mately a quarter of sales, according
to shop employee Amal Awar. The
store also sells large numbers of

Prosecutor: Lack of
evidence the reason
to drop charges
Daily News Editor
The father of University hockey
player Steve Kampfer will not face
criminal charges for physically
confronting a Michigan State Uni-
versity player.last month, officials
said yesterday.
Steve Hiller, chief deputy assis-
tant prosecutor for Washtenaw
County, said there is not enough
evidence for the case, and it is not

likely a jury would convict Bruce
Hiller also said that the victim
"expressed the desire that there
be no prosecution."
On Jan. 24, Bruce Kampfer
allegedly assaulted MSU hockey
player Corey Tropp in the visitor's
locker room after a home game.
Bruce Kampfer was issued a
trespass order and escorted from
the building. He has since been
banned from most University of
Michigan buildings.
Minutes before the game
ended, Tropp and another player
on the MSU hockey team attacked
Kampfer's son. As Steve Kamp-
fer lay motionless on the ice after

being hit from behind, Tropp
slashed him in the head and the
neck with his stick, a move that, at
the time, MSU hockey head coach
Rick Comley called "cheap" and
"uncalled for."
His son was hospitalized as a
precaution because of previous
head and neck injuries from an
off-ice incident that occurred in
Shortly after the locker room
incident, the Central Collegiate
Hockey Association announced
the implementation of increased
security measures at Yost Ice
Arena. Both of the MSU hockey
players involved in the incident
also decided to leave the team.

New MSA proposal aimed at giving
voice to students' tuition concerns

New federal legislation will raise the taxes assessed on the purchase of loose tobacco.

rolling papers, which will be taxed
more heavily under the new law.
"It will definitely drop sales sig-
nificantly, no question about it," she
Despite these concerns of sales
declines, an informational pam-
phlet from the United States Sur-
geon General's office makes the
argument that tobacco's addictive

qualities cannot be easily over-
"Tobacco dependence is a
chronic disease that often requires
repeated intervention and multiple
attempts to quit," the pamphlet
reads. "Effective treatments exist,
however, that can significantly
increase rates of long term absti-
See TOBACCO, Page 7A

Discussion comes
in the wake of
Granholm's request
for freeze tuition
Daily StaffReporter
The Michigan Student Assem-
bly presented a resolution last
night that aims to gauge students'
opinions of tuition and understand
how different tuition rates would

affect them.
The resolution calls for a survey
to be sent in MSA's next campus-
wide e-mail to the student body,
the results of which will be pre-
sented to the Michigan House
Appropriations Subcommittee on
Higher Education. It was authored
by LSA Reps. Timothy Bekkers
and John Oltean and Business
Rep. Alex Serwer.
The confidential survey, which
asks questions about access to
higher education in the state of
Michigan, can be found at tinyurl.
com/stopthehike. The Univer-

sity's current students and recent
graduates are encouraged to take
the survey.
The survey asks questions like
how important tuition is to indi-
viduals and how current financial
situations will impact individual
future education plans. It also
asks for opinions about whether
tuition should increase, decrease
or stay about the same.
Oltean said acquiring survey
results will help encourage stu-
dents to become more involved in
protesting tuition hikes.
See MSA, Page 7A


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