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February 20, 2009 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-02-20

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2 - Friday, February 20, 2009

2 - ridy, ebrury 0, 009The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 4

In Other Ivory Towers Campus Characters


Before You'

LEFT Offi cers rinse ott the tuird tlour ot the Van Duren House in aursley MORE ONLN
Hall at around 1 am. on Saturday morning. (CHRIS DZOMBAK/Daily)MO E NL E
TOP Yuan Chen, a sophomore chemical engineering student, performsoat Fer more photos of the week,
the first annual Tamwanese Student Association Karaoke Competition last go to michlgaodatlycrOM
toiday. (WILL MOELLtR/Daly)

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Turkey cheese
sub sandwich
stolen in hospital
WHERE: Mutt Children's Hun-
pical, DSOS Simpsono Road
WHEN: Wednesday arounad a
WHAT: An unknown sobject
stole half of a foot long turkey
anad cheese Subway sandwich
and a 20 oz. Pepsi front ornate
diner in che Mutt Children's
Hospital. The stolen itenon cost
$3.28. There are nan suspects.
Staff member
backs into car
WHERE: Lot SC-20,1ltt4 State
WHEN: Wednesday around
11:40 am.
WHAT: A nmale staff memo-
her backed into a parked car
while tryinog to leave the load-
log dock an laundry services.
No itnjuries were reported.

Table snagged
from West Quad
WHERE: West Quad
WHEN: Wednesday arond 10
WHAT: A three foot by two
foot oak table was stolen
from the first floor lounge
of Rumsey Mouse. The theft
occurred sometime between
last Friday night and Satur-
day morning. The tahle cost
approximately $300.
Pricey audio
items missing
WHERE: Duderstadt Bluilding
WHEN: Wednesday around
WHAT: A black and sil-
ver iPod video, a hlack iPod
touch and an audio headset
that heleng to Digital Media
Department were reported
missing. Do total the items cost
$530. There are no suspects.

Talk about
Audubon book
WHAT: The University's
Senior Paper Conservator,
Cathleen A. uaker, PhD, will
discuss John Jamens Audu-
bon's hook, "The Birds of
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today from non to
1 p.m.
WHERE: Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library
Exhibition on
black holes
WHAT: An exhibition
exploring the existence of
black holes in our galaxy.
tt's part of a series celebrat-
ing the Iternational Year of
Astronomy 2009.
WHO: Universe Theme
WHEN: Tonight at 7:310 p.m.
WHERE: Room 1800, Chem-
istry Building

History ofwine
WHAT: An exhibition fea-
turinghbooks and ephemera
that define the history of
American wine making.
WHO: Arts At Michigan
WHEN: Today from 1 p.mn. to
4:45 p.m.
WHERE: William Clements
Earth exhibit
WHAT: A project that
combines science and art
to encourage participants
to reflect on and explore
humans' relationship with
the earth.
WHO: Arts ott Rarth
WHEN: Today from noon to
6 p.m.
WHERE: Media Union, Dud-
erstadt Center
. Please report any error
in the Daily to corree-

1A 36-year-old man from
Detroit was shot after peeing
on the side of a fish market,
the Detroit Free Press reported.
The 69-year old owner spot-
ted the victim relieving himself
on his building anad shot him.
Afterwards the suspect took off
in a tan Lincoln.
2With a win over Ohio
State tonight, Michigan ice
hockey can secure at least a
third place finish in the Central
Collegiate Hockey Association.
3 Bremen, Germany will
be the first city in the
country to use synthetic
DNA on jewelry to hunt down
thieves, the Berliner Morgen-
post reported. Bremen has the
highest per capita debt out of
any city in Germany. The city
also has a high instance of
"theft under aggravated cir-




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