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February 19, 2009 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-02-19

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Student service group
attends Clinton summit

Will Work For Food Moneyfr
leaders spoke with Steven
of Will v
former president group's
by Clinto
Daily StaffReporter In the sp
the role
Most campus groups spend tion can p
their time promoting their causes unstable
handing out fliers on the Diag. But "(Cline
last weekend Will Work for Food spark of
got to pitch their ideas to former ing that
President Bill Clinton. world is
The group met with the former and Inte
president at the Clinton Global a greater
Initiative University conference matters
in Austin, Texas. LSA senior Josh global c
Cohen, one of the group's found- "Citizens
ers, said Clinton responded posi- in our o'
tively to the group. commit t
Cohen said Clinton gave the in need a
group some advice, telling it "the Clinto
21st centuryneeds to be redefined to at the co
include active and global participa- The CC
tion and citizenship," which Cohen the Clint
said fits well into the group's goal. that brin
The group's aim is to build online to take ax
social networks to connect volun- people ax
teers and donors to promote global The c
citizenship. Through the organiza- thousand
tion's website, participants can sign 50 states
up do community service and be as repres
sponsored by family or friends. organiza
two othe
From Page 1A associate
the Geor
educational leadership from the ogy, vis
University of Oregon. spoke wi
Hoping to translate her current Richa
position to the University of Mich- presiden
igan, Jones is in contention with Universi
the michigan daily
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om sponsors is then sent to
tions helpingto aid Darfur.
Weinberg, president
Work For Food, said the
founders were inspired
tn's speech at the Univer-
07 Spring commencement.
eech, Clinton highlighted
that the current genera-
play in an unequitable and
ton) also provided a
inspiration by recogniz-
with how connected the
toddy through the media
rnet, our generation has
r potential to solve these
by being 21st century
itizens," Weinberg said.
s that not just help others
wn communities but also
o providing relief to those
round the world."
n echoed these sentiments
nference, Weinberg said.
GI U conference isbuilt off
on Global Initiative model
gs world leaders together
ction on difficulties facing
round the world.
onference featured over a
d university students from
and 60 countries, as well
sentatives from nonprofit
r candidates.
Boyd, the former senior
e dean for student life at
rgia Institute of Technol-
ited yesterday and also
th students over lunch.
rd Walker, assistant vice
t for student affairs at the
ty of Miami, is the third

Cohen said everyone there had
made a commitment to action.
"It's about turning good inten-
sions into tangible results," he said.
The conference consisted of
a panel with notable speakers,
including actress Natalie Port-
man, two smaller sessions about
nonprofit organizations and a CGI
U exchange that allowed the par-'
ticipants to get information about
each other's organizations.
Cohen said he was happy to get
the chance to share his project
with others at the conference.
"We are proud of our projects
but we're so engulfed in it that to
back up and view it from an unbi-
ased perspective and to see the
validation from others was excit-
ing," he said. "We saw really posi-
tive reactions."
Weinberg said seeing reac-
tions from the other participants
cemented hisbeliefthatthey"were
on the right track."
"The best part of it was that we
got positive reactions from every-
one, including other students,
directors of other large nonprof-
its and even former President
Clinton," he said. "That the pro-
gram can be well received by such
a wide range of people is really
dean finalist and will be at the
Michigan Union today.
The University, in conjunc-
tion with Greenwood/Asher and
Associates - a consulting compa-
ny - formed a search committee
last fall to hire a replacement for
the former Dean of Students Sue
Eklund, who retired last year.

From Page 1A
specific stem cell lines, which will
help Michigan catch up to the stem
cell developments in other states.
"You have to admit that Michi-
gan is behind, and so in order for
us to compete at all, we're looking
for a hook that would (make a) dif-
ference or something unique, and
we're going to try to do that using
disease models," O'Shea said.
The researcherswill obtain donat-
ed stem cell lines containing genetic
diseases from fertility clinics.
These lines can be used to study.
many diseases including Hunting-
ton's disease and Lou Gehrig's dis-
However, to make new stem cell
lines and establish the consortium,
researchers are relying on dona-
tions from private entities.
From Page 1A
of wrongful conditions because of
DNA," said Bridget McCormack,
co-director of the clinic and asso-
ciate dean of the Law School, in a
phone interview last week. "This
suggests that the rate of wrongful
convictions without DNA evidence
may be just as high, if not higher,
than those with DNA evidence."
McCormack and Law Prof. David
Moran, the other co-director, began
receiving letters from incarcerated
prisoners around the state who
hoped their cases would be exam-
ined by the new clinic, with more
than 2,000 arriving in their mail-
boxes since July.
The prisoners then filled out a
19-page questionnaire, which was
developed by the directors as a way
for them to sift through the cases
and determine which ones they
would pursue further, Moran said.
Out of the thousands of cases, six
eventually were picked to comprise
the clinic's first batch and then
assigned to law students.
Moran said the Reeds' case is a
perfect example of the problems
with criminal justice system.
He said the same mistakes are
being made "case after case," and
can be broken down into six main
factors: incorrect eyewitness
accounts, false confessions, flawed
science, faulty defense lawyering
and jailhouse snitching.
The case of Lorinda Swain,
another one of the clinic's inaugu-
ral six, is an example of what Moran
calls one of the leading causes of
wrongful convictions - overreli-
ance on jailhouse testimony.
Swain was convicted of crimi-
nal sexual misconduct in 2001 for
allegedly having oral sex with her
adoptive son.
The prosecutors on Swain's case
relied solely on the testimony of an

"Funds are needed to make new
human embryonic stem cell lines,
but that does not mean public
funds," Smith said. "Our goals are
to initiate work under Prop. 2 with
funds provided by philanthropists
or donors."
O'Shea said the researchers are
also anticipating friendly decisions
from President Barack Obama con-
cerning federal stem cell funding.
"We're still working with the
directive that even though we can
derive stem cell lines, we can't do it
with (National Institutes of Health)
money," O'Shea said. "Until that
changes, and I expect it will, we're
still bound by the previous presiden-
tial directive of President Bush."
also eagerlywaitingObama'sremoval
of the presidential ban that currently
exists on stem cell work that was put
in place by President Bush.
Officials at the consortium are
incarcerated woman who had been
convicted more than 20 times for
various charges, including embez-
zlement, Moran said.
"Whenever this woman went to
jail, she always claimed to overhear
somebody make a full confession to
whatever the prosecution needed
them to confess to," he said. "The
Department of Corrections had a
notation in this woman's file that
she was not to be trusted. And she
was the prosecution's star witness."
This practice, coined "jailhouse
snitching," often results in deals
and dropped charges for the pris-
oner who testifies.
The clinic not only benefits pris-
oners like Swain and the Reeds, but
also gives law students hands-on
experience since they do most of
the work for the clinic.
"What you don't learn in a stan-
dard lav school class is how to
actually try a real case," Moran
said. "(Students) really become the
attorneys for the clients."
Student responsibilities include
communicating with witnesses and
clients, gathering facts, visiting the
crime scene, writing persuasive
motions and briefs for the judge and
making appearances in court.
Judd Grutman, a second-year
law student who works in the Inno-
cence Clinic, said he enjoys apply-
ing his classroom knowledge to
actual cases.
"It's exciting and incredibly
rewarding," he said. "We have all
appreciated that you feel like you
are putting what you have learned
to use."
In light of Michigan's incarcera-
tion rate, which is 10 percent higher
than the national average, directors
and students at the clinic see the
need for information about unjust
convictions to be made public.
"Common police practices, by no
fault of their own, often end up not
getting the right person," said third-
year Lawstudent Mary Hanna-Weir,

Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 7A
also working to inform the public
about how they can donate their
Smith said he often receives
phone calls from people in and out-
side Michigan, asking where they
can donate their embryos.
"We look at this as an opportu-
nity tobe able to inform the public
and medical health professionals as
to where and how they can donate
their embryos to embryonic stem
cell research," he said.
Feldman said that as things
start to come together for stem
cell research in Michigan, medical
advancements can't be far away.
"Between the passage of Propos-
al 2 and the lifting of the previous
presidential restrictions of stem
cell research, I know we'll really
be able to accomplish a great deal
of very meaningful stem cell-based
medical research in Michigan," she
who works in the clinic. "There's a
lot that could be done, and it's good
to have a more grounded under-
standing of where the problems are
so that we can fix them."
Moran called the criminal jus-
tice system "too inaccurate" and
said the cases the Innocence Clinic
is working on could be used to push
for reforms in eyewitness interro-
gation procedures and crime labs.
Zoe Levine, a third-year law stu-
dent who is working on the Reeds'
case, said in an e-mail that she's
"outraged by what has happened
to the Reeds and to other innocent
defendants." She said she's excited
for the opportunity to "expose
some of the systemic problems" in
the criminal justice system.
In the Reeds' case, Levine inves-
tigated the conflicting eyewitness
testimony, which identified Tyrone
Allen, a now deceased man from
Detroit, as an alternate suspect.
. Witnesses said they saw Allen
near the source of the gunshots
when they were fired. In addition,
Moran said police failed to provide
some keyinformationtothedefense
- Allen's girlfriend said the day
Gholston was shot, Allen had told
her that he committed the crime.
Allen was killed in Detroit after
the Reeds' trial took place, and the
gun he was carrying at the time of
his deathwasconfirmedtohave fired
the bulletthat paralyzed Gholston.
"(Gholston) blamed the Reeds
because he had alongstanding feud
with DeShawn Reed," Moran said.
"But knowing what he knows now,
even he no longer believes that they
did it."
The Reeds have spent eight years
in prison, and during that time, Ghol-
ston has formally admitted three
times that his testimony was false,
something that Moran views as cru-
cial to proving the Reeds' innocence.
"We are cautiously optimistic
that we will be getting those guys
out," he said.

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From Page 1A
if we have a diverse slate, it will
make reaching out to other groups
that much easier."
Ross School of Business sopho-
more Greg Caplan, reMichigan's
vice presidential candidate, then
spoke about how the campaign
plans to serve the students, not
simply the candidates' hopes to be
"It's really not about us," he said.
"We're here as a lens and a tool to
help the student body achieve what
(it) wants."
ReMichigan's presidential can-
didate, Gibran Baydoun, then
addressed the audience of about 45
people. He spoke abouthowreMich-
igan differs from past parties and of
its plan to improve MSA.
"We're going to compete, not
just with the other parties," he said,
From Page 1A

"I'm talking about with the past,
and with the past perceptions of
MSA and with the past perceptions
of the way elections work."
During a question-and-answer
session, students asked how the
campaign would make MSA more
transparent after the election and
what the candidates think being in
a party would contribute to campus
"We're trying to help students
focus a little bit and help each
other focus by having some issues
that we're (bound to) together as
a team," Baydoun said. "They're
more likely to get done."
The reMichigan campaign
formed in the wake of the dissolu-
tion of the Michigan Action Party,
the leading party in the past several
elections. Both reMichigan and the
Michigan Vision Party, the other
main contender in the upcom-
ing election, are headed by former
MAP members.
Illinois on Oct. 4. Rodriguez said
he suspended Stonum for a "viola-
tion of team rules" but didn't offer
any further reasoning for the pun-

LSA junior William Bostic, who
was present at the meeting, said he
thought reMichigan seemed to be
more inclusive than past parties.
"This is the first party that
seems like they're actually trying
to involve everybody instead of just
using the same set of people," he
Though he supports the reMich-
igan campaign, LSA junior Vishal
Bajaj said he thinks both parties
are presenting insightful platforms,
which he thinks will promote
healthy competition.
"I saw that both parties were
doing the right thing. I like bring-
ing back competition to MSA," he
said. "One of the things I hated was
the one-party system, but the big-
gest thing for me is that both par-
ties wanted to open up MSA to the
vision of the students."
- Diya Wadhwa
contributed to this story.
Stonum played against Toledo the
next week but didn't start.
Stonum started at wide receiver
in the rest of the Wolverines' 12

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